单词 | 礼遇 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 礼遇 —polite receptionless common: deferential treatment See also:礼—courtesy • ceremony • rite • propriety • surname Li 遇 v—meet v • treat v 遇—chance • surname Yu 遇 n—opportunity n 礼 n—gift n • etiquette n
在某些情况下,妇女比男人受到更 多的礼遇和尊重。 daccess-ods.un.org | In some cases, women are [...] treated with more courtesy and respect [...]than men. daccess-ods.un.org |
最后,主席先生,我再次感谢你的 礼遇 , 并 感谢 你已经完成和同我们大家一道完成的所有工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | Finally, I thank you once again, Mr. President, for your courtesy and for all the work that you have done and we that we have all done together. daccess-ods.un.org |
作为费尔蒙总统俱乐部的会员,我愿意收到包括会员独享旅行优惠和套餐、仅限特邀的活动和有关计 划 礼遇 更 新 的电子邮件。 fairmont.cn | As a member of Fairmont President's Club I would like to get emails with exclusive member-only travel offers and packages, special invitation-only events and updates regarding my Program Benefits. fairmont.com |
注册费是每年 [...] 2,500 欧元,贵机构将享受众多礼遇,包 括以标准条件和 SWIFT 文档使用 [...]SWIFT 产品和服务。 swift.com | The registration fee is EUR 2,500 per year, and provides you with a [...] wide range of benefits, including access [...]to SWIFT products and services under [...]standard conditions and SWIFT documentation. swift.com |
过去,第一委员会一直享有在最后一个星 期五举行两次会议的礼遇,这 与我们今天的做法一 样。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the past, the First Committee had been given the courtesy of having two meetings on the last Friday, as we are doing today. daccess-ods.un.org |
请参见费尔蒙总统俱乐部的适用条款以了解有关此会 籍 礼遇 的 更 多详情。 fairmont.cn | See Terms and Conditions of Fairmont President's Club for more details on this member benefit. fairmont.com |
在不违反第22和第24条之情形下,本协定附件B所规定之各 部部长、各处、局首长及官员本人,及本条第1和第2段所 [...] 指定人员之配偶及由其抚养之子女,在其居留法国期间, 应享受与驻法国的外交使团成员相同之特权、豁免、便利 及其它礼遇。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Without prejudice to Articles 22 and 24, the directors of departments, the heads of services and bureaux and officials defined in Annex B of this Agreement, and the spouses and dependent children of the persons designated in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article shall be accorded during their residence in [...] France the privileges, immunities and [...] facilities and other courtesies accorded to members [...]of foreign diplomatic missions in France. unesdoc.unesco.org |
我们申明,我们决心消除对移徙者、移徙工人及其家人的暴力,我们呼 [...] 吁各会员国采取措施预防和有效处理这种暴力事件并确保这些人员受到各国的 人道待遇和礼遇,无论其地位如何。 daccess-ods.un.org | We affirm our determination to eliminate violence against migrants, migrant workers and their families, and we call upon Member States to adopt measures for preventing and addressing effectivel y cases of such [...] violence and to ensure that those [...] individuals receive humane and respectful treatment [...]from States, regardless of their status. daccess-ods.un.org |
在退还 TaylorMade 高尔夫球具时,您只需填写 TaylorMade 高尔夫球具礼遇反馈 表并将您对这一独享会 籍 礼遇 的 看 法告诉我们。 fairmont.cn | When you return your TaylorMade golf clubs, simply fill out the TaylorMade Golf Club benefit feedback form and tell us how you enjoyed this exclusive member benefit. fairmont.com |
2003 年公布的一项法令,公共治安总局向一些群 体发放居留证;如果儿童的母亲是黎巴嫩公民,则无论其父亲的国籍,均可免费 获得为期三年的可以延期的礼遇居留 证。 daccess-ods.un.org | Among the most important of these are the integration of reproductive health into primary health care (pursuant to a decree issued in 2003), and the temporary special measure relating to nationality (the Directorate General of Public Security grants residence permits to some groups, including the children of a Lebanese mother, and free, three-year, renewable courtesy residence permits for the children of a Lebanese mother regardless of the nationality of the husband, pursuant to a decree issued in 2003). daccess-ods.un.org |
考虑到为世界和平的出现和胜利做出贡献的任何 行为或行动,都应得到尊重、鼓励和 礼遇, 在 大会第二十五届会议(巴黎,1989 年) 上,一百二十个国家支持一致鼓掌通过的第 25 C/23 号决议,从而在教科文组织支持下设立 “费利克斯·乌夫埃--布瓦尼争取和平奖”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Appreciating President Félix HouphoëtBoigny’s eloquent observation that “peace is not an empty word but a form of behaviour”, One hundred and twenty countries sponsored 25 C/Resolution 23, adopted by acclamation by the General Conference at its twenty-fifth session (Paris, 1989) thereby instituting under the auspices of UNESCO the Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize. unesdoc.unesco.org |
加拿大根据议定书第二条,每年更新其 [...] 申报单,并按照第五条的规定,给予原子能机构视察员准 入 礼遇。 daccess-ods.un.org | Canada has provided updates to its declaration pursuant to article II of the protocol on an annual basis and has provided complementary access to IAEA inspectors under the [...] provisions of article V. We urge States that have yet to do so to [...] conclude and bring into force an [...]additional protocol with IAEA. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们致力于提供可供您在旅途期间享受便利的各 种 礼遇 与 特 权。 fairmont.cn | We are committed in providing benefits and privileges that offer convenience and access to what you want when you travel. fairmont.com |
大会第 65/230 号决议核可了《关 于应对全球挑战的综合战略:预防犯罪和刑事司法系统及其在不断变化的世界 中的发展的萨尔瓦多宣言》,各会员国在《宣言》中申明其决心消除暴力侵害移 民、移民工人及其家人的行为,并吁请各会员国采取措施有效预防和处理这类 暴力案件,确保他们受到各国的人道 待 遇 和 礼遇 , 不 论其身份地位为何,又请 会员国立即采取步骤,在国际预防犯罪战略和准则中纳入相关措施,以期预 防、起诉和惩治暴力侵害移民以及与种族主义、仇外心理和相关不容忍行为有 关的犯罪行为,还请预防犯罪和刑事司法委员会进一步全面审议这一问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the Salvador Declaration on Comprehensive Strategies for Global Challenges: Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Systems and Their Development in a Changing World, endorsed by the General Assembly in its resolution 65/230, Member States affirmed their determination to eliminate violence against migrants, migrant workers and their families, and called upon Member States to adopt measures for preventing and addressing effectively cases of such violence and to ensure that those individuals received humane and respectful treatment from States, regardless of their status. daccess-ods.un.org |
考虑到为世界和平的出现和胜利做出贡献的任 何行为或行动,都应得到尊重、鼓励 和 礼遇, 序言 unesdoc.unesco.org | Considering that any form of behaviour or action that contributes to the emergence and triumph of peace in the world merits respect, encouragement and distinction unesdoc.unesco.org |
考虑到为世界和平的出现和胜利做出贡献的任何 行为或行动,都应得到尊重、鼓励和 礼遇, 在 大会第二十五届会议(巴黎,1989 年) 上,一百二十个国家支持一致鼓掌通过的第 25 C/23 号决议,从而在教科文组织支持下设立 “费利克斯·乌夫埃--布瓦尼争取和平奖”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Considering that any form of behaviour or action that contributes to the emergence and triumph of peace in the world merits respect, encouragement and distinction unesdoc.unesco.org |
费尔蒙总统俱乐部会籍可令您享受诸多独 享 礼遇 与 尊 贵特权。 fairmont.cn | Membership in Fairmont President's Club allows you access to a host of exclusive benefits and privileges. fairmont.com |
美国代表团谨郑重提醒贵代表团,应在 相关要员计划抵达时间之前,提前两个工作日提出港 口 礼遇 申 请,而且不应在星 期五下午 3 时之后提交。除每年 9 月一般性辩论期间外,美国代表团和国务院周 末都没有工作人员处理正常上班时间之后提交的临抵达机场前和临离境前申请。 daccess-ods.un.org | The United States Mission respectfully reminds the Permanent Mission that requests for courtesies of the port should be submitted two business days prior to the scheduled arrival of the dignitary concerned, and should not be submitted on Fridays after 3 p.m. Except during the period of the general debate each September, neither the United States Mission nor the Department of State is staffed over the weekend to deal with last-minute airport arrival and departure requests that arrive after normal business hours. daccess-ods.un.org |
只需在任何费尔蒙酒店及度假村入住时出示您的 Etihad Guest 常旅客计会员卡,即可通过每次住宿获得 500 飞行里数及更多礼遇。 fairmont.cn | Simply present your Etihad Guest Card at any of our Fairmont Hotels & Resorts at check-in and you will enjoy 500 Miles per stay and much more. fairmont.com |
一直自命不凡的谢灵运受到这种礼遇 后 ,更加狂妄自大。 chinesestoryonline.com | On the one hand, he was a devout Buddhist, dreaming to seclude himself in remote mountains; but on the other hand, he was extremely proud, or more exactly, arrogant, and never missed any chance to show off his talents. chinesestoryonline.com |
贵为俱乐部会员,您将在旅行期间享受到众多独享优惠和非凡体验,并通过各 种 礼遇 和 特 权感受无处不在的轻松便捷。 fairmont.cn | As a member, you will discover a world of benefits and privileges that provide convenience when you travel and access to exclusive offerings and experiences. fairmont.com |
我们认识到,是我们的员工最终决定了我们的成功,因此我们尊重 和 礼遇 每 一 位员工,极力鼓励每一位员工分享他们的意见,从而铸造公司的成功。 corning.com | We recognize that ultimately our people determine our success, which is why we respect and treat all employees as individuals and strongly encourage each and every employee to share their ideas to help make the company successful. corning.com |
签证:希腊外交部将给各国部长以相应 的 礼遇 ; 另外,为便于所有其他与会人员入 境,还可能为第四届国际体育运动部长和高级官员会议与会者专门设置一个移民通道。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Visas: Ministers will be received by the protocol service of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs; also, to facilitate entry by all the other participants, an immigration counter may be reserved for MINEPS IV participants. unesdoc.unesco.org |
日前,来自瑞典的豪华品牌沃尔沃汽车宣布在全国范围内广招忠实拥趸共赴北欧:从即日起到 7 月 31 日,凡是购买 XC90 北欧版的用户将有机会参加 9 月初的“沃尔沃 XC90 北欧征服之旅”,随沃尔沃“出征北欧”,一路尽享北欧奢 华 礼遇 , 饕餮异国奇幻美景。 volvocars.com | A unique joint project together with Swedish energy supplier Vattenfall is prompting the production of battery-powered Volvos featuring plug-in hybrid technology as early as 2012 må, 01 jun 2009 05:00:00 http://www.volvocars.com/intl/top/corporate/pages /default.aspx?itemid=15 A Volvo that can be fuelled with electricity from a standard wall socket will be a reality in 2012. volvocars.com |
贵代表团知道,鲁维亚莱斯大使有资格享受港 口 礼遇 。 2010 年 6 月 25 日星 期五,尼加拉瓜常驻代表团和美国代表团就大使将于 [...] 7 月 2 日抵达纽约一事进行 了讨论。 daccess-ods.un.org | As the Permanent Mission is aware, Ambassador Rubiales [...] is eligible for courtesies of the port, and [...]discussions were held between the Permanent [...]Mission of Nicaragua and the United States Mission on Friday, 25 June 2010 with regard to her upcoming arrival in New York on 2 July. daccess-ods.un.org |
在总部,已经或正在采取各种措施,以便:(i)从人员配备和资金方面加强总部外协 调局的力量,发挥其作为总部负责总部外事宜部门的作用,(ii)在作为各部门面向总部外 [...] 工作的主要联络点和入口处的各部门执行办公室的授权之下,在一般事务类的中高职级中引 [...] 入地区总部外办事处联络中心的职位;(iii)在以下两个方面加强总部外协调局和对外关系 与合作部门的合作:为对外关系与合作部门工作人员在总部外 遭 遇 的 相 关处境提供政治上和 礼仪上 的支持,以及同各国全委会开展重要合作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | At Headquarters, various steps have been/are being taken to: (i) strengthen the role of BFC, as the voice of the field at Headquarters, in staffing and resourcing terms; (ii) introduce the functions of regional field office focal points at mid- to senior-GS level, under the authority of the EOs of each sector as primary focal and entry points for the field in each sector; and (iii) enhance cooperation between BFC and ERC in terms of both the political and [...] protocol backstopping of ERC [...] staff for relevant situations encountered in the field and also of the [...]all-important cooperation with National Commissions. unesdoc.unesco.org |
很多会员国都提到了在下述方面进一步加强部门间合作的 机 遇 : 多 种语言;信息传播 技术为教育特别是为培养师资服务;传媒教育;制作多样化和具有文化多样性的地方内容; 文化遗产,其中特别是要加强“世界记忆”计划和重大计划 IV 中的其它文化遗产活动的联 系;信息伦理;信息传播技术为人权和民主教育服务。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Many Member States identified opportunities for furthering intersectoral cooperation in the following areas: multilingualism; ICTs for education, especially for teacher training; media education; production of diversified and culturally diversified local content; cultural heritage, in particular by strengthening the links between the Memory of the World Programme and the other cultural heritage activities under Major Programme IV; infoethics; and the use of ICTs in human rights and democracy education. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这一进程中所遇到的 主要挑战在于如何保持教科文组织作为一个专门机构的特异 性和能力,这个专门机构拥有复杂的政府间委员会,在促进国际公约、规范性和确立 [...] 标准的方案以作为解决在该组织管辖权领域内主要的全球问题表率中各自具有自己的 政治和技术议程。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The major challenge encountered in this process has [...] been how to maintain UNESCO’s specificity, hence strength, as a specialized [...]agency with its complex composites of intergovernmental committees with its own political and technical agendas in the promotion of international conventions, normative and standard-setting programmes to serve as exemplars in addressing major global issues in the fields of competence of the Organization. unesdoc.unesco.org |
理事会正在寻求问题的短 期解决办法,但需要找到普遍定期审议资金问题的长期解决办法,避免采取临时 措施,因为这有可能损害所有国家待 遇 平 等 的原则。 daccess-ods.un.org | While searching for a solution to the problem in the short term, the Council needed to also find a long-term solution to the question of resources for the universal periodic review process to avoid ad hoc measures, which risked undermining the principle of equal treatment for all States. daccess-ods.un.org |