单词 | 磷光 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 磷光—phosphorescence磷光adjective—phosphorescentadjSee also:磷adj—phosphorusadj 磷n—phosphoniumn 磷—phosphorus (chemistry)
汞被给予电压时,发出紫外线(UV),被涂有磷光剂涂层的玻璃吸收后使 其发荧光,并发出可见光。 zeromercury.org | As the mercury is energized it emits ultraviolet radiation (UV), which is absorbed by the phosphor-coated glass causing it to fluoresce and emit visible light. zeromercury.org |
磷旋光性的涂料像是发光的蓄电池,经由日光或其它光原则可获取足够的能源。 oris.ch | This phosphorescent pigment works [...] like a light-battery. oris.ch |
答:所有类型的电灯都会有流明衰减的情况,除了灰尘和碎屑之外,流明衰减的原因还包括:钨丝灯灯丝损耗和灯泡灯壁上钨粒子积累,以及由LED连接处产生的荧光和热量导致玻璃管上磷光层光化学降解,从而影响了电晶体的寿命。 topangatech.com | A. All types of electric light sources experience lumen depreciation and the causes of lumen depreciation besides dirt and debris include; tungsten filament lamps suffer from depletion of the filament and accumulation of [...] tungsten particles on [...] the bulbwall,photochemical degradation of the phosphor coating on [...]the glass tube for fluorescentsand heat generated at the LED [...]junction sacrifices the solid-state lifetime. topangatech.com |
请记住,现今的LCD萤幕有固定像素位置,且无法做好除了其自身最佳像素设定以外的工 [...] 作;它们不像老式multi-sync CRT萤幕,可以重新制定电子束以照亮萤幕表面由细小磷光体组成的不同大小的点。 aten.com.tw | Remember that modern LCD monitors have fixed pixel locations and don’t do a good job with other-than-that-optimum pixel mapping; they are not like old multi-sync CRT monitors [...] that could re-cast electron beams to light up varying size dots [...] comprised of very small phosphorsonthe screen surface. aten.co.kr |
最小 60 兆赫兹的电池供电(与 AC 电路隔离)模拟示 [...] 波器或电池供电(与 AC 电路隔离)数字磷光屏存储 器示波器(最小 300 兆赫兹,2.5 [...]gigasample/s)用 于这些测量。 novatechweb.com | A Minimum 60 megahertz battery operated (isolated from AC line) analog [...] oscilloscope or a battery operated (isolated from [...] AC line)digitalphosphor storage oscilloscope [...](minimum 300 megahertz, 2.5 gigasamples/second) [...]is used for these measurements. novatechweb.com |
它也仍然全面运作,即使在完全黑暗的环境中,环4MM蓝宝石水晶镜面,高度集中的剂量下挡板房屋磷超级夜光*。 zh.horloger-paris.com | It also remains fully operational even in total [...] darkness, as the bezel houses under the ring 4mm sapphire crystal, a highly [...] concentrated dose phosphorSuper-LumiNova ® *. en.horloger-paris.com |
以乙腈作为溶剂,对试样采用加速溶剂萃取仪萃取,自动凝胶渗透色谱仪净化预处理,N-丙基乙二胺(PSA)填料再净化,毛细管气相色谱法分离,火焰光度检测器(磷型)检测,内标法定量。 chrom-china.com | The organophosphorus pesticides were extracted with acetonitrile by accelerated solvent extraction, and cleaned up by auto gel permeation chromatography and primary secondary amine (PSA) packing material. chrom-china.com |
过量摄入某些除害剂,可能对健康带來急性的不良影响 ( 例如﹕甲胺磷和三唑磷可能影响神经系统) ,至於其他除害剂,则有资 料显示可能对动物的健康产生慢性的不良影响( 例如﹕林丹可能影响肝 脏和肾脏﹔三氯殺蟎醇可能影响胎儿发育) 。 cfs.gov.hk | Excessive exposure to some pesticides may cause acute adverse health effects (e.g.methamidophos and triazophos, may affect the nervous system) whereas other pesticides have shown to cause chronic adverse health effects (e.g. lindane may affect the liver and kidney; and dicofol may affect foetal development) in animals. cfs.gov.hk |
法院的判例表明,如果一个被授予有限职权 [...] 的机构逾越这些职权,其行为就是越权《国家在武装冲突中使用核武器的合法性, 咨询意见,1996 [...] 年国际法院案例汇编(I)》,第 82 页;《摩洛哥境内的磷酸盐案, 判决,1938 年常设国际法院案例汇编,A/B [...]辑,第 74 号》,第 14 页)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The jurisprudence of the Court is clear that if an organ which has been attributed a limited number of competences transgresses those competences, its acts would be ultra vires (Legality of the Use by a State of Nuclear Weapons in Armed [...] Conflict, Advisory Opinion, I.C.J. Reports 1996 [...] (I), p.82; Phosphatesin Morocco, [...]Judgment, 1938, P.C.I.J., Series A/B, No. 74, p. 14). daccess-ods.un.org |
食典委还注意到,基于 CAC/32 LIM/16 中列出的理由,欧洲共同体和挪威对以下农 药最大残留限量持保留意见,包括柑橘类水果中的甲萘威(008)、食用内脏、苹果和梨 中的氟硅唑(165)、辣椒和生菜中的乐果(027)、小麦中的马拉硫磷(049)、葡萄和番 茄中的灭多威(094)、花椰菜、阔叶苣、苹果和桃子中的噻嗪酮(118),以及杏、甘蓝、 花椰菜、白菜头、牛奶、油桃、桃子、番茄、甜椒和玉米中的氯氰菊酯(146)。 codexalimentarius.org | The Commission also noted the reservations of the European Community and Norway on MRLs for carbaryl (008) in citrus fruit; fusilazole (165) in edible offal, apples and pear; dimethoate (027) in peppers and lettuce; malathion (049) in wheat; methomyl (094) in grapes and tomato; cypermethrins (118) in cauliflower, scarole, apples and peaches; and cyhalothrin (146) in apricots, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage head, milk, nectarines, peaches, tomatoes, peppers sweet, and corn for reasons presented in CAC/32 LIM/16. codexalimentarius.org |
这些高光谱数据 能协助气象学家提供更佳的天气预报、更准确的恶劣天气和不稳定大气预测;并提高对 [...] 风暴位置及动向的追踪,分析飓风和台风强度,让民众提前疏散,加强对性命和财产的保 护。 asiasat.com | This hyperspectral datawillenable [...] meteorologists to provide better daily forecasts, predict severe weather and atmospheric [...]instability more accurately, and improve location and storm tracking and analysis of the intensity of hurricanes and typhoons, resulting in earlier evacuations that can improve the preservation of lives and property. asiasat.com |
据指 出,第 A1 条草案第 2 款在这一点上是不够的,因为光是承认驱逐国有权将一定 的程序保证扩大适用于在其境内非法居留的某些外国人,只是论及表面现象。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was pointed out that draft article A1, paragraph 2, was inadequate on that point, since by simply acknowledging that the expelling State had the right to extend certain procedural guarantees to certain aliens who were in its territory illegally, it was merely stating the obvious. daccess-ods.un.org |
其它行动有:如正在开发的旨在向全国委员会及其合作伙伴提供更广泛服务的 [...] 数据库,将有关传播题材纳入培训研讨会(曼谷、里加、达累斯萨拉姆多国办事处),向全 国委员会分发光盘,发行《电视媒体操作技能》新手册及为全国委员会设计的网站模板,出 [...]版简讯《全国委员会与新合作伙伴协同作用》第四和第五版。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Other initiatives included an ongoing development of the databases in order to offer a wider range of services for National Commissions and their partners, the inclusion of communication-related topics at training seminars [...] (Bangkok, Riga, Dar es Salaam cluster), the [...] distribution ofthe CD-ROM for National [...]Commissions, a new brochure on “Skills for Handling [...]the TV Media” and the creation of a website template for National Commissions, the publication of the fourth and fifth editions of the newsletter NCP Synergy. unesdoc.unesco.org |
巴勒斯坦平民继续遭受以色列不分青红皂白、过 [...] 度和不成比例的使用坦克、F-16 战斗机、直升机和其 他重武器、包括含磷弹和致密惰性金属炸弹等武力, 人民的沉重苦难在继续,加沙人民无处躲无处藏。 daccess-ods.un.org | As the Palestinian civilian population continues to be subjected to Israel’s indiscriminate, excessive and disproportionate use of force by means of tanks, [...] F-16s, helicopters and other heavy [...] weapons, including white phosphorous shells and dense inert [...]metal explosive bombs, the profound [...]human suffering continues to mount, as the people of Gaza have nowhere to run and nowhere to seek refuge. daccess-ods.un.org |
3.15 水体富营养化:指在人类活动的影响下,生物所需的氮、磷等营养物质大量进入湖泊、 河口、海湾等缓流水体,引起藻类及其他浮游生物迅速繁殖,水体溶解氧量下降,水质恶化。 greencouncil.org | 3.15 Eutrophication of water body: the phenomenon that under mankind’s [...] influence, nitrogen and phosphor needed [...]by living organisms entering in a large amount [...]into slow-flow water bodies like lakes, river estuary and sea gulf, causing algae and other plankton to reproduce rapidly, the level of dissolved oxygen in the water to decrease and water quality to deteriorate. greencouncil.org |
他结合此次磋商谈到 了本组织正在进行的各项改革,尤其是计划编制方法方面的改革,并强调最近对计划管理周 期所进行的修订,是为了更具有战略眼光和更有助于决策,而且有助于在总部和总部外之 间,以及各地区和多国办事处之间更合理地分配计划资源。 unesdoc.unesco.org | He put the Consultation also in the context of the ongoing reform process of the Organization, in particular with regard to programming, and highlighted the recent revisions of the programme management cycle designed to ensure a more strategic and policy-focused approach and to facilitate a more rational allocation of programme resources between Headquarters and the field as well as between the various regions and clusters. unesdoc.unesco.org |