

单词 神慰

See also:


God n
god n
gods n
look n
deity n
soul n



External sources (not reviewed)

Doraemon uses
[...] his gentle eyes to comfort him.
我們鼓勵您們多參與印支華人社區活動並得到文化與 神 的 慰 藉。
We encourage your continued involvement in the Indo-Chinese community and fulfillment of
[...] cultural and spiritual needs.
[...] 們在銀行僅有的積蓄,便是他們在生活上的唯一依靠,甚至是 神 上 的慰 藉,令他們有“安全感”的唯一東西。
For elderly people who have no one to depend on, their savings in the bank will
become their only support in their daily
[...] life or even their spiritual comfort for it [...]
is the only source of their "sense of security".
從某個角度來說,特首承受的壓力 這麼大,也有可能受到頗大傷害,他以一種阿 Q 精 神 聊 以 自我 慰, 不失是對其神健康有所裨益的做法。
From a certain point of view, as the Chief Executive is subject to very heavy pressure, it is likely for him to
get hurt. It might be
[...] beneficial to his mental health if he tried to comfort himself in the self-consoling spirit of Ah Q.
神給我們的慰和醫 治並不是要我們獨享,當我們把神在 我們身上所作的與人分享時,我們便榮耀神,把讚美歸給祂。
The comfort
[...] and healing that God gives is not intended [...]
just How has God encouraged you this week in an area of your life that needs restoration?
首先,國際領導人在不同的公開場合,表達對香港疫情的關心、對市民慰問,並作出神上的 鼓勵,以及提供物資上的支援。
Firstly, on various public occasions, the leaders of our country expressed concern about the epidemic situation in Hong Kong and extended sympathy to our people.
从文化所具有的“医治创伤的功效“出发,教科文组织对在各难民营举行的一系列戏 剧演出活动提供了支持,以向蒙受苦难的人们从去一份 神 上 的 慰 藉。
The overall objective of a policy-research link applies to all sectors, throughout the Organization and UNESCO should leverage potential synergies across sectors, and in particular between the two science sectors.
我們實在只須付出區區之數,便可向那些在交通 意外㆗飽受創傷,特別是那些屬低收入家庭的㆟士提供莫大 慰 藉。
It is really quite a small contribution to make to help comfort those suffering from the trauma of traffic accidents, especially those from low-income families.
令人慰的是 ,经过很长一段时间缺席之后,阿尔及利亚政府开始与工作 组开展对话和合作。
It is gratifying that after a long period of lack of engagement the Government of Algeria continues to be involved in a process of dialogue and cooperation with the Working Group.
总部委员会为会员国代表堪称表率的合作 神 感 到 欣 慰 , 他们在所有会议上都忠于职 守,不惜任何努力来争取使每次会议的工作都能取得积极的和协商一致的结果。
The Headquarters Committee has expressed its satisfaction with the exemplary cooperation of the representatives of the Member States who, throughout its meetings, have performed their duties with devotion and spared no effort, thus enabling the Committee on each occasion to conclude its work in a constructive and consensual manner.
事 實上, 除 了 篡 改 歷 史 書
[...] 外 , 日本政 府對官 員 參 拜靖神 社 , 以及慰 安 婦 、 釣 魚台等 問題的立場 , [...]
也 令 中國和 其他亞 洲 的人民非 常 憤慨。
Actually, the doctoring of history aside, the positions of the Japanese Government
regarding the visits of government
[...] officials to the Yasukuni Shrine, comfort women and Diaoyutai [...]
have also outraged China and
the peoples of other Asian countries.
他也和我们分享以赛亚书40:1-5的灵修内容,这段经文描述了AM-CCSM参与的许多工作── 慰神 的 百 姓(v1)和为主预备道路(v3),好使祂的荣耀显现,让所有人类都能得见(v5)。
He also shared with us a devotion from Isaiah 40:1-5, which describes much of the work in
which AM-CCSM as a ministry is involved -
[...] bringing comfort to God's people (v1) and [...]
preparing the way for the Lord (v3), so that
His glory might be revealed and all mankind might see it (v5).
最后,我谨代表吉布提政府和人民,向受害家庭 以及菲律宾政府和人民表示由衷的悲哀和深切慰 问,暴雨和严重水灾给他们的生活造成了巨大灾难和 空前破坏,并摧毁了他们的基础设施。
Government and the people of Djibouti, to express our heartfelt sorrow and profound condolences to the bereaved families and to the Government and the people of the Philippines for the torrential rains and heavy flooding that caused havoc and unprecedented disruption of lives and destroyed infrastructure.
执行委员会审议了朝鲜民主主义人民共和国请求延长体制建设项目的报告,并 慰 地 注 意 到,朝鲜民主主义人民共和国除氟氯烃外已完全淘汰所有行业应用中的所有消耗臭氧层物质的消 费和生产。
The Executive Committee reviewed the report presented with the institutional strengthening renewal requests for the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and noted with appreciation that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has completely phased out the consumption and production of all ODSs except HCFCs, in all sector applications.
家庭法典》第二部分 X 标题第 328 条 规 定:“当一个未成年人的健康、安全、神 或教育,由于父 母或 监护人的不 道 德或无能, 遭 到 破坏或者未得到足够 保护时, 或 由于未成年人的不 端行为或不守 纪 律,使 父 母或 监护人极 为不 满 或者使 他 们无 法履行指 导 职责时, 少年事务法官 按规定,或 在公共部长的要求 下 、 或者在 父母 或 监护人的要求 下, 可以决定让 该 未成年人在一定时期内(这个时间不可以超过其成年的时间),接受社会助理的定期 到访,或者接受监视自由制度的管理”。
Section II, title X, article 328 of the Family Code states: “When the health, safety, morality or education of a minor are jeopardized or insufficiently protected owing to the immoral behaviour or disability of the father and mother or of the person accorded the right of guardianship, or when, owing to misconduct or unruly behaviour, a minor gives these individuals cause for very serious dissatisfaction or renders them incapable of exercising guidance, the juvenile judge may on his own initiative, at the behest of the public prosecutor or at the behest of the father, mother or guardian, rule that the minor shall, for a period not to extend beyond the date of his coming of age, be visited regularly by a social worker or placed on probation.
(i) 註冊醫生在下述情況下 須承擔的法律責 任:因 病 人 患有疾病或 正 處神智不 清 的 狀態,或因 病 人 是未成年人、神上無行為能力的人而 在 未取得病人 同 意下進行器官移植;病 人的親屬 能否代沒有能力作出同 意的病 人作出同 意;若 病 人的親屬 無法就是否同意進行器官移植手術 達 成 共識,將如何處理。
(i) Legal liability of the registered medical practitioner for performing an organ transplant on a patient without first obtaining the latter's consent because of his illness or impaired state of consciousness or his being a minor, a mentally incapacitated person; whether relatives of a patient who could not give consent might give consent on behalf of the patient; and what would happen if the relatives had no consensus on whether to give consent.
主席还回顾说,缔约国已对执行支助股的业绩、效率、 专业能力、反应能力和敬业神表示满意,工作队成员普遍同意需要审查执行支 助股的供资模式,使其具有可持续性和可预期性,并更为公平地分摊责任。
The President also recalled that the States Parties have expressed satisfaction with the performance, efficiency, professional competence, responsiveness and dedication of the ISU and that there was general agreement among the Task Force members on the need to review the financing model of the ISU, in order to make it sustainable and predictable, and to achieve more equitable burden sharing.
会议提出了许多其它建议,诸如确保数字遗产得到保护,包括把档案和图书馆作为 “世界记忆计划”的组成部分;制订儿童和成人媒体教育计划;根据信息社会世界首脑会议 的神,特 别在知识社会和知识经济的背景下,推广普及使用信息传播技术。
A range of other suggestions was put forward, such as: to ensure the preservation of digital heritage, including archives and libraries as a component of the “Memory of the World Programme”; to develop media education programmes for children and adults; and to increase familiarity with the use of ICTs, especially within the framework of the knowledge society and knowledge economy, in light of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society.




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