单词 | 磨坊主 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 磨坊主—millerSee also:磨坊n—millspl milln 磨—sharpen polish rub grindstone die out pester waste time wear down insist turn round 坊—workshop mill memorial archway surname Fang lane (usually as part of a street name)
1907年,海德海姆的企业家兼工程师 Friedrich 福伊特(Friedrich Voith) 在他的工厂附近买下 Brunnenmühle (喷泉磨坊)并在此创建了水轮机的实验室。 voith.com | In 1907, the Heidenheim-based entrepreneur and engineer, Friedrich Voith, purchased the Brunnenmühle, a water mill close to his factory and established a research institute for hydro turbines there. voith.com |
不完全分离会产生粉尘排放—— 窑炉/原料磨主烟囱、熟料冷却机烟囱、水泥磨机烟囱、原料转运点除尘排气 口。 ficem.org | Incomplete separation gives rise to dust emissions [...] – kiln/raw mill main stack, clinker cooler [...]stack, cement mill stacks, material [...]transfer point dedusting air outlets. ficem.org |
磨坊坐落在布伦茨河畔的山谷中。 voith.com | The mill lies in a valley on the River Brenz. voith.com |
目前,工坊主要致 力于制作超级复杂机芯以及UNICO机芯,这种位于表盘一侧的导柱轮计时机芯完全由宇舶表构思、开发和制作。 lvmh.cn | The site is currently dedicated to grand complications and the [...] creation of the UNICO movement, a column-wheel [...]chronograph integrated into the [...]dial side, conceived, developed and manufactured entirely by Hublot. lvmh.com |
这个新联盟将支持和扩大温尼伯皇家芭蕾舞团的巡演,将向世界各地的忠实观众及新观众奉献广受好评的艺术成就,包括芭蕾舞“红 磨坊( R)”、“布兰诗歌”、“胡桃夹子”、经典剧目片断以及即将首演的妥拉萨普的“公主与精 灵”。 tipschina.gov.cn | This new alliance will support and amplify the RWB's tours by delivering the Company's [...] critically-acclaimed artistic [...] achievements including Moulin Rouge(R)- The Ballet, Carmina Burana, Nutcracker, iconic repertoire pieces and the soon-to-premiere TwylaTharp's ThePrincess & TheGoblin [...]to both loyal and new audiences around the world. tipschina.gov.cn |
她饰演过的24部电影使她成为耀眼的国际明星,包括《红 磨坊》 (Moulin Rouge)、《冷山》(Cold Mountain)等等,她更因为在电影《时时刻刻》(The Hours)中饰演Virginia Wolfe,而被提名第75届奥斯卡金像奖最佳女主角。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | International movie star for her roles in 24 movies, including Moulin Rouge, The Others and Cold Mountain. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
请使用下面的链接继续查询相关企业的主题研磨工作,可在IndustryStock的数据库中获得。 industrystock.cn | Please use the following link to research other relevant [...] companies relating to Grindingservices inIndustryStock's [...]database. industrystock.com |
如今下莱茵各地区多元文化活动交融的场面繁荣:喜剧和国际射手节,露天剧院及人 行道上的绘画艺术,磨坊日,清早起来听着爵士乐畅饮的人们,纪念日,狂欢节,教堂, 水上 NICHOLAS 和饼干厂为前身的剧院。 kreis-kleve.de | Diversity reigns the present day scene of cultural activities on the lower Rhine: Comedy and marksmen´s festivals, outdoor theatres and paintings on the pavement, mill days, ‘early bird’ drinks with jazz, memorial days, carnival and the church, Nicholas on water and theatre in a former biscuit factory. kreis-kleve.de |
在郁郁葱葱的绿色心脏地带的一条漫长的道路,隔离在农村,这个美丽的 磨坊的银行Isole的,一个5公顷的财产。 sibellevilla.fr | At the heart of lush greenery at the end of a long road, isolated in the countryside, this beautiful mill on the banks of the Isole, a property of 5 hectares. sibellevilla.fr |
在肯尼亚,对大多数家庭和小型作坊而言,木材是主要的初级能源。 undpcc.org | In Kenya, wood fuelis the dominant primaryenergy source [...] for most households and small industrial establishments. undpcc.org |
大约500名介乎12至17岁之间的学生将有机会利用这难得的机会,出席由厨师主持 的工作坊,了解品味及味道的多样性,并同时帮助他们提高对语言及文化的理解。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | Approximately 500 students aged between 12 [...] and 17 will enjoy this fantastic [...] opportunity to attendthe chefs’workshops and learn [...]about the diversity of tastes and flavors [...]and improve their cultural and linguistic understanding at the same time. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
1750年左右,两名意大利人建立了第一家巧克力工场,由一家纸 磨坊改建而成,位于伯尔尼附近的Schermenmühle。 swissworld.org | The first chocolate manufacture was set up around 1750 by two Italians in a former paper mill near Bern, the Schermenmühle. swissworld.org |
雀巢(VWS,波兰)- [...] 全球谷物合作伙伴(CPW),雀巢早餐谷物制造商成立于1990年,是一家由雀巢公司和通用 磨坊公司 共同合资的企业。 biothane.com | Nestle (VWS, Poland) - Cereal Partners [...] Worldwide (CPW), the manufacturer of Nestle breakfast cereals, established in [...] 1990 a JVbetween Nestle and General Mills Inc. biothane.com |
通过声纳信号的发射程度,与同样频率的已知背景程度作对照, [...] 就可以自动并迅速地了解 磨床上所产生的高频率噪声的主要信息,如磨床砂轮与修正器或工件的最初接触;砂轮与这些 [...]部分的不正常或剧烈接触(撞击);以及与修正器部件的接触 grindingcontrol.com | By monitoring the level of these emissions, referenced against known background [...] levels at the same frequency, key events can be automatically and [...] quickly detected on the grinding machine as they occur. grindingcontrol.com |
他是有亲和力的红磨坊(Moulin Rouge)在他的时间,他在巴黎的红磨坊( Moulin Rouge)等名家的作品。 leapfrog-properties.com | He was to have an affinity [...] with theMoulin Rouge during his time in Paris, where he produced such famous works as At the Moulin Rouge. leapfrog-properties.com |
梯形磨粉机主要由主机,减速机,浓缩粉,引风机,除尘器,管道装置,集成商和电机组成,磨等全系列包括颚式破碎机,斗式提升机,磨减速机,Vibraing给料机,主要框架,鼓风机,粉选矿厂,粉收集系统,管道设备和袋除尘器。 chinatrader.ru | TrapeziumGrinding Mill ismainly consists of mainframe,speed [...] reducer, powder concentrator, induced draught fan, dust [...]collector, piping device, integrator, and motor, etc. The whole grinding mill line include Jaw Crusher, Bucket Elevator, Mill Deceleration Machine, Vibraing Feeder, Main Frame, Blower, Powder Concentrator, Powder Collecting System, Piping Device,and Bag Deduster. chinatrader.ru |
警告:未正确安装 SBS 平衡系统或 AEMS 传感器组件至磨床主轴, 包括未正确使用 原配的适配器锁紧螺丝,均会导致机器运行期间发生安全危险。 grindingcontrol.com | Warning: Failure to properly attach [...] SBS Balance System or AEMS sensor [...] components to the grindingmachine spindle, including [...]the proper use of provided adaptor [...]lock screws, will result in safety hazard during machine operation. grindingcontrol.com |
这 些 活 动 包 括 制 作 一 份 有 关 在《 雇 佣 条 例 》下 的 合 理 辩 解 条 款 的 单 张;以 9 种 不 同 语 文 (包 括 中 英 文 ) 印 制 有 关 《 修 订 条 例 》 的 单 张 ; 推 出 新 刊 物 及 宣 传 品 , 以 鼓 励 更 广 泛 使 用 书 面 雇 佣 合 约 和 妥 善 备 存 工 资 及 雇 佣 记 录;制 作 新 一 辑 电 台 宣 传 声 带 和 在 公 [...] 共 交 通 工 具 上 张 贴 广 告,介 绍 如 何 分 辨 雇 员 [...] 与 自 雇 人 士 ;举 办 工作坊以促进雇主与雇员 之 间 的 有 效 沟 通 [...]和 协 作;透 过 本 地 报 章 及 制 作 专 题 宣 传 品 [...]以 推 广 家 庭 友 善 雇 佣 措 施,使 更 多 人 接 受 在 工 作 场 所 实 施 该 等 措 施;以 及 在 不 同 地 点 举 行 巡 回 展 览,教 育 市 民 认 识 在《 修 订 条 例 》及《 最 低 工 资 条 例 》 下 享 有 的 权 益 及 保 障 。 labour.gov.hk | These include producing a leaflet on the reasonable excuse clause under the EO, producing leaflets on the EAO in nine different languages including Chinese and English, introducing new publications and promotional materials to encourage the wider use of written employment contract and proper keeping of wage and employment records; producing a new radio Announcement in the Public Interest and placing advertisement in public transport about differentiating an employee from a self-employed person; organising a workshop to [...] enhance effective communication and [...] foster collaboration betweenemployers and employees; promoting [...]FFEP through local newspaper [...]and producing thematic promotional materials to boost the receptiveness of FFEP in the workplace; as well as staging roving exhibitions in different locations to educate the public of their rights and protection under the EAO and MWO. labour.gov.hk |
Lord 公司是平衡器技术的专家,他们的技术广泛地应用在水泥、钢铁和能源等各行业机械/磨床 的高速主轴内。 moriseiki.com | Lord Corporation are experts in balancing technology for the high-speed [...] spindles which are widely used in [...] industrial machines and grindingmachines in the cement, [...]iron and steel and energy fields. moriseiki.com |
检查隔膜主轴(121) 是否磨损或有划伤。 graco.com | Inspect the diaphragm shaft (121) forwear or scratches. graco.com |
澳门特别行政区政府社会文化司司长崔世安今(18日)在大三巴牌坊前主持“2006澳门世界遗产年”启动仪式,为旅游局举办的连串宣传推广活动拉开序幕,藉此向全世界推广“澳门历史城区”,建立明确的旅游品牌。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | Secretary for Social Affairs [...] and Culture DrChui Sai On officiatedthe launch ceremony of "2006 Macau World Heritage Year" in front of the [...]Ruins of St Paul's [...]to mark the commencement of a series of promotions and activities by Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO) to reinforce Macau's tourism brand, "The Historic Centre of Macau". industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
尽管难以确定其中直接有关主要折磨发展中国家疾病的研究所占的比例,但 在 1975 年至 1999 年期间批准研制的 1393 种药品中,估计只有 13 种是专为治疗热带病 的。 iprcommission.org | However it has been estimated that of 1393 drugs approved between 1975 and 1999, only 13 were specifically indicated for tropical diseases.19 Where diseases are common to both developed and developing countries, the picture is different. iprcommission.org |