

单词 磨穿铁砚

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这2大标准与危险货物包装标志(GB 190-2009)一起,穿于中国水路铁 路 ,公路和航空的危险货物的运输。
Together with Packing Symbols of Dangerous Goods (GB 190-2009), they are three basic and
significant national
[...] standards mainly applicable to the transport of dangerous goods by waterway, road, railway and air in China.
贺兰石更是宁夏五宝之首,贺砚又 有 “一端二歙三贺兰”的说法。
Our first idea was to use the West Xia Helan stone, and as some Chinese techniques we start to work in the stone to create the Islamic pattern .
[...] 性平衡在任何其他材料中均无法找到,使特卫强® 具有质轻而又强韧、透气、防水、耐化学特性及穿刺、耐撕裂、磨的特性。
This unique balance of properties, which cannot be found in any other material, makes Tyvek®
lightweight yet strong; vapor-permeable, yet water- and
[...] chemicalresistant; as well as puncture-, tear- and abrasion-resistant.
通过回收重选分离后的铁矿,已细 磨 的 磁 铁 矿 的 量明 显降低。
By recovering the magnetite after gravity separation the amount of
[...] material that has to be finely ground is significantly reduced.
德國萊茵TUV的專家會檢驗衣服上的金屬配件,例如牛仔褲的鈕釦,因為製造商通常會在含鎳的鈕釦上塗一層漆料,但是漆料會 穿 著 使用 後 磨 損 而脫落,屆時牛仔褲鈕釦即可能會直接接觸皮膚導致皮膚紅癢過敏。
The specialists at TUV Rheinland also test the compatibility of metallic clothing accessories such as the buttons on jeans, which often contain nickel. Manufacturers frequently cover
nickel-containing buttons with paint, which
[...] quickly comes off with wear and leaves the nickel [...]
exposed to trigger typical contact
allergic reactions such as itchy skin rashes.
我们的方案是在西夏人贺兰石上,用汉人制 砚 台 的 手法,雕刻上伊斯兰的图案,这展示着历史的传承与多元文化的融合,切合规划展示馆在中阿之轴起点的地理位置,以及银川作为中国通往阿拉伯世界桥梁的历史使命。
It will become a landmark of the history as evidence and will be the starting point of the China and Arab Axis; furthermore, Yinchuan as the historical mission of China's bridge to the Arab world.
在世界各地的钢铁行业中,NORTON品牌的高性能砂轮被成功应用于各种轧辊磨削中:无论是修磨冷轧轧辊或热轧轧辊,工作辊或支撑辊;轧辊材料无论是钢还是 铁 ; 轧 辊 磨 床 无 论是手动还是自动,NORTON都有不同的产品来满足不同的需求。
NORTON high-performance grinding wheels are successfully applied in grinding processes for different kinds of rolls in the steel industries throughout the world: no matter grinding of cold mill roll or hot mill roll, work roll or
backup roll; roll material in cast steel or cast iron;
[...] manual or automatic grinding machine, NORTON can [...]
offer different products
to meet these different needs.
我们与传媒公司合作,利用全新突破的数码空间技术,这样,每 穿 梭 于 地 铁 站 的 175,000名旅客都会情不自禁地欣赏动感炫目的极光Evoque数码广告。
Working with the media company, we utilised the digital space in a totally ground-breaking way and with 175,000 people travelling through the station daily, who could help but witness the breathtaking and all-consuming Evoque-filled digital landscape.
此外,ion-mask™ 涂层与面料本身同样经久耐用,不会因日 穿 戴 而受 到 磨 损。
Furthermore, ion-mask™ lasts as long as the material itself
[...] and is not compromised by everyday wear.
公司认为这条铁路是一个有竞争力的优势,这 铁 路 可 直接连接 穿 蒙 古 的 铁 路 , 通往中国和俄罗斯。
The rail spur, considered by the company as a
competitive advantage over
[...] its peers in Mongolia provides direct access to the Trans-Mongolian Railroad, which is [...]
connected, to China and Russia.
直达环线宝门廊地铁站,短暂步行即可到达市政厅 铁 站 , 连接 穿 全 岛 的南北线和东西线。
Direct access from Promenade MRT
[...] Station on the Circle Line railway system and a short walk [...]
away from City Hall MRT Station
joining trains on the North-South line and the East-West line railway systems
泰州市美鑫铸造有限公司,创办于2001年,占地30000平方米,建筑面积20000多平方米,固定资产8500多万元,动力设备3000KVA,拥有各类先进加工设备160台套,公司现有员工300多人,具有大专以上学历、中高级职称等各类技术人才近30人,公司主要产品生产耐热、 磨 、 耐 酸、高铬 铁 、 双 金属复合材料、球铁、铸钢等7大系列,300多个规格品种,年生产能力近万吨。
United States, was founded in 2001, covers an area of 30,000 square meters, construction area over 20,000 square meters, more than 8500 million yuan in fixed assets, power equipment 3000KVA, possess all kinds of advanced processing equipment 160 sets, the company existing more than 300 employees, with a college education, middle and senior titles, such as near a variety of technical personnel 30 people,
the company main
[...] products heat-resistant, wear-resisting, acid-resistant, high chromium cast iron, double-metal [...]
composite material,
ductile iron, cast steel, etc. 7 major series, more than 300 specifications species, annual production capacity of nearly tons.
主要零件的磨厂是由铸铁和优 质钢材,保证了全厂的耐用性。
Main parts of the grinding plant are made from [...]
cast and high quality steel, which ensures the durability of whole plant.
碗口周圍的帯狀装飾增強了作品的設計性、當光 穿 透 時 雕刻 磨 光 部分浮現出來、與襯地的金屬氧化物重疊在一起、展現出神秘的美。
The frieze decoration around the opening raises the quality of its design and when the light passes through, carved and polished part comes out to the surface showing a mystical beauty when overlapping with the groundwork of sallisure.
设计用于处理无边框和有边框安装晶片,同时保持优越的检测能力、高产量和易于操作的特征,Falcon系列因定制应用而闻名,实例有:粘合MEMS晶片(尤其是带有玻璃表层的),透明和半透明材料(有或没有原型),安装在膨胀环上的晶片 铁 环 ) , 穿 孔 晶 片(用于制造MEMS传感器,光学设备和喷墨打印头),以及会在自重作用下垂的薄晶片。
Customized Application Examples include: Bonded MEMS wafers (especially with glass tops); transparent and translucent materials (with or
without pattern); wafers mounted on
[...] expansion rings (hoops); Perforated wafers, used to [...]
manufacture MEMS sensors, optical devices
and inkjet print heads; thin wafers that tend to sag under their own weight.
用相适应的溶剂清洗所有零件并检查它们是磨 损或损坏。
Clean all parts with a compatible solvent and
[...] inspect them for wear or damage.
要用定位销来对准这些部件,以免轴承过 磨 损。
Align these parts with locating pins, to
[...] avoid premature bearing wear.
这一案件名称中有一名叫林达·布朗的三年级学生的名字,她必须步 穿 过 危险 的 铁 路 调 车场才能到达位于很远处的全是非洲裔美国人的学校,而不是去一所离她家近得多的学校就读,因为这所更近的学校只为白人学生保留。
The case bears the name of a third
grader, a child named Linda Brown who had to walk
[...] through a dangerous railroad yard to get to her [...]
all African American school
located very far away, instead of attending a school much closer to her home because that closer school was reserved only for white students.
然而,Petra与其它3nine油雾分离器的不同之处在于,它是专门针对固体颗粒物含量非常高的应用场合而设计,例如 C N C 磨 削 、 精 磨 、 抛 光、 铁 加 工和热处理(淬火油)等应用场合。
However, what separates Petra from other 3nine oil mist eliminator is that it is specially designed to handle applications with a
very high
[...] solids content, such as cnc grinding and precisiongrinding ; polishing [...]
applications; machining of cast iron and heat-treatment (quench oil) applications.
DZ型土压平衡式矩形顶管机是利用土压平衡原理完成矩形断面的隧道施工,可用于建造过街地道、高速公 穿 越 、 地 铁 车 站、 地 铁 、 海底隧道以及在闹市区、古文物保护区、植被保护区等不适宜进行开挖的市政给排水、电力、电讯、石油、天然气等管线的铺设等。
DZ type soil pressure balance rectangle pipe jacking machine makes use of soil pressure balance
principle to complete tunnel
[...] construction to rectangle cross-section, and may use for constructing under pass through street and high way ,subway station, subway,undersea tunnel [...]
and downtown area,historic
reservation, vegetation conservation district ,etc. Lay down pipeline for water supply and drainage,electric power,telecommunication,oil and natural gas.
除了分析各国所采 取的政策和法律决定之外,本研究报告的目的还在于具体说明秘密拘留的定义,
[...] 秘密拘留是如何为酷刑或不人道和有辱人格待遇创造条件的,以及秘密拘留的做 法如何给受害者及其家人留下无磨 灭 的 烙印的。
In addition to the analysis of the policy and legal decisions taken by States, the aim of the study was also to illustrate, in concrete terms, what it means to be secretly detained, how secret detention can facilitate the practice of torture or inhuman and degrading
treatment, and how the practice of secret
[...] detention has left an indelible mark on the victims, [...]
and on their families as well.
4 个一般临时人员职位中的 2 个,即 1 个 P-4 和 1 个 P-3 培训干事,以及 1 个 P-4 续设员额,目前由支助账户供资,负责设计、提供、升级、统一和评价 目前三个穿各领 域的领导方案: 高级特派团领导方案为期 2 个星期的课程, 每年由一个会员国主办两次,每次有来自会员国、秘书处以及联合国机构、方案 和基金的 26 名候选人参加;高级领导方案是特派团所有 D-2 及以上级别的人员 必须参加的概况介绍课程,每年在纽约举行两次;高级行政管理和资源培训方案 为两组 40 名候选人提供的持续一年的强化方案,包含远程教学和为期三个星期 的讲习班。
Two of the 4 general temporary assistance positions, 1 P-4 and 1 P-3 Training Officers, and 1 P-4 continuing post, currently funded from the support account, design, deliver, upgrade, harmonize and evaluate three ongoing cross-cutting leadership programmes: the senior mission leaders’ programme, a two-week course, conducted twice annually at a host Member State, for 26 candidates from Member States, the Secretariat, the United Nations agencies, programmes and funds); the senior leaders’ programme, a compulsory orientation course for all mission personnel at the D-2 level and above, conducted twice annually in New York; and SMART, an intensive year-long programme involving distance learning and three week-long workshops for two groups of 40 candidates.
因此,各国不能限制失踪人员亲属了解 失踪人员命运和下落真相的权利,因为限制这种权利只会加重或延续对其 亲属造成的持续磨。
In this regard, the State cannot restrict the right to know the truth about the fate and the whereabouts of the disappeared as such restriction only adds to, and prolongs, the continuous torture inflicted upon the relatives.
他请委员会特别就下列方面提出前瞻性意见:不同计划的主要优先事项和次优先事项;它们与 《中期战略》的战略目标的相互关系;如何加强跨学科和跨部门的工作方法;把非洲、最不发达国 家、妇女和青年的需要穿于各 项工作之中。
He invited the Commission to provide future-oriented indications in particular regarding the principal and other priorities of the different programmes, their interrelationship with the strategic objectives of the Medium-Term Strategy, the ways and means of ensuring enhanced transdisciplinarity and intersectorality, the mainstreaming of needs of Africa, the least developed countries, women and youth.
维和部和外勤部关于为联合国所有人员提供维持和平培训的政策规定,该 处须支持维和部、外勤部、由维和部牵头的行动、外勤部行动,以及会员国开展 对文职、军事和警务人员的培训;制定培训标准,同时核实是否达到这些标准, 并制定政策及相关技术指导;制定和提供有关 穿 各 领 域的培训(包括综合高级 领导培训);向各部及其他客户提供关于维持和平培训的指导;监测维和部、外 勤部以及外地行动的培训活动,并管理培训预算,确保达到标准并落实各优先事 项。
Under the DPKO/DFS policy on peacekeeping training for all United Nations personnel, the Service is mandated to support DPKO, DFS, DPKO-led operations, DFS operations and Member States in the training of civilian, military and police personnel; to set training standards, verifying that they are being met, and develop policies and related technical guidance; to develop and deliver training in crosscutting areas (including integrated training for senior leaders); to provide technical guidance on peacekeeping training to departments and other clients; and to monitor training activities of DPKO, DFS and field operations and manage the training budget to ensure that standards and priorities are being met.
很多会员国呼吁在 33 C/5 中继续采用 32 C/5 的穿整个 计划的作法,但强调活动需要 更加突出重点,特别是要重视有关最不发达国家妇女和青年的活动,并要加强与其它联合国 机构、千年发展目标和教科文组织自已的战略目标的联系。
Many Member States called for a continuation of the mainstreaming approach of the 32 C/5 in the 33 C/5 as well, emphasizing however the need for more focused activities, particularly in favour of women and youth in LDCs, as well as for closer linkages with other United Nations agencies, MDGs and UNESCO’s own strategic objectives.




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