单词 | 祂 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 祂—he, it (pronoun used for God)
此时我们正在计画新一年的团契内容﹐愿神赐给我们智慧和引导﹐使我们不仅是 学习祂的话﹐同时也行走在祂的道路上。 mccc.org | As we are planning our program for the [...] New Year, may the Lord give us wisdom and guidance that we [...] will not only be learning His words but be walking Hiswalk. mccc.org |
l. l.l. l. 本质- [...] 必须在道德上和灵性上无可指责,一切事上先求 神的国和祂的义。 dcfc.org | l. Character - Must be moral and spiritual un-blamable, seeks first the Kingdom [...] of God and HisRighteousness [...]on all things. dcfc.org |
我们也在天父的惩 罚及安慰之下,就如我们也将接受祂基业的祝福,直到永 远。 calvarygs.org | We are also under the [...] supervision of HisFatherly chastisement and comfort, as we shall receive the blessing of His inheritance [...]forever and ever. calvarygs.org |
这篇诗篇不但谈及神会作甚麽去回应我们的祷告,还告诉我们透过祷告祂会在我们的心 中进行怎样的工作。 global.gofamilylife.com | This psalm not only talks about what God will do to answer our prayers, but it also [...] discusses what He does in our hearts [...]when we pray. global.gofamilylife.com |
虽然我真心期盼能够继续和AM-CCSM一同事奉,直到我前往天家或主再来的日子,但是祂在 2010年底时清楚让我看见,祂对我 的生命有其他的计画,我将在2011年底时离职。 amccsm.org | While I genuinely expected to continue working with AM-CCSM until [...] I went to heaven or the [...] Lord returned, He made it clear at the end of 2010 that He had other plans [...]for my life and I was to finish at the end of 2011. amccsm.org |
当我们让圣灵管理我们生活的时候,我们就开始看见祂从我们里头改变我们,而其他人也会从 [...] 我们的生活中看见这个果子。 magdalenatoday.com | When we allow the Holy Spirit to direct our lives, we [...] begin toseeHim changeus from [...]within and others will see this fruit in our lives. magdalenatoday.com |
现在我们在西班牙已经几乎安置好了,我们等 待其他队员的来到,也等待主所要赐下的祝福, 因着我们合一的立场与我们在祂的经纶里为着祂经纶的劳苦。 lordsmove.org | And so we are established in Spain…almost…and anticipating the arrival of other team members and of the [...] blessings that will be commanded by the Lord based upon our oneness [...] in our stand and in our labor forand inHis economy. lordsmove.org |
我们展望将高质的基督教礼品、书籍与影音产品,透过批发零售的网络,能够藉本地市场的经验,全球市场的策略思维,及主要靠着上帝的恩典与同在,将耶稣基督的福音、祂的大 爱和好信息,传到世界每一角落,及帮助已经得着救恩神的儿女,生命更丰盛的成长。 elim-hk.com | As we look to high-quality Christian gifts, books and audio-visual products through the wholesale and retail network, be able to borrow the experience of the local market, the global market, strategic thinking, and the main relied on the [...] grace of God with the same at will of Jesus [...] Christ Gospel, His greatlove and [...]good information, spread to every corner of [...]the world, and help has been the salvation of God were the sons and daughters, life more abundant growth. elim-hk.com |
2011 年共有 19 [...] 位弟兄姊妹受洗,他们一个个生命改变的见证,叫人看见神的恩 典和大能,信靠顺服祂的人是有福的,另外,欢迎 1 位姊妹转会。 sfefc.org | 19 people were baptized in 2011 to witness to the grace and power of our lifechanging God and His [...] blessings to people who commit toHim. sfefc.org |
祂的榜样给我们带来生命,这生命使我们 能够放弃我们那“我是对的”的权力,而把别人的需要放在我们自己的之上(腓 [...] 2:2-3)。 sallee.info | His example leads us to life [...] in which we can give up our "right to be right" and consider the needs of others above our own (Phil 2:2-3). sallee.info |
我相信我们中间不少的信徒都有类似的经历,就是在 遇到很大的苦处、艰难或挑战时,在没有人了解之时,却 被神用祂的话语或作为来摸着我们的心,叫我们深深的感 受到祂的眷顾和关怀,虽然环境尚无改变的迹像,但已足 够叫我们跪下、感恩、敬拜 lordsgrace.ca | Many of us have had similar experiences in that while we were still in our plight, whether it was a financial disaster, a relational nightmare or some trouble that was too grievous to share with anyone else, God touched us with His word showing us that He was “concerned” and that He had “seen” our misery. lordsgrace.ca |
靠着祂的能 力和圣灵的带领,倍增是一个会在小组里一再发生的过 程。 sallee.info | By Hispowerand the leading [...] of the Holy Spirit, multiplication is a process which will happen over and over again in the churches. sallee.info |
当我在2011年十一月写下这篇文章时,我仍然不确定自己究竟要做什么,但是主已经清楚指出,祂要使用我三年前的濒死经验,以及我因此而得、对于创伤的看见,成为祂对我的下一阶段事工的呼召的一部分。 amccsm.org | As I write this in November 2011, I am still uncertain as to exactly what I will be doing, [...] but the Lord has made it [...] clearthat Heis going to use my near death experience three years ago and the resulting insights I gained into trauma aspart of His calling for the [...]next phase of my ministry. amccsm.org |
教友学习默想或静观,从而接触自己的心灵世界,了解自己、体会天主和祂的“美善”,让天主放在我们心灵内的“美善”、智慧和潜质得以发挥。 catholic.org.hk | The faithful should learn how to meditate or contemplate, so as to get in touch with one's own [...] spiritual world, to understand oneself and to [...] experience God and His "goodness", and [...]to allow the "goodness", wisdom and potentials [...]God has placed in our hearts to develop. catholic.org.hk |
等;和丹尼尔12: [...] 2:“与那些在地球应清醒灰尘睡眠很多:一些祂永恒的生命,并永远的耻辱和蔑视他人”等,这显然是一个个人的复活,这是教 [...]- 在复活的伊萨亚斯正义的以色列人,在丹尼尔,双方的正义与邪恶。 mb-soft.com | Awake and sing, ye that dwell in the dust" etc.; and Daniel 12:2: "and many of [...] those that sleep in the dust of the earth [...] shall awake:someunto everlasting life, [...]and others to everlasting shame and contempt" [...]etc., it is clearly a personal resurrection that is taught -- in Isaias a resurrection of righteous Israelites; in Daniel, of both the righteous and the wicked. mb-soft.com |
而最好的是主耶稣基督也会在那里,祂将是每一个信徒心中最大 的喜乐。 bbnradio.org | But best of all, the Lord Jesus Christ will [...] be there, and He will be the supreme [...]delight of every believer's heart. bbnradio.org |
祂的启 示带给了生活新的意义,并协助人依照福音引导他的思想、行动及意志,并以真福八端作为生活的规范。 catholic.edu.hk | His revelation gives new [...] meaning to life and helps man to direct his thought, action and will according to the Gospel, making [...]the beatitudes his norm of life. catholic.edu.hk |
主耶稣是在吃祂在世上最後的一个逾越节晚餐时,设 立了圣餐的。其实,这逾越节的筵席也应是世人最後的一 次,因为祂就是逾越节的羔羊,除去世人的罪薛,带领了 我们走出为罪奴的埃及。 lordsgrace.ca | Jesus instituted the [...] Lord’s Supper at the last Passoverthat He ateon earth which should also be the last Passover that anyone ever needed to eat, because He is the Passover Lamb who has come to lead [...]all mankind [...]out of their “exodus” from sin. lordsgrace.ca |
神是自有永有的,祂创造天地万物和人类,乃是圣父、圣子、圣灵三位一体,独一的 神。 dcfc.org | God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit constitutes the Trinity, the ONLY GOD. dcfc.org |
因为我相信,这是主对每一个爱祂的人所发 出的重要问题。 liangyou.net | Because I believe this is the most important question that the Lord is posing to [...] everyone who says that they love Him. liangyou.net |
我们的主耶稣基督不愿意祂到天父那裡後,让我们孤单,祂赐给我们“保惠师"与我们同在。 calvarygs.org | Our wonderful Lord Jesus [...] Christ did not allow us to be left alone after He had gone to the Father. calvarygs.org |
上帝希望参与在我们的生命 中,但是我们必须放下自我,承认自己的软弱和祂的大能。 ortv.com | God wants to be a part of our lives, and [...] we can let Himby having a selfless attitude that recognizes our weakness and His strength. ortv.com |
祂和被赎者立约,使信徒藉着圣靈的感召和能力行事为人,并且成为 在属靈国度中的肢体,在基督的身体 ── 教会中,藉着爱的事奉彰 显出來。 christs-college.org | 3. Training students to go into the world and become Christ’s change agents and competent Christian leaders at church and in the marketplace guided by Christian world and life view. christs-college.org |
为此我们赞美感谢神,祂是信实的神及听祷告的神。 leedsccc.org.uk | We praise God that we continue to see people come to accept Jesus as their Saviour; these last two academic terms we have three people who accepted the Lord. leedsccc.org.uk |
提醒我们祂是乐 意饶恕,并忘记我们过犯的 神。 liangyou.net | It should remind us that our God is a God who forgives and forgets. liangyou.net |
有 关圣灵的位格与工作,还有很多可以分享的,当我们在基督里愈长大 成熟,我们就愈能了解祂在我 们生命中的同在与作为。 bbnradio.org | Much more could be shared about the person [...] and work of the Holy Spirit, and as we mature in Christ, we will [...] understand more ofHis presence and [...]work in our lives. bbnradio.org |
读到以色列人因吃的问题向摩西所说的恶言,我总以 为神会惩罚他们,或许神的内心的有怒气的,但祂却没 有 发出来,反而「从天降」吗哪来满足他们的「贪慾」。 totalgrowth.org | Instead, He “rained down” bread from heaven to satisfy their craving. totalgrowth.org |