单词 | 祈仙台 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 祈仙台—memorial altarplatform for praying immortalsSee also:祈—implore 仙台n—Sendain 仙台—Sendai, city in northeast Japan 仙adj—immortaladj
2011年3月11日下午2:46,日本东部大地震摇撼了享誉国际的建筑仙台媒体文化中心(SMT)大楼。 shanghaibiennale.org | At 2:46 p.m. March 11, 2011, the Great East Japan Earthquake shook the internationally renowned [...] architecturespace Sendai Mediatheque building (smt). shanghaibiennale.org |
仙台媒体文化中心(SMT)于2001年1月开馆,是仙台市的公共设施。 shanghaibiennale.org | Sendaimediatheque (smt) opened in January of 2001 as a public facility of the City of Sendai. shanghaibiennale.org |
仙台 dragonair.com | Sendai dragonair.com |
为日本灾情最严重的地区提供服务的仙台机场(Sendai Airport)是灾后美日军事合作最突出的象征。 embassyusa.cn | The most notable symbol of U.S.-Japanese military cooperation in the wake of [...] the disaster is Sendai Airport, which [...]serves the most severely affected area in the country. eng.embassyusa.cn |
在东南亚,伊 斯兰祈祷团(QE.J.92.02)和阿布沙耶夫集团(QE.A.1.01)已遭到当局的沉重打 击,但他们仍然具有进行攻击的能力和意图。 daccess-ods.un.org | In South-East Asia, JemaahIslamiyah (QE.J.92.02) and the Abu Sayyaf Group (QE.A.1.01) have been hit hard by the authorities, though they still retain the capacity and intention to mount attacks. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们对使用 347 型的祈祷是: 选择使用 347 型的工程师将会知道,在线路板上有 [...] X 种对热敏感成分或零件,其所要求的 最高回流顶温不能高于 230 摄氏度,很希望线路板组装能以最恰当和最有效的模式来进行 回流。 asahisolder.com | Our prayer for the utilization [...] of 347 is that the engineer who chooses it will know that he/she has X number of sensitive [...]components on board which require a peak reflow of not more than 230 degree Celsius and will like the board assembly to be reflowed in the best optimum modes within the oven. asahisolder.com |
日本仙台的东北大学以及新加坡南洋理工大学就是这类更加紧密 合作的实例。 oosa.unvienna.org | The Tohoku University inSendai and the Nanyang [...] Technological University in Singapore are examples of this kind of closer cooperation. oosa.unvienna.org |
据泰航总裁 Sorajak Kasemsuvan 博士介绍, 泰航将于4月10日-13日期间在曼谷素万纳普机场值机柜台举行泼水节祈福仪式,泰航员工还将在泰航头等舱和商务舱休息室表演传统的水果雕刻、泰国音乐演奏节目。 thaiairways.com.cn | Dr. Sorajak Kasemsuvan, THAI President, said during this Songkran period THAI will hold special activities on 10-13 April 2013 at the check-in counter at Suvarnabhumi Airport, with traditional water blessing, Thai fruit carving demonstration, and Thai music performances by THAI staff for Royal First Class and Royal Silk Class passengers in the Royal First Lounge and Royal Silk Lounge. thaiairways.com.cn |
伊东丰雄最有名的建筑作品要算是2001年建成的仙台媒体中心。 archireform.org | He said he just needs to be able to do the work he wants to do. archireform.org |
(c) 他被指控的事实不明确:包括骚扰邻里安宁、在其布道中更动穆斯林 [...] 马利基仪式、未经批准进行布道、煽动暴力和圣战、在布道中未为国王祈福、在 清真寺内外散发遭禁的出版物、非法结社、非法集会、组成未经批准的协会和越 权 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) The acts of which he is accused are vague, namely: disturbing the peace, deviating from the Maliki Islamic rite in his sermons, preaching without [...] authorization, inciting violence and jihad, not [...] blessing the king during his sermons, distributing [...]banned publications inside and [...]outside the mosque, criminal association, illegal assembly, establishing an unauthorized association and illegal exercise of functions daccess-ods.un.org |
在教堂或清真寺祈祷后,许多家庭会接受像疫苗接种这样的、他们可能已经错过了的常规医疗服务。 unicef.org | After prayers inchurch or the [...] mosques, families receive routine services like immunization, which they could have missed. unicef.org |
我们祈祷万能的真主使洪水消退,以便巴基斯坦 当局能够开始艰巨的重建任务,向灾民提供人道主义 援助,开始重建,并帮助当地人民恢复正常生活和工 作。 daccess-ods.un.org | We pray to almighty God for the floods to recede so that the authorities can begin the daunting task of rebuilding and provide humanitarian assistance to affected people in need, start reconstruction and help to normalize people’s lives and get them back to work. daccess-ods.un.org |
读卖新闻》以"艾滋病预防疫苗 国产首例临 床实验 明年开始在美国实施"为题,就有关使用了本 公司仙台病毒载体技术的艾滋病疫苗,将由"国际艾 滋病疫苗组织"(IAVI)主导从2012 年开始在美国实施临床 实验 作了报道。 dnavec.co.jp | YOMIURI SHIMBUN published an article titled "Clinical trial of Japan's first AIDS prophylactic vaccine in the US in 2012," reporting that IAVI (International AIDS Vaccine Initiative) plans to initiate a clinical trial of an AIDS vaccine using DNAVEC's Sendai virus vaccine technology in the United States in 2012. dnavec.co.jp |
仙台站前的SAKURA野百货公司前,每隔30分钟就有一班前往石卷的快速公车。 cn.tohokukanko.jp | Rapid buses for Ishinomaki leave from the bus stop in front of Sakurano department store every 30 minutes. en.tohokukanko.jp |
在厚生劳动省的网页中"第63届厚生科学审议会科学技术部会 资料" 的"资料6"部分,公开了有关由九州大学医院主持实施的使用本公司开发的搭载血管增生因子的仙台病毒载体的"使用搭载血管增生因子(成纤挝胞生长因子:FGF-2)基因的非传播型重组仙台病毒载体对慢性下肢缺血重症(闭塞性动脉硬化症,伯格氏病)患者进行血管增生基因治疗临床研究"的"基因治疗临床研究结束报告书"。 dnavec.co.jp | The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare released in its home page the “Report of the completion of gene therapy clinical research” regarding the “Clinical research for angiogenic gene therapy for the treatment of critical limb ischemia (arteriosclerosis obliterans and Buerger's disease) [...] using a [...] non-transmissible type recombinantSendai virus vector carrying the angiogenesis factor gene, fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2)” as part of the “Appendix 6” to the “63rd Committee on Scientific Technologyof Health [...]Sciences Council, Ministry [...]of Health, Labor, and Welfare” The clinical research had been conducted by Kyushu University Hospital using the FGF-2 gene-carrying Sendai virus vector developed by DNAVEC. dnavec.co.jp |
新仙台天文台建设和运营事业”是截至2008年4月伊藤忠商事正在实施的 PFI事业※1 之一。 itochu.co.jp | ITOCHU Corporation’s PFI*1 projects as of April 2008 include a project for the development and operation of the new Sendai observatory. itochu.co.jp |
尽管青叶山位于仙台市中心以西数公里之外,却是现存少有的自然条件丰富的地方。 tohoku.ac.jp | Aobayama Campus is located several kilometers [...] from the center of SendaiCity and is surrounded [...]by a rich natural environment. tohoku.ac.jp |
自行车旅行部,利用休息日在仙台近郊骑车旅行,暑期则边扎营边进行长期的骑车旅行。 tohoku.ac.jp | We go for a [...] bike ride near Sendaicity onour day [...]off, and go camping for a cycling tour in a summer vacation. tohoku.ac.jp |
例如,呼吁全国民主联盟 与军政权之间的对话,收集一项请愿的签名,穿白色衣服和要求其他人穿白色衣 服,发起请其他宗教的人一起为和平解决缅甸政治问题祈祷的一次祈祷运动,鼓 励公民写信向军事当局解释他们苦难。 daccess-ods.un.org | For instance, calling for dialogue between the National League for Democracy and the military regime, collecting signatures for a petition, dressing in white and asking others to dress in white clothes, initiating a prayer campaign in which people of all religions were asked to pray for a peaceful resolution to Burma’s political problems andencouraging citizens to write letters explaining their plight to the military authorities. daccess-ods.un.org |
赞比亚祈祷,拒绝转让的义务在适用时应没有例外情况,包括适用于腐败极 [...] 有可能破坏其他条约标准有效适用的情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | Zambia prays that theduty [...] to refuse transfers should apply without exception, including in cases of a substantial risk [...]that corruption would undermine the effective application of other treaty criteria. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然Ahmadiyyah偏离主流的逊尼派伊斯兰的教义中的特殊地位,它认为米尔扎·古拉姆·艾哈迈德·,他们遵循的大部分伊斯兰教的主要职责,如祈祷,斋戒,朝圣和施舍,以及基本的逊尼派伊斯兰的解释神学。 mb-soft.com | Although Ahmadiyyah departs from mainstream Sunni Islamic doctrines in terms of its belief in the special status of Mirza Ghulam [...] Ahmad, they follow most of the main duties of [...] Islamsuch as prayer, fasting, pilgrimage [...]and almsgiving, as well as the basic [...]Sunni interpretations of Islamic theology. mb-soft.com |
这座山如同一堆人们的祷告,祈求能摸索到“渠道”再一次将自己和故土的记忆(历史)连接在一起。 shanghaibiennale.org | This mountain is like a pile [...] of people’sprayers all groping for [...]the “channel” to link oneself once again with the memories (histories) of the land. shanghaibiennale.org |
根据美国大使馆公布的消息,美国海军与日本自卫队(JSDF)从3月25日开始在八户进行了3天的联合行动,并将继续前往这个岛国其他受破坏的港口从事清理工作:宫古(Miyako)、釜石(Kamaishi)、大船渡(Ofunato)和仙台(Sentai)。 embassyusa.cn | Navy teams worked with the Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) for three days at Hachinohe starting March 25, according to a U.S. Embassy press [...] release, and will be moving on to clear other damaged ports in this maritime nation: [...] Miyako, Kamaishi, OfunatoandSendai. eng.embassyusa.cn |
当天的 12:37,载满140位之韩国首尔韩亚航空之包机抵达仙台,候客厅里有宫城县观光宣传活动饭团卡通造型玩偶『MUSUBIMARU』、宫城县、仙台市、山形县之女将(女掌柜)、观光事业之有关人员、以及行政机关人员等,满脸笑容并且用韩语说着「你好」出迎等候,同时也亲手传递了装有仙台名糕点以及挂链、饮料、观光手册等之礼物袋。 cn.tohokukanko.jp | Led by the Miyagi’s PR character “Musubi-maru”, landladies of Ryokan (Japanese-style inns) in Miyagi and Yamagata, tourism trade professionals as well as staff from administrative bodies welcomed them with smile, saying “annyeonghaseyo”. en.tohokukanko.jp |
许多这样的优秀做法西迁;拉丁语借来的祈祷和礼仪歌曲,antiphons,对歌,对哈里路亚使用,该doxology等,如果通过的拉丁东圣诞节,进口不只是西方的希腊顿悟,但节日盛宴后,在第四,第五,第六和第七世纪。 mb-soft.com | Many such excellent practices moved Westward; the Latin [...] rites borrowed prayers andsongs, [...]antiphons, antiphonal singing, the use of the [...]alleluia, of the doxology, etc. If the East adopted the Latin Christmas Day, the West imported not merely the Greek Epiphany, but feast after feast, in the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh centuries. mb-soft.com |
y 邻近祈德尊新邨的两座拟建楼宇的高度减少 41 米,由 50 层及 52 层分别减至 38 层及 40 层,以减少对附近地区的视觉影响。 devb.gov.hk | y The height of the two planned buildings adjacent toClague Garden has been reduced by about 41 metres, from 50 and 52 storeys to 38 and 40 storeys respectively to reduce the visual impact on the surrounding area. devb.gov.hk |