单词 | 神奇 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 神奇adjective—magicadjless common: fantasticadj 神奇—magicalless common: miraculous mystical Examples:神奇的adj—magicadj 化腐朽为神奇—lit. change something rotten into something magical [idiom.] 神奇宝贝—Pokémon, popular Japanese video game, anime and manga See also:神n—Godn godn lookn godsn deityn souln 神—unusual expressive expression lively 奇—wonderful weird unusually odd (number) 奇adj—oddadj
圭亚那的萨拉马卡印第安人相信,铁树树叶和木材具有神奇的力量,将其用于“力量沐浴”仪式,以获得强身健体、增强活力之功效。 clarinsusa.com | It is used in the manufacture of musical instruments and high quality furniture. The [...] Saramacca Indians of Guyana believe the leaves [...] and wood have magical powers and use [...]them in a “strength bath” for their fortifying and energizing benefits. clarinsusa.com |
厄瓜多尔是因为它的美丽群岛加拉帕戈斯,因此,我们为您提供机票,到这个神奇的地方,最好的价格。 instantworldbooking.com | Ecuador is known because of its beautiful islands GALAPAGOS, therefore we offer you tickets to this magic place with the best price. instantworldbooking.com |
如果您对历史景区更 感兴趣,也能如愿以偿:拉多夫采尔拥有风景绮丽的老城 区,康斯坦茨大学城及其狭窄的小巷与惬意的购物体验触手 可及,在梅尔斯堡可以亲历神奇的中世纪生活,攀登霍恩特 菲尔火山上的骑士城堡也是不错的选择。 carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com | Those who love historical locations, will definitely get their money’s worth: Radolfzell has a wonderful historic district, the university town of Constance with its narrow alley ways and excellent shopping facilities is within easy reach, and you can marvelat the life in the Middle Ages in Meersburg, or climb up the knights‘ castle on the Hohentwiel. carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com |
在这个旅途中,他接触到的是各种灾害,为避免他在他revivified权力的使用和对他在生活中的方向和死亡之书记载的神奇魅力获得的知识而定,并同时,也许最重要的是由地球上幸存的朋友提供了艾滋病。 mb-soft.com | On this journey he is exposed to a variety of disasters, for the avoidance [...] of which he depends on [...] the use of his revivified powersand on the knowledge he has gained in life of the directions andmagical charms recorded [...]in the Book of the [...]Dead, and also, and perhaps most of all, on the aids provided by surviving friends on earth. mb-soft.com |
广告的概念是反应街头的丰富色彩的无序,使其变成一个神奇的地方,奇怪的图标与Harajuku娃娃一起出现。 ba-repsasia.com | The campaign’s concept was to reflect the [...] colorful chaos of the streets and to [...] make thema magical place wherestrange icons come [...]to life with Harajuku dolls looking on. ba-repsasia.com |
塞维鲁是改变被控在一个青年偶像崇拜者和经销商的长度在伟大神奇的巴勒斯坦沙弥,艺术(libellus因此,安理会536)撒迦利亚,并极力向间接地驳斥这种诽谤,不过,在贝来图斯由有关的有趣的故事法术囤积在一个偶像的Menuthis发现在埃及和路由巫师和,既利用了塞维鲁了这些朋友中处于领先的一部分,胜利撒迦利亚问他们是否会与团成员塞维鲁他不是他们同意在异教巫术和仇恨。 mb-soft.com | Severus was alter accused of having been in youth [...] a worshiper of idols and a dealer inmagical arts(so the [...]libellus of the Palestinian monks [...]at the council of 536), and Zacharias is at pains to refute this calumny indirectly, though at great length, by relating interesting stories of the discovery of a hoard of idols in Menuthis in Egypt and of the routing of necromancers and enchanters at Berytus; in both these exploits the friends of Severus took a leading part, and Zacharias asks triumphantly whether they would have consorted with Severus had he not agreed with them in the hatred of paganism and sorcery. mb-soft.com |
他然后问他什么,如果电话的展位小工具,可以去一个平行的世界,神奇的是普通的哆啦A梦为。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | He then asks Doraemon for his what-if-telephone-booth gadget which allows both to go to a parallel world where magic is ordinary to all. en.seekcartoon.com |
在风景秀丽的邓恩郡旅行能够了解圣帕特里克的神奇一生。 discoverireland.com | Take a glimpse [...] into the fascinating life of Saint [...]Patrick with a trip to scenic County Down. discoverireland.com |
梦境成真”带领我们一同闯进Anna Sui的奇幻世界,穿过神奇的魔镜,揭开浪漫粉红的香氛世界。 hk.eternal.hk | Dreams come true" lead us into the Anna Sui fantasy world, through the magic mirror, and romantic pink in the world. hk.eternal.hk |
这些珠宝和手表通过在表面两个蓝宝石水晶之间镶嵌漂浮的宝石,创造出一种神奇精美的装饰效果,令世界各地不同时代的女性为之倾倒。 hk.ashford.com | These pieces of jewelry and watches are defined by floating gemstones encased between two sapphire crystals on its face creating a magicaland exquisite effect that have bewitched generations of women all over the world. ashford.com |
出游的一半乐趣在于计划出如何到达那里,以及一旦到达那里准备做些什么!借助我们的互动路线地图,再加上所有交通方式的信息——这些交通方式可以帮助您到达这座神奇岛国的各个地方,我们让您的计划部分变得异常简便。 discoverireland.com | Half the fun of getting away is figuring out how you're going to get there and what you're going to do once you arrive! discoverireland.com |
我们藉着是次《雷神奇侠》的慈善首映夜延续关怀爱心,为日本受灾的人走出阴霾重燃 希望,期望客户能大力支持。 aia.com.hk | The participation and donations of our customers to the Gala Premiere Night of “THOR” is much needed to bring hope to people there. aia.com.hk |
不像标准的数码变焦静止图像,电影数码变焦作物直接从CMOS的视频图像传感器在全高清分辨率的视频质量和维护仍然不仅仅是提供额外的长焦镜头的神奇力量。 technologeeko.com | Unlike standard digital zoom for still images, Movie Digital Zoom crops the video image directly from the CMOS sensor at Full HD resolution to preserve video quality and still provide amazing additional telephoto power beyond just the lens. technologeeko.com |
我发现一个神奇之处就是,你可以在两个架构模型(REST vs. SOAP)之间切换,而应用程序中90%的代码都是完全相同的。 infoq.com | I find this pretty amazing, that you can [...] switch between two architecture models (REST vs. SOAP) yet still code the same [...]way for the other 90% of an application. infoq.com |
除此以外,我在沙夫豪森的经历也在潜意识里产生神奇的魔力——制表厂的工坊,那些高精密的机械加工流程,对细节的专注、聚精会神的力量和独一无二的美感。 iwc.com | And despite that, I still had the magic of what I had experienced in the back of my mind – the workshops, these high-precision, mechanical processes that radiate attention to detail, the power of meditation and beauty like nothing else. iwc.com |
人参是一种神奇的植物,原产于亚洲,在中国已经有数百年的历史。 clarinsusa.com | Amarvellous plant originally from Asia, Ginseng has been grown for centuries in China. clarinsusa.com |
在他的最新作品中,霍兹沃斯探索自然世界的奥秘神奇,定义现代灵性哲学,并重建21世纪浪漫崇高的概念。 audemarspiguet.com | In his most recent work Holdsworth explores the natural world, defining a modern spiritualism; reconstructing the notion of the romantic sublime for the 21st century. audemarspiguet.com |
实际上,乔治·迈克尔的歌曲,包括收录在《信念》中的歌曲最近就被用于美国热门电视剧《神奇律师(Eli Stone)》中。 tipschina.gov.cn | So much so, in [...] fact, that George Michael's songs - including [...]tracks from Faith - recently featured in the hit US TV show Eli Stone. tipschina.gov.cn |
专家论证二、曾担任过两届总统及四个州议会主席的健康顾问的所罗门博士震惊於NONI的功效,在《天然神奇的治疗专家——NONI》一书中详述了世界各地医生及医疗专家使用NONI治疗一万多病人的成功经验,总结出了NONI的传统应用和现代医学对NONI成份所做的研究。 int-tm.com | Experts in two, served as the two president and four state assembly chairman of the health consultant Dr. [...] Solomon shock on NONI [...] effect, in "natural magic treatment expert -- NONI " a book describes the world of doctors [...]and medical experts [...]use the NONI treated more than ten thousand patients experience, summed up NONI traditional application and modern medicine to the research done at the NONI component. en.int-tm.com |
具备 36 颗单键快速键,只要几秒钟就能存取 Office、网际网路和媒体中心应用程式;4 向神奇滚轮可垂直/水平卷动,让您在浏览网站或文件时,享受无与伦比的操控乐趣。 geniusnetusa.com | With 36 one-touch hot keys, access to Office/Internet and Media Center applications is just seconds away; and its 4-way magic roller scrolls vertically and horizontally, providing you the experience of ultimate fun in browsing websites or documents. geniusnetusa.com |
虽说品牌会越来越重要,但这 个行业可以说几乎不涉及任何的神奇妙道。 deloittetmt.com | There are arguably few magic algorithms involved, although over time brand will become increasingly important. deloittetmt.com |
世界无线电广播 日,让我们认识无线电的神奇,并用它来造福于全人类。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This World Radio Day is a moment to recognize the marvelof radio and to harness its power for the benefit of all. unesdoc.unesco.org |
多数人心目中,公园夜间似乎确实危险,家长也曾告诉我们,日落後绝不要待在公园内,如此说来,架设围篱看似完全合理,但若进一步思考,却未必符合逻辑,尽管公园在夜间可能引来罪犯,却无证据显示若公园在夜间关闭後,罪犯就不会在其他区域犯案,因此设置围篱时,形同认定公园会神奇地将正直民众变成坏蛋。 thisbigcity.net | Though it may be that parks are likely to attract criminal elements at night, there is little evidence that crimes committed in parks at night wouldn’t be committed elsewhere if parks were closed. thisbigcity.net |
今天的新德里拥有1400万人口,是一座活力十足的国际大都会,其间星罗棋布着那些神奇过往的遗迹。 shangri-la.com | Today the city is a dynamic metropolis of over 14 million people. shangri-la.com |
地段是一个非常具有历史意义的地区,伟大的纪念碑,将惊喜和喜悦都散落各地的部门,如罗马式教堂,城堡,宫殿和修道院的土地,高耸入云的悬崖峭壁及以上的河流很多很神奇的感觉。 leapfrog-properties.com | Lot is a very historic region- great monuments that will surprise and delight are strewn all around the department such as Romanesque [...] churches, castles, palaces and abbeys that soar above the land on escarpments and over rivers [...] giving Lotaquite magical feel. leapfrog-properties.com |
研究机构RTI对椰子深具信心,又获得比尔及梅琳达盖茨基金会赞助,致力开发低成本废水过滤系统,以处理开发中国家卫生不佳问题,这项新技术的神奇关键在於椰糠,亦即椰子移除外壳後留下的粉末,可用来分离与净化水中的有机质。 thisbigcity.net | The new technology’s magic ingredient is cocopeat – the dust that remains after the husks are removed from coconuts, which can be used to separate and purify organic material in the water. thisbigcity.net |
神奇玫瑰果精华液- 10ml 这种慷慨地注入乳香,玫瑰天竺葵,玫瑰草,杜松和柑橘精油的荷荷巴油和琉璃苣油,能真真正正滋养你的皮肤,令您的肌肤呼吸,平衡其质感,并完全焕发青春。 glamabox.com | SERUM - 10ml This beautifully [...] rich blend of rosehip, jojoba [...]and borage oils generously infused with frankincense, rose geranium, [...]palmarosa, juniper and mandarin essential oils will literally feed your skin, allowing it to breathe, even out texture and feel totally rejuvenated. glamabox.com |
长度索契洞穴约 12 公里和滴达 240 小时在游览网站上,在 Voroncovskoj 的洞里,你会发现神奇的房间:"Stalaktitovyj","先贤祠","Očažnyj"、"沉默" "流行"椭圆"、"熊"、"普罗米修士"异想天开和非同寻常的形式的钟乳石大厅 "流行",他 Voroncovskoj 被认为是最美丽的房间的洞穴。 voroncovskaya-p...hera.g-sochi.ru | Length Sochi caves about 12 km and drops up to 240 hours at the excursion site, in Voroncovskoj cave, you'll find fantastic rooms: "Stalaktitovyj", "Panthéon", "Očažnyj", "Silence" "Pop""Oval", "Bear", "Prometheus" By whimsical and unusual form of stalactites Hall "Pop", he Voroncovskoj is considered the most beautiful room of the cave. g-sochi.ru |