

单词 社会不稳定

See also:


is able or not
(posing a question: whether sb, something) can or cannot?

不稳定 adj


稳定 v

stabiliseBE v

External sources (not reviewed)

石油价格迅速高涨常常立即转化社会 不稳定。
Rapidly increasing oil prices have often translated
[...] immediately into social instability.
在几内亚比绍进行的项目 62557 交付率偏低,是由于政 治社会不稳定。
Project 62557, in Guinea-Bissau, was faced with low delivery owing
[...] to political and social instability.
他提及,需 要更多的关注和研究原籍国和目的地 社会不稳定 和 不 团结问题。
It was mentioned that
[...] the issues of social instability and non-cohesion [...]
both in the countries of origin and destination
needed more attention and research.
其社会经济影响可能是灾难性的,包 括造成生产力损失、粮食不安全加重、人口流离失所 社会不稳定 和 社 会 动 乱及 冲突等等。
The socio-economic impacts can be devastating, including the loss of
productivity, greater food insecurity, displacement of
[...] populations, social instability and social unrest and [...]
conflict, among others.
他们呼吁联合国进行干预,支持防止该国出 社会不 稳定的情况。
They called for the intervention of the United Nations in
[...] support of preventing social instability in the country.
15.54 本次级方案预计能实现目标和预期成绩,前提是:(a) 尽可能减少严重威胁方案执行工作的持 续和新出现的政治社会不稳定局势 ,包括干旱、海啸、地震和洪灾等自然灾害以及人为灾害; (b) 各国政府有政治意愿将城市和住房问题纳入广泛的国家发展纲领的主流。
15.54 The subprogramme is expected to achieve its objectives and expected accomplishments on the assumption that (a)
continuing and
[...] emerging political and social instability, including natural disasters such as drought, tsunamis, earthquakes and floods, as well as human-made disasters that pose serious threats to programme implementation, [...]
will be
minimal; and (b) there will be political will among Governments to mainstream urban and housing issues in their national development agendas.
这些变化带来的社会后果包括流离失所和移徙 社会不稳定 性 增 加、可能 因竞相获取稀缺资源而引发的冲突,不容忍现象增加以及贫困,从而加剧已经存在的社会不 平等和边缘化。
The social consequences of these developments include displacement and migration, growing social instability, potential for [...]
conflict due to competition
over scarce resources, rising intolerance, poverty, and exacerbates existing social inequalities and marginalization.
高收费能够带来高收益,但同时也可能造 社会不稳定 , 但 低收费可能甚至 无法收回基本的运行和维护成本,只是单纯地将供水服务扩大到了贫困人口较为集中 [...]
High charges lead to
[...] high profits, but social unrest, whereas low [...]
charges do not even cover basic operations and maintenance,
let alone expansion of services to marginal areas where the poor are concentrated.
在1975 年爆发并于1989 年结束的黎巴嫩内战造成了该国的政治、经济社 会不稳定状态
The war that broke out in Lebanon in 1975 and ended in 1989 left the country in a state of
[...] political, economic and social instability.
长、消除贫穷、实现社会平等和减少社会排斥现象是重要的,而且对铲除极端主义和暴力行 为造社会不稳定和局 势紧张的主要原因也变得更加重要了。
It has been made clear during this conference that broadening access for young people and youth to education beyond elementary and basic education is not only important for economic growth,
eradication of poverty, achieving
[...] equality and reducing social exclusion, but becomes [...]
highly important for eradication of extremism
and violence which are the main causes of social instability and tension.
为了打社会不稳定的恶 性循环和预防冲突的 再度爆发,因此必须向受到冲突影响的人民提供各种 基本服务,使他们享有和平红利。
In order to break the
[...] vicious circle of social instability and prevent the [...]
recurrence of conflicts, it is important that
conflict-affected people be provided with basic services and thereby enjoy a peace dividend.
巴勒斯坦指出,战争破坏造成的黎巴 社会不稳定 阻 碍了在人权领域中的 进展。
Palestine noted that instability in Lebanon resulting [...]
from wars and destruction to which it had been exposed had hampered
developments in the area of human rights.
墨西哥指出,尽管黎巴嫩 社会不稳定 , 但 是在防止酷刑和改善劳动条件 方面取得了进展。
Mexico noted progress in preventing torture and in working
[...] conditions, despite the instability that had prevailed [...]
in Lebanon.
6 有组织犯罪的总体影响可最 终从其净效应中感知,其中包括,吸毒成瘾,法治不力 社会不稳定 , 严 重的经 济损失,贫困,部分情况下还包括环境恶化。
In some countries, interpersonal violence is as frequent a cause of disability as road traffic accidents.6 The overall impact of
organized crime is felt
[...] ultimately in terms of its net effects, which include drug addiction, a weak rule of law, instability, serious economic [...]
losses, poverty and,
in some cases, environmental degradation.
9 月 3 日)。这个圆桌会议对以各种新的方式出现并因世界化、日益扩大的经济不平等 社会 不稳定而更加严重的种族主义和歧视现象展开了辩论。
This panel provided an opportunity to discuss new forms
of racism and discrimination that are reinforced by globalization, growing
[...] economic inequalities and social uncertainty.
持续不断的冲突以社会不稳定加剧安全和治安问题,阻止了 人们逃离,影响了有关人士获得人道主义的援助以及人道主义救济品的发放,由 [...]
Ongoing conflict and social instability have increased [...]
safety and security concerns, deterred people from fleeing, and hindered
humanitarian access to persons of concern and the delivery of humanitarian aid, thus limiting the provision of protection and relief.
不结盟运动依然认为,不发展,不创造就业机会, 就不可能实现持久和平,而如 社会不稳定 , 就 不可 能实现可持续发展。
The Movement maintains its position that there can be no lasting peace without development and job creation and no sustainable development without stability.
文书;依据关于增进和保护人权国家机构地位的原则( 巴黎原则) ,建立一个国家
[...] 人权机构;加强对安全部队的人权教育;制订出相关战略,整治由于本国的政治社会不稳定滋生 的侵犯人权行为;并与人权高专办密切携手合作,在几内亚境 [...]
Most of them stressed the importance of: ratifying international human rights instruments to which Guinea was not yet party; establishing an independent national human rights institution in accordance with the principles relating to the status of national institutions for the promotion and protection of human rights (Paris Principles); promoting the human rights education for the security forces; developing strategies to address
human rights violations stemming from
[...] its political and social instability; and working in [...]
close cooperation with OHCHR in order
to establish an OHCHR Office in Guinea.
各经济部门频繁的 罢工可能导社会不稳定,另 外,几内亚森林地区不断出现的动乱也十分令人担 忧,该地区心怀不满的团体仍然呼吁让达迪斯·卡马拉上尉返回。
Besides potential social instability resulting from [...]
frequent strikes by various sectors of the economy, there was also a
serious concern over the recurrent disturbances in the Guinea Forestière region, where disgruntled groups were still calling for the return of Captain Dadis Camara.
军政府承认,财政能力不足,无法向人民提供基本服务,而且粮食 危机不断扩大,这些仍然是可能引 社会不稳定 的 因 素,进而可能严重威胁过渡 进程。
The lack of financial capacity to provide basic services to the population and the growing food crisis, acknowledged by
the military Government, remain
[...] potential factors of social destabilization that, in turn, [...]
represent a significant threat to the transition.
若要维持国际和平与安全,就不能不讨论确保边 界安全以防止非法流动的问题,因为物资、资金、商 品和人员的非法跨界流动造 社会不稳定 , 包 括在国 家和国际层面。
We cannot avoid discussing securing borders against illicit flows if we are to maintain international peace and security, because the illicit cross-border flow
of materials, funds, goods and
[...] people causes instability in our societies at both the national [...]
and international levels.
[...] 放在基础设施建设、农村发展和人力资源能力建设 上,提高民众、特别是青年的就业率,从根本上消社会不稳定因素
In the existing circumstances, we support the Government’s action in giving priority to developing infrastructure, rural development and human resource
capacity-development, in particular for young people, with a view to
[...] eliminating factors for instability from the outset.
人民对其自然资源享有的永久主权是其自 决权不可剥夺的一部分,为了和平 稳定 , 国际 社会必须保护这项权利。
A people’s permanent sovereignty over its natural resources was part
of its inalienable
[...] right to self-determination, and it must be safeguarded by the international community in the interest of peace and stability.
在全球化的时代,世界不可能在地区 间存在巨大不平等的情况下实现真正的繁荣,这 不 平 等 将可能威 社会 的 公正 、 稳定 、 安 全与和平。
In this era of globalization, the world cannot genuinely
prosper with profound inequalities between
[...] regions, which eventually threaten social justice, stability, security and peace.
近些年来吉尔吉斯斯坦的毒品形势特征为:药物非法流通对国内安全和国社会稳定的负面影不断加 剧和增强。
In recent years, the situation in Kurdistan with regard
to drug addiction has
[...] worsened steadily, and the adverse impact of illegal drug trafficking on domestic security and social stability has been growing.
在这方面缺乏透明度可能会导致:(a) 破坏对个 别公共当局及政府和国家机构总体的信任和政治支持,从而危及到公共干预措施 的有效性,并可能带来政不稳定的 危 险;(b) 引发大幅度的财富再分配,其方 式不仅不公平,而且可能在某些情况下还是非法的; 会 助 长 寻租行为,不利于 公平竞争,并且会为总体的效率、创新和竞争力提供错误的激励;(c) 延续不合 时宜的做法和政治机构,包括拉拢收买、腐败和任由特定的行业或集团绑架公共 政策,从而延迟国家机构的现代化,从长远来看会阻碍整体的经济 社会 和 政治 发展。
A lack of transparency in that respect might (a) undermine trust and political support for individual public authorities and Government and State institutions in general, thus endangering the efficacy of public
interventions and
[...] risking political instability; (b) provoke significant redistributions of wealth in ways that not only are unfair and, in some cases, possibly illegal, but also favour rent-seeking behaviour, act against fair competition and provide the wrong incentives for efficiency, innovation and competitiveness in general; and (c) prolong outdated practices and political institutions, including co-optation, corruption and the capture of public policies by specific industries or groups, delaying the modernization of State institutions and impeding overall economic, social and political development [...]
over the longer term.
(m) 审查联海稳定团在执行安全理事会第 2012(2011)号决议授权的减少兵
[...] 力方面所取得的进展,评估为鼓励海地对安全和重建活动拥有更大的所有权进行 规划的情况,并审查根据当地安全局势总体改善情况调整联海稳定团部队配置的 潜力,同时要考虑社会和政 治现实对海地 稳定 和 安 全的影响,海地国家能力 的日益发展,包括海地国家警不断 加 强,国家当局越来越多地行使维护稳定和 安全职责等情况。
(m) Review the progress of implementation by MINUSTAH of the force reduction authorized by the Security Council in its resolution 2012 (2011), assess planning to encourage greater Haitian ownership of security and reconstruction activities and examine the potential for adjustments to MINUSTAH force configuration based on the overall
improved security
[...] situation on the ground, taking into account the impact of social and political realities on stability and security, the increasing development of Haitian [...]
State capabilities,
including the ongoing strengthening of the Haitian National Police, and the increasing exercise by the national authorities of their responsibility for the maintenance of stability and security.
[...] 意识和凸显在民族或族裔、宗教和语言上属于少数群体的人的权利方面发挥的作 用,及其为促进和保护他们的权利 不 断 作 出的努力,以确保公平发展及建立和平稳定的社会,包 括为此与各国政府、联合国相关机构和机制以及非政府组织进行 密切合作;邀请少数群体问题独立专家向大会提交年度报告(第 [...]
66/166 号决议)。
At its sixty-sixth session, the General Assembly commended the Independent Expert on minority issues for the work that had been done and the important role in raising the level of awareness of and in giving added visibility to the rights of persons belonging to national or ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities and for the ongoing efforts to promote and protect their
rights in order to
[...] ensure equitable development and peaceful and stable societies, including through close cooperation with Governments, [...]
the relevant
United Nations bodies and mechanisms and non-governmental organizations; and invited the Independent Expert on minority issues to report annually to the General Assembly (resolution 66/166).
在这方面,国社会有必 要在联合国带领下,加 倍努力制订全球综合战略,以解决该地 不稳定 的深层根源,特别是确保更好地协调执行受影响国家、非 洲联盟、次区域组织以及各双边和多边利益攸关方所 采取的举措;加强国家能力以改善边境管制,解决缺 乏安全和欠发达这两种挑战;调动更多的国际援助支 持西非和萨赫勒地区国家;最后,考虑到目前没有一 个联合国机构拥有涵盖整个萨赫勒广阔地区的全面 授权,加强已经在该地区开展活动的联合国各机构之 间的互动以及它们的实地存在。
In the same
[...] context, the international community, with the United Nations in the lead, is also called upon to redouble its efforts to establish an integrated global strategy to deal with the deep-rooted causes of instability in the region, [...]
in particular by ensuring
better coordination to implement the initiatives undertaken by affected countries, the African Union, subregional organizations and their various bilateral and multilateral stakeholders; strengthening national capacities in order to ensure better border control and address the challenges of a lack of security and underdevelopment; mobilizing more international aid for West African and Sahel countries; and, lastly, enhancing the interoperability among the various United Nations bodies already in the area and their presence in the field, given the fact that no United Nations body currently has a global mandate to cover the vast Sahel region.
在目前世界政治和经不稳定的环 境下,重 要的是不要忘了,通过共同努力,国 社会 能 够 按 照《联合国宪章》所确立的原则建立一个“更加美 好的世界”。
In the current climate of global political
[...] and economic uncertainty, it was important to remember that through collective action the international community could create a better [...]
world in accordance
with the principles of the Charter of the United Nations.




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