

单词 神农架地区

See also:

地区 n

area n
region n
country n
district n
place n
section n

地区 pl

regions pl
territories pl


as suffix city name, means prefecture or county (area administered by a prefecture level city or county level city)
district (not necessarily formal administrative unit)

External sources (not reviewed)

有代表对 2014-2015 年期间战略架对农村地区重视 不足表示关注。
Concern was expressed regarding the
[...] inadequate focus on rural areas in the strategic framework for the period [...]
近年来,孟加拉国开始拨出更多资源用于控制非 传染性疾病,增加对烟草的征税,禁止在公共场所吸 烟,在城镇设立糖尿病协会,农村 地区 开 展 扎根社 区的神卫生宣传和防盲方案。
In recent years, Bangladesh has started to commit additional resources to control NCDs, imposing higher taxes on tobacco, banning smoking in public places, setting up diabetic
associations in towns and initiating
[...] community-based mental health promotion and blindness prevention programmes in rural areas.
除了各国的最佳做法,会外活动还侧重于粮食安全和营养领域现有各区域机 构和倡议之间的相关性,如农组织、亚洲开发银行 农 发 基 金之间的亚洲及太平 洋区域粮食安全架;区域贫 困与饥饿专题工作组;东南亚国家联盟(东盟);南 亚区域合作联盟(南盟);以及太平洋岛屿论坛。
In addition to national best practices, the side event focused on the relevance of existing regional bodies and initiatives in the area of food security and
nutrition such as the
[...] Asia and the Pacific Regional Food Security Framework among the FAO, ADB and IFAD; the Regional Thematic Working Group on Poverty and [...]
Hunger; the Association
of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN); South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC); and the Pacific Islands Forum.
雖然我覺 得 政 府就這議 題 基 本上已 有 既 定立場 , 但 我也希 望各位出席的官 員,特 別
是林 局長,能 抱 較 開 放 的 態 度 , 聽 取各位 議員的意見,
[...] 因為每 一位議員都希望能 透 過這次 的 諮詢和 檢 討 , 令 將來成立的議會或改革 的議會能 真正落地 方 行 政的基本原則 和神 , 以 及在政架 構上發 揮 一 定的功 用。
Although I feel that the Government has already taken a position on this topic, I still hope government officials who are present in this Chamber, particularly the Secretary, Mr LAM, will listen to Members' views with a more liberal attitude. This is because it is the hope of each of us that, through this consultation exercise and review, the soon-to-be set up or reformed
councils can truly realize the fundamental
[...] principle and spirit of district administration and play certain roles in the political framework.
贫困青年(尤其是非洲)接受教育,缩小农村地区受教育的差 异;通过提高技能水平和促进当地的生产活动提高生活质量;通
[...] 过对当地社区/青年和女青少年开展非正规教育和培训,创造更好 的环境;在全民教育架内改 进农村教育大纲和教育工作;农 村地区,尤其在 15 - 25 岁的青年人中,提高对艾滋病病毒/艾滋 病的认识。
Through the launching of a flagship programme with FAO, promotion of education for disadvantaged poor rural youth, especially in Africa, resulting in decreased disparities in education in rural areas; improvement in quality of life through capacity-building in skills and productive activities at the local level; better environmental conditions through nonformal education and training of youth and adolescent girls in local communities; improvements in rural
education programmes and
[...] activities in the framework of EFA; and raising of HIV/AIDS awareness in rural areas, especially among [...]
youth between 15-25 years.
它很受鼓舞的是,智利愿意保障所有儿童,尤其是弱势群体儿童,例如难民 儿童农村地区家庭 的儿童或贫困线以下家庭的儿童接受教育。
It was encouraged by Chile’s readiness to guarantee access to education for all children,
especially those from
[...] marginalized communities, such as refugee children and children whose families live in rural areas or below [...]
the poverty line.
建立区域发展机构体系的目的在于激发基层的创新和创业 神 、 帮 助各居区、各地区、非 政府组织以及企业界从战略的角度思考发展问题、确定发展地 方经济的新方式,从而为上述战略的横向发展重点项目在本国境内实施助一臂之 力。
The institutional framework of regional development is there to stimulate the initiative and entrepreneurial spirit at the local level, to support the settlements, raions, nongovernmental organisation and the business community to think strategically and to identify new ways of development of the local economy so that they can contribute to the implementation of the horizontal priorities of the mentioned Strategy on the territory of the country.
因 此,我们非常满地欢迎 2009 年在联合国粮食农 业组织的架内通 过《港口国措施协定》。
Therefore, we welcomed with great
satisfaction the
[...] adoption in 2009, within the framework of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United [...]
Nations, the Agreement on Port State Measures.
这次会议上阐明两点:a)由于大英博物馆所具有的法 地 位 使 其独立 于英国政府,因此,大英博物馆的托管委员会有权决定如何处理巴 农神 庙 大 理石浮雕问 题;b)可以通过一项法律改变大英博物馆的独 地 位 , 但是,英国政府目前不考虑修改有关 这一事项的立法。
There it was clarified that: (a) because of the legal status of the British Museum which makes it independent in this regard from the British Government, it is the prerogative of the Board of Trustees of the British Museum to determine the disposition of the Parthenon Marbles; and (b) the independent status of the British Museum may be changed by a law, but the British Government is not currently considering to revise legislation on this matter.
会议要求在这些报告中对预算拨款及支出情况按 区 域 进 行分类介 绍,并就“国家规划架”( 原为“国家中期优先领域 架 ” ) 在指导 农 组 织 国家 层面的工作方面所起的作用汇报进展。
The Conference requested that these reports include indications
of budget allocation and
[...] expenditure by regional result, and progress on the utilization of Country Programming Frameworks (formerly National Medium Term Priority Frameworks) in guiding FAO’s work at [...]
country level.
在这方面,评估团建议:(a) 审查 综合社区发展项目和偏远乡镇区发 展 项目战略 架 解 决 农 村 贫 困问题的成效 和效率;(b) 确定和评估不同战略框架的预期成效和效率,并决定哪些框架应成 为 2011 年以后编制方案活动的基础。
In this regard, the assessment mission
recommends to: (a) review of
[...] the strategic framework for the CDRT and ICDP projects in terms of effectiveness and efficiency in addressing rural poverty; and [...]
(b) identify and assess
alternative strategic frameworks in terms of their expected effectiveness and efficiency, and decide which framework should be the basis for the formulation of programme activities beyond 2011.
代表们注意到了区域重点领域架 》 与 粮 农 组 织 《战略框架》之间的联系, 其中包括粮农组织的三项全球目标及 11 项战略目标;在把这些目标转化为区域行 [...]
Delegates noted
[...] the linkages of the Regional Priority Framework with FAO’s Strategic [...]
Framework, embodying the Organization’s three
global goals and 11 Strategic Objectives, which were translated into regional actions with focused attention on key challenges and priorities of the region.
该项目已经在居民接待网方面取得了成果,促进了手工艺产品、导游,本着提高 居民提出、表达、保护和促进其权利和利益的 神 , 在 专家 地区 非 政府组织的协助下,依 靠有关社区,使受贫穷困扰的居民从其中解放出来。
Results have already been obtained with regard to networks for accommodation with local people, and the promotion of crafts products and guides, relying on the communities
concerned with the assistance
[...] of experts and regional NGOs, and seeking to strengthen the capacity of communities to formulate, [...]
express, defend and
promote their own rights and interests with a view to escaping from the conditions of poverty in which they generally find themselves.
哥斯达黎加也没有接受另外一项建议,涉及中美地区一体 化体制的一项规定,认为该项规定不适用于人权领域,而是指区域性政 治架。
It did not accept a recommendation which would refer to
a provision within the
[...] Central American regional integration system, as it considered it not to be applicable to the sphere of human rights, but more to the regional political framework.
犹太法典及其研究蔓延,从巴比伦到埃及,北非,意大利,西班牙,法国,德国,注定要成为犹太 神 的 住 所 地区 , 以及在所有这些国家的智力兴趣集中在犹太法典。
The Talmud and its study spread from Babylon to
Egypt, northern Africa, Italy, Spain,
[...] France, and Germany, regions destined to become [...]
the abodes of the Jewish spirit; and
in all these countries intellectual interest centered in the Talmud.
他们还认为,该专 利的授予违背了《专利法案》的公共和道德要求,因为 Banisteriopsis caapi 在整个亚 马地区都具有神圣的性质。
They argued also that the granting of the patent would be contrary to the public
and morality aspects of the Patent Act
[...] because of the sacred nature of Banisteriopsis caapi throughout the Amazon region.
区领袖 和神职人员的架和暗杀不仅使公众不愿意与政府合作,还削弱了 地 社 区 的对 援助工作人员的保护。
Abductions and assassinations of community leaders and clerics not only discourage the population from cooperating with the Government, but also undermine the protection provided to aid workers by local communities.
这 些答复认为,在制定下一个 C/5 文件时,在考虑教科文组织召开的关于扫盲 地区 会 议 和地 区或分地区高级 别部长级教育会议成果的同时,也要把各次国际教育会议的主要成果作为基 本内容加以考虑,并进一步建议,下一个 C/5 文件的建议草案应把这些会议2 的主要神和 建 议,具体地在计划和预算拨款中体现出来,以保证能切实有效地加以贯彻落实。
based on major outcomes of the international education conferences,2 in addition to the UNESCO regional conferences on literacy, and regional and subregional high-level ministerial education meetings. Furthermore, it was recommended that proposals for the future C/5 document should clearly reflect the main messages and recommendations of these meetings in the programme and in the budget appropriation to ensure effective follow-up.
直到此时,以色列还在继续推 行非法政策,损害这些和平努力,挑起当地紧张局势, 刺激地区及其以外地区的敏感宗 神 经。
To this moment, Israel persists with its illegal policies,
undermining those peace efforts, stoking tensions on the ground
[...] and inflaming religious sensitivities in the region and beyond.
政府编制了国家农业发展架,推出了 5 项优 先举措:(a) 立即购买小麦种子;(b) 农业土 地租赁;(c) 获得信贷;(d) 改善农业、灌溉 和畜牧部的管理和改革;以及(e) 农业和农村 发展综合融资机制,以减少目地区 的 罂 粟种 植。
The National
[...] Agricultural Development Framework, designed by the Government, launched five priority initiatives: (a) the immediate purchase of wheat seed; (b) the leasing of land for agriculture; (c) the provision of access to credit; (d) improved management and reform of the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock; and (e) the Comprehensive Agricultural and Rural Development Facility, aimed at reducing poppy cultivation in targeted districts.
为协助 各国对付针对粮食生产的恐怖主义而开展的活动包括:(a) 进行关于食品安全、 动植物健康问题的能力建设(培训班、各种项目),包括促进风险分析和加强基层 能力,以确保国家能够监测、诊断、报告和应对病虫害和疾病的爆发;(b) 食品 标准法典委员会和国际植物保护公约制定有关标准;(c) 设立一个食物链管理架以便对跨界动植物病虫害和疾病造成的食物链危机、粮食安全威胁和紧急情 况,以及对核放射性威胁级紧急情况,进行预防、预警、防备和应对工作;组织 国际论坛讨论与粮食农业相关的生物风险管理问题。
Specific activities that assisted countries in relation to terrorism targeted at food products included: (a) capacity-building (training courses, projects) concerning food safety, animal and plant health, including promotion of risk analyses and developing base-level capacity to ensure national ability to monitor, diagnose, report and respond to pest and disease outbreaks; (b) the standard setting work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the International Plant Protection Convention; (c) the
establishment of a Food Chain
[...] Crisis Management Framework for prevention, early warning, preparedness and response to food chain crises caused by transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases, food safety threats and emergencies, as well as nuclear and radiological threats and emergencies; and the organization of international forums to discuss biological risk management in relation to food and agriculture.
尤其针对干旱地区的生态系统继续开展了支持《生物多样性公约》-教科文组织生物多 样性教育行动的一系列活动,包括向 2002 年 7 月在蒙古举办的联合国大学中亚和蒙古生物
[...] 安全讲习班提供支持,出版 2000 年在乍得举办的教科文组织-伊斯兰教科文组织与荒漠化做 斗争为主题的国际研讨会的成果,2002 年 9 月 22 - 25 日在埃及与联合国大学和国际干地 区农业研 究中心(ICARDA)共同举办了一次“边缘性干旱地区的可持续管理”国际讲习 班,以及继续检验“荒漠化教育丛书”的效果。
Activities underpinning the CBD UNESCO initiative on biodiversity education were pursued, especially for dryland systems, including support to the United Nations University Central Asia and Mongolia workshop on biosecurity in Mongolia in July 2002, the publication of the international UNESCO-ISESCO seminar on combating desertification held in Chad in 2000, the organization of an international workshop on “Sustainable
Management of Marginal
[...] Drylands” in Egypt from 22 to 25 September 2002 jointly with the United Nations University and the International Centre for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas [...]
(ICARDA), as well as continued
testing of the “Education kit on desertification”.
联合国将为所有国家 和世界地、农村和城市地区以及 主要城市编写官方人口估计和预测,这将成为整个联合国系 统一致使用的标准人口数据集。
The official United Nations demographic estimates and projections will be
prepared for all
[...] countries and areas of the world, as well as urban and rural areas and major cities, [...]
and will serve as
the standard and consistent set of population figures for use throughout the United Nations system.
会议注意到,许多缺陷应由各有关区域渔业 管理组织单独解决,但在解决时也要遵照关于 神 户 进 程的 架 内 统 一和协调金 枪区域渔 管组织措施的建议,这方面的工作可大大改进这些区域渔业管理组织 的运作。
It was noted that many of the shortcomings should be addressed individually by the concerned organizations, but also by recommendations on harmonization and
coordination of
[...] measures of the tuna regional fisheries management organizations within the framework of the Kobe process, [...]
and that such work
could greatly enhance the functioning of those organizations.
在这 方面,地质公园将当地的地质遗产与自然景观的各个方面,包括文化和非物质遗产相结合, 并能本着教科文组织的神将一个 地区 的 科学、文化和教育融为一体,使来访者受到感染。
In this regard, Geoparks link local geological heritage with all of the aspects of a natural site, including cultural and intangible heritage and combining, in the UNESCO
spirit, the scientific, cultural and
[...] educational aspects of an area, which are communicated [...]
to the visitors of the sites.
委员会提出了如下建议:(a)应在更大程度上注重灾害统计数据编 制工作的标准、方法和准则;(b)各国政府应系统 地 收 集 关于小规模灾 害的数据;(c)秘书处应继续强化旨在减少灾害风险的区域合作机制和能 力建设,包括信息、通信和空间技术,以加速执行《兵库行动 架 》; (d)通过开区域合 作和持续提供区域咨询服务,加强体制机构能力;(e) 减少灾害风险工作的所有利益攸关方均应充分利用亚洲及太平洋减少灾害 风险与发展网关。
The Committee made a number of recommendations, such as: (a) that the development of standards, methodologies and guidelines for disaster statistics be given higher priority; (b) that Governments systematically collect data on small disasters; (c) that the secretariat continue promoting regional cooperative mechanisms and capacity development efforts for disaster risk reduction, including on
[...] [...] information, communications and space technologies, to accelerate the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action; (d) that institutional capacity be strengthened through regional cooperation and continued regional advisory services; and (e) that all stakeholders [...]
of disaster risk reduction make full use
of the Asia-Pacific Gateway for Disaster Risk Reduction and Development.
副秘书长/执行主任表示,关区域架 构 的报告遵循了执行局在战略计划中 提出的方向,以及经核准的 2012-2013 两年期机构预算(见 UNW/2011/13,2011/5 号决定),加强妇女署的地能力,不仅在国家一级取得成果,并且确保妇女署 在履行职责的规范和行动两方面更紧密地联系。
The Under-Secretary-General/Executive Director stated that the report on the regional architecture follows the direction that the Executive Board set out in the strategic plan and the approved institutional budget for [...]
the biennium 2012-2013 (see UNW/2011/13,
decision 2011/5) to strengthen capacity of the Entity on the ground, not only to achieve results at the country level, but also to ensure better linkages between the normative and operational aspects of the mandate of UN-Women.
与联合国大学以及国际干地区农业 研 究中心(ICARDA)合作,人与生物圈和国际 水文计划的代表参加了“边缘干旱地区的可持续管理”研讨会,此次研讨会于 [...]
2002 年 9 月 在开罗、马特鲁和亚历山大(埃及)举行,旨在开发有关北非和亚洲比较研究的一个干旱地
区大型项目,该项目计划在 2003 年启动。
In collaboration with the United Nations
University (UNU) and the
[...] International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry [...]
Areas (ICARDA), MAB and IHP representatives
took part in an international workshop on “Sustainable Management of Marginal Drylands” in Cairo, Marsa Matruh and Alexandria (Egypt) in September 2002 to work out a large drylands project for comparative research in northern Africa and Asia, which is scheduled to start in 2003.
最近,在联合国常设论坛届会、生物多样性公约各 架 以 及国 际 农 业 发 展基 金(农发基金)、1 联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)、2 联合国开发计划署(开 发署)、3 联合国环境规划署(环境署)、4 联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文 组织)5 等联合国其他机构进行的讨论,就牧民面临的一些挑战进行了审议,以 期改善与非洲和亚洲区域牧民社区 的 工 作关系。
Discussions held at Permanent Forum sessions and in the various
Convention on
[...] Biological Diversity frameworks, as well as with United Nations agencies, such as the International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD),1 the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO),2 the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP),3 the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)4 and the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)5 have recently considered some of the challenges faced by pastoralists, in an effort to improve working relations with different communities of pastoralists, [...]
mainly in Africa and Asia.
保护农民和其农村地区劳动 者的权利需要更多关注农业改革,使无地农 民和小块土地所有者受益,并促进保障土地所有权和获得土地的机会。50只有 [...]
在土地改革从根本上减少土地分配的不平等,并充分提供其他投入,包括水、贷 款、运输、推广服务和其他基础设施的情况下,农业改革才可能成功。
To protect the rights
[...] of peasants and other people working in rural areas, more attention [...]
needs to be paid to agrarian reforms
that benefit landless peasants and small-scale land holders and promote security of tenure and access to land.50 Agrarian reforms are successful when land reform radically reduces inequalities in land distribution and is accompanied by sufficient access to other inputs, including water, credit, transport, extension services and other infrastructure.




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