

单词 磷的

See also:


phosphonium n

phosphorus (chemistry)

External sources (not reviewed)

关于爆炸弹药含有磷的 问题 ,军法署署长的结论是,在行动中使用这种武器符合以色列在国际法中的义 务。
With respect to exploding
[...] munitions containing white phosphorous, the Military Advocate [...]
General concluded that the use of
this weapon in the operation was consistent with Israel’s obligations under international law.
z 海岸带陆-海相互作用计划的总体目标是测定进入、存在于和来自沿岸生态 系统的物质通量(重点是水、沉积物以及碳、氮 磷的 化 合 物)。
designed to provide an evaluation of technology, methods, or concepts the results of which are intended to advance the development of the sustained, integrated observing system.
在多起其他事件中,有关方面发现以色列 蓄意将含有磷的射弹 发射到人口密集的平民区, 包括联合国房地所在的区域。
In a number of other incidents as well, Israel had been found
to have deliberately fired
[...] projectiles containing white phosphorous into densely populated [...]
civilian areas, including areas
where UNRWA premises were situated.
上周日 2012 年 1 月 1 日,有两枚含磷的迫击炮弹从加沙射 到 Eshkol 地区某以色列农庄。
Last Sunday, 1 January 2012, two mortar shells
[...] containing white phosphorus were fired from Gaza at an Israeli farm in the area of Eshkol.
如果大家還 記得,在 1987 年,就是因為有內地含有甲磷的毒 菜 輸入香港,令百多名 市民有需要送院。
If Members still recall it, back in 1987, it was because poisonous vegetables containing methamidophos from the Mainland were imported into Hong Kong that more than 100 people were hospitalized.
由于白磷极易与氧气发生反应,Veeco 磷回收系统 (PRS) 提供了一种在为 MBE
[...] 系统通风以进行维护和/或源重新装载之前捕获及中和生长模块中 磷的 安 全 高效方法。
Due to white phosphorus's extreme reactivity with oxygen, Veeco's Phosphorus Recovery System (PRS) provides a
safe, efficient means of trapping and
[...] neutralizing white phosphorus from the growth [...]
module prior to venting an MBE system for
maintenance and/or source reloading.
例如,肉磷的含量是钙的 20 至 40 倍,但狗狗要维持健康,所需的量是一个特定的比例。
For example, meat contains 20 to 40 times more phosphorus than calcium, [...]
but a dog's body needs a specific ratio of them to keep it healthy.
哥伦比亚代表团指出,糙米中乙酰甲胺磷和甲 磷的 拟 议 最高残留限量只能在步 骤5予以通过,并需要农药残留法典委员会进一步审议,因为该产品的国内摄入数据超出 了粮农组织/世卫组织农药残留联席专家会议设定的每日允许摄入量,从而拟议的最高残 留限量无法有效保护消费者的健康。
The Delegation of Colombia noted that the MRLs proposed for acephate and methamidophos in rice, husked should be adopted at Step 5 only and be further considered by the Committee on Pesticide Residues as the national consumption data for this product exceeded the Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) established by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meeting on Residues of Pesticides (JMPR) therefore the MRLs proposed would not protect consumers’ health.
600 多吨含烈性炸药或磷的弹药,从而降低了平民群体遭受意外爆炸伤 害的风险。
The programme had resulted so far in destroying more than 600 metric tons of ammunition charged with high explosive or white phosphorous, thereby reducing the [...]
risks of the civilian
population being exposed to unplanned explosions.
不含烟灰磷的Lubrizol 5411独特地结合了强大的摩擦特性和超高的极压能力,因此可实现顺畅的操作、减少磨损并延长设备寿命,以达到轨道应用的严格要求。
Ashless and phosphorus-free, Lubrizol [...]
5411 meets the slideway challenge with a unique combination of robust frictional characteristics
and high extreme pressure capability, resulting in smooth operation, less wear and longer equipment life.
維他命D對增加小腸壁磷的吸收 、增加腎小球 磷 酸 鹽 的 再 次吸收、保持血液中檸檬酸鹽的正常的水平,以及避免氨基酸從腎而流失均有幫助。
It increases calcium absorption from the small intestine; promotes growth and mineralisation of bones and strong teeth;
increases absorption of
[...] phosphorus through the intestinal wall and increases resorption of phosphates from the kidney [...]
tubules; maintains
normal level of citrate in the blood; and protects against the loss of amino acids through the kidneys.
2012 年 1 月 12 日,中国中央电视台(CCTV) 节目——《焦点访谈》报道,贵州省乌江流域 的渔业受到了上游大型国有企业——贵州开磷集团有限责任公司下属工厂所释放 磷的 严 重 污 染,这起引人注目的工业污染案件在事发一年半以后仍未解决。
On 12 January 2012, the Chinese Central Television (CCTV) program, Topics in Focus reported that a dramatic case of industrial pollution had not been settled even one and a half years after the aquaculture on the Wu River in Guizhou province was severely damaged by the release of phosphorus yellow from an upstream plant owned by a large state-owned enterprise, Guizhou Kailin (Group) Co.
当地越来越多的证据表明,并且人权观察的国际武器专家也证实,以色列军 队向整个加沙地带人口稠密的居民区发射含有 磷的 导 弹 和炮弹。
There is growing evidence on the ground, corroborated by international weapons experts of Human Rights Watch, that Israeli forces are firing missiles and
牙齿的脱矿化和再矿化:氟化物可抑制牙齿中的矿物流失,并且还能促进钙 磷的 沉 积 以保持牙齿的坚固,这被称为“再矿化”。
Demineralization and remineralization of teeth: Fluoride inhibits the loss of minerals from teeth and also encourages deposition of calcium and phosphorus to keep the tooth hard, known as remineralization.
根据上面提到的白磷转化为红磷的 例 子 ,我们可以断定,白色种类的物质 有更强的转化趋势,并能驱使红色种类的物质的结构不朝自己的变化趋势方向而 变。
From the
[...] transformation of the white into the red phosphorus mentioned above, [...]
it can be concluded that the white type has
the stronger tendency to change and forces the formation of the red type against its own tendency to change.
因为植酸酶磷的释放作用不是呈线性关系,首先需要预测全部植酸酶的作用,预磷 的释放 有几个步骤是必须的,这将加到可消 磷的 日 粮 中。
Because the effect of
[...] phytase on phosphorus release is not linear, the total effect of phytase (endogenous and exogenous) needs to be estimated first, and several calculation steps are necessary to estimate the amount of the released phosphorus due to exogenous phytase, which is then added to the digestible phosphorus of the diet.
两个主要目标将在这个 10 年计划结束前达到,即:对全球沿岸海域碳、氮 磷的 收 支进行评价; 开展资料和技术需求方面的评价,以明确更好地了解和跟踪局部生态系统中 这些收支的变化和从地区尺度到全球尺度上这些收支的变化所需要的特殊 资料和技术。
Guidelines for reviewing an endorsing pilot and pre-operational projects are as follows: (i) Projects may be regional in scope; they may target any stage in the endto-end system as outlined in i-iv above; and they may be enabling research or proof of concept projects.
運動員體的磷酸鹽 是被用來在肝醣合成過 程中提昇葡萄糖利用率的一個工具,這個合成過程是需 磷 酸 化 的 輔 助
Phosphate salts in the athlete are also meant to enhance glucose utilization for glycogen synthesis, which requires phosphorylation.
预测所释的磷, 并加到日粮的可消化磷中。
The released phosphorus is estimated and added to the digestible phosphorus of the diet.
Antibodies generated against a specific phosphorylated amino acid, such as a phosphotyrosine, can also be used (Fig 3B).
这种在南大洋冰冷的海水里发的磷 虾 是鱼的油脂和饲料的一种重要成分。
Found in the cold waters of the
[...] Southern Ocean, krill constitute a key [...]
ingredient in fish oil and feed.
新开的磷酸盐结合剂SERA池塘专用磷酸盐去除剂可以长期的去除水 的磷 酸 盐
Pond keepers are lastingly successful with sera pond phosvec, a newly developed phosphate binder.
关于食品添加剂通用标准中食品类别编号 11.1.2(粉状食糖、粉状葡萄糖)和食 品类别编号 12.1.1(盐)的一些食品添加剂含量是否与符合相关商品标准的现行含量 不同11 ,荷兰代表团阐明,食品添加剂通用标准中某些食品添加剂,如粉状食 的磷酸 盐 ,盐的氰亚铁酸盐等食品添加剂规定合在一起,因为在食品添加剂联合专家委员会 的评价中给予这些添加剂一组每日可接受摄入量。
Regarding the question on whether the levels of some food additives in Food Category No.11.1.2 (Powdered sugar, powdered dextrose) and Food Category No.12.1.1 (Salt) in the GSFA were different from the current levels of them corresponding to relevant commodity standards11 , the Delegation of the Netherlands clarified that the provision of some food additives in the GSFA, such as phosphates in powdered sugar, ferrocyanides in salt, had been grouped together because they were assigned a group ADI in JECFA evaluation.
用计算机方法或用质谱法识别了(假定 的磷 酸 化位点之后,可以从公司购买针对磷酸化位点的通用抗体,通过免疫沉淀的步骤,以确定目标蛋白质是否在特定类型的位点被磷酸化(例如一个典型的cyclin/cdk位点) [...]
[10] 。
Following identification of a
[...] (putative) phosphorylation site by an [...]
in silico method or by mass spectrometry, commercially
available antibodies for the general class of phosphorylation sites can be used in conjunction with an immunopercipitation step to determine if the protein of interest is phosphorylated at a specific type of site (for example a canonical cyclin/cdk site) [10] .
没 4 有冷却,即便是有很的磷熏蒸 ,谷物发热也可能限制粮仓内的储藏时间,同时还需要将 [...]
Without cooling,
[...] even with good phosphine fumigation, it [...]
is likely that grain heating will limit storage time in the silo,
and the grain would need to be bagged off to limit heat damage.
实验结果显示,含Ti和Si物质的量比为0.08的Ti-SBA-15介孔材料可选择性地对β-酪蛋白酶解产物 的磷 酸 化 肽进行选择性富集;对于β-酪蛋白和牛血清白蛋白物质的量比为1:100的蛋白质酶解混合液,Ti-SBA-15仍能实现对其磷酸化肽的有效富集。
The matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) analysis showed that the phosphopeptides of β-casein digest could be selectively enriched by the Ti-SBA-15 with Ti/Si molar ratio of 0.08, even under the interference of bovine serum albumin (BSA) with the molar ratio of β-casein to BSA up to 1:100.
罗地亚在磷专业市场中享有领导地位,如用于大量化工生 的磷 配 体 ,以及用于制药业的专业有机磷中间体,同时与客户共同设计独一无二的定制化解决方案,并提供各种 P4 RhodaPhos® 产品。
Rhodia hold leading positions in the Phosphorus Speciality market such as phosphine ligands for bulk chemical manufacturing and speciality organophosphorus intermediates for the pharmaceutical industry, designing custom-made and exclusive solutions in partnership with our customers, and offering a wide range P4 RhodaPhos® products.
2002 年,英国的医学期刊《柳叶刀》(又译《刺络针》)发表了一篇非常重要的倡导性文章,45
[...] 文章指出,医生经常会带头要求禁止一些特定的农药,在特立尼达岛(Trinidad)的百草枯和印的 磷化铝,就是在医生的推荐下禁止的。
The article points out the physicians have often taken the lead in requesting that specific
pesticides be banned, and it references physician requests to ban paraquat in
[...] Trinidad and aluminum phosphide in India.
舉例 而 言,農 業 - 環境計劃(Agri-Environmental
Programme)(1995-1999)及 橫 向 鄉郊發展計劃(Horizontal Rural Development Programme)(2000-2006)向 農 民
[...] 提供環保津貼,以鼓勵他們採用能夠減低水的 磷 及 氮 排 放 量的措 施 。
For example, the Agri-Environmental Programme (1995-1999) and the Horizontal Rural Development Programme (2000-2006) provide
environmental subsidies to farmers for implementing measures
[...] that can reduce phosphorus and nitrogen [...]
load on watercourses.
食典委还注意到,基于 CAC/32 LIM/16 中列出的理由,欧洲共同体和挪威对以下农 药最大残留限量持保留意见,包括柑橘类水果中的甲萘威(008)、食用内脏、苹果和梨 中的氟硅唑(165)、辣椒和生菜中的乐果(027)、小麦 的 马 拉 硫 磷 ( 049)、葡萄和番 茄的灭多 威(094)、花椰菜、阔叶苣、苹果和桃子中的噻嗪酮(118),以及杏、甘蓝、 花椰菜、白菜头、牛奶、油桃、桃子、番茄、甜椒和玉米中的氯氰菊酯(146)。
The Commission also noted the reservations of the European Community and Norway on MRLs for carbaryl (008) in citrus fruit; fusilazole (165) in edible offal, apples and pear; dimethoate (027) in peppers and lettuce; malathion (049) in wheat; methomyl (094) in grapes and tomato; cypermethrins (118) in cauliflower, scarole, apples and peaches; and cyhalothrin (146) in apricots, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage head, milk, nectarines, peaches, tomatoes, peppers sweet, and corn for reasons presented in CAC/32 LIM/16.




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