

单词 碾米机

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米尼加的体机构― ―行 政、立法和司法,始终坚持法治的理想,一直积极地响应国际规范、惯例和习 惯。
Dominican institutions — executive, legislative [...]
and judiciary — continued to hold high the ideals of the rule of law and
had been very responsive to international norms, conventions and customs.
米廠全自動電碾米,儲 藏室也是採用電腦控制溫度,可保持稻米的新鮮度。
From rice milling to refrigerating all proceses are controlled by computer system, therefore the rice is freshly preserved.
今天也是美国和平活动人士雷切 尔·科里遇害六周年的日子,她因反对拆除巴勒斯坦 住房建造隔离墙而被一辆以色列推 机碾 压 身 亡。
Today is also the sixth anniversary of the assassination of American peace activist Rachel Corrie, who was run over by an Israeli bulldozer because she opposed the demolition of Palestinian homes to build the separation wall.
你可以看到它在屏幕上四处疾驰碾 碎 一切挡道的东西。
You can see it gallop around the screen , all crushed out of the way of things .
作为米比亚常驻机构, 办事处全面积 极参与联合国国家计划拟定工作,例如,近期呼吁主任领导联发援框架监测和评估工作组, [...]
Being resident in Namibia, the Office is fully [...]
active in United Nations country programming. For instance, the Director
was recently called upon to lead the UNDAF M&E working group, which will oversee the systematic implementation of M&E for the UNDAF.
此外,河北钢铁集团有限公司同意尽其最大努力协助从包括中国的一些银行在内的金 机 构 获取 卡 米 项 目 的项目债务融资,并已同意与Alderon合作,在尚未交托给它的卡米项目的年产量方面努力吸引更多的承购合作伙伴。
In addition, HBIS agrees to use its best efforts to assist in obtaining project debt financing for the Kami Project from financial institutions, including Chinese banks, and HBIS has agreed to co-operate with Alderon in its efforts to attract additional off-take partners in respect of the annual production from the Kami Project that has not been committed to HBIS.
阿尔及利亚再次呼吁联合国各方案机 构,向多米尼加 提供克服这些挑战所必需的技术和财政援助。
Algeria reiterated
[...] its call to United Nations programmes and institutions to provide Dominica with the technical [...]
and financial
assistance necessary to overcome these challenges.
他运用诸如垃圾袋、储物箱、瓷砖、海报、杂志、镀铬喷涂、钉子、卷 机 和 金 属卷边等物品,通过绘画 碾 压 、拧转和翻转等明显带有破坏性的手法来打乱人们解读此类物品和解读绘画本身的习惯性思维方式。
With help from garbage bags, lockers, tiles, posters, magazines, chrome spray, nails, angle grinders and metal bindings, just to mention a few, he draws, crunches, screws, and inverts in a variety of apparently vandalistic gestures to interrupt any habitual approach of reading the objects and painting itself.
ETP-HYLOC是一种十分坚固的液压-机械连接件,很适用于像轧钢一类工作环境差的重载加工设备,常用于这 机 械 的 进料 碾 压 辊筒与轴的连接。
ETP-HYLOC, due to its robust design, is ideally suited to work in difficult environments and heavy operations like steel rolling mills, process industry etc. An interesting application, among many, has been fastening of rolls to shafts.
为了促进区域合作,亚太技转中心建立了一个由 15 个成员 国组成的体制合作机制,以便在亚太区域促进可再生能源技术,并着 手建立了网络解决方法中心,以促进交流最佳做法;在
11 个成员国 中建立了一个网络,以便在为推动农村应用而建立的可再生能源技术 微型系统领域促进研发机构之间的合作;并在
[...] 8 个成员国中创立了一 个网络,以促进研机构在应用米 技 术 方面开展合作,从而创造有 附加值的产品,加强中小企业的竞争力。
In order to promote regional cooperation, APCTT established an institutional cooperation mechanism consisting of 15 member Countries to promote RET in the Asia-Pacific region and initiating a web-based Solution Centre to promote sharing of best practices; created a network among 11 member Countries to promote cooperation among research and development institutes in the field of renewable energy technology micro-systems for rural applications; and created a network among 8 member countries to promote cooperation among
research and development institutes in
[...] the application of nanotechnology for creating value-added [...]
products to strengthen the competitiveness of SMEs.
博士假日和小团体的普罗维登斯的科学家们在船上卫星电视站工作在停用定期 米机 械 的 纳 米机 械。
Dr. Holiday and small group of Providence scientists are on board a satelite station working on a modified form of nanites that deactivate regular nanites.
[...] 共同努力防止今后出现危机:审查拨款机制、促进粮 食生产并消除商品市场机现象(有 30%的米和小 麦目前由金融企业在商品市场上进行交易)。
The international community should work together to prevent future crises by reviewing fund allocation mechanisms, boosting food production and
eliminating speculation in commodity
[...] markets, where 30 per cent of maize and wheat was now traded [...]
by financial enterprises.
Jabra Motion UC, Bluetooth® Class 1 最远可离开您的电脑、平板电脑或智能机 100 米/ 300 英尺,让您尽享无线技术的自由性。
With the Jabra Motion UC, Bluetooth® Class 1 gives you wireless freedom with a range of up to 100m/300ft from your PC, tablet or smartphone.
莱歇美国公司获得了大订单:维修莱 碾 磨 机 型 LM31.2整体设备,备件交付,莱歇公司的24小时监控,人力和工具的使用(包括设备和所有耗材)。
Loesche America, Inc. was awarded the complete maintenance outage contract for a LOESCHE Mill Type LM 31.2 for the grinding of copper matte which includes providing spare parts, 24hrs Loesche supervision, manpower, tools, equipment and consumables.
由於我們於二零一零年底收購巴西碾 磨 公 司Predilito的50%股權,磨麥量 大幅增加。
Wheat milling volume rose substantially due to our late 2010 acquisition of 50% of the Brazilian milling company Predilito.
在市场提供KHD的高压辊机,既 扩大了我们在全 碾 磨 回 路和矿物加工处理运营方面的产品范围,又可进一步促进我们同客户的合作关系,加强我们的服务承诺。
Offering the KHD HPGR extends our portfolio in mill circuit and minerals processing operations around the world, and will allow us to further our relationships and commitment to our customers.
表面Celtec的光滑的表面无光泽的表面对图表,打印 碾 压 是 理想的。
Surface Celtec's smooth matte surface is ideal for graphics, printing and laminating.
我厂生产的浮动油封铁环,是用国产的GCr15钢材(轴承钢或者100Cr6-1.3505),经多次热 碾 压 成形,做成坯料; 机 械 加工后,高频电炉对产品工作面热处理淬火、以优化此部位金属的金相结构,使其表面硬度提高到洛氏58-68度左右,用以提高此部位工作面亮带的耐磨性。
Our floating seal ring is made of domestic GCr15 steel (bearing steel or 100Cr6-1.3505)
which is made as the
[...] semi-finished product through hot forging and rolling forming; after machining, [...]
heat treatment and quenching
shall be performed on product working face to optimize the metallographical structure of this part; the surface hardness will be increased to around 58-68 HRC to improve the abrasive resistance of sealing face of this part.
廢物無須先碾碎, 其 體 積 和 重量 可 減少超過 80%,而殘餘的 灰燼可棄置在堆填區。
The volume and weight of waste can be reduced by over 80% without shredding, and the residual ashes can be disposed of in landfills.
已经有 10 天了,以色列却 每天都在告诉我们,它马上要实现其军事目标,而媒 体每天——甚至每小时——都在播放儿童的尸体挨 个躺在一起、全家人被杀死以及无辜平民被以色列军 事装碾压的可怕画面,迄今大约有 600 人丧生,3 000 多人受伤,而安理会却仍然保持沉默。
It is 10 days, and Israel is telling us daily that it is about to achieve its military objectives, while the media are showing us daily, nay hourly, horrific scenes of the bodies of children laid next to each other, families that have been completely decimated and innocent civilians who have been crushed by the Israeli military machine — almost 600 to date and 3,000 thousand wounded, and the Council is still silent.
最近,一名以色列定居者故意 袭击碾压一名 8 岁的男孩,但却根本没有受到惩 罚。
Recently, an Israeli settler had intentionally struck and run over an eight-year-old boy, with utter impunity.
此外,在马西西的刚果(金)武装部队军官称,Karangwa 上校在叛变前从第 810 团偷窃了大量武器,包括 1 门 60 毫米迫击炮、1 挺 12.7 毫米机枪以及若干 PKM 机枪和火箭榴弹。
Karangwa had stolen large amounts of weapons, including one 60 mm mortar, one 12.7 mm machine gun and several PKMs and RPGs from the 810th regiment.
1、黑芝麻馅:将买来的熟黑芝麻放一塑料袋里,封口后用擀面杖将芝 碾 碎 ( 图1)。
1: Place roasted black sesame seeds in a plastic bag, seal and roll with a rolling pin (Picture1).
刚果(金)武装部队军官和投降的兵变分子称,Kaina 上校控制了第 805 团的重型 武器,包括 6 挺机枪、4 个火箭榴弹筒、2 挺 12.7 毫米机枪、4 门 81 毫米迫击炮 和 5 挺 PKM 机枪。
Kaina had taken control of heavy weapons of the 805th regiment, which included six machine guns, four RPGs, two 12.7 mm machine guns, four 81 mm mortars and five PKMs.
2011 年 1 月 30 日 2 时 45 分 一支敌方以色列巡逻队的队员在 Udaysah 黎巴嫩陆军 检查站对面停留,将 12.7 毫米机枪指向上述检查站。
Members of an Israeli enemy patrol halted opposite the Lebanese Army checkpoint at Udaysah and directed profanities and curses towards those manning the checkpoint.
劳模公司的供货范围包括冰区刷式 收机、15 米围扫系统、重型围油栏、 GTA 115 货油泵以及 10 米围油栏拖船。
Lamor’s scope of supply comprises arctic brush skimmers, 15m sweeping systems, heavy duty oil booms, GT A 115 cargo oil pumps and a 10m boom towing boat.
15 时 50 分
[...] 以色列敌军巡逻队一名成员在 Udaysah 检查点将 12.7 毫米机枪对准黎巴嫩 军人检查人员。
1550 The members of an Israeli enemy patrol
[...] pointed 12.7 mm machine guns towards [...]
personnel of the Lebanese Army checkpoint at Udaysah.
从采石、运送材料(碾碎后 待储存)、厂内运输(原料粉打磨到过滤)、孰料烧制、烧制阶段完成后以及包装、装载,每一个阶段我们都能提供相匹配的输送带和服务材料,为特定应用环境量身制定最经济有效的输送解决方案。
From quarrying, moving materials (after crushing for storage), in-plant transportation (from raw material grinding to and beyond filtering), burning process - clinker burning, after burning process, packaging and loading, we can provide suitable conveyor belt and service to each process in order to provide the most effective and economic solution for a specific working environment.
2012年5月25日,对上海宏源来说,是一个值得永载史册的日子,在这一天,宏源在江苏盐城立德生产基地的码头处,将历次在打假活动中收缴的假冒伪劣产品、采购的不合格材料以及生产过程中产生的不合格产品集 碾 压 销 毁,盐城经济技术开发区领导以及盐城主流电视台和报纸,上海宏源总监团队出席并见证此次活动。
Leaders of Yancheng Economic and Technical Development Zone and mainstream TV and newspapers and Shanghai Hongyuan chief inspection team witnessed the campaign, in which the destroyed products is accumulatively reached 7,450,000 million RMB.
米机器人 学领域,苏黎世理工大学的教授Bradley Nelson和他的团队研制了用于医疗干涉的 米机 器 人 ,为在细胞水平上准确地用药,此外还有较大的机器人用于控制它们。
In the field of nanorobotics, ETZH professor Bradley Nelson and his team have developed nano-robots for use in medical interventions at cellular [...]
level or for precise
delivery of a drug – plus the slightly larger robots needed to manipulate them.




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