单词 | 碧海青天 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 碧海青天—loneliness of faithful widowgreen sea, blue sky (idiom); sea and sky merge in one shadeSee also:青天—blue sky clear sky upright and honorable (official) 青海n—Qinghain
青岛(西方人以前称为“Tsingtao”)是中国着名的海滨度假胜地,以「红瓦绿树,蓝天碧海」的优美景色着称。 shangri-la.com | Qingdao,onceknown as Tsingtao, is a highly regarded seaside resort city. shangri-la.com |
长滩岛是深受青睐的度假胜地,以其纯白的细沙海滩,晶莹剔透的碧蓝海水和生机勃勃的异国情调而闻名于世。 shangri-la.com | Boracay Island is a popular vacation spot, and well-known for its white-powder beaches, crystal-blue waters and [...] vibrant, exotic atmosphere. shangri-la.com |
中国所有的沿海城市中,只有青岛将青山、碧海和优美的城市和谐统一。 shangri-la.com | As a Chinese coastal [...] city, Qingdaocombinesgreen mountains, blue sea and abeautiful [...]city harmoniously. shangri-la.com |
海洋也赋予他源自海洋生物(如黄貂鱼和 蝠鲼)和碧水蓝天美景的艺术灵感。 glenraven.com | The ocean also provides artistic [...] inspirationsfromsea life,such as sting rays and mantas, and the beautyof the water andsky. glenraven.com |
挪威家具设计制造商思多德(Stordal)公司昨天在上海青浦区吉盛伟邦国际家具村举行了在华首家分店的开业庆典。 norway.org.cn | Norwegian designer furniture manufacturer Stordal opened its first [...] store in China yesterday, atthe JSWB Global Home Furnishing Centerin Qingpu. norway.cn |
至今已有 2,150 多艘 蓝高双体船驰骋于全球的碧海蓝天下,足以证明其在双体船中不可替代的地位。 beneteau.cn | More than 2,150 Lagoons were launched all over the world: this figure makes our brand the unrivalled leader in the cruising catamaran sector. beneteau.cn |
中国青海省玉树地区今天遭受强烈地震,造成了 当地人民的巨大生命和财产损失。 daccess-ods.un.org | The earthquake caused heavy losses in terms of the lives and property of the local people. daccess-ods.un.org |
北京、甘肃、河北、黑龙江、河南、湖北、内蒙古、吉林、辽宁、宁夏、青海、山东、山西、陕西、天津及新疆。 bank.hangseng.com | Beijing, Gansu, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Henan, Hubei, Inner Mongolia, Jilin, [...] Liaoning, Ningxia, Qinghai, Shandong, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Tianjin andXinjiang. bank.hangseng.com |
为纪念青海地震遇难者,响应中国国务院关于举行全国哀悼活动的决定,今天美国驻华大使馆和在中国大陆的各总领事馆下半旗志哀,并举行了简短的悼念仪式。 embassyusa.cn | BEIJING - In [...] memory of the victims of the Qinghai Earthquake and in observance of theNational DayofMourning declared by the Chinese [...]State [...]Council, the U.S. Embassy in Beijing and its consulates on mainland China lowered U.S. flags to half mast and held brief ceremonies of remembrance. eng.embassyusa.cn |
在巴哈马碧海蓝天的簇拥下,One&Only 海洋俱乐部豪 华度假村酒店静静地躺在天堂岛的白色沙滩之上。 oneandonlyresorts.com | Wrapped in a turquoisesea underan azure [...] Bahamian sky, One&Only Ocean Club nestles peacefully on the delicate white sand beaches of Paradise Island. oneandonlyresorts.com |
1995年,MWM燃气发电机组开始进入中国市场。公司先后为中国国内40多个大型项目提供了近百台燃气发电机组,其中包括北京、上海、厦门等地的垃圾填埋气发电项目;北京、西安、青岛等地的污水沼气发电项目;蒙牛牧场生物沼气发电项目,青海格尔木、胜利油田和新疆塔里木油田的天然气供能项目;山西兰花大宁、西山煤电、淮南煤矿等的煤气供能项目。 mwm.cn | MWM gas genset entered into China market starting from 1995, it has served for more than 40 large scale projects, totally about hundred gas gensets in China,such as Beijing, Shanghai and Xiamen etc. landfill [...] gas projects; [...] Beijing,Xian and Qingdao etc. sewage projects; Mengniu farming biogas project;Qinghai Germu, Shengli Oil Field and Xinjiang Talimu Oil Field for natural gasprojects; [...]Lanhua Daning, Xishan [...]Coal Power and Huainan Coal Mine coal gas projects. mwm.cn |
眼前的路无疑充满了未知和挑战,商家们必须挺起胸膛、昂首阔步,才能航向碧海蓝天。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | No doubt the journey ahead will present an unprecedented set of challenges which the business community must be prepared to meet, head on. english.sccci.org.sg |
青海投资将利用爱克及皮尔布莱特缴入之资本作扩大生产规模、改进生产设备、优 [...] 化投资架构、提升生产水平及用於其董事会批准的其他项目和用途。 mmg.com | Qinghai Investmentwill use [...] the capital to be contributed by ACE and Pearl Bright for expanding its production scale, improving [...]its production facilities, optimising its investment structure, increasing its production level and other projects and other uses approved by its board of directors. mmg.com |
虽然非典型性肺炎的流行造成了活动的推迟,下述活动正在中国开展:中国将在上海 [...] 举办一次国家讲习班,汇集八个试办点的合作伙伴,相互交流所遇到的困难和取得的经验教 [...] 训(2003年7月);与教科文组织北京办事处共同组织一次主题为“增进上海青年移民获 得工作的机会”的会议,劳动和社会保障部和上海市政府的代表将与会(2003年7月)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The following activities are being implemented in China: a national workshop in Shanghai, China bringing together the partners of the eight pilot sites, in order to share difficulties and lessons learnt; a conference co-organized with the [...] UNESCO Beijing Office entitled [...] “Promoting YoungMigrants to Find Jobs inShanghai”, with theparticipation [...]of the Ministry of [...]Labour and Social Security (MOLSS) and the Shanghai Municipal Government (July 2003). unesdoc.unesco.org |
这是一次历时两天的活动,35 名青年聚集在一起,讨论了他们对岛屿的远景 的看法,并将他们的看法和一份宣言送交联合国的主要会议。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This wasa two-day event during which 35young people met to [...] develop a future vision for their islands and present their [...]views and a manifesto to the main United Nations meeting. unesdoc.unesco.org |
作为该论坛的一部分,聊天室tweetchat [...] (#MYTeenLove)会将儿童和成人汇集在聊天空间,就青少年如何最好地处理他们各种关系中可能出现的压力及如何保护自己展开意义深远的讨论。 unicef.org | As part of the Forum, a tweetchat (#MYTeenLove) will bring children and adults together [...] in the Twittersphere for a meaningful [...] discussion on how adolescents can bestprotect [...]themselves from the pressures that may arise in their relationships. unicef.org |
承董事会命 中国基建港口有限公司 公司秘书黎碧芝於本公布日期,董事会包括二名执行董事刘琴女士及段岩先生;二名非执行董事 阎志先生及方一兵先生;以及三名独立非执行董事李镜波先生、黄天佑博士及范 骏华先生。 cigyangtzeports.com | Lai Pik Chi, Peggy Company Secretary As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises two executive directors namely Ms. Liu Qin and Mr. Duan Yan; two non-executive directors namely Mr. Yan Zhi and Mr. Fang Yibing and three independent non-executive directors namely Mr. Lee Kang Bor, Thomas, Dr. WongTin Yau, Kelvin and [...] Mr. Fan Chun Wah, Andrew. cigyangtzeports.com |
随着过往兩年的成功,於报告期内,室内装饰及特殊项目部门进行多项着名工程,包 括位於荔枝角碧海藍天吉之岛旗舰店之翻新工程、先施保险大厦之翻新工程、大家樂 食品厂之樓宇专项工程、海港城之改建及加建工程、中环百子里之活化工程,以及尖 沙咀及西环兩项樓宇合约。 hsinchong.com | Among many new projects secured, there were contracts to renovate Sincere Insurance Building and a food factory refurbishment contract for Café de Coral. hsinchong.com |
根据该协议,期权授予人将分别按相同比例向认购期权特设公司提供总金额达人 民币510,250,000元(相当於约525,560,000港元)之股东贷款,而有关股东贷款将由认购期 [...] 权特设公司各自用作为皮尔布莱特提供资金,以令皮尔布莱特能履行其向青海投资股本 出资之责任,除此以外不可作其他用途。 mmg.com | Pursuant to the Agreement, Shareholder Loans in the total amount of RMB510.25 million (equivalent to approximately HK$525.56 million) will be provided respectively and in equal proportion by the Option Grantors to Call Option SPVs, which shall be used by the Call Option SPVs respectively to [...] fund Pearl Bright for the sole purpose of meeting Pearl Bright’s equity contribution [...] obligationstoward QinghaiInvestment. mmg.com |
他全心全意地接受了教皇天青石信,他引用一个权威的和不可抗拒的见证自己的学说,如果狴Ubique公司,或universitas,是不确定的,我们必须转向狴森佩尔,或antiquitas它。 mb-soft.com | He whole-heartedly accepted the [...] letterof Pope Celestine, and he quoted [...]it as an authoritative and irresistible witness [...]to his own doctrine that where quod ubique, or universitas, is uncertain, we must turn to quod semper, or antiquitas. mb-soft.com |