单词 | 磨叨 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 磨叨 —grumblechatter叨叨 —chatterhog the conversationSee also:磨—sharpen • polish • rub • grindstone • die out • pester • waste time • wear down • insist • turn round 叨—garrulous • receive the benefit of 磨 n—grind n
不過,我們並未能像在其他方面所需,說 [...] 我們已取得廣泛的支持,而我不會重複那些批評我們的㆟所說的嘮 嘮 叨叨 的 話。 legco.gov.hk | But it cannot be said that we can point to as extensive support as we require elsewhere and I will not go through the [...] litany of our critics once again. legco.gov.hk |
用相适应的溶剂清洗所有零件并检查它们是 否磨 损或损坏。 graco.com | Clean all parts with a compatible solvent and [...] inspect them for wear or damage. graco.com |
Balabolka的意思是“唠叨的人”,它是一个俄语单词,也是这个文本朗读工具的名称。 balabolka.cn.uptodown.com | Balabolka is a russian word that can be translated as 'chatterer' and also the name give to this application that can read your texts aloud. balabolka.en.uptodown.com |
巴帝女士喋喋不休地念叨了一 阵子,便双手沉稳巧妙地操作起鼻胃管来。 unicef.org | I can do it,” gushes Ms. Bharti a few minutes later, beaming, hands steady – manoeuvring the tube skillfully. unicef.org |
希望局長不要嫌我嘮叨的說, 我覺得這項措施是很好的,我很支持,希望盡快能夠落實以利及尤其是 老化的屋邨。 legco.gov.hk | I hope that it can be implemented as soon as possible to benefit especially the old housing estates. legco.gov.hk |
要用定位销来对准这些部件,以免轴承过 早 磨 损。 graco.com | Align these parts with locating pins, to [...] avoid premature bearing wear. graco.com |
除了分析各国所采 取的政策和法律决定之外,本研究报告的目的还在于具体说明秘密拘留的定义, [...] 秘密拘留是如何为酷刑或不人道和有辱人格待遇创造条件的,以及秘密拘留的做 法如何给受害者及其家人留下无法磨 灭 的 烙印的。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition to the analysis of the policy and legal decisions taken by States, the aim of the study was also to illustrate, in concrete terms, what it means to be secretly detained, how secret detention can facilitate the practice of torture or inhuman and degrading [...] treatment, and how the practice of secret [...] detention has left an indelible mark on the victims, [...]and on their families as well. daccess-ods.un.org |
香水,衣服,服装,服饰,高级女装行列,男朋友隶,开裂,自定义,时尚,人物,幌子,制造,躁狂症,方式,方法,模式,模具,模式,愤怒,排序,风格,潮流,类型,时尚,方式, 开花,花,切花,开花,蓬勃发展,小花,冲水,, 山,海,徒步旅行,树,植物,生物,生态,田野,森林,国, 博客,网站,业余, 旅游,酒店,短途旅行,走动,peregrinate继续进行,絮 絮 叨叨 , 漫 游,旅游,移动,旅行,漂移,旅程 gelono.com | Keywords : nature, zen, rest, sleep, nap, garden, blog, perfume, clothes, clothing, clothes, haute couture, bandwagon, beau monde, craze, custom, fad, figure, guise, make, mania, manner, method, mode, mould, pattern, rage, sort, style, trend, type, vogue, way, bloom, blossom, cut flower, efflorescence, flourish, floweret, flush,, mountain, sea, hiking, tree, plant, biology, ecology, fields, forest, country, blog, web site, amateur, tourism, hotel, jaunt, locomote, peregrinate, proceed, ramble, roam, tour, traverse, trip, wander, journey gelono.com |
政府官員是高薪厚祿,他們繼續在嘮 嘮 叨叨 ,但面對老人家的問題卻如“鵪鶉”般,甚麼也做不到。 legco.gov.hk | Government officials enjoy high salaries, [...] they keep on nagging but when faced [...]with problems concerning the elderly, they [...]are like quails, their hands are tied. legco.gov.hk |
我想問當天對司徒先生喝倒采的人,他們今天看到國內同胞為了相同 的目標被拘留、受政府叨擾,他們有沒有出過聲呢? legco.gov.hk | I have to say this to all those who jeered at Mr SZETO: Have you ever voiced any protest on [...] behalf of your compatriots who are now detained and harassed by [...] the government for the same patriotic [...]cause you advocate? legco.gov.hk |
提到地道的芬兰烹饪,人们总联想起一个围着头巾的强悍大娘,从大锅舀出如泥浆似的炖菜,不然就想起叼 着 叨 着 雪 茄烟,长八字胡的芬兰老头。 visitfinland.com | The phrase “Finnish kitchen” once conjured up images of robust, kerchiefed women ladling out cauldrons of boggy stew to cigar-smoking, moustachioed Finns. visitfinland.com |
因此,各国不能限制失踪人员亲属了解 失踪人员命运和下落真相的权利,因为限制这种权利只会加重或延续对其 亲属造成的持续折磨。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this regard, the State cannot restrict the right to know the truth about the fate and the whereabouts of the disappeared as such restriction only adds to, and prolongs, the continuous torture inflicted upon the relatives. daccess-ods.un.org |
60 位立法會議員呆若木雞的坐着,只有祝酒的分兒, 叨陪末席。 legco.gov.hk | He visited not only the LI family because the real estate sector is manipulated by several major families. legco.gov.hk |
由社工負責分配資源,除了增加他們的工作量,減少其他方面的服 務外,更會增加他們與病者的磨擦,使他們輔導病者的工作更困難。 legco.gov.hk | To make medical social workers take up the responsibility of allocating resources would not only increases their workload and reduces their services in other areas but will also create conflicts between the social workers and the patients and make their work of counselling patients more difficult. legco.gov.hk |
首先,我 想 談 一下具 問 責的政 府 , 我不會 絮絮叨叨的 , 因為今天 很 多 人 都說了不少 。 legco.gov.hk | Firstly, I would like to talk about accountable government, and I will not labour the point. legco.gov.hk |
劉兆佳教授多年來......我嘮叨些 再 說一次,我二十多年前很欣賞他當年某些研究及著作,特別是關於 香港的社會關係問題的看法,可以說是多年深入研究的結果。 legco.gov.hk | Over the years, Prof LAU Siu-kai …… Pardon me for repeating once again, some 20 years ago, I was a fan of LAU for his researches and writings, in particular, his views about the problem of social relationships in Hong Kong, which were, so to speak, the fruits of his long years of in-depth study. legco.gov.hk |
主席女士,吳靄儀議員說得很好,在回歸前,張敏儀小姐曾多次跟我說, 政府經常嘮叨她,但也只是向她嘮叨 , 她覺得不要緊,因為 BBC 同樣受到英 國政府的嘮叨。 legco.gov.hk | Before the reunification, Miss CHEUNG Man-yee often told me that the Government had picked at her all the time. legco.gov.hk |
我經 常嘮叨在席 的副局長,因為我們贊成興建公屋,但由於10年前的規 劃,即是我手邊這些2003年、2002年、1999年的規劃,完成興建後卻 突然停頓。 legco.gov.hk | And yet, these are projects planned a decade ago, like the plans of 2003, 2002 and 1999 in hand, which had abruptly come to a halt upon completion. legco.gov.hk |
其實,香港的經濟結構發展正處於㆒個非常時期,台灣、韓國、新加坡的競爭力 如波濤澎湃,香港則由昔日的獨領風騷到今日 的 叨 陪 末座,說到底也是由於在經濟轉 型期㆗,我們缺乏了㆒套長遠的、明確的工業政策所造成。 legco.gov.hk | Faced with the strong competitive edge of Taiwan, Korea, and Singapore, Hong Kong has fallen to the bottom of the list from the leading position it used to occupy, primarily because of our lack of a far-sighted and focused strategy to assist our industries during the period of economic restructuring. legco.gov.hk |
在其他 場 合 裏 , 凡 提 及 付 貨人或 貨 櫃 碼 頭 時 ,丁午壽議員便 會 叨叨不 絕 , 他 經 常 批 評香港的貨櫃 碼 頭 是全世 界 最 昂 貴 的,但 追 溯 其原因, 便 會發 現香港政府對 貨 櫃 碼 頭 事業向來都 是採取價 高者得 的政策 ,或 只 提 供 海邊地 皮 , 讓營運者 自 行 填 海 , 亦 讓 業 界 各 出 奇 謀 來 賺 錢 ,庫房則 坐享其 成,進 帳 不 少 。 legco.gov.hk | But the reason for this is that the Hong Kong Government has always adopted a policy of awarding contracts to the highest bidder in the container terminal business, or merely provides waterfront land for the operators to carry out reclamation themselves. legco.gov.hk |
關於工㆟失業和開工不足的數字,業已多有引述,我不擬再贅,亦不打算絮 絮叨 叨,縷述本港經濟如何繼續擴張及趨向多元化,為愈來愈能幹的工㆟提供更多就業機 會。 legco.gov.hk | I will not repeat the figures that have been quoted on unemployment and I will not repeat the figures that have been quoted on unemployment and I will not repeat the figures that have been quoted on unemployment and I will not repeat the figures that have been quoted on unemployment and underemployment in Hong Kong nor dwell on the continuing expansion and underemployment in Hong Kong nor dwell on the continuing expansion and underemployment in Hong Kong nor dwell on the continuing expansion and underemployment in Hong Kong nor dwell on the continuing expansion and diversification of the Hong Kong economy, creating more and more job opportunities diversification of the Hong Kong economy, creating more and more job opportunities diversification of the Hong Kong economy, creating more and more job opportunities diversification of the Hong Kong economy, creating more and more job opportunities for our increasingly talented workforce. legco.gov.hk |
大家坐下來敬陪末席 ─ 是“叨”陪 末席, 可是,曾慶紅先生卻早已乘車往見李嘉誠,跟他的公子吃了兩小時早餐。 legco.gov.hk | ) We humbly sat down to keep him company ― it should be we were "flattered" to keep him company. However, Mr ZENG Qinghong paid a visit to Mr LI Ka-shing much earlier and had a two-hour breakfast with his son while his visit to Hong Kong was scheduled to be less than 48 hours. legco.gov.hk |
朗标总裁竹文峥表示这种暗示可能在中国并不适用,“我们已经在先前对于汽车品牌名称的调研项目中发现,含有这个字的名字并不是中国人的最爱,因为它们有些太 神 叨叨 了。 labbrand.com | We have already found in previous research projects on car brand names, that names with this term were not a favorite choice in China because they are a little too spiritual”. labbrand.com |