

单词 神农本草经

See also:

神经 n

nerves pl
neurology n
neuroscience n

草本 adj




External sources (not reviewed)

另一个例子是担 心保留社区农村经济的 需要,需要平衡燃油补贴、当地粮食安全、向更广的市 场供应以及与避免社会崩溃有关的机会 本。
Another example would concern the need to retain communities and rural economies, where it would be necessary to strike a balance between fuel subsidy, local food [...]
security, supply into
wider markets, and opportunity costs associated with avoiding social breakdown.
我們要討論的,其實是否這項條草 案 本 身 的 精 神?
What we have to discuss is whether this is consistent with the spirit of this Bill.
(iii) 草案不应暗示,各国将会或可能废除自己的私法,而采用“超国家”的方式。草
[...] 案最好能体现国际统一私法协会为协调有关文物问题的私法所作的努力,不应推 出全新的有悖于最初原草案基本精 神 以 及 华盛顿和维尔纽斯政府间会议商定的 各国作用的概念。
(iii) the draft should not suggest that States would or could abrogate their own private law in favour of a “supra-national” approach, should better reflect efforts of UNIDROIT to harmonize private law concerning cultural property matters, and should not introduce entirely new
concepts contrary both to the
[...] underlying nature of the original draft Principles and [...]
to the role of States as agreed to in
the Washington and Vilnius intergovernmental meetings.
虽然国际公司与草农场场 主没有直接的合同关系,但鉴于它最终从此类行为获 得大经济上 的好处,它还是难以撇清与此类指控的关系。
While the international company had no
direct contractual
[...] relationship with the tobacco farm owners, it has nevertheless found it difficult to disassociate itself from the allegations in the light of the significant economic benefits that [...]
it ultimately derives from such conduct.
我認為鄭議員的修正案是有違條草 案 的 基 本 精 神 , 即是僱主必須在 減薪前曾對僱員作出承諾,基金才會在僱主無力償還債項時依照該承諾計算 遣散費特惠款項。
I think Mr CHENG's amendment runs counter to the fundamental spirit of the Bill, that is, the employer must, in the first place, give an undertaking to his employees before the wage reduction, and only under such a circumstance that the ex gratia severance payment from the Fund will be calculated on the basis of the undertaking given by the insolvent employer.
除了这一法律上的迫切需要经验证 据表明 农 村 妇 女食物权的 实现与其他一些人权存在着内在联系,其中有:包括职业培训的受教育权;卫生 保健权;水和卫生设施权;体面工作权;获得信贷、生计、 本 、 技 术、金融服 务与其经济和社会福利及保护的权利;财产权;法律面前人人平等权;政治代 表和参与权;以及一般不得受歧视的权利。
In addition to this legal
[...] imperative, empirical evidence shows that the realization of the right to food of rural women is intrinsically linked to a number of other human rights, among which are the rights to education, including vocational training, to health care, to water and sanitation, to decent work, to credit, livelihood, capital, technology, financial services, and other economic and social benefits [...]
and protection,
to property, to equality before the law, to political representation and participation and the general prohibition on non-discrimination.
城市与 农村地区经济差距很大农村常 常缺少 本 的 社会与卫生设施。
The economic disparities between urban areas and the rural areas are huge, [...]
with the latter often lacking basic social and sanitation facilities.
在营养教育法方面本国通过在农业 和 食品工业部网站上公布相关法规、 在广播电台、电视台播放由各相关部门的国际监管原则组成的、关于消费者权益 保护的第 105-XV 号法律(2003 年 3 月 13 日通过)、成立政府专门负责消费者权 益保护的协调委员会经常发布有 农 产 品 和食品消费者的信息,同时,关于动 物鉴定与登记的第 231-XVI 号法律(2006 年 7 月 20 日通过)旨在确保牲畜及动物 来源产品的可追溯性。
With regard to alimentation education methods, there is a constant information on the consumer of agricultural and food products through the means of publication of the legal provisions on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, broadcasting information on the radio, TV stations about the provisions of the Law No. 105-XV from 13.03.2003 [...]
on consumer protection, which
comprises international regulation principles of the respective sector, formation of the Coordinating Council in the filed of protection of consumers by the Government, with the provisions of the Law No. 231-XVI from 20.07.2006 on identification and registration of animals, which ensures traceability of life stocks and of products of animal origin.
经与中国政府商定,项目的第三次付款侧重于淘汰 草 和 农 业 行业土壤熏蒸以及商 品熏蒸所使用的甲基溴。
As agreed with the Government of China, the third tranche of the project focused on the phase-out of MB used for soil fumigation in the tobacco and agricultural sectors and in the fumigation [...]
of commodities.
各委员会提交的本草案包括一些加强人权 保护的条款,如:更全面的反歧视条款;更全面 经 济 、社会和文化权利规定; 一些集体权利,包括少数群体和边缘化群体的权利;关于犯罪受害者赔偿权的附 加保证等。
The draft texts submitted by the committees include a number of provisions intended to strengthen human rights protection, including a more comprehensive non-discrimination clause; wider stipulation of economic, social and [...]
cultural rights; a number
of collective rights including rights for minorities and the marginalized; and additional guarantees of the right to reparation for victims of crimes.
(a) 在机构/专家和农妇之间建立科学技术联系,以:㈠ 采取基于农业的适
[...] 当技术干预,以减轻繁重的劳动;㈡ 培养自营职业农妇的创业神;㈢ 促进低本农业做 法,优化土地利用;㈣ 增加保健和营养内容,以改善健康状况并减 [...]
(a) Establishment of science and technology linkages between institutions/resource persons and farm women for: (i) the adoption of appropriate agro-based technological interventions towards drudgery reduction; (ii) entrepreneurship development
for self-employed farm women;
[...] (iii) improved low-cost agricultural practices for optimal [...]
land use; (iv) additional health
and nutritional component to achieve better health and reduce number of days lost due to ill health
我建議政府也應該參照這條草案的 精 神 , 修 訂有關條例,使總督也可在有需要時委 派核數師或核數署署長,對經營㆔鐵的兩間公司進行調查,研究其經營及管理狀況是否合 乎本效益,以保障公眾的利益。
I suggest that the Government should observe the spirit
[...] of this Bill and amend the relevant ordinances so that the Governor may also appoint auditors or the Director of Audit, if necessary, to conduct inquiries into the operation of the two corporations running the three railways and to see if their operation and management are cost effective, and [...]
the public interest is safeguarded.
总干事想次再次向各会员国保证,决 草 案 的 精 神 充 分 体现在载有重大计划 I 的 35 C/5 号文草案修订本第一卷和第二卷。
The Director-General wishes to reassure
Member States
[...] that the spirit of the draft resolution has been fully reflected in draft document 35 C/5 Rev. for Major Programme I, [...]
Volumes 1 and 2.
絕少㆟相信修 訂動議的神,如同條草案在㆓讀時進行修訂㆒樣,為的是令內容表達得更貫徹, 將來可以著實執行,本局更 有效的進行監察。
Very few people believe in the spirit of making such amendments which,
like proposing
[...] amendments to a Bill in its Second Reading, is to seek a more thorough expression of the substance in the motion so that it could be put into full effect and be monitored by this Council more [...]
主席先生,我要向《1994 年婚姻訴訟(修訂)條例草案》審議委員會的召集㆟林貝聿 嘉議員以及其他成員致意,他們花了不少時間和 神 審 議 本草 案 ,並提出了不少積極 的建議,我謹在此向他們致謝。
SECRETARY FOR HOME AFFAIRS: Mr President, I would like to thank the Honourable Mrs Peggy LAM, chairperson of the Bills Committee to study the Matrimonial Causes (Amendment) Bill 1994, and the other Members of the Bills Committee for their constructive suggestions, time and effort spent in scrutinizing the Bill.
尽管如此,我们将再本着合 作的神支持决议草案。
Nevertheless, once again in the
[...] spirit of cooperation, we will support the draft resolution.
本报告 所述期间,科索沃特派团继续推动科索沃代表参与各种国际和区域 会议,如能源共同体、中欧自由贸易协定(自由贸易协定)、东南欧运输观察、欧 洲共同飞行区、经济合作与发展组织、前南斯拉夫国际刑事法庭和区域合作理事 会,以及参与司法和内政农业、 移民、社 经 济 、 民事文件和信息社会等领域 的活动。
During the reporting period, UNMIK continued to facilitate the participation of Kosovo representatives in a variety of international and regional meetings in the context of the Energy Community, the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA), the South-East Europe Transport Observatory, the European Common Aviation Area, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and the Regional Cooperation Council, as well as in the subject areas of justice and home affairs, agriculture, migration, social [...]
economy, civil documentation and the information society.
种植蔬菜在以色列经成为 一种艺术:选择正确 的杂交品种、化肥和灌溉方法,为某种具体作物专门设计温室,采用创新的种植技 术、收割机械和收获后处理措施,同时营造有利的市场环境,如有 农 产 品 以及草 和精选蘑菇等专门作物。
Growing vegetables has become an art in Israel - based on choosing the right hybrid varieties,
[...] fertilizers and irrigation methods, selecting greenhouse covers designed for specific crops and employing innovative growing tools, harvest equipment and post-harvest treatments, and profitable market niches such as organic produce, as well as specialties like herbs and selected mushrooms”.
38 虽然缅甸经起草了一个 农村地 区全面发展的总体规划,但是还没有制定更 广泛的改革计划。
To be effective, they not only need to be clearly articulated, they also need to be linked to the prioritisation and sequencing of specific reforms, including incentive structures.38 Although a master plan for comprehensive rural development has been prepared, no broader reform plan has been developed.
为促进妇女的人权,各位部长表示决心在国家、区域和国际各级采取合理 措施,提高妇女的生活质量,实现两性平等,并增强妇女权能,同时还铭记妇 女的内在潜力,采取的方法除其他外包括,通过合理的社 经 济 战 略和方案, 向所有妇女,特别是残疾妇女农村 妇 女提供政府服务,包括保健、教育和司 法服务,并增强家庭福祉。
The Ministers in order to promote the human rights of women expressed their resolve to take appropriate measures at the national, regional and international levels to improve the quality of life and achieve gender equality and empowerment of women, bearing in mind the inherent potential of women,
through inter alia
[...] adopting proper socio- economic strategies and programmes and provisions of government services to all women particularly women with disabilities and women in rural areas, including [...]
access to health, education
and justice services and strengthening family well-being.
代表强调,需要足够经费,以便 农 组 织 和世卫组织 能够应对越来越多的 科学建议的需求。
The Representative stressed the need for adequate funding in order to allow FAO and WHO to respond to the increasing number of requests for scientific advice.
Mårtensson 女士(瑞典)代表欧盟;候选国土耳其
[...] 共和国、阿尔巴尼亚和黑山、欧洲自由贸易联盟会员 国冰岛、列支敦士登和挪威、乌克兰和摩尔多瓦共和 国以及新西兰、澳大利亚和瑞士发言,解释说,欧盟 秉着建设神参加了该草案的谈判工作,非常重视文 化多样性,只有在人权和本自由 尤其是言论和信息 自由得到保障的基础上才能捍卫文化多样性。
(Sweden), speaking on behalf of the European Union; the candidate countries Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey; the stabilization and association process countries Albania and Montenegro; and, in addition, Australia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, New Zealand, Norway,
Republic of Moldova,
[...] Switzerland and Ukraine, said that the European Union, which had participated in the negotiations on the text in a constructive [...]
manner, attached
great importance to cultural diversity, which could only be defended if human rights and fundamental freedoms, in particular freedom of expression and information, were guaranteed.
(b) 国家《神卫生法》草案及 其条款在个人非自愿住院的程序方面有何 进展,个人如何对这类决定提出质疑,以及中央政府打算什么时候就该法律草案 [...]
(b) The progress of the draft national mental health law and [...]
its provisions regarding the process by which an individual
may be involuntarily hospitalized, and how an individual can challenge such a decision, as well as the time frame within which the central government intends to act on this draft law.
當然,這草案精神在於 凍結政府容許符合資格的海外合約僱員,申請成為 本 ㆞ 條 件 聘用的僱員的轉制安排,以便政府和有關公務員團體能對問題詳細加以商討,達致㆒個各 方面都能接納的安排。
Of course, the spirit of the Bill is to freeze the arrangement which allows eligible overseas officers to apply for transfer [...]
to local terms,
in order that the issues involved will be thrashed out in greater detail between the Government and the related civil service associations and that an agreement acceptable to all parties concerned will be reached eventually.
本着 重强调它优先注重有关残疾人的议题,具体而言,该国已共同提出了一项关 于新的亚洲及太平洋残疾人十年的决议草案(文件 E/ESCAP/68/L.11)——该 决草案现已提经社会 ,同时该国还对制订这一新十年的战略行动框架做 出了贡献。
The delegation of Japan informed the Commission of its willingness to share its experiences at the forthcoming regional review of the implementation of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing.33 It highlighted the priority it placed on disability-related issues, as evidenced by both its co-sponsoring a draft resolution on a new Asian and Pacific decade of persons with disabilities which was before the Commission (E/ESCAP/68/L.11), and [...]
by contributing to the
development of the strategic action framework for the new decade.
这次会议上阐明两点:a)由于大英博物馆所具有的法律地位使其独立 于英国政府,因此,大英博物馆的托管委员会有权决定如何处理巴 农神 庙 大理石浮雕问 题;b)可以通过一项法律改变大英博物馆的独立地位,但是,英国政府目前不考虑修改有关 这一事项的立法。
There it was clarified that: (a) because of the legal status of the British Museum which makes it independent in this regard from the British Government, it is the prerogative of the Board of Trustees of the British Museum to determine the disposition of the Parthenon Marbles; and (b) the independent status of the British Museum may be changed by a law, but the British Government is not currently considering to revise legislation on this matter.
传播与信息部门的助理总干事在辩论开始时作了介绍,他回顾了大会第三十二届会议 在 2003 年 10 月通过的《普及网络空间及促进并使用多种语言的建议书》,并指出,截止 2007 年 1 月 31 日秘书处经收到了 23 个会员国的报告(会员国名单见 176 EX/22 号文 件),在草本报告 的过程中我们考虑到了会员国在此方面 经 采 取的行动,包括旨在落实 信息社会世界峰会(WSIS)通过的相关决定的行动。
In his introduction to the debate, the Assistant Director-General of the Communication and Information Sector recalled that the Recommendation concerning the Promotion and Use of Multilingualism and Universal Access to Cyberspace was adopted in October 2003 by the General Conference at its 32nd
session. He also
[...] indicated that, as at 31 January 2007, the Secretariat had received reports from 23 Member States (listed in document 176 EX/22) and that the reporting process took into consideration all actions that [...]
Member States have
taken in this regard, including those aimed at implementing the relevant decisions adopted at the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS).
在几乎所有的最不发达国家中,农业都具有举足轻重的地位,既可以促进粮 食安全,也是大部分人的主经济活 动,而 农 业 与 消除贫穷、解决温饱、促进 农村发展、性别平等、妇女赋权、促进出口、实现商品和生产多样化及提高农业 加工能力有直接关系。
Agriculture plays a crucial role in almost all least developed countries, both in
promoting food security and
[...] as the major economic activity for much of the population, with direct linkages to the eradication of poverty and hunger, rural development [...]
and gender equality and
empowerment of women, as well as exports, commodity and production diversification and agro-processing capacity.
(e) 亚经济合作组织粮食安全问题部长级会议(2010 年 10 月,日本新泄 市):概况,由本农林水 产省国际事务副大臣 Yutaka Sumita 介绍。
(e) Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation ministerial meeting on food security, Niigata City, Japan, October 2010: an overview, by Yutaka Sumita, Deputy Director General for International Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries [...]
of Japan.




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