单词 | 碳酸钠 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 碳酸钠 —sodasodium carbonate (chemistry)Examples:碳酸氢钠—sodium bicarbonate See also:碳酸 n—carbonate n • chloride n • guanosine n 碳酸—carbonic acid • chlorate 碳 n—carbon n 钠—sodium (chemistry)
坎塔布里亚化工生产以碳酸钠和碳酸 氢 钠 为 主 , 由于是巨型生产单位,在西班牙是唯一的单品 生产企业,年产量达到一百万吨。 gruposodercan.es | These are produced in a single, large manufacturing unit which is the only one of its kind in Spain, with an output of 1 million tonnes. gruposodercan.es |
储存在气密性良好的容器中以防止生 成 碳酸 钠化合物。 cn.lubrizol.com | Store in an air-tight [...] container to avoid sodium carbonate formation. lubrizol.com |
1904年建厂,是西班牙最大的生 产碳酸钠,碳酸氢钠和氯的企业, 宏大的厂房有多条生产线。 gruposodercan.es | This large manufacturing facility has various product [...] lines including sodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate and chlorine. gruposodercan.es |
碳酸钠的价 格变化无常,无法预知,而且在过去几年里上涨过快。 tipschina.gov.cn | The price of soda ash is constantly fluctuating, is unpredictable, and has significantly increased over the past few years. tipschina.gov.cn |
罗地亚的无定形沉淀白炭黑的生产步骤为:溶解玻璃质硅酸盐(砂粒 与 碳酸钠 在 炉 中反应生成)然后经过沉淀反应而成。 rhodia.com.cn | Rhodia manufactures amorphous precipitated [...] silica by dissolving vitrious silicate (produced in a [...] furnace from sand and sodium carbonate) followed [...]by precipitation. rhodia.com.cn |
使用稀释的 (8-10% v/v) 碳酸氢钠/水溶 液在温水 中彻底清洗充气罩囊、通气导管和胃液引流导 [...] 管,直至去除所有可见异物。 vitaid.com | Thoroughly wash the cuff, airway tube and [...] drain tube in warm water using a [...] dilute (8-10% v/v) sodium bicarbonate/water solution [...]until all visible foreign matter is removed. vitaid.com |
所有含有氯酸 钾的装置也必须含有等量的碳酸氢盐,例 如碳 酸氢钠。 afsl.org | All units containing potassium chlorates must also contain an equal amount of a [...] bicarbonate, such as sodium bicarbonate. afsl.org |
准备罗斯威尔公园Memorial研究所(RPMI)肉汤通过溶解的RPMI粉末在水中,由生产商和1%cassamino酸(CA)(重量/体积)的建议,添 加 碳酸 氢 钠。 jove.com | Prepare Roswell Park Memorial Institute (RPMI) broth by [...] dissolving the RPMI [...] powder in water, add sodium bicarbonate as recommended by the manufacturer and 1% cassamino acids (CA) (w/v). jove.com |
作 为“定向打击贩运活动区域交流、知识专长和培 训二”行动的一部分,2009 [...] 年,毒品和犯罪问题 办公室记录缉获了非表列化学品,其中包括在巴 基斯坦缉获 5 吨乙酰氯;在阿富汗缉获 2 吨氯化 铵、23.5 吨咖啡因和 2.2 吨碳酸钠,以及在中国缉 获 1,500 升乙酸。 incb.org | As part of TARCET II, UNODC recorded seizures of nonscheduled chemicals in 2009, including 5 tons of acetyl chloride in Pakistan; 2 tons of ammonium [...] chloride, 23.5 tons of [...] caffeine and 2.2 tons of sodium carbonate in Afghanistan; and 1,500 litres of acetic acid in China. incb.org |
内玛斯卡总裁兼首席执行官Guy Bourassa表示:“我们的氢氧化锂生产工艺采用了电解方法,无须大量使 用 碳酸钠 , 碳酸钠 是 传统转化工艺中使用的主要原料。 tipschina.gov.cn | Our lithium hydroxide production process uses electrolysis and eliminates the use of large quantities of soda ash, a major input used in the traditional conversion process," commented Guy Bourassa, President and CEO of Nemaska Lithium Inc. tipschina.gov.cn |
罗地亚实施了一项对整体生命周期的内 部 碳 排 放 量评估,包括 Rhodapex® ESB-70 NAT 的寿命末期与传统的十二烷基醚硫 酸钠 相 比 较。 rhodia.com.cn | Rhodia has [...] carried out an internal carbon footprint evaluation made on the overall life cycle including end-of-life of Rhodapex® ESB-70 NAT [...]compared to conventional SLES. rhodia.com |
该公司当前制造的使用色甘酸钠作为 有效成分的 其他氟氯化碳计量 吸入器将不在本项目下改造为 HFC-134a 计量吸入器。 multilateralfund.org | The other CFC-MDI with sodium cromoglycate as the active ingredient, currently [...] manufactured by the company, will not be [...]converted to an HFA-MDI under this project. multilateralfund.org |
生化检查:该验血主要包括针对体内7种化学成分的不同检查,包括 : 钠 、 钾 、氯、 重 碳酸 盐 、 葡萄糖、血尿素和氮。 parkwayhealth.cn | Panel 7 Test: this blood test involves 7 different tests for the measuring of [...] different chemicals within [...] the body including sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate, glucose, blood [...]urea and nitrogen. parkwayhealth.cn |
八个大型电极浸没在鼓泡反应桶里,将精确测量的盐(氯化钠)和水转化为次 氯 酸钠。 unicef.org | Eight large electrodes are immersed in bubbling barrels, turning the carefully [...] measured salt – sodium chloride – and water into sodium hypochlorite. unicef.org |
c) 在液化进程第一步之后,在苛性钠溶液中吸收剩余的氯,并出售形成的次氯 酸钠溶液;或者 multilateralfund.org | (c) To absorb the chlorine remaining after the first liquefaction step in a caustic soda solution and [...] sell the resulting sodium hypochlorite solution; or multilateralfund.org |
用于水箱消毒时,可把三氯异氰脲酸 酯 钠 片 剂 放在漂浮型缓释器中缓慢释 放氯剂,以维持必要的消毒浓度。 icrc.org | In the latter case a tablet is placed in a floating dispenser which releases the chlorine slowly, thus maintaining the concentration necessary for disinfection. icrc.org |
另一名業界代表詢問,在修訂建議中, 焦 碳酸 二 甲 酯是否 屬於准許用於食物的防腐劑。 cfs.gov.hk | Another trade representative enquired whether dimethyl dicarbonate (DMDC) was a permitted preservative for food use in the proposed amendment. cfs.gov.hk |
钻井泥浆或钻井液是一种矿物质(重晶石 、 碳酸 钙 )、盐及聚合物组成的有或水基混合物,在采油或采气过程中对钻头及轴进行保护。 malvern.com.cn | A drilling mud, or drilling fluid, is an oil or water-based mix of [...] minerals (barite, calcium carbonate), salts [...]and polymers formulated to protect the drill [...]and the shaft during oil or gas production. malvern.com |
这一领域的典型原料包括二氧化钛、 碳酸 钙 、 碳 黑 、 金属屑和云母颜料以及无机的和有机的颜料。 malvern.com.cn | Typical materials in this area include titanium [...] dioxide, calcium carbonate, carbon black, metal [...]flakes and micaceous pigments as well [...]as the inorganic and organic colored pigments. malvern.de |
这套实验采用三种不同水平的表面活性剂(月桂醚 硫 酸钠 、 月 桂基 硫 酸钠 和 椰油酰胺丙基甜菜碱),并在配方中含有不同的阳离子电荷密度(1.7和3.0m [...] Eq/g)的阳离子肉桂聚合物。 cn.lubrizol.com | A design of experiments was conducted by [...] varying the levels of three [...] surfactants (sodium lauryl ether sulfate, sodium lauryl sulfate, [...]and cocamidopropyl betaine) [...]in formulations containing cationic cassia polymers of different cationic charge density (1.7 and 3.0m Eq/g). lubrizol.com |
选硝酸钠作为 标准是因为它100%溶解于水,也因为在1943年首次提出SI [...] 这一概念时,它是普遍使用的氮肥。 kno3.org | Sodium nitrate was chosen [...] as the standard because it is 100 % water-soluble and because it was a commonly used nitrogen [...]fertiliser when the SI concept was first proposed in 1943. kno3.org |
埃及代表团指出该草案对谷氨酸钠适 用的最高限量为 10g/kg,这违反了附件中所 载明并得到食品添加剂规范委员会认可的良好生产规范。 codexalimentarius.org | The Delegation of Egypt indicated that it applied a maximum level of [...] 10 g/kg for monosodium glutamate as opposed [...]to good manufacturing practice as indicated [...]in the Annex and endorsed by the Committee on Food Additives. codexalimentarius.org |
鼓励参考食品法典委员会的有关标准和指引,为预先包装的婴幼食品提供能量及蛋白质、总脂肪 和 碳 水 化 合物三种主要营养素含量,同时为谷基类婴幼儿食品标 示 钠 及 维生素B1的含量。 cfs.gov.hk | Make reference to relevant Codex standards and guidelines for providing content of energy as [...] well as protein, total fat and [...] carbohydrates in prepackaged food for infants and young children, and declare content of sodium and vitamin B1 in cereal-based food. cfs.gov.hk |
在Imerys-LQM,我们所生产的沉淀碳酸钙 因 他的高品质,低铅含量,重金属含量低,也符合加州65号提案,USP/ FCC认证,也是一份GRAS添加剂以及符合KOSHER (犹太教食品规格),被我们的客户选择为生产原料。 imerys-lqm.com | PCC Imerys-LQM, is elected by our business partners for our high quality, low lead content, low content of heavy metals because it is a GRAS additive and meets the requirements of California Proposition 65, USP, FCC and Kosher certification. imerys-lqm.com |
我们还必须考虑国家和民间社会在促进健康生 活方式以及保护本国公民不受环境危害和贸易不平 衡影响方面的作用,这种不平衡使进口的汉堡包、薯 条和碳酸饮料比一份有营养的本地餐更廉价,而且更 容易得到。 daccess-ods.un.org | We must also consider the role of the State and civil society in promoting healthy lifestyles and protecting local citizens from environmental harm and trade imbalances that make an imported hamburger, French fries and a carbonated beverage cheaper and more readily available than a nutritious, locally produced meal. daccess-ods.un.org |
一位業界代表問,“澱粉”(starch)和 “碳酸鈣”(calcium carbonate)等配料並 [...] 非用作食物添加劑,甚至無法歸類屬為哪一種作用類別,需否在配料表中列 為食物添加劑。 cfs.gov.hk | One trade representative enquired that ingredients such as [...] “starch” and “calcium carbonate” were [...]not used as food additive and even not able [...]to be classified in the functional class, was it necessary to label it in the ingredients list as food additives. cfs.gov.hk |
智利代表团认为,在食品标签委员会内审议该问题不符合适用于在准则中纳入物 [...] 质的标准,因为尽管提供了所有相关科学理由,但并未同意使用天然 硝 酸钠 , 而 并非以 类似科学数据为依据的其他物质却已纳入容许的物质清单。 codexalimentarius.org | The Delegation of Chile expressed the view that the consideration of this issue in the Committee on Food Labelling had not been consistent with the criteria applicable to substances for inclusion in the Guidelines as, although all relevant [...] scientific justification had been provided, [...] the use of Natural Sodium Nitrate had not been [...]accepted, although other member countries [...]did not provide written counter arguments. codexalimentarius.org |
Sulfochem™烷基硫酸盐(AS)和烷基醚硫酸盐(AES)的化妆品成分国际命名(INCI)名称包括:十二烷基硫酸铵、十二烷基 硫 酸钠 、 月 桂醇硫酸镁、椰油基 硫 酸钠 、 十 二烷基硫酸三乙醇胺、月桂醇聚醚硫酸铵、月桂醇聚醚 硫 酸钠 、 肉 豆蔻醇聚醚硫酸铵、肉豆蔻醇聚醚 硫 酸钠 和 十 三烷醇聚醚 硫 酸钠。 cn.lubrizol.com | Sulfochem™ alkyl sulfates (AS) and alkyl ether sulfates (AES) are also known by their International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredient [...] (INCI) names such as ammonium lauryl sulfate, sodium lauryl sulfate, magnesium lauryl sulfate, sodium cocosulfate, TEA-lauryl sulfate, ammonium laureth sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, ammonium myreth sulfate, sodium myreth sulfate, and sodium trideceth sulfate. [...] lubrizol.com |