单词 | 磨光的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 磨光的 adjective—bald adjSee also:磨光 adj—polished adj 磨光—polish 磨—polish • sharpen • rub • grindstone • die out • pester • waste time • wear down • insist • turn round
测试磨光的/单面材料 不管材料的厚度, 清洁要测试的材料表面, 然后进行测试. gys-schweissen.com | Clean the surface to be tested, regardless of material thickness, and carry out the test. gys-schweissen.com |
各元件间的距离及玻璃的 磨光程度 都是非常严格的,这些因素导致镜头的价格不菲。 motion.kodak.com | The distance between these elements [...] and the precise grind of the glass is [...]critical, and these factors add significant cost to the lens. motion.kodak.com |
关于更多盘式磨光机的服务 或附件信息,请联系企业Lothar Pausch Maschinenvertrieb。 industrystock.cn | For additional information about services and [...] accessories of Plate grinding machines please contact [...]the company Lothar Pausch Maschinenvertrieb without obligation. industrystock.net |
不銹鋼錶殼,直徑42毫米,與磨光的 兩 側 ,喇叭口徑拋光和透明的顯示組件,提供了一個原始的輪廓曲線,保留一點東西,球迷們永恆的,永恆的外觀在價值的產品。 zh.horloger-paris.com | The stainless steel case of 42 mm diameter with satin finish on the sides, horns polished and transparent [...] back reveals the caliber [...]components, presents an original profile curves which retain little something timeless and ageless look that fans in value products. en.horloger-paris.com |
金属式豪华系列包含铝合金边圈,能加 强 磨光 面的耐用角度。 majestic-percussion.com | The Endeavor Strap Deluxe Snare includes the aluminum edge ring for [...] additional strength of the batter side bearing edge. majestic-percussion.com |
引人注目的磨光设计 同时提供便利的操作 neutrik.com.cn | Sleek attractive design for convenient handling neutrik.com |
海德海姆 (Heidenheim) 的纸生产商海因里希•弗尔特 (Heinrich Voelter) 与约翰·马特乌斯·福伊特 [...] (Johann Mattäus Voith) 就木材磨光机的设计 与建造签订了合同。 voith.com | The Heidenheim paper maker Heinrich Voelter and Johann Matthäus Voith sign a contract for the design and the [...] construction of wood grinding machines. voith.com |
请使用下面的链接继续查询相关企业 的 主 题盘 式 磨光 机 , 可在Industry St o c k 的 数 据 库中获得。 industrystock.cn | Please use the following link to research other [...] relevant companies relating to Plate grinding machines in IndustryStock's database. industrystock.net |
MCM控制模塊在比賽中回磨,如當石頭被 打 磨光 滑 ,插 入 的 黃 金 鑄造的需求。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | The MCM-control [...] modules are back to grinding in the game, such as when the stone is polished smooth with the [...]inserted gold casting needs. en.developmentscout.com |
维尔贝莱特公司与设备制造商及其供应商合作,为其提供零部件强化、清洁 和 磨光 方 面 的 支 持 ,从而提高零部件性能。 wheelabratorgroup.com | Wheelabrator works with the OEM's and their suppliers to support them in this quest to strengthen, clean and polish parts to improve performance. wheelabratorgroup.com |
受到C3X系列设计风格的启发, [...] HT3000E 彰显优雅的外观,由时尚设计大师乔治亚罗亲自设计,外壳最后采用炮铜 色 磨光 , 带 有漂亮蓝 背 光的 S I M 2标 志。 sim2usa.com | Taking styling cues from the C3X series, The HT3000E sports an elegant Giorgio Revoldini [...] designed cabinet in SiM2's signature Gun Metal gray finish. sim2usa.com |
避免了校准/磨光工步,意味着需要更 少 的 人 工和工具成本以及必需的生产区域。 ski2.com | The elimination of calibration/sanding also means lower labor and tool costs and less production space required. ski2.com |
碗口周圍的帯狀装飾增強了作品的設 計 性、當光線穿透時雕刻 和 磨光 部 分浮現出來、與襯 地 的 金 屬 氧化物重疊在一起、展現出神秘的美。 est-ouest.co.jp | The frieze decoration around the opening raises [...] the quality of its [...] design and when the light passes through, carved and polished part comes out to the surface showing a mystical beauty [...]when overlapping [...]with the groundwork of sallisure. est-ouest.co.jp |
此两步程序包括潮湿的去静电擦拭和干燥的基于硅 的磨光,可使扫描仪保持清洁、明亮、防静电的修整。 graphics.kodak.com | This two-step process includes a wet de-static wipe and a dry siliconbased polish that leaves the scanner with a clean, clear, antistatic finish. graphics.kodak.com |
不過,它很可能不是仿痕都斯坦玉器的所謂“西蕃作”,因為所稱“西蕃作”的器物 打 磨光 亮 是比較閃爍的,而本壺呈現治玉傳 統 的 琢 磨光 潤 , 沒那麼發亮。 e-yaji.com | It is possible that this bottle was made in the main workshops in response to the emperor’s love of Hindustan jades, since the finish is consistent with [...] the traditional polishing of [...] nephrite, whereas the known wares from the Tibetan workshop tended to have a more glittery finish. e-yaji.com |
光滑的螺纹侧表面 提供了最佳的密封 和最小的磨损。 swagelok.com.cn | Smooth thread flanks provide optimum sealing and minimize galling. swagelok.com.cn |
总是把要测试的材料磨光, 打开 焊接等部分和把不需要测试的地方移开(如 图所示). gys-schweissen.com | Always expose the material to be tested by opening the weld etc and removing the part, which is not to be tested (see picture). gys-schweissen.com |
以手工磨光圆纹倒角处理的主夹 板与表桥,以及蓝钢螺丝等细节,展现此瑞士制表品牌秉持的美学标准,令这款机芯更出类拔萃。 piaget.com.cn | The circular-grained mainplate and bridges, hand-drawn and beveled, and the blued screws round off this exceptional movement, while remaining true to the aesthetic codes cherished by the Swiss watchmaking brand. piaget.com |
对 于一些磨损力极大的纱线,我们有专 门的经纱压杆,其表面处理非常精细 光滑,可以减少和纱线的磨擦。 grob.com | For particularly aggressive and abrasive warp yarns, thread supporting [...] tubes are available with extremely resistant surface finishes. grob.com |
您可以用特殊 磨光劑來 擦亮銅和黃銅,製作方法是將鹽灑在一片 檸檬上、或將鹽灑在浸滿醋的布上。 essa.ca | You can polish copper and brass with special polish, salt sprinkled on a piece of lemon, or salt sprinkled on a cloth saturated with [...] vinegar. essa.ca |
有意思的是,把無花紋的表面和其他御賜類煙 壺 的 表 面 比一比,好 像 磨光 沒 有 差異,但這位天然圖畫瑪瑙潑墨師多數的作品仍然給以高光 度 的 印 象。 e-yaji.com | Intriguingly, when one compares the plain areas of [...] this bottle with many [...] others of the Official school, there seems to be no difference in polish, and yet a high gloss is the impression one gets from most of his works. e-yaji.com |
他們讓惡劣的環境,纏身的疾病和歧 視 的 眼 光 ,磨 損 生存的意志。 legco.gov.hk | However, their will to live is being eroded by the bad living environment, their debilitating diseases and social discrimination. legco.gov.hk |
為了營造更一體化的生活空間,Bulthaup除廚櫃外,更備有一系列簡約傢俱製品配件如桌子、椅子等,其中最具代表性可算是造型中性的「Bulthaup c2」桌子,無論大小或外型均與Bulthaup [...] b3系列配合得天衣無縫,絕對可以作為廚房結構的補充;加上先 進 的磨光 技 術令表面和邊緣互相接合,而扁平的桌面結構和外伸桌腳又能增加桌下的空間,令坐下時更舒適,亦方便椅子擺放。 think-silly.com | Its size and aesthetic is perfect with Bulthaup b3 series, [...] making it perfect for the kitchen; its advance [...]technique enables the edges to be matched [...]perfectly, the legs increase the space below the table making sitting comfortable and allow convenient storage. think-silly.com |
擦洗和磨光等清洁步骤可去除地板上 的 残 油。 bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com | Cleaning [...] procedures like mopping and buffing removes oil from the floor. bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com |
尽管许多受害者认为,秘密拘留夺走了他们生命中几年 的光阴,并且留下了无法磨灭的烙印 ,这常常表现在其生计方面以及更经常的是 其健康方面的损失,但他们几乎从未获得任何形式的补偿,其中包括身心的康复 [...] 及赔偿。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although many victims feel that the [...] secret detention has stolen [...] years of their lives and left an indelible mark, often in terms of loss of [...]their livelihood and frequently [...]their health, they have almost never received any form of reparation, including rehabilitation or compensation. daccess-ods.un.org |
从 Marlan®、合成的矿物填充脂中浇注而成,具有花岗石硬 度 的 外 壳 喷射有七层瓷漆,并手 动 磨光 , 直 到与玻璃一样光滑。 bowers-wilkins.cn | Moulded from Marlan®, a synthetic, mineral filled [...] resin, this granite-hard enclosure is [...] sprayed with seven coats of lacquer and polished by hand until it's as smooth as glass. bowers-wilkins.eu |
通过利用贯穿气泡照明涡流的激光束 , 和使用高速相机进行连续拍图,研究人员能够制作出首个有关这种难以 琢 磨的 结 如何运动的3D动画,他们在近期的《自然—物理学》期刊上报告了该研究成果。 chinese.eurekalert.org | By sweeping a sheet of laser light across the bubble-illuminated vortex and snapping pictures with a high-speed camera, they were able to create [...] the first 3D animations of how these elusive [...]knots behave, they report today in Nature Physics. chinese.eurekalert.org |
目前角膜屈光手术的主流 方式是LASIK(准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术),手术过程是在电脑控制下,保留角膜的外层组织,从中间进行准分子 激 光磨 镶 , 然后将角膜瓣复位。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | The most mainstream form of laser eye surgery is LASIK (laser in situ keratomileusis). The surgery generally proceeds this way: Under the control of a computer, the outer layer of the cornea is cut away as a flap by a laser. beijing.ufh.com.cn |