单词 | 磨耗 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 磨耗 —wear and tearless common: wearing out by friction See also:磨—sharpen • polish • rub • grindstone • die out • pester • waste time • wear down • insist • turn round 耗—consume • squander • (coll.) delay • dilly-dally
它卓越的性能体现在启动平滑,无 磨耗 , 可 以自动无极变速适应牵引和运行阻力。 voith.com | Automatic and stepless adaptation of the tractive effort to the prevailing rolling resistance. voith.com |
帶玩雅軒款的寶石紅玻璃煙壺中,有的品質非常好,有的, 如經過歲月磨耗比較長的Treasury 5, 編號 753,不太純潔。 e-yaji.com | Among the ruby-glass examples [...] bearing the Wanya xuan mark, several, such as this one, are of excellent quality, while others, such as Treasury 5, no. 753, are less pure. e-yaji.com |
对衬垫孔的喷雾冲洗进一步减小了摩擦 和 磨耗。 zs.weirminerals.com | Spray flushing of the liner bore further [...] reduces friction and wear. weirminerals.com |
因此,无需转换即可完成11.5m宽的公 路磨耗层以 及12.5m宽的桥面的沥青摊铺。 wirtgen-china.com.cn | As a result, [...] asphalt for the wearing course could [...]be paved on the 11.5m wide roadway and the 12.5m wide bridge decks without a need for conversion. wirtgen-china.com.cn |
保時捷的研發工程師們特別專注於Panamera的燃油經濟性:搭載採用DFI燃油直噴技術的高效能V8動力元件、輕量化工程結構、引擎自動啟閉功能、超群的空氣力學設計、創新的PDK雙離合器自手排變速箱以及多項尖端科技,有效的減少 了 磨耗 與 液壓損失,從而令Panamera的燃油經濟性成為同級四座GT跑車的典範,也再次成為該級距車款中的標竿。 pap.porsche.com | Porsche’s development engineers have given particular attention to the Panamera’s fuel economy: featuring highly efficient V8 power units with Direct Fuel Injection, intelligent lightweight construction, automatic Start-Stop, optimum aerodynamics, Porsche’s innovative Doppelkupplungsgetriebe and various technical features consistently reducing frictional and hydraulic losses, the Panamera offers truly outstanding fuel economy for a four-door Gran Turismo of this calibre, again setting new standards against its direct competitors. pap.porsche.com |
碳刷為一耗損零件,但其壽命不因機種、出力等而定,大約碳刷 在 磨耗 至 原 碳刷之 1/2 至 3/5 時即可更換新碳刷。 teco.com.sg | Brush gear Constant force spring The [...] carbon brush is a part of the equipment [...] which easily worn away, replace it after it is worn to 1/2~3/5 of [...]original size. teco.com.tw |
此外,如果警監會調查後得出的意見跟投訴警察課不一樣,也是沒有 辦法的;他們不同意也沒有用,最後大家只是互 相 磨耗 時 間 而已。 legco.gov.hk | It could merely request the CAPO to carry out investigation. Furthermore, nothing could be done if the conclusion drawn by the IPCC after investigation differed from that of the CAPO, and any difference could not be reconciled. legco.gov.hk |
如顯示過度磨耗,從 假牙取下帽套重新排列,使用流動良好的壓克力樹脂於帽套及假牙。 bicon.com | If excessive wear of o-ring is noted, [...] remove and re-align the housing in denture with a sufficiently flowable acrylic injected [...]onto the housing and into the relieved denture. bicon.com.ve |
充气不足严重影响着胎面磨耗、车 辆安全性和燃料消耗。 exxonmobilchemical.com | Tire wear, vehicle safety and fuel consumption are severely [...] affected by under-inflation, which is a widespread issue. exxonmobilchemical.com |
01 // “热对热”摊铺磨耗层保 证了完美的纵向接缝。 wirtgen-china.com.cn | 23 01 // Paving wearing course “hot [...] to hot” guaranteed perfect longitudinal joints. wirtgen-china.com.cn |
可适用弹性材料,橡胶、轮胎、输送带、传动皮带、鞋底、软质合成皮、皮革……等材质 之 磨耗 测 试。 luenyickhong.com.hk | Applicable flexible materials, rubber, tires, conveyor system, transmission belts, Sole, leather etc.... he adequate testing area can take this apparatus directly which is the largest features of this tester. luenyickhong.com.hk |
对于正常使用条件下的自然磨耗以及 品质的劣化不予以保证。 techdocs.shimano.com | Parts are not guaranteed [...] against natural wear or deterioration [...]resulting from ● normal use. techdocs.shimano.com |
建議:1) [...] 安裝新輪胎或輪胎修補後,需確認該車輪的輪胎與輪圈有經過正確的平衡調整(正確的平衡調整可提供舒適的駕乘並延長輪胎使用年份;輪胎呈現不平衡可能導致駕駛疲勞、過度或不正常的輪 胎 磨耗 及 傷 害懸吊系統,並進而影響輪胎抓地力及輪胎排水等性能)。 michelin.com.tw | Suggestion:1) After mounting new tyres or having a tyre repaired ensure that the wheel and tyre assembly are correctly balanced (correct balance provides comfortable ride and [...] extended tyre life; poor balance may cause driver fatigue, excessive [...] or uneven tyre wear and damages to [...]the suspension system). michelin.com.sg |
用于密封元件精明设计的全系列高功能热胶化合物,特性是非常低的摩擦以减少动力损失、不会棒状滑动.利于位置精密和控制、 低 磨耗 . 长 使 用寿命、极佳化学抗性/流体相容性。 tss.trelleborg.com | Characteristics: very low friction to reduce power [...] loss, no stick-slip for positional accuracy [...] and control, low wear for long life, [...]excellent chemical resistance / fluid compatibility. tss.trelleborg.com |
在冲模的圆周上设有很多孔,是磨耗 少 的 成型机。 kawasakitrading.co.jp | These wear-resistant pelletizers have many holes bored on the circumference of the die, and the main shaft has a hydraulic safety device. kawasakitrading.co.jp |
自动换档,牵引力不中断,无冲击, 无 磨耗。 voith.com | Shifting takes place automatically, without interruption of tractive [...] effort – jolt- and wear-free. voith.com |
固定刃·回转刃都使用耐磨耗的特殊钢,不仅寿命长而且更换简单。 kawasakitrading.co.jp | The machine features long-lasting, easy-to-replace rotating and fixed blades [...] made of special wear-resistant steel. kawasakitrading.co.jp |
该产品硬而有弹性,适应性强,抗老化,不脱胶,耐磨性能好 , 磨耗 减 量CM/1.61KM:0.05,其硬度达到(邵尔氏)95°-98°,碎米率比其他同类产品低4%-6%,产品晶莹剔透呈琥珀状,半透明,经中国出入境检验检疫局根据 [...] GB/T 9874-1998对产品检验结论证明该产品不含人体致癌物质--苯酚。 tjxs168.web8.testwebsite.cn | The product is hard and [...] flexible,adaptable,anti-aging,non-degumming,good abrasion resistance,wear reduction CM/1.61KM:0.05,its [...]hardness reached(Shore's)95°-98°,broken [...]rate than Other similar products in the low 4%-6%,the product was crystal clear amber-like,translucent,by the china Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine under the GB/T 9874-1998 product inspection findings prove that the products do not contain human carcinogen-phenol,According to market research and the majority of user requirements specially launched the "Xin Shen Nong's"A-type,B-,C-type high wear-resistant products,the product uses Japanese technology imported raw materials. tjxs168.web8.testwebsite.cn |
特性是:高机械强度、抗磨耗和撕裂。 tss.trelleborg.com | Characteristics: high [...] mechanical strength, wear and tear resistance. tss.trelleborg.com |
使用磨耗轮来对平面材料进行耐磨损性进行评价的泰伯试验机(泰 伯 磨耗 试 验 机)。 yasuda-seiki.cn | This tester is [...] used to evaluate the abrading endurance of flat surface materials when they are abraded with an abrading wheel. yasuda-seiki.co.jp |
狀況報告:因為積年累月觸摸,兩面的琺瑯彩及唇上的金彩有 所 磨耗; 此外,出窯狀態 e-yaji.com | Condition: some wear to gold enamel on [...] each side through wear, and to the gold [...]on the lip; otherwise, kiln condition e-yaji.com |
一般導致Brevis™帽扣之圓圈過快磨耗 的 原 因是其固位壓克力樹脂聚合時,帽扣沒有適當 [...] 的排列在支台體上。 bicon.com | A common cause of [...] accelerated o-ring wear is a Brevis™ [...]housing whose retentive acrylic was polymerized while the Brevis™ [...]housing was not appropriately aligned on the abutment. bicon.com.ve |
Linatex®预成型软管弯头设计用于替代渣浆输送管道中的硬壁弯管,与标准金属管道相比,其磨损寿命显著增加,特别是 当 磨耗 和 振 动问题较为严重时,这一优势更加明显。 zs.weirminerals.com | Intended as a replacement for hard walled pipe bends in slurry transfer pipelines, the Linatex® preformed hose bend provides a significant wear life improvement over standard metal pipe, especially when abrasion wear and vibration are issues. weirminerals.com |
非常适合于标签、织物、油墨等等的 磨 损 磨耗。 elcometer.com | Ideal for abrasion and wear of labels, [...] textiles, ink etc. elcometer.com |
其中,免费保养服务不仅包括为车主免费更换机油机滤、空调滤清器、制动油、差速器油、火花塞等定期保养项目,还包括免费更换达 到 磨耗 程 度的制动衬片、制动盘、雨刷片等非定期保养项目。 lexus.com.cn | The free maintenance services include the free replacement of not only engine oil, oil filter, air-conditioning filter, [...] brake oil, differential oil and spark plug, but also brake pads, brake disks and [...] windshield wipers in worn-off conditions. lexus.com.cn |
過度扭曲的電力品質會導致增加所有電力供應設備和任何連結的電機、電力負載 的 磨耗 與 損 壞,同樣地也會造成生產過程停頓。 janitza.de | Excessive distortion of power quality lead to increased wear and tear in all electrical supply equipment and any connected electrical and electronic loads and can lead to production stoppages as well. janitza.com |
奇美高順式聚丁二烯橡膠(HBR)具有優異的彈性、 耐 磨耗 性 及 低溫特性。 chimeicorp.com | Chimei’s High-CIS Butadiene Rubber (HBR) [...] has excellent flexibility, abrasion resistance, [...]and low-temperature characteristics. chimeicorp.com |
在旋转的试片上用一对磨耗轮施 加一定负载使其磨损,以获 得 磨耗 质 量 , 磨耗 体 积 ,厚度,光学变化等数据。 yasuda-seiki.cn | The operator [...] is to place the abrading wheel to the rotating test specimen at a prescript load and abrade the test specimen. After the test is finished, the operator is to measure the abraded mass, volume, [...]thickness, and the optical [...]difference of the test specimen. yasuda-seiki.co.jp |