单词 | 碳酸岩 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 碳酸岩—carbonate rock (geology)See also:碳酸n—carbonaten chloriden guanosinen 碳酸—carbonic acid chlorate 岩n—rockn cliffn 岩adj—rockyadj
在水泥生产中, 这指的是热分解会产生金属氧化物(主要是氧化钙)及二氧化碳的方解石(碳 酸钙)和其他碳酸岩类矿物质的过程。 ficem.org | In cement manufacture this is the [...] thermal decomposition of [...] calcite (calcium carbonate) and other carbonate minerals that gives a metallic oxide (mainly CaO) plus carbondioxide. ficem.org |
碳酸盐岩占主导的区域通常比长霓岩占主导的区域含有更高比例的较高TREO品位的矿化物。 tipschina.gov.cn | Thecarbonatite dominant domain generally comprises a higher proportion of elevated TREO grade mineralisation than the fenite dominant domain. tipschina.gov.cn |
主要勘探目标是Songwe Hill稀土矿床,该矿床以碳酸盐岩中稀土矿化为特色,在上世纪80年代曾进行过勘探。 tipschina.gov.cn | The main exploration target is the Songwe Hill rare earth deposit, which featurescarbonatite hosted rare earth mineralisation and was subject to previous exploration in the late 1980s. tipschina.gov.cn |
矿化作用发 生形式为矿染或与碳酸盐岩热液 蚀变及硅化作用有关。 glencore.com | The mineralisation occurs as disseminations or in association with hydrothermal [...] carbonate alterationand silicification. glencore.com |
在Songwe项目中,碳酸盐岩区域 占据主导地位,在指示矿产资源量中占84%的比例,在推断矿产资源量中占46%的比例。 tipschina.gov.cn | Thecarbonatite domain is dominant at Songwe, comprising 84% of the Indicated and 46% of the Inferred mineral resources. tipschina.gov.cn |
矿化物因沿着易分裂的火山成因的碳酸盐岩-绢云母-石 英石页岩层状矿化层钻探至1,460米的深度而显现。 glencore.com | The mineralisation was delineated by drilling along the [...] stratified mineralised formation of strongly fissile volcanogenic [...] carbonate-sericite-quartz shale rock to the depth of 1,460m. glencore.com |
由碳酸盐岩或长霓岩为主要岩石类型组成的地质区域常用来指导矿产资源评估。 tipschina.gov.cn | Geological domains, comprising either carbonatite or fenite dominant rocktypes, were used to guide the mineral resource estimate. tipschina.gov.cn |
在这些地质区域内,碳酸盐岩和长霓岩密不可分,形成了混合岩石区域。 tipschina.gov.cn | Where the carbonatite and fenite lithologies were inseparable, a mixed domain was created. tipschina.gov.cn |
石灰岩是以方解石为主要成分的碳酸盐岩。 e-yaji.com | Limestone covers a family of stone where calcite is the principal ingredient. e-yaji.com |
高品位矿产资源区分布在多个不同的含矿位置,包括地表或靠近地表的地方,尤其是 碳酸盐岩区域的东北部。 tipschina.gov.cn | Higher grade areas occur at various locations within [...] the mineral resource, including at or close to surface, particularly in the north [...] eastern part of the carbonatite domain. tipschina.gov.cn |
本公司於二零零八年十月向能源保护局及阿尔伯塔省环境署提交於Gro smont 碳酸盐岩矿藏实施试行开采方案。 sunshineoilsands.com | The Company applied to the ERCB and Alberta Environment to conduct a pilot extraction scheme in the Grosmont carbonate reservoir in October 2008. sunshineoilsands.com |
本公司在碎屑岩及碳酸盐岩类别变现原始石油地质储量及最佳估计基本可采探明资源量确认的大 幅增加。 sunshineoilsands.com | The Reserves and Resources Reports confirmed significant increases in PIIP and Best Estimate Contingent Resource recognition in both the clastics and carbonates categories. sunshineoilsands.com |
在完成二零一二年钻探和地震勘探项目、West [...] Ells地区SAGD商业项目申请获得批准、完成第二期H arper 碳酸盐岩试行 项目及继续申请Thickwood、Legend [...] Lake地区SAGD商业项目之後,独立评 估人员完成了对储量和资源的评估,评估结果於二零一二年五月三十一日生效,内容包括:约710亿桶的最佳估计合计石油原始地质储量(PIIP);约50亿桶的最佳估计後备资源量,总计69亿元的税前现值10%;80百万桶的1P(探明)储量,总计312百万元的税前现值10%;445百万桶的2P(探明加控制)储量,总计918百万元的税前现值10%;603百万桶的3P(探明加控制加预测)储量,总计16亿元的税前现值10%。 sunshineoilsands.com | After the completion of the 2012 drilling and seismic program, the approval of the West Ells Commercial SAGD [...] application, completion of the second [...] phase of theHarper carbonatepilot andcontinued [...]progression of the Thickwood and Legend [...]Lake Commercial SAGD applications, the reserves and resource evaluation completed by independent evaluators, with an effective date of May 31, 2012, resulted in approximately 70 billion barrels of best estimate PIIP (Petroleum Initially In Place); approximately 5 billion barrels best estimate contingent resource with an aggregate pre-tax PV10% value of $6.9 billion; 80 million barrels of 1P (proven) reserves with an aggregate pre-tax PV10% value of $312 million; 445 million barrels of 2P (proven plus probable) reserves with an aggregate pre-tax PV10% value of $918 million; and 603 million barrels of 3P (proven plus probable plus possible) reserves with an aggregate pre-tax PV10% of $1.6 billion. sunshineoilsands.com |
碳酸盐岩最佳估计 基本可采探明资源量确认於本公司的核心区域Goffer、Muskwa及Portage有所增加,增加逾7亿桶。 sunshineoilsands.com | Carbonates Best Estimate Contingent [...] Resource recognition increased in the core areas of Goffer, Muskwa and Portage, adding over 700 million barrels. sunshineoilsands.com |
在水对于碳酸盐岩床的溶解作用下形成的喀斯特地貌,具有独特的形态,在持续上千年的生成过程中,造就了该地貌的奇特地表和地下景观:如天坑、竖井、消失的溪流和喷泉、构造复杂的地下排水体系和洞穴。 china.cat.com | This geological process, occurringover thousands of years, results in unusual surface and subsurface features ranging from sinkholes, vertical shafts, disappearing streams and springs, to complex underground drainage systems and caves. china.cat.com |
另一名业界代表询问,在修订建议中,焦 碳酸二甲 酯是否 属於准许用於食物的防腐剂。 cfs.gov.hk | Another trade representative enquired whether dimethyldicarbonate (DMDC) was a permitted preservative for food use in the proposed amendment. cfs.gov.hk |
分隔煤层之间的缝组主要是砂岩和砾岩, 而在煤层组矸往往要由泥岩和碳质泥岩为主。 southgobi.com | Interburden between the seam groups is mainly sandstoneand conglomerate, whilst partings within the seam groups tend to be [...] dominated by mudstone and carbonaceousmudstone. southgobi.com |
由于燃烧温度低,碳酸盐的 主要部分得以保留,二氧化碳的排放也相应减少。 voith.com | Thanks to the low combustion temperature, a major portion of the carbonate is retained and the emissions of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide are reduced. voith.com |
( 或称“原地浸析”或“原地回收”) 指的是通过钻孔将一种液体(例如 水、硫酸、硝酸、过氧化氢或碳酸盐)浸提液注入多孔岩,以溶解欲提取的资 源。 daccess-ods.un.org | Solution mining (or in situ, leaching or recovery) involves the injection of [...] a liquid (e.g. water, sulphuric acid, nitricacid,hydrogen [...] peroxideor carbonates) leaching solution into porousrock through a borehole [...]to dissolve the desired resource. daccess-ods.un.org |
Iscaycruz [...] 锌、铅及铜矿物以接近垂直的块状硫化物矿体的形式暴露;描述为贯穿富含粘土的石灰岩和白云石岩石中12公里长廊的矽卡岩、角砾岩及 碳酸盐交代 类 型。 glencore.com | Zinc, lead and copper mineralisation are exposed as [...] subvertical massive sulphide ore [...] bodies; described as skarn, breccias andcarbonatereplacement [...]type along 12km corridor hosted [...]in clay-rich limestone and dolomite rocks. glencore.com |
香港出现的却是六方柱状酸性流纹质岩石,在世界上却是十分罕见,这也是民建联倡建世界地质公园的 重心点。 legco.gov.hk | This is also the focus on which the world geopark advocated by the DAB will be established. legco.gov.hk |
或酸性岩石排水(ARD) 是在含有硫化物的材料接触氧气和水时形成的高酸 性溶液。 daccess-ods.un.org | Acid mine drainage (AMD), or acid rockdrainage (ARD), [...] is a highly acidic solution formed when sulfide-containing material [...]is exposed to oxygen and water. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们还必须考虑国家和民间社会在促进健康生 活方式以及保护本国公民不受环境危害和贸易不平 衡影响方面的作用,这种不平衡使进口的汉堡包、薯 条和碳酸饮料比一份有营养的本地餐更廉价,而且更 容易得到。 daccess-ods.un.org | We must also consider the role of the State and civil society in promoting healthy lifestyles and protecting local citizens from environmental harm and trade imbalances that make an imported hamburger, French fries and a carbonated beverage cheaper and more readily available than a nutritious, locally produced meal. daccess-ods.un.org |
一位业界代表问,“淀粉”(starch)和“碳酸钙”(calcium carbonate)等配料并 [...] 非用作食物添加剂,甚至无法归類属为哪一种作用類别,需否在配料表中列 为食物添加剂。 cfs.gov.hk | One trade representative enquired that ingredients such as [...] “starch”and “calcium carbonate” were [...]not used as food additive and even not able [...]to be classified in the functional class, was it necessary to label it in the ingredients list as food additives. cfs.gov.hk |
几百万年 前的海水中含有比现在浓度高得多的钙、镁离 子聚合物,这有利于海洋生物骨骼中的 碳酸钙保持稳定,与现在的海洋状况相比,能够更好 地适应酸化。 medsea-project.eu | The ocean of millions of years ago also contained much higher calcium and magnesium ion concentrations than are present in the ocean [...] today, which helped to [...] stabilize calcium carbonate minerals in marine animals’ skeletons so they were better able to tolerate the acidified conditions [...]than they are able to do in today’s ocean. medsea-project.eu |
在 IGCP-299 项目之后,他们又相继完成了国际地球科学计划的另外两个岩溶项目:关于“岩溶过程与碳循环”的 IGCP-379 项目(1995-1999 年)和关于“岩溶地质及其相关生态 系统的全球相关性”的 IGCP-448 项目(2000-2004 年)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Right after IGCP-299, they accomplished [...] successively another two IGCP karst projects, IGCP-379 “Karst Processes and the CarbonCycle”(1995-1999) and IGCP-448 “World Correlation of Karst [...]Geology and its [...]Relevant Ecosystem” (2000-2004). unesdoc.unesco.org |
岩溶是一种独特的地形,其地貌主要通过水对硫酸盐岩床(通常为石灰岩、白云岩或大 理岩)的溶蚀作用而形成,有着千姿百态的地表和地下形态:从落水洞、竖井、伏流和岩溶 [...] 泉,一直到复杂的地下排水系统和岩洞。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Karstis a distinctive topography in [...] which the landscape is largely shaped by the dissolving action of water on carbonate [...]bedrock, usually limestone, dolomite, or marble, resulting in unusual surface and subsurface features ranging from sinkholes, vertical shafts, disappearing streams, and springs, to complex underground drainage systems and caves. unesdoc.unesco.org |
我们眼前的目标是,完全修复我们 最大的水塔,即着名的茂森林综合体,以及肯尼亚的 另外 4 [...] 座水塔,并开始大规模重新造林运动,种植七 十亿株树木,这将恢复曾经使我们粮食和能源自给的碳驯服灰岩坑。daccess-ods.un.org | Our immediate goal is to fully restore our largest water tower, the famed Mau Forest complex, as well as Kenya’s other four water towers, and are embarking on a huge reforestation [...] drive to plant seven billion trees, which [...] will restorethe carbon-taming sinks that [...]once made us self-sufficient in food and energy. daccess-ods.un.org |