单词 | 磷虾 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 磷虾 noun —krill nSee also:磷 adj—phosphorus adj 磷 n—phosphonium n 虾 pl—prawns pl 虾 n—shrimps pl • stern n 磷—phosphorus (chemistry)
需要特别注意充分监测和管理磷虾捕 捞,以确保其预期发展在 与目标鱼种以及与依附和相关鱼种的关系方面符合第二条的规定。 daccess-ods.un.org | Particular attention needed to be [...] directed to the adequacy of monitoring and [...] management of the krill fishery to ensure [...]its expected development consistent with [...]article II, both in relation to the target species and dependent and related species. daccess-ods.un.org |
这将有助于避免捕捉磷销的船只与依靠磷销为升的生物之间的竞争,因 为 磷虾 的 捕捉区域与企鹅和海豹觅食的重要区域严重重叠。 project-syndicate.org | This would help avoid local competition between krill vessels and the creatures that need krill to live, since krill fishing closely overlaps with the critical foraging areas for penguins and seals. project-syndicate.org |
天然膳食补充剂可以有效缓解,包括黑升麻,大豆异黄酮 , 磷虾 油 和大豆产品,等。 cn.iherb.com | Natural supplements that may help include black [...] cohosh, isoflavones, krill oil and soy. iherb.com |
这种在南大洋冰冷的海水里发现的 磷虾 是 鱼的油脂和饲料的一种重要成分。 project-syndicate.org | Found in the cold waters of the [...] Southern Ocean, krill constitute a key [...]ingredient in fish oil and feed. project-syndicate.org |
人们不应捕捉南极磷虾去喂养养鱼场的鱼类而让那些依靠这些细小、但却极其重要的动物为生的企鹅、海豹、鲸和其他物种饱受饥饿。 project-syndicate.org | Antarctic krill must not be fished [...] to feed the fish farms of the world while starving the penguins, seals, whales, and other [...]species whose survival depends on these tiny, but vitally important, creatures. project-syndicate.org |
尽管人们以前认为以磷虾为生 的物种生活在南大洋的大片地区,南极海洋生命资源保护公约依然必须科学地把总体上的捕捉限制再加以细分。 project-syndicate.org | Although the needs of krill-dependent species [...] were previously considered for large areas of the Southern Ocean, the CCAMLR [...]must still scientifically subdivide the overall catch limit into smaller units. project-syndicate.org |
欧洲联盟注意到,出现 [...] 了对来自低热带水面海洋物种的海鲜产品的新需求, 特别是小型海洋水层鱼类和磷虾,不 仅供人类消费, 也用于其他用途,比如喂养养殖鱼类和其他商业用 [...]途,并且这种需求正在增长。 daccess-ods.un.org | The European Union notes that there is a new demand for seafood products drawn from marine species occupying [...] low trophic levels, particularly small [...] pelagic species and krill, not only for [...]human consumption but also for other uses, [...]such as feed for farmed fish and other commercial uses, and that this demand is growing. daccess-ods.un.org |
在南极地区, 对磷虾的捕 捞热情仍在持续,2010年渔获量增长率超过70%。 fao.org | In the Antarctic areas, interest [...] in fishing for krill resumed, and a [...]catch increase of more than 70 percent was registered in 2010. fao.org |
尽管一只磷虾只能 长到2克重,但是合在一起它们却组成了地球上动物种群之一。 project-syndicate.org | Although each krill may only grow [...] to weigh about two grams, together they constitute one of the most abundant animal species on Earth. project-syndicate.org |
事实上,磷虾是海洋生命中数量最为庞大的物种,其数量也许比地球上任何其他多分子的动物都要多。 project-syndicate.org | Indeed, krill form the largest known [...] aggregation of marine life, with a biomass perhaps greater than any other multi-cellular [...]animal organism on the planet. project-syndicate.org |
南极海洋生物资源保护公约秘书处指出,委员会的科 [...] 学委员会已提出了今后三年南部海洋工作的三个重点领域:管 理 磷虾 渔 业 的反 馈;对银鳕鱼渔业,尤其是试捕渔业进行评估;海洋保护区。 daccess-ods.un.org | The secretariat of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources noted that the Commission’s Scientific Committee had identified three priority areas for its work over the next [...] three years in the Southern Ocean: feedback [...] management of the krill fishery; assessment [...]of toothfish fisheries, especially in [...]exploratory fisheries; and marine protected areas. daccess-ods.un.org |
南极海洋生命资源保护公约还应该把 对 磷虾 捕 捉 的这些监督管理措施实施到所有其他也有此要求的渔业上。 project-syndicate.org | The CCAMLR should [...] also apply to krill fishing the same [...]monitoring, control, and surveillance measures that it requires for all other fisheries. project-syndicate.org |
另外,对于磷虾产品的需求,从鱼油、鱼饲料到面霜和其他化妆品在过去20年间也变得越来越大。 project-syndicate.org | Furthermore, demand for krill products – from [...] fish oil and feed to skin creams and other cosmetics – has increased over the past 20 years. project-syndicate.org |
利用南极磷虾,2007年其上岸量为118124吨。尽管能得 到 磷虾 粉 和 磷虾 油 , 但有 关其全球总产量和市场可获得性的信息目前没有获得。 fao.org | Although krill meal and krill oil are available, information concerning their total global production and market availability is currently unavailable. fao.org |
这种“红金色”的动物是南极海洋食物链的核心,而一些在陆地活动的 食 磷虾 的 动 物,如企鹅和海豹,面 对 磷虾 数 量 的减少会显得尤其脆弱。 project-syndicate.org | This “pink gold” forms the heart of the Antarctic marine food web, and land-based krill predators, such as penguins and seals, are most vulnerable to krill scarcity. project-syndicate.org |
南大洋有着世界上最多的磷虾。 project-syndicate.org | The Southern Ocean contains the largest [...] population of krill in the world. project-syndicate.org |
(b) 一些现有的和新的危险物质和物品清单制定和分类(包括医疗废弃物和 医疗器械或设备;高压化学品;磷虾 粉 ; 制成品以及锂电池和超级电容器等电子 [...] 存储系统中含有的汞)、相关包装和检验方法,以及对某些包装和罐桶要求的修 订;(c) 危险货物的限量包装运输和例外数量包装的运输 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) The listing and classification of some existing and new dangerous substances and articles (including medical wastes [...] and medical devices or equipment; chemicals [...] under pressure; krill meal; mercury contained [...]in manufactured articles, and electronic [...]storage systems such as lithium batteries and ultracapacitors), related packing and test methods, and the revision of some packing and tank requirements daccess-ods.un.org |
科学家们已经发现南极洲的西南部分的一些地 区 磷虾 的 数 量已经无法满足需求了。 project-syndicate.org | Scientists have found [...] that demand for krill has begun to exceed [...]supply in some areas of the Southwest Atlantic. project-syndicate.org |
不幸的是,最近的研究显示被扩大的 磷虾 捕 捉 会威胁到南极的生态系统。 project-syndicate.org | Unfortunately, recent research indicates [...] that expanded krill fishing might [...]put the Antarctic ecosystem at risk. project-syndicate.org |
对于磷虾越来 越大的需求量,以及新的捕捉和加工能力,使得南极的生态系统越来越难以承受。 project-syndicate.org | The increased demand for krill, together with [...] the new catching and processing capabilities, has combined in a way that the [...]Antarctic ecosystem might not be able to withstand. project-syndicate.org |
饮食:许多海豹吃的鱼,虾,磷虾和 鳗 鱼。 zh.northrup.org | Diet: Many [...] seals eat fish, shrimp, krill, and eel. northrup.org |
来自世界上主要捕鱼国的代表今年秋天聚集在澳大利亚商议限 制 磷虾 的 捕 捉量以此来帮助那些 以 磷虾 为 生 的生物。 project-syndicate.org | Representatives from the world’s major fishing nations, meeting this fall in Australia, have an opportunity to limit krill catches, thereby helping creatures that need krill to survive. project-syndicate.org |
因为磷虾喜欢 成群结队地活动,所以它们很容易被捕捉因而特别容易吸引大规模商业利益的兴趣。 project-syndicate.org | As krill tend to aggregate [...] in concentrated swarms, they are easy to catch and have become particularly attractive to large-scale commercial interests. project-syndicate.org |
但是那对于海豹、阿黛利企鹅、座头鲸、蓝鲸以及其他许多物种来说却是一个坏消息,因为绝大部分南极海洋生态系统的生物体依靠 吃 磷虾 或 者 其他 吃 磷虾 的 东 西为生。 project-syndicate.org | But that’s bad news for leopard seals and Adelie penguins, humpback and blue whales, and [...] many other species, because most organisms in the Antarctic marine [...] ecosystem eat either krill or something that eats krill. project-syndicate.org |
南极海洋生命资源保护公约倡导在渔业管理上重视生态系统和采取谨慎的捕捉方法,现在他们把这用在了对于南 极 磷虾 的 保 护上。 project-syndicate.org | The CCAMLR has pioneered ecosystem and precautionary approaches to fisheries management, which are now [...] central to maintaining Antarctic krill. project-syndicate.org |
然而,鲑鱼是食肉动物,为了满足这些大批的人工养殖的鱼类的贪婪的食欲,水产业开始越来越多地把他们的注意力放在了一种通常叫做南 极 磷虾 的 很 小的甲壳纲动物身上。 project-syndicate.org | Salmon are carnivorous, however, and to feed the voracious appetite of these legions of farm-raised fish, [...] the aquaculture industry increasingly has turned its attention to a small crustacean [...] commonly known as Antarctic krill. project-syndicate.org |
z 网状分布式生物多样性信息系统; z 开发用于缅因湾的动态生物地理信息系统; z 六放珊瑚虫(珊瑚、海葵及其它有关生物)的生物地理信息统计学; z 扩充头足类软体动物数据库,使之成为海洋生物地理信息系统的生物学样板; z 印度-太平洋海洋软体动物生物学数据库; z 动物基因库,哲水蚤类桡足类甲壳动物 和 磷虾 目 浮 游甲壳动物 DNA 序列数据 库; z 亚热带大西洋浮游动物和自游微生物种类构成的日、季、年际模式; z 海洋鱼类的种群普查。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Measurements from both the global and regional observations systems provide data from three general sources: discrete sampling followed by measurements (e.g., samples of water, sediments, or organisms are collected and taken to a laboratory where measurements are made); in situ sensing (the sensor is in the environment where the measurement is made); and remote sensing (from satellites, aircraft, and landbased platforms). unesdoc.unesco.org |
欧共体代表团在表示支持通过该规范时说明,如果食典委不支持通过 龙 虾 的 部分, 整个部分应退回到鱼和渔业产品委员会进一步审议。 codexalimentarius.org | The Delegation of the European Community, while supporting the adoption of the Code, expressed the opinion that, [...] should the Commission not support adoption of [...] the section on lobsters, the entire section [...]should be returned to the Committee [...]on Fish and Fishery Product for further consideration. codexalimentarius.org |
在水产养殖中,养殖鲑鱼、鲶鱼和对 虾的 大 型生产者建立了先进的中央控制的加工场,增加产品式样、获得更好产量以及 [...] 回应不断演化的进口国质量和安全要求。 fao.org | In aquaculture, large producers of farmed [...] salmon, catfish and shrimp have established [...]advanced centralized processing plants [...]to enhance the product mix, obtain better yields and respond to evolving quality and safety requirements in importing countries. fao.org |