

单词 神奈川县

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External sources (not reviewed)

目前正在神奈川县的工 业技 术中心联手,一同开发锂离子电池材料、聚酰亚胺导电材料。
The companyh is engaged in the development of materials for lithium-ion batteries and conductive polymide materials with the Kanagawa Industrial Technology Center.
神奈川县秦野 市建立了集团的综合研究所“株式会社INOAC技术研究所”。
the Group's
[...] comprehensive research institute, in Hadano, Kanagawa Prefecture.
本公司自2003年12月将位神奈川县茅 崎 市的本公司设施 及占地开放给「NGO法人日本救助犬协会」,作为救助犬的训 [...]
Since December 2003, Japan Energy has
opened the grounds of its site in Chigasaki
[...] City, Kanagawa Prefecture for the Japan [...]
Rescue Dog Association to train its dogs.
本次我公司就旗下的位神奈川县横 滨 市西区冈野二丁目的土地(以下简称“本物业”)与 FRONTIER 不动产投资法人达成转让意向,定于 2012 年 2 月 24 日签订不动产买卖协议,并于当天 将物业出售。
The Company has agreed with Frontier Real Estate Investment Corporation to transfer land the Company owns, which is located at Okano 2-chome, Nishi-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, to Frontier Real Estate Investment Corporation.
因此,进行了自然型新能源、蓄电池技术 等多种技术的研发神奈川县也参与了这些先进项目的技术开发,将竭尽全力支持 神奈川县工 作的,以新技术为目标的创业者,我从内心期待大家会为经济活性化作出更大的贡献。
Various technologies in fields such as natural new energy and storage cells are under development, and Kanagawa is also in the vanguard of approaches on this front. We fervently hope that you will help us support entrepreneurs aspiring to invest new technologies here in Kanagawa and otherwise do your utmost for stimulation of the prefectural economy.
城田圭介,1975年出生於日神奈川縣 , 2001年畢業於日本國立東京藝術大學美術系,並於2003年取得藝術碩士的學歷。
Born in 1975 in Kanagawa, Japan. SHIROTA Keisuke graduated from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, Faculty of Fine Arts in 2001, and received his master's degree in 2003.
[...] 2010 国际生物多样性年的闭幕式的 一个部分,闭幕式将于 2010 年 12 月在日本川县举行
The ceremony will be organized as
part of the closing event of the 2010 International Year of
[...] Biodiversity in Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan, in December 2010.
教科文组织与中国社科院(CASS)和中华全国妇女联合会(全国妇联)开展合 作,将在川计划确定县内对 社会工作者、政府官员和决策者实施需求评估和能力建设。
UNESCO, in partnership with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) and the All China Women’s Federation (ACWF), will lead on needs assessment and capacity-building of social workers, officials and policy-makers in programme counties of Sichuan.
一柳慧的名字已經多次在Archie Series出現過,今次這位大野洋子的前夫,率領兩位後輩於2007年10月 神奈川 縣 會堂進行即興演奏,帶來簡約的鋼琴音調與零碎電子音效的結合。
Toshi Ichiyanagi has made several appearances in the Archie Series. This ex-husband of Yoko Ono was in partnership with this two of his juniors for an improvising gig at Kanagawa-ken Hall in Oct 2007.
迎合盛夏來臨,Roberu與開設於日本著名滑浪勝地 神奈川 鐮 倉 市湘南海岸的滑浪用具店Blue Horizon合作,推出一系列錢包產物,湛藍色的主題注滿了海洋味道,把他們鐘情滑翔於海浪間的感覺,融入在皮革用品中。
To welcome this summer, Roberu is collaborating with Blue Horizon, a surf shop base in Shōnan-Kaigan at Kamakura, Japan. The wallet series takes blue hue as the theme, echoing the surfing mood.
大会第六十届会议认可 2005 年 1 月 18 日至 22 日在日本兵县神户市 举行 的世界减灾会议通过的《兵库宣言》和《2005-2015 年兵库行动框架:建立国家 和社区的抗灾能力》(第 60/195 号决议)。
At its sixtieth session, the General Assembly endorsed the Hyogo Declaration and the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015: Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters as adopted by the World Conference on Disaster Reduction, held at Kobe, Hyogo, Japan, from 18 to 22 January 2005 (resolution 60/195).
田中贵金属工业株式会社*1 (总公司:东京千代田区丸之内;执行总裁:冈本英弥) 和休斯微 技术公司(总公司神奈川县横滨 ;执行总裁:Raymond Lau) 将合作共同开发使用次微米级(1/10,000 毫米)金粒子的图案转印及接合技术。
Tanaka Kikinzoku Kogyo K.K.*1 (Head office: Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President & CEO: Hideya Okamoto) and SUSS MicroTec KK (head office: Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa; Representative Director: Raymond Lau) will begin joint development of pattern transfer and bonding technology using sub-micron sized (1/10,000mm) gold particles.
日本展團中,有許多廠商均是再度參展,如大發柴油機、武藏野、納博克、大洋電機、寺崎電氣、 産業及洋馬等,也有首次參展的 神奈川 、 真鍋造機、大阪朝日、潮冷熱、大洋電機、帝國機械、東機美、波濤機械、渦潮電機及造舶Web。
In the delegation include renowned service and equipment suppliers such as Germanischer Lloyd, HDW, Schaller, Schottel, Schottel-schiffsmaschinen, SKL, Stauff, Stiegler Yacht, Westfalia, ZF Marine, etc. Joining the league will be also the national exhibiting delegations from two of the largest shipbuilding countries in the world, one of them led by the Japanese Marine Equipment Association(JSMEA), and the other by the Korea International Trade Association(KITA).
注意到东南亚国家联盟领导人 2005 年 1 月 6 日在雅加达举行的特别会议上 通过的《2004 年 12 月 26 日发生地震和海啸灾难后加强紧急救援、恢复、重建和 预防工作行动宣言》,1 回顾 2005 年 1 月 18 日至 22 日在日本兵县神户市 举行的世界减灾会议通 过的《兵库宣言》2 和《2005-2015 年兵库行动框架》3 以及关于印度洋灾难的 特别会议的共同声明,4
Noting the Declaration on Action to Strengthen Emergency Relief, Rehabilitation, Reconstruction and Prevention in the Aftermath of the Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster of 26 December 2004, adopted at the special meeting of leaders of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, held in Jakarta on 6 January 2005,1 Recalling the Hyogo Declaration2 and the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005–2015,3 as well as the common statement of the special session on the Indian Ocean disaster,4 adopted at the World Conference on Disaster Reduction, held in Kobe, Hyogo, Japan, from 18 to 22 January 2005
2005 年 1 月 18-22 日,由日本政 府作东道主,在兵县神户召 开世界减灾会议。
The World Conference on Disaster Reduction will take place in Kobe, Hyogo, hosted by the Government of Japan, from 18 to 22 January 2005.
在已经过去的4月7日(星期三)、8日(星期四)的两天时间内,我们 神奈川 科 学 园的KSP礼堂举办了TSUNAMI成立10周年纪念 之讲演会以及联欢会 -“Japan Green New Deal Forum 2010”。
The Tsunami Business Plan Presentation Meeting, which commemorated the 10th anniversary of the founding of Tsunami, and the Japan Green New Deal Forum 2010 were held at KSP Hall in Kanagawa Science Park, Kawasaki City, Japan, on April 7 (Wed.) and 8 (Thurs.).
开 展的活动包括“架设桥梁”作为 2010 年在日本川县金泽 市举行的国际生物多 样性年的闭幕式,并制作关于森林生物多样性的宣传材料,说明森林与生物多样 性之间的深刻联系。
Activities include, inter alia, the organization of a “bridging event” as part of the closing ceremony of the International Year of Biodiversity in December 2010 in Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan, and development of informational materials on forest biodiversity that will showcase the deep interlinkages between forests and biodiversity.
又重申联合国各次大型会议和首脑会议以及大会特别会议及其后续会议通过 的有关宣言和纲领中所规定的关于适足住房的原则和承诺,其中包括《伊斯坦布 尔人类住区和生境议程宣言》1 以及大会第二十五届特别会议通过并作为大会 2001年6月9日S-25/2 号决议附件的《关于新千年中的城市和其他人类住区的 宣言》, 还重申执行在2005年1月18日至22 日在日本兵县神户市举办的世界减 灾会议上通过的《兵库宣言》2 和
Reaffirming also the principles and commitments with regard to adequate housing enshrined in the relevant provisions of declarations and programmes adopted by major United Nations conferences and summits and at special sessions of the General Assembly and at their follow-up meetings, inter alia, the Istanbul Declaration on Human Settlements and the Habitat Agenda,1 and the Declaration on Cities and Other Human Settlements in the New Millennium, adopted at the twenty-fifth special session of the Assembly and annexed to its resolution S-25/2 of 9 June 2001
位于北川河口附近神社, 它虽受到了海啸严重的侵袭,但这巨石却耐住了强烈的震动,依旧矗立于一方。
As it is located close to the
[...] mouth of the Kitakami-gawa River, the shrine was severely [...]
affected by the tsunami, but the
giant rock survived the enormous quake (the rock is the one with a rope in red and white).
这种情况促使卡塔尔埃米尔殿下的王后谢哈·莫 札·宾特·纳赛尔·阿勒米奈德殿 下以教科文组织 基础和高等教育特使的身份,于 1 月 15 日致信秘书 长,呼吁安全理事会和国际社会确保加沙的教育机构 受到必要保护,以便为加沙儿童及其家人提供一个安 全的避难所,使人道主义援助和基本物资得以进入, 病患和伤员得以疏散。
This situation prompted Her Highness Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al-Missned, Consort of His Highness the Emir of Qatar, in her capacity as UNESCO Special Envoy for Basic and Higher Education, to address a letter to the Secretary-General on 5 January, calling upon the Security Council and the international community to ensure the necessary protection for educational institutions in Gaza with a view to providing a safe haven for the children of Gaza and their families, allowing access to humanitarian assistance and basic materials and evacuating the sick and the wounded.
不過,很多時候,消費者在使用服務後,才發現原來與供 應商簽訂了一份非常約束的合約,當中的條款對消費者不利,而消費者本身 是不知道的,但已經簽署合約,即使不滿意亦無 奈 何。
But more often than not, consumers will find out only after they started using the service that the contract signed with the service provider is very harsh and includes terms unfavourable to them, but as the consumers signed the contract without knowing this, they could still do nothing about it even though they are dissatisfied with it.
重申 2005 年 1 月 18 日至 22 日在日本兵县神户市 举行的世界减灾会议通过 的《兵库宣言》、1 《2005-2015 年兵库行动框架:建立国家和社区的抗灾能力》2和 “印度洋灾害:减少风险,共创更安全的未来”特别会议的共同声明,3 赞赏地注意到 2009 年 6 月 16 日至 19 日在日内瓦举行的减少灾害风险全球 平台第二届会议,注意到《2009 年全球减轻灾害风险评估报告》,4 并期待即将 进行《兵库行动框架》中期审查
Reaffirming the Hyogo Declaration,1 the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005–2015: Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters2and the common statement of the special session on the Indian Ocean disaster: risk reduction for a safer future,3 as adopted by the World Conference on Disaster Reduction, held in Kobe, Hyogo, Japan, from 18 to 22 January 2005
同样令人担忧的是,印度、韩 国等国为确保自身所需能源,奈之 下 也打算采取类似 的方法,尤其是在安哥拉、尼日利亚等国,这些国家已 发出暗示,它们不接受只支付市场价格的竞购者,还是 偏爱于能够提供最具吸引力的附带利益的买家。
Equally worrying is that states like India and South Korea feel pressured to adopt similar methods to secure the energy they need, especially as states like Angola and Nigeria have indicated that they will prefer not the bidder who pays market price, but the one who offers the most attractive side benefits.
十一月十七日:香港监牧区晋升为代牧区,代牧区范围扩展,包括新安县(即保安)、归善县(即惠阳)和海 县 ; 委任 高 神 父 ( Fr. Timoleon Raimondi)为首任宗座代牧(高神父于同年十一月二十二日祝圣为主教)。
17 November: the HK Prefecture raised to Vicariate Ap. and enlarged to include, beside San On, Kwai Hsin (Wai Yeung) and Hoi Fung Districts, with Fr.
欢迎 2005 年 1 月 18 日至 22 日在日本兵县神户市 举行的世界减灾会议通过 的《兵库宣言》、1 《2005-2015 年兵库行动框架:建立国家和社区的抗灾能力》2和 “印度洋灾害:减少风险,共创更安全的未来”特别会议的共同声明,3 强调受灾国负有在其境内发起、组织、协调和提供人道主义援助以及协助人 道主义组织开展工作以减轻自然灾害影响的首要责任
Welcoming the Hyogo Declaration,1 the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005– 2015: Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters2and the common statement of the special session on the Indian Ocean disaster: risk reduction for a safer future,3 as adopted by the World Conference on Disaster Reduction, held in Kobe, Hyogo, Japan, from 18 to 22 January 2005
發生於 1957 年(昭和 32 年),地點在富山神通川流域 ,污染源為三井金屬礦業會社 神岡礦業所,致命物質為鎘,受害者症狀為大腿、腰部疼痛而後擴及全身,步行障礙、 骨折骨骼變形、身高縮短、走路如鴨步,患者疼痛難耐常發出「痛呀!痛呀!」的哀叫 [...] [...]
Victims would suffer walking difficulty, fracturing and transfiguration of bones and shortening of height.
因此,拟议通过以下方面加强外地采购能力:将 3 名采购干事(P-3)和 7 名采购助理(1 名外勤事务和 6
[...] 名本国一般事务工作人员)从特派团总部调至尼亚 拉、奈纳和法希尔德区域办事处。
It is therefore proposed to strengthen the field procurement capacity through the redeployment of 3 Procurement Officers (P-3) and 7 Procurement Assistants (1 Field Service and
6 national General Service staff) from mission headquarters to the regional
[...] offices in Nyala, El Geneina and El Fasher.




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