单词 | 碳储量 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 碳储量 noun —carbon stock nSee also:碳 n—carbon n 碳—carbon (chemistry) 储量 n—reserve n 储量—reserves (of natural resources, oil etc) • remaining quantity
根据本方法学的适用条件,在项目情景下非林木植被3 的地上和地下生物质碳储量变化可保守 地假定为零。 pandastandard.org | Under the applicability conditions of this methodology, changes in carbon stock of above-ground and [...] below-ground biomass of non-tree vegetation3 may be conservatively assumed to be zero [...] for all strata in the project scenario. pandastandard.org |
由于竹类生物量通常在数年内进入稳定状态,因此,在基 线情景下,可假定这些散生竹类群落地上和地下生物质碳库 的 碳储量 变 化 为零。 pandastandard.org | However, as bamboo trees usually achieves steady-state in a few years, changes in carbon stock of above-ground and [...] below-ground biomass of existing bamboo trees may be conservatively assumed to be zero for [...] all strata in the baseline scenario. pandastandard.org |
如果项目期内主伐,且为皆伐作业,则长期平 均 碳储量 为 项 目期结束前最后一次主伐前的 碳储量的 50%。 pandastandard.org | Clear felling: [...] the long-term average carbon stock is assumed to be 50% of the carbon stock before last clear [...]felling of the project lifetime. pandastandard.org |
关于发展中国家减少毁林和森林退化所致排放量相关活动、森林养护和 可持续管理的作用以及提高森林 碳储量 的 方法学指导意见。 daccess-ods.un.org | Methodological guidance for activities relating to reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and the [...] role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and [...] enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing [...]countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
这这种情况下进行碳计量时,采伐林木的 地下生物质碳储量可不 计为排放,而计为采伐前的量,并维持不变,直到重新 [...] 植苗造林更新为止。 pandastandard.org | As the coppice plantation matures, the root-shoot ratio tends to [...] decrease to a level close to planted [...] forests. Therefore the carbon stock in below-ground [...]biomass of harvested trees may be [...]conservatively accounted as the level at the moment before harvesting and remain constant until replanting, rather than assumed as a carbon stock loss pandastandard.org |
基线情景下,所有碳层非林木植被3 地上和地下生物量碳库的碳储量变化 为零 pandastandard.org | Changes in carbon stock of above-ground and below-ground biomass of non-tree vegetation3may be conservatively assumed to be zero for all strata in the baseline scenario pandastandard.org |
采用“CDM 造林再造林项目活动林木和灌木 碳储量 及 其 变化的估算工具”计算精 度水平,采用“CDM 造林再造林项目活动监测样地数量的计算工具”来确定监测的固定样地数量 [...] 及其空间分配方案。 pandastandard.org | PPs should use the latest version of the approved tool [...] “Estimation of carbon stocks and change in carbon stocks of [...]trees and shrubs in A/R CDM project [...]activities” to estimate precision level of bamboo biomass. pandastandard.org |
此外,仍需确定和检测所需技术类型,这些 技术用于评估和量化根据不同管理办法管理的林 分 碳储量 , 以及不同区域各种类 型森林的变化。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, the types of technology required for assessing and quantifying changes in carbon stock of forest stands managed under different management options, and for various forest types in different regions, still need to be identified and tested. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) “项目开始时最可能的土地利用方式下,项目边界内碳库 中 碳储量 的 变 化量”. pandastandard.org | (b) “Changes in carbon stocks in the pools within the project boundary from the most likely land use at the time the project starts”. pandastandard.org |
非林木(包括小竹 丛))地下生物量 根据本方法学的适用条件,在基线情景下该碳库很 可能降低或稳定在低碳储量水平上。 pandastandard.org | Under the applicability conditions of this methodology, carbon stock in this pool is likely to decrease or remain in steady state under baseline scenario pandastandard.org |
世界遗产地和生物圈保护区被越来越多地用于气候变化研究、 监测、缓解、适应和能力建设,包括在减降排计划(REDD+)(减少发展中国家毁林和森 [...] 林退化所致排放量加养护、森林的可持续管理以及增加森 林 碳储量 的 作 用)背景下,非洲尤 其受到关注。 unesdoc.unesco.org | World Heritage sites and biosphere reserves increasingly are used for climate change research, monitoring, mitigation, adaptation and capacitybuilding, including in the context of REDD+ (Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries plus the role [...] of conservation, sustainable management of forests and [...] enhancement of forest carbon stocks) with special [...]focus on Africa. unesdoc.unesco.org |
CDM 造林再造林项目活动导致的土壤有机 碳储量 变 化 的估算工具 pandastandard.org | Tool for estimation of change [...] in soil organic carbon stocks due to the [...]implementation of A/R CDM project activities pandastandard.org |
还提到,落实这项共同理解的途径是审查各种定义,简化估计森林 碳储量和温 室气体排放量(特别是由于森林退化)的方法。 daccess-ods.un.org | Examining definitions and simplifying methodologies for [...] estimating forest carbon stocks and greenhouse [...]gas emissions, especially from forest [...]degradation, have been mentioned as a means of achieving this common understanding. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,无论是事前分层还是事 [...] 后分层,多个树种(竹种)可合并为一层,不同时间营造的林分也可合并为一层,关键是看其是否 具有近似的碳储量和相 同的计量参数(如生物量扩展因子、根冠比、含碳率和生物量异速生长方程 [...]等),其目的是降低层内变异性,增加层间变异性,从而降低一定精度要求下所需监测的样地数量。 pandastandard.org | However, for both ex ante and ex post stratification, two or more species and/or bamboo plantation planted in two or [...] more years can be merged if they [...] have similar carbon stock and same values of carbon accounting [...]parameters (e.g., biomass expansion [...]factor, root-shoot ratio, carbon fraction and allometric equation), aiming to reduce internal-stratum variability and enlarge cross-stratum variability as a result to reduce number of sampling plots at required precision level. pandastandard.org |
如果项目期内无主伐和间伐,则长期平 均 碳储量 为 所 造林分在项目期结束时 的 碳储量 pandastandard.org | No thinning and final [...] harvesting within project lifetime: the long-term average carbon stock is the pandastandard.org |
(b) 在议程项目4 “关于发展中国家减少毁林和森林退化所致排放量相关 [...] 活动、森林养护和可持续管理的作用以及提高森 林 碳储量 的 方 法学指导意见”之 下,科技咨询机构请秘书处组织若干次技术专家会议,包括第三十五届会议之前 [...]的一次专家会议。 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) Under agenda item 4, “Methodological guidance for activities relating to reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and the role of conservation, [...] sustainable management of forests and [...] enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing [...]countries”, the SBSTA has requested [...]the secretariat to organize meetings of technical experts, including a meeting before its thirty-fifth session. daccess-ods.un.org |
为此, 项目参与方须计算该长期平均碳储量 水 平 ,并接受第三方审定和核查。 pandastandard.org | For bamboo [...] stand to be established, the long-term average carbon stock is the carbon stock at [...]the end of the project lifetime. pandastandard.org |
我们指出,正在开展的 [...] 各种举措,比如减少发展中国家森林砍伐和森林退化造成的排放等举措,非常重 要,发展中国家的森林养护、可持续森林管理和森 林 碳储量 的 提高也非常重要。 daccess-ods.un.org | We note the importance of such ongoing initiatives as reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries, and the [...] role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and [...] enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing [...]countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
旱地的土壤中蕴涵着全球土壤碳储量 的 53%,而旱地植物存储着全球生 物 碳储量 的 14 %。 un.org | Its soils contain 53% of global soil carbon and its plants 14% of the global biotic carbon. un.org |
小组委员会注意到地球观测组织在实施全球对地观测分布式系统(全球测 地系统)上取得的进展,并还注意到,2010 年 11 月 3 日至 [...] 4 日在北京举行的地 球观测组织第七次全体会议通过了《数据共享行动计划》以实施《全球测地系 [...] 统数据共享原则》,并启动了全球森林观测举措,旨在帮助各国生成关于森林 覆盖和森林覆盖变化情况的可靠、一致和可比的报告,以及估算森 林 碳储量和 趋势。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Subcommittee noted the progress made by GEO in the implementation of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) and further noted that, at its seventh plenary session, held in Beijing from 3 to 4 November 2010, GEO had adopted the Data Sharing Action Plan to implement the GEOSS Data Sharing Principles, and had launched the Global Forest Observation Initiative, with the objective of helping countries to generate reliable, [...] consistent and comparable reports on forest cover and forest cover change [...] and estimate forest carbon stocks and trends. daccess-ods.un.org |
本方法学假定 HWP 碳储量的长期变化,等于 在项目期末或产品生产后 30 [...] 年(以时间较后者为准)仍在使用 HWP 中的碳,而其他部分则假定 pandastandard.org | This methodology assume [...] that permanent carbon stock changes in [...]HWP to be equal to the proportion in use at the end of a [...]PS project or 30 years after initial generation, whichever is later. pandastandard.org |
22. 缔约方会议在第4/CP.15 [...] 号决定中请秘书处在现有举措的范围内,加强对缔 约方和相关国际组织强化能力建设活动的协调,以便采用缔约方会议通过的或鼓 [...] 励采用的政府间气候变化专门委员会最新指导意见和指南,作为估算与森林相关 的人为温室气体源排放量和汇清除量、森 林 碳储量 和 林地变化的基础。 daccess-ods.un.org | The COP, by its decision 4/CP.15, requested the secretariat to enhance coordination of the activities by Parties and relevant international organizations on enhancing capacity-building in relation to the use of the most recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) guidance and guidelines adopted or encouraged by the COP as a basis for estimating anthropogenic forest-related greenhouse [...] gas emissions by sources and removals [...] by sinks, forest carbon stocks and forest area [...]changes, in the context of existing initiatives. daccess-ods.un.org |
主要以土壤碳形式存在的旱 地碳储量占全球碳储量的三 分之一以上。 daccess-ods.un.org | Dryland carbon storage — mainly in the form of soil carbon — accounts for more than one third of the global stock. daccess-ods.un.org |
旱地的碳储量占着全球碳储量的约46%。 un.org | Drylands [...] store approximately 46% of the global carbon share. un.org |
过去的监测发现层内碳储量和碳储量 变 化的变异性:可将变异性太大的碳层细分为两个或 多个碳层,或者将碳储量和碳储量变 化及其变异性相近的两个或多个碳层合并为一个碳层 pandastandard.org | Variations in carbon stock and carbon stock changes in previous monitoring event: One stratum may be divided into two or more strata if too large variation was found in previous monitoring, or two [...] or more strata may be [...]merged into one stratum if previous monitoring found they have similar carbon stock, carbon stock changes and spatial variations. pandastandard.org |
因此,在基线情 景下,所有碳层枯落物和枯死木碳库 的 碳储量 变 化 为零 pandastandard.org | It is therefore conservative to assume that [...] the sum of the [...] changes in the carbon stocks of dead wood and litter carbon pools is zero for all strata in the baseline scenario pandastandard.org |
(c) 酌情使用缔约方会议通过的或鼓励采用的最新的政府间气候变化专门 [...] 委员会的指导意见和指南,作为估算与森林相关的人为温室气体源排放量和汇清 除量、森林碳储量和林 地变化的基础; (d) 根据国情和能力,建立稳健透明的国家林业1 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) To use the most recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change guidance and guidelines, as adopted or encouraged by the Conference of the Parties, as appropriate, as a basis for estimating [...] anthropogenic forest-related greenhouse gas emissions by sources and removals [...] by sinks, forest carbon stocks and forest [...]area changes daccess-ods.un.org |
就具体行动而言,已决定 在 2020 年前通过采取保护和恢复措施,包括至少恢复 15%的已退化生态系统,以 有利于减缓和适应气候变化,加强生态系统恢复力,加强生物多样性 对 碳储量的 贡献。 daccess-ods.un.org | In terms of specific actions, it was decided that, by 2020, ecosystem resilience and the contribution of biodiversity to carbon stocks would be enhanced through conservation and restoration, including the restoration of at least 15 per cent of degraded ecosystems, thereby contributing to climate change mitigation and adaptation.178 207. daccess-ods.un.org |
(a) 请主席组织一次专家会议,重点讨论与下述事项相关的方法问题:毁林 和森林退化参考排放水平;参考排放水平和相关参考水平之间的关系;森林保护 和可持续管理的作用和贡献、森林植被变化以及相关 的 碳储量 和 温 室气体排放量 变化、提高森林碳储量以加强气候变化减缓行动、参考水平的审议工作 daccess-ods.un.org | (a) Requested its Chair to organize an expert meeting to focus on methodological issues relating to reference emission levels for deforestation and forest degradation; the relationship among the reference emission levels and relevant reference levels; and the role and contribution of conservation, sustainable management of forests, [...] changes in forest cover [...] and associated carbon stocks and greenhouse gas emissions and the enhancement of forest carbon stocks to enhance [...]action on mitigation of [...]climate change and to the consideration of reference levels daccess-ods.un.org |
如果项目期内无主伐,仅为促进林木生长而采取间伐措施(每次不超过蓄积的 25%),则 长期平均碳储量为所 造林分在项目期结束时 的 碳储量 与 项 目结束前最后一次间伐后 的碳 储量的平均值 pandastandard.org | No final harvesting but thinning (less than [...] 25% of standing volume each thinning) for a purpose of improving forest growth within project lifetime: the long-term average carbon stock equals the mean value of the carbon stock at the [...]end of the project lifetime pandastandard.org |