

单词 神奇的

See also:




God n
god n
look n
gods n
deity n
soul n

odd (number)

External sources (not reviewed)

至於2012年行政長官選舉,不論選舉委員會的人數是1 200人或 1 600人,其實皆不是可論的神奇的數 字 (magic figure)。
As for the selection of the Chief Executive in 2012, no matter if the number of members in the EC is 1 200 or 1 600, in fact, none of them can be argued as a magic figure.
圭亚那的萨拉马卡印第安人相信,铁树树叶和木材具 神奇的 力 量 ,将其用于“力量沐浴”仪式,以获得强身健体、增强活力之功效。
It is used in the manufacture of musical instruments and high quality furniture. The
Saramacca Indians of Guyana believe the leaves
[...] and wood have magical powers and use [...]
them in a “strength bath” for their fortifying and energizing benefits.
厄瓜多尔是因为它的美丽群岛加拉帕戈斯,因此,我们为您提供机票,到这 神奇的 地 方,最好的价格。
Ecuador is known because of its beautiful islands GALAPAGOS, therefore we offer you tickets to this magic place with the best price.
里克对澳大利亚的评价是“热情、美丽、干净,有着众多无 神奇的 自 然 奇观的国家。
Kornel is very happy with the quality of education he is receiving in Australia.
钻石的硬度能切割石头和研磨玻璃,因而是一种极 神奇的 材 料 ,通常用于高级工业用途,如欧洲粒子物理研究所(CERN)的大型强子对撞机。
Hard enough to cut stone and grind
[...] glass, diamond is a miracle material, used [...]
in advanced industrial applications like the
Large Hadron Collider at CERN.
有些人认为,根本不存在这神奇的 “ 3” ,在美国各个行业造成三强鼎立的原因是美国的反垄断法。
Some people say that there's no magic number 3, and attribute the presence of today of several dominant players in many US industries to the way that antitrust laws are currently enforced.
广告的概念是反应街头的丰富色彩的无序,使其变成一 神奇的 地 方,奇怪的图标与Harajuku娃娃一起出现。
The campaign’s concept was to reflect the
colorful chaos of the streets and to
[...] make them a magical place where strange icons come to life with Harajuku dolls looking on.
如果您对历史景区更 感兴趣,也能如愿以偿:拉多夫采尔拥有风景绮丽的老城 区,康斯坦茨大学城及其狭窄的小巷与惬意的购物体验触手 可及,在梅尔斯堡可以亲神奇的中 世 纪生活,攀登霍恩特 菲尔火山上的骑士城堡也是不错的选择。
Those who love historical locations, will definitely get their money’s worth: Radolfzell has a wonderful historic district, the university town of Constance with its narrow alley ways and excellent shopping facilities is within easy reach, and you can marvel at the life in the Middle Ages in Meersburg, or climb up the knights‘ castle on the Hohentwiel.
他然后问他什么,如果电话的展位小工具,可以去一个平行的世界 神奇的 是 普通的哆啦A梦为。
He then asks Doraemon for his what-if-telephone-booth gadget which allows both to go to a parallel world where magic is ordinary to all.
塞维鲁是改变被控在一个青年偶像崇拜者和经销商的长度在伟 神奇的 巴 勒 斯坦沙弥,艺术(libellus因此,安理会536)撒迦利亚,并极力向间接地驳斥这种诽谤,不过,在贝来图斯由有关的有趣的故事法术囤积在一个偶像的Menuthis发现在埃及和路由巫师和,既利用了塞维鲁了这些朋友中处于领先的一部分,胜利撒迦利亚问他们是否会与团成员塞维鲁他不是他们同意在异教巫术和仇恨。
Severus was alter accused of having been in youth
[...] a worshiper of idols and a dealer in magical arts (so the [...]
libellus of the Palestinian monks
at the council of 536), and Zacharias is at pains to refute this calumny indirectly, though at great length, by relating interesting stories of the discovery of a hoard of idols in Menuthis in Egypt and of the routing of necromancers and enchanters at Berytus; in both these exploits the friends of Severus took a leading part, and Zacharias asks triumphantly whether they would have consorted with Severus had he not agreed with them in the hatred of paganism and sorcery.
夢境成真”帶領我們一同闖進Anna Sui的奇幻世界,穿神奇的魔鏡 ,揭開浪漫粉紅的香氛世界。
Dreams come true" lead us into the Anna Sui fantasy world, through the magic mirror, and romantic pink in the world.
除此以外,我在沙夫豪森的经历也在潜意识里产 神奇的 魔 力 ——制表厂的工坊,那些高精密的机械加工流程,对细节的专注、聚精会神的力量和独一无二的美感。
And despite that, I still had the magic of what I had experienced in the back of my mind – the workshops, these high-precision, mechanical processes that radiate attention to detail, the power of meditation and beauty like nothing else.
Discover blissful vistas and glorious landscapes with equestrian delights across the island of Ireland.
关闭您的房间价格包括早餐神奇的 家 庭 ,由地方农产品煮的饭
Included in the price off your room is Breakfast and fantastic home cooked meals made from local produce
尽管他们的家乡不同(从内陆的沙漠、热带雨林到冰雪覆盖的山脉),但是所有的原住民都对永恒 神奇的 梦 幻 时期有着共同的信仰。
Despite the diversity of their homelands - from outback deserts and tropical
rainforests to snow-capped mountains – all Aboriginal people share a belief in
[...] the timeless, magical realm of the Dreamtime.
专家论证二、曾担任过两届总统及四个州议会主席的健康顾问的所罗门博士震惊於NONI的功效,在《天 神奇的 治 疗 专家——NONI》一书中详述了世界各地医生及医疗专家使用NONI治疗一万多病人的成功经验,总结出了NONI的传统应用和现代医学对NONI成份所做的研究。
Experts in two, served as the two president and four state assembly chairman of the health consultant Dr.
Solomon shock on NONI
[...] effect, in " natural magic treatment expert -- NONI " a book describes the world of doctors [...]
and medical experts
use the NONI treated more than ten thousand patients experience, summed up NONI traditional application and modern medicine to the research done at the NONI component.
遗憾的是,模块数的计算没神奇的 方 程式可供使用,因为每种情境都是不同的,并且取决于许多因素,包括要输出的量和文件类型,扫描站的 CPU 速度、输出服务器硬件、网络上的扫描站数量等。
Unfortunately, there is no magic formula for calculating this, as each situation is different, and depends on many factors, including the volumes and file types to be output, the CPU speed of the scanning stations and output server hardware, number of scanning stations on the network, etc.  A Kodak Solution Sales Manager or a Kodak Certified Network Edition Reseller can help the customer analyze their specific situation and make a recommendation.
颜色已被GIFTOUR集东西杯的经典产品在2008年,的小偷愤怒变色杯,2009疯狂卖我爱你改变变色杯,在全球集限制到1000套,只有“新年希望彩色玻璃集的限制,以适应”, 神奇的 变 化,我们可以体验到跨时刻感动,这是这杯特别的概念设计师,他希望使用这样的产品,以显示在过渡时间的变化,09至10不再是一个简单的数字改变,它会处理性能,过渡的回忆,展现了梦想,找到希望
Color has been GIFTOUR set things cup's classic product, in 2008 the thief rage discoloration cup, 2009 crazy sell I love you change color cup, to the global set limit to 1000 sets of only "New Year wishes color glass set limit to suit", in the change of the magic we can experience the moved across time moment, this is this cup special concept designer, he hopes that the use of such products, to display the time changes in the transition, 09 to 10 is no longer a simple digital change, it will process performance, transition memories, show the dream, find hope!
地段是一个非常具有历史意义的地区,伟大的纪念碑,将惊喜和喜悦都散落各地的部门,如罗马式教堂,城堡,宫殿和修道院的土地,高耸入云的悬崖峭壁及以上的河流很多 神奇的 感 觉
Lot is a very historic region- great monuments that will surprise and delight are strewn all around the department such as Romanesque
churches, castles, palaces and abbeys that soar above the land on escarpments and over rivers
[...] giving Lot a quite magical feel.
我虽然完成了翻译工作,但並没有向我的病人推荐,因为一个產品能治疗这么多病,效果又这 神奇 , 的 確 让 我怀疑,今年5月,在纽约一个酒店召开有关NONI的大会,我介绍了几位病人去听,其中一位拄拐杖来的膝关节痛的病人买了一箱回去,三周后打电话给我说上下楼都不用拄拐杖了,並专程来看我感谢我,这个病例给了我很大的信心,於是开始介绍更多的病人服用,一些糖尿病、肝硬化、心臟病、高血压等病患得到 神奇的 难 以 置信的疗效。
Although I complete the translation work, but did not recommend to my patients, because a product can cure so sickly, and so magical, it makes me wonder, in May this year, at a hotel in New York held on the NONI assembly, I introduced a few patient to listen to, one of the crutch the knee pain patients bought a box back, three weeks after the call me downstairs without a stick, and here I thank me, this case has given me the very big confidence, begin to introduce more [...]
patients taking, diabetes,
cirrhosis of the liver, heart disease, hypertension and so on ill be hardly worthy of belief by the magic effect.
長度索契洞穴約 12 公里和滴達 240 小時在遊覽網站上,在 Voroncovskoj 的洞裡,你會發神奇的房間 :"Stalaktitovyj","先賢祠","Očažnyj"、"沉默" "流行"橢圓"、"熊"、"普羅米修士"異想天開和非同尋常的形式的鐘乳石大廳 "流行",他 Voroncovskoj 被認為是最美麗的房間的洞穴。
Length Sochi caves about 12 km and drops up to 240 hours at the excursion site, in Voroncovskoj cave, you'll find fantastic rooms: "Stalaktitovyj", "Panthéon", "Očažnyj", "Silence" "Pop""Oval", "Bear", "Prometheus" By whimsical and unusual form of stalactites Hall "Pop", he Voroncovskoj is considered the most beautiful room of the cave.
来自图瓦共和国的恒哈图是一 神奇的 乐 队 ,飘逸美妙的音乐,四位成员的个人才华,还有对传统音乐的再创造,让他们被21世纪的全球社会所关注,也成就了他们令人惊叹的表演。
Tuva’s Huun Huur Tu are an amazing band, the ethereal beauty of their music, individual talent of each of the four members, and the way in which they are reinventing traditional music, making it relevant in the 21st Century global society, guarantees an amazing performance.
在这个旅途中,他接触到的是各种灾害,为避免他在他revivified权力的使用和对他在生活中的方向和死亡之书记 的神奇 魅 力获得的知识而定,并同时,也许最重要的是由地球上幸存的朋友提供了艾滋病。
On this journey he is exposed to a variety of disasters, for the avoidance
of which he depends on
[...] the use of his revivified powers and on the knowledge he has gained in life of the directions and magical charms recorded [...]
in the Book of the
Dead, and also, and perhaps most of all, on the aids provided by surviving friends on earth.
垂直的 LED 照明色的神奇之光 將喚起個性化的空間體驗。
The magical light of vertical LED-illuminated [...]
strip evokes an individual experience of the space.
我們藉著是次《神奇俠》的慈善首映夜延續關懷愛心,為日本受災的人走出陰霾重燃 希望,期望客戶能大力支持。
The participation and donations of our customers to the Gala Premiere Night of “THOR” is much needed to bring hope to people there.
這些功效是山竹果帶給我的神奇禮 物,讓任何人、任 何年齡層、任何性別都能享有應得的最佳肌膚滋養品。
These are miraculous gifts from the mangosteen [...]
providing anyone, any age, any gender with the optimal skin nutrition you deserve.
不同于其他以的神奇宝贝电影, 奇 宝 贝 :崛起的的Darkrai份额情节元素的下两部电影的第一部电影是什么说的钻石&珍珠三部曲,神奇宝贝:Giratina和“天空勇士”和结 的神奇 宝 贝:Arceus和生命的宝石。
Unlike other previous Pokémon films, Pokémon: The Rise of Darkrai share plot elements with the next two films making this the first film of what is said is the Diamond & Pearl trilogy, followed by Pokémon: Giratina and the Sky Warrior and ending in Pokémon: Arceus and the Jewel of Life.
这些珠宝和手表通过在表面两个蓝宝石水晶之间镶嵌漂浮的宝石,创造出一 神奇 精 美 的 装 饰 效果,令世界各地不同时代的女性为之倾倒。
These pieces of jewelry and watches are defined by floating gemstones encased between two sapphire crystals on its face creating a magical and exquisite effect that have bewitched generations of women all over the world.
出游的一半乐趣在于计划出如何到达那里,以及一旦到达那里准备做些什么!借助我们的互动路线地图,再加上所有交通方式的信息——这些交通方式可以帮助您到达这 神奇 岛 国 的 各 个 地方,我们让您的计划部分变得异常简便。
Half the fun of getting away is figuring out how you're going to get there and what you're going to do once you arrive!




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