

单词 碳交易

See also:

交易 pl

deals pl
dealings pl

交易 v

trade v
deal v


(business) transaction
business deal

External sources (not reviewed)

第八,是透過為在內地拓展的港商,加入清潔發展機制,希望逐步 在區域內建立一碳交易的平台。
Eighth, to introduce the Clean Development Mechanism to Hong
Kong businesses developing in the Mainland, with a view to gradually
[...] establishing a carbon trading platform in the region.
附件四载有芝加碳交易所的 一份简要说明,这可能是为淘汰氟氯烃生产供资的一个额外 来源。
Annex IV contains a brief
[...] description of the Chicago Carbon Exchange, which might be [...]
an additional source of funding for HCFC production phase-out.
国 际社会还应利碳交易产生的收入流,为恢复退化土 壤和生态系统提供奖励。
The international community should also use the income
[...] stream generated by carbon trading to provide incentives [...]
to restore degraded soil and ecosystems.
对降排有许多认真的关切,因为当初对其的设想方式和它正在成 碳交易机 制 的一部分的方式,使得附件一缔约方可以利用这一机制来满足《京都议定书》 [...]
There are many serious concerns about REDD because of the way in which it was originally
conceived and the way it is being shaped
[...] into part of the carbon trading mechanism, which [...]
Annex I parties could use to meet some
of their obligations under the Kyoto Protocol.
在 中 国 , 我 们 利 用 我 们 在 交 易 服 务 领
域 的 专 业 技 能 为 中 国 的 C D M 项 目 的 开 发 商 提 供 全 过 程 的 专 业 服 务 : 从 项 目 的 识 别 、 架 构
[...] 设 计 和 满 足 所 有 法 规 要 求 , 直 到 与 国际买家执碳交易合同
Within China, we leverage our expertise in advisory services to provide a full-service offering to Chinese CDM project developers: from project origination,
structuring and navigating the regulatory landscape through
[...] to execution of carbon contracts with international buyers.
我 们 独 立 、 客 观 和
[...] 专 业 的 服 务 将 确 保 您 在不断扩大的全碳交易市场 中取得成功。
Our independent, objective and professional advice will ensure your success in
[...] the expanding global carbon markets.
改进现有的清洁发展机制(CDM)框架以推进对能效 项目的资金支持,对CCS项目的及时涵盖并接受C CS 在 碳交 易机制如EUETS中的作用。
Modifying the current Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) framework to facilitate the funding of energy efficiency
projects, and the inclusion of CCS projects, and accepting credits
[...] from CCS in emissions trading schemes such as EU ETS.
[...] 林和森林退化排放加养护(REDD+举措),应该会演进成基 碳交易 的 创 新性机制。
Second, it is envisaged that the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation plus Conservation (REDD+ initiative), which has hitherto operated essentially as a coordinating mechanism for
conventional multilateral and bilateral aid projects, should evolve into an
[...] innovative mechanism based on carbon trading.
SENTRUM 能够精确而可靠地测量气体含量,从而保护操作人员和设备,最大程度地提高气体发电的收益,并确 碳交易 项 目 满足日益严格的审核要求。
SENTRUM accurately and reliably measures the presence of chosen gases to protect personnel and plant, helps to
maximise gas-to-energy revenues,
[...] and ensures that carbon trading projects meet the increasingly [...]
strict auditing requirements.
[...] 们也承认,还有许多风险和不确定因素,包括哪些利益回报社区,成本如何进行 评估(碳碳交易价格 规则非常不确定),如何更好地管理碳信用/借记计划,不 [...]
However, they also recognized that there were many risks and uncertainties, including what benefits returned to
communities, how costs were assessed (carbon
[...] price and carbon trading rules are very uncertain), [...]
how best to manage carbon credit/debit mixes, what scientific
evidence there was about carbon dioxide (CO absorption rates for trees of different ages, and so forth.
这部分信用通常以二 氧化碳吨数的形式通碳交易市场 进行买卖。
This concept of CO2 sinks has become more widely known because the Kyoto Protocol allows the
[...] use of carbon dioxide sinks as a form of carbon offset.
C D M 项 目 产 生 碳 信 用 额 度 ( 称 为 “ 核 证 的 温 室 气 体 减 排 量 ” 或 “ C E R
s ” ) 可 以 被 政 府 或 是 公 司 用 来 在 国 家
[...] 或 区 域 体 系 下 履 行 其 减 排 义 务 , 例 如 通 过 在 当碳 交 易 最 为 活 跃 的 欧 盟 排 放 交 易 体系 (EU-ETS) 来实现。
CDM projects generate carbon credits (called ‘certified emission reductions’ or CERs) which can be used for compliance either by government or by companies in national or regional
schemes – for example, the
[...] EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU-ETS) which has been the most actively traded market to date.
框架公约京都议定书》5 详细规定了 2008 年至
2012 年期间国际社会应对
[...] 气候变化的措施,为发达国家订立了强制性的温室气体减排目标,确定了实现这 一目标的机制,包碳交易和清 洁发展机制(规定发达国家可以通过对发展中国 [...]
The Kyoto Protocol to the Framework Convention5 detailed international climate change measures between 2008 and 2012, setting mandatory greenhouse gas emission targets for developed States,
establishing mechanisms to achieve
[...] this, including carbon trading and the clean development [...]
mechanism (permitting developed
States to achieve their emissions targets through investment in emissions reductions in developing States) and developing monitoring, reporting and verification measures.
[...] 放量納入規管範圍;(十二)積極與鄰近地區進行合作,包括制訂協 議和相關法規,並設立交易平台,發展本地及跨 碳交易 機 制; (十三) 與電力公司商討在電費帳單上列出用戶碳排放量,協助用戶 進行碳審計工作;及(十四)提高現時寛減環保車輛首次登記稅計劃 [...]
To add “; (k) considering bringing carbon dioxide emissions from local thermal power plants into the regulatory ambit; (l) actively collaborating with the neighbouring regions, including formulating agreements and relevant legislation, as well as setting up a trading platform to develop a
mechanism for local and
[...] cross-border carbon trading; (m) discussing with power companies the inclusion of carbon emissions of users [...]
in their electricity
bills, so as to assist users in conducting carbon audit; and (n) raising the current tax concession rates and caps under the first registration tax concession scheme for environment-friendly vehicles to provide additional incentive for the public to switch to environment-friendly vehicles” immediately before the full stop.
(b) 预防非法氟氯碳交易(35 ,000 美元),加强关税和消费税部门的工作,并通过 [...]
组织海关官员和有关人员参加的会议以及创建“臭氧保护信息和执行机构”,强 制执行消耗臭氧层物质进口/出口许可证制度
(b) Prevention of illegal CFC trade (US $35,000), to [...]
reinforce the work of the Customs and Excise Department and enforce
the application of the ODS import/export licensing system through the organization of meetings with Customs officials and related personnel, and the creation of an “Ozone Protection Information and Enforcement Unit
儘管歷經強烈反對 國會仍通過碳稅的立 法 初期對每 1 公噸的碳排放課徵 23 澳幣 的 稅捐 將自 2012 年 7 月起實施 並適用於 500 個主要的排放者 此課稅最終欲以世碳交易 價格為基礎之排放交易制度取代此稅項 而碳 稅的影響將透過退休金的增加 個人免稅門檻 的提高及對超過 4 百萬戶的補償而有所抵銷
Following strong opposition, the Parliament passed legislation for the introduction of a tax on carbon – initially at USD 23 per tonne of carbon emitted – to be applied to 500 major emitters, starting in July 2012.
有两类碳补偿信用:(1)遵碳交易 市场 的一般标准(例如欧盟和《京都议定书》框架下的碳排 交易 市 场 );(2)自主性质 碳交易 标 准 ( 即不服从某机制管理、由购买者自行证实碳排放信用是否有利于环境)。
There are two types of offset credits: (i) those
[...] meeting the standards of the compliance market (i.e. EU emissions trading scheme and Kyoto Protocol) and (ii) the standards of the voluntary market (i.e. not regulated and [...]
therefore it is the
responsibility of the buyer to discern if credits are resulting in environmental benefits).
尋求提升能源效益、獲得碳抵銷額及在集團內 交易碳 抵 銷 額的機會。
To explore opportunities to increase energy efficiency, to
[...] generate carbon credits and to conduct internal carbon trading.
這做法由於可以直接節省燃料消耗及減少碳排放,故此便可以賺取碳信 用額,交碳排放交易所進行買賣。
As this approach enables direct saving in fuel consumption and
reduction in carbon emission, it may help accumulate carbon credits which
[...] may then be traded in carbon/emission exchanges.
斯里兰卡的森林 覆盖率超过 20%,理应为避免利用这些森林资源得 到相应补偿,补偿方法之一是为森林确定可以在国 际碳市场交易的碳值。
Over 20 per cent of Sri Lanka was forested; it should be compensated for refraining from
using those resources, perhaps by
[...] ascribing a carbon value to the forests that could be traded on the global carbon market.
一些国家还正在考虑制订国碳排放 权 交易 机 制
Some countries were also
[...] considering national carbon trading schemes.
虽然发展中国家大多数 的废物热量值很低,投资者目前正在大胆推动 碳 排 放 权 交易 为 辅 助的废物变能 源解决方案。
Although most waste in developing countries has a low
calorific value, waste-to-energy
[...] solutions, supported by carbon trading, are currently being [...]
promoted aggressively by investors.
The Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) is
Guyana’s model for a renewable energy economy with
[...] reduction in carbon emissions and supportive of carbon credit trading.
目前我们 有两种方式将气候变化产生的成本纳入到经济中:征税,或进行总量控制与 易 ( cap and trade),即 上限控制碳排放权交易。
There are currently two ways to internalise the costs of climate change
[...] into our economy: taxation or a cap and trade scheme (see below and glossary).
在 2009 年 1 月区域温室气体减排行动
[...] (RGGI)启动前,该团队就已经在期货市场交易碳配额并参加了 2008 年 9 月举行的 [...]
RGGI 首次拍卖活动。
Ahead of the Regional Greenhouse Gas
Initiative (RGGI) start date of January
[...] 2009, the team traded allowances in the futures [...]
market and participated in the first
RGGI auction, held in September 2008.
为了充分利用这种兴趣,国际林业研究中心(林业中心)与伙伴关系其他 成员合作,在第 13 和第 14 次缔约方会议上,组织了“森林日”活动。5 两次活
[...] 的一系列森林问题:森林在减轻和适应气候变化中的作用,包括减少发展中国家 毁林和森林退化所产生的排放;有关监测和数据的挑战;森林 碳 市 场 交易 和机 会成本;治理,包括人权、执法、贫困和生计;财政奖励措施,如支付生态系统 服务费用。
To capitalize on this interest, the Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), in collaboration with other CPF members, organized a Forest Day during the thirteenth and fourteenth meetings of the Conference of the Parties.5 The theme of both events was “Shaping the global agenda for forests and climate change”, and a range of forest-related issues central to the climate change debate were discussed: the role of forests in climate change mitigation and adaptation, including reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries;
challenges related to
[...] monitoring and data; transaction and opportunity costs in forest and carbon markets; governance, [...]
including rights, law
enforcement, poverty and livelihoods; and financial incentives, such as payments for ecosystem services.
一 些缓解措施,如排交易、碳汇、 可再生能源系统和代用燃料已经付诸实施,造 成土著人民受到进一步排斥并且其人权受到侵犯。
Some mitigation measures,
[...] such as emissions trading, carbon sinks, renewable energy [...]
systems, and alternative fuels, have
been implemented and have resulted in the further exclusion of indigenous peoples and violations of their human rights.
他还告知委员 会,在举办了培训班后,孟加拉国政府还为科学及信息和通信技术部 和环境和森林部的官员举办了一次以“气候变化 碳 排 放 权 交易 和信 通技术”为主题的全国讨论会,并计划于 2011年7月为其他各部委 的官员再举办一次全国讨论会。
He also informed the Committee that, following that course, the Government of Bangladesh had conducted a national
workshop on the theme of
[...] “Climate change, carbon trading and ICT” for officials from the Ministry of Science and Information and Communications Technology, [...]
and the Ministry
of Environment and Forests, while another national workshop was planned for July 2011 to train officials from other ministries.
方案还将协助经济转型国家的能源经济和能源基础设施更充分地融入区域和 全球经济;加强进出口国的能源安全;通 交易碳 排 放和煤矿甲烷的自筹资金机 制来减少温室气体排放;改善能源产业的绩效;通过在全球范围内采用能源储存 [...]
It will assist countries with economies in transition to integrate their energy economies and infrastructure more fully in the region and the global economy, increase energy security for importing and exporting countries alike, reduce
greenhouse gas emissions through
[...] self-financing mechanisms for trading carbon emissions and coal [...]
mine methane, enhance the performance
of energy industries and contribute to the long-term supply of fossil fuels through the global adoption of a classification standard for energy reserves and resources.
(c) 规定发达国家的绝对排减量,实现的方式为:部门减排目标,纳入能 源密集部门和具有跨界排放的部门,税收和强制措施,并为排放确定 市场价值;加强清洁发展机制使欧盟-排放 交易 计 划 与其 碳 市场 挂钩。
(c) Setting absolute reductions in developed countries, achieved via sectoral emission targets, via inclusion of
energy intensive sectors
[...] and sectors with cross-boundary emissions, via taxation and mandatory measures, and via establishing a market [...]
value for FCCC/AWGLCA/2008/16/Rev.1* Page 31




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