

单词 碘离子

See also:

iodine (chemistry)

without (sth)
be away from
independent of
part from
(in giving distances) from
surname Li
mythical beast (archaic)

External sources (not reviewed)

本文使用一种带有疏水性烷基链和弱阴离子交换官能团的混合分离模式色谱柱Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1,成功实现碘离子、硫 氰酸根与样品中干扰峰的基线分离,并用紫外检测器进行了检测。
Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 column incorporated both hydrophobic
and weak anion-exchange properties was
[...] used to separate iodide and thiocyanate [...]
from interfering substances in powdered
milk matrix, and detected by Ultraviolet (UV) detection.
古巴不能购买离子型碘造影剂,这种产品影响到对肿瘤患者成像研究 的质量。
Cuba is denied the right
[...] to purchase non-ionic iodinated contrast medium, [...]
which improves the quality of imaging studies of patients with tumours.
仅就德黑兰研究堆、碘氙设施和子能机 构获准接触的其他设施而言,原子能机构能够确认伊朗没有正在进行中 的后处理相关活动。
It is only with respect to TRR, the MIX Facility and the other facilities to which the Agency has access that the Agency can confirm that there are no ongoing reprocessing related activities in Iran.
应该使用化学纯的氢氧化钠以及蒸馏水或 离子 水。
Chemically pure sodium hydroxide and
[...] distilled or deionized water should [...]
be used.
采用其独特的专利技术I-tech(高效置换 离碘 技 术 )和ACT(Proactive™ Plus),即使在恶劣的卫生条件下,也能使乳头和乳头末端保持柔软和健康。
With its unique and patented technologies I-tech and ACT, Proactive™ Plus keeps teats and teat end supple and healthy even under the most challenging conditions.
利拉伐专利的I-tech (游离碘技术 )和ACT(高级护肤技术)有助于保证高效、持续的杀菌效果,同时保护并护理乳头皮肤。
The DeLaval patented
[...] technologies I-tech (Free Iodine Technology) and ACT [...]
(Advanced Conditioning Technology) help guarantee
a high, constant bacteria killing effect while also protecting and caring for teat skin.
子离开其丈夫以后,由于 担心受到驱逐或监禁而无法寻求援助。
A wife who leaves her husband is unable to seek assistance for fear of deportation or imprisonment.
彭晓赤教授:125I粒子虽然是一种能量性放射核素,但是其在体内组织间的辐射 离 不 会超过1.7cm,也就是说,只 碘 粒 子 被 植入在皮下1.7cm以下的部位,是不会对患者本身的正常组织器官以及周围的人产生影响的。
In another word, as long as the particles are implanted in the parts that are 1.7cm under skin, they won't affect the normal tissues and people around patients.
许多类型的偏头痛的起源及发展仍不明确,但偏头痛先兆及疼痛的一个可能的起点是扩散性抑制、一个神经元激活的慢波及带 离子 涌 入 神经元。
The origin and development of many types of migraine are unclear, but one possible starting point for
migraine aura and pain is spreading depression, a slow wave of neuron activation and a
[...] rush of charged ions into neurons.
大多数成员(除一位成员外)一致同意,由于目 前尚无法获得甲碘,应 恢复 45.9 吨的甲基溴提名,同时认为,减少使用防渗 薄膜(完全离薄膜 )等替代品将导致剂量率降低,反过来造成目前受到各项 条例限制的其他替代品的使用量增加。
The majority (all but one member) agreed that 45.9
tonnes should be
[...] reinstated, as methyl iodide was now unavailable, while maintaining that a reduction for the adoption of such alternatives as barrier films (totally [...]
impermeable films)
would allow for a reduction in dosage rates, which, in turn, would allow for greater use alternatives, presently restricted by regulations.
采用I-tech (游离碘技术)和ACT(高级护肤技术)。
This ready-to-use, film-forming iodine teat dip makes use of I-tech (Free Iodine Technology) and [...]
ACT (Advanced Conditioning Technology).
该项目着重为亚洲和非洲地区 的发展中国家建设国际离子研究 与教育中心,并在发展中国家建立基准科学教育实验室网 络,以与世界上离子物理学最著名的中心开展合作,如俄罗斯联邦的 MITP 和 IHED、美 国的麻省理工学院和斯坦福大学、英国的剑桥大学、南非的约翰内斯堡大学、意大利的比萨 大学、和其他一些国际研究中心,如瑞士日内瓦的 CERN 和俄罗斯联邦杜布纳的联合核研究 所(JINR)。
The project is focused on the development of an
[...] international plasma research and education centre for developing countries in the Asian and African regions, and of a network of benchmark scientific-educational laboratories in developing countries for cooperation with world centres of excellence in plasma physics such [...]
as MITP and IHED in the
Russian Federation, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Stanford University in the United States of America, Cambridge University in the United Kingdom, Johannesburg University in South Africa, Pisa University in Italy, and international research centres, such as CERN in Geneva (Switzerland) and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna (Russian Federation).
If iodine seed implantation or to [...]
say “particle implantation” is compared to a precisely planning and prepared fixed-point
“blasting”, it plays the same significant effect as "mines" in the treatment process--destroying massive tumor tissues in a certain time.
并特别针对目前菲律宾地区较易罗患的肺癌、乳腺癌、结肠癌讲解了几种新的治疗微创治疗技术,分别是:纳米技术使用 碘 粒 子 植 入 、氩氦刀冷冻术、生物免疫疗法、介入栓塞,同时提供具体患者案例,证明了这些肿瘤治疗的新技术是安全有效的,能明改善显患者生存质量,延长生命周期;还介绍了世界卫生组织WHO目前推行的肿瘤患者“带瘤生存”的理念。
These techniques are nanotechnology, iodine seed implantation, Ar-He knife cryotherapy, immunotherapy, interventional embolization etc. Simultaneously, Prof Peng listed patients of each specific case on the above treatments to prove that these new techniques are significantly safe and effective in improving the patients’ qualities of life and prolonging the life cycle.
第二代Proactive药浴产品,配以专利技术I-tech (游离碘技术 )和ACT(高级护肤技术),具有完备的消毒性能。
This second generation Proactive features proven disinfecting
properties, along with the patented
[...] technologies I-tech (Free Iodine Technology) and ACT [...]
(Advanced Conditioning Technology).
S-8200A系列最适合于对1节离子 / 锂 聚合物可充电电池组的过充电、过放电和过电流的保护。
The S-8200A Series is suitable for protecting 1-cell
[...] rechargeable lithium-ion / lithium polymer [...]
battery packs from overcharge, overdischarge, and overcurrent.
菲赛普所发布的Gemini产品是世界上最先进的多功能板材柔性加工系统,用于钻孔、铣削、刻字划线,具备坡口加工能力,以及采用HT2000或HPR260海宝 离子 系 统 的切割能力。
The launch of the Gemini by FICEP has created the world's most technologically advanced, multi-function and flexible system for profile cutting, drilling, machining and scribing with an
integral bevelling
[...] capability and an advanced material cutting capability using either HT2000 and HPR260 Hypertherm plasma Systems.
需要使用化学纯氢氧化钠,USP(美国药典)级矿物油和 离子 水。
Chemically pure sodium hydroxide, USP grade
[...] mineral oil and demineralized water should [...]
be used.
地球物理学和天文学研究所的专家们利用国际太阳巡视和卫星观测所得的 数据,继续研究强度超过 10 MeV 的质子能量变化强度的方向性,并根据 离子 粒团(行星际日冕物质抛射)在太阳中的位置,研究其到达地球附近的时间的 分布情况,在编写材料时采用逐步多元回归办法进行变差分析。
Specialists at IGA continued to study the directionality of the intensity of protonic energy events exceeding 10 MeV and the distribution of arrival times of plasmoids (interplanetary coronal mass ejections) in the immediate neighbourhood of Earth according to their positions in the Sun, using data from the international solar patrol and satellite observations, following the step-by-step multiple regression method with variation analysis in the preparation of the material.
科学家一直在努力研究除手术、化疗、放疗治疗癌症以外的替代医疗手段,国际上已经开始综合运用介入治疗、靶向治疗、氩氦刀冷冻术 碘 粒 子 植 入 疗法及生物免疫疗法进行癌症治疗。
Comprehensive treatments for cancer has begun internationally such
as Interventional Therapy, Targeted Therapy,
[...] Argon-Helium Cryotherapy, Iodine Seed Implantation, [...]
and Bio-immunotherapy.
2013年4月24日,越南肿瘤专家一行到广州现代肿瘤医院进行参观学习活动,现代肿瘤医院的介入疗法 碘 粒 子 植 入 疗法、冷冻疗法等技术获得越南肿瘤专家团的高度评价。
Geng Qingshan, deputy director of Guangdong Provincial Health Department visited Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou and delivered a lecture with the theme of "non-psychiatrists should take the identification and treatment of psychosomatic diseases into ...
最近的估计表明,因营养素(蛋白质)和微量营养素(包括铁 碘 ) 摄取 不足而产生的合并后果在儿童死亡人数中占了 [...]
35%,在全球疾病总数 中占了 11%。
Recent estimates suggest that the combined effect of inadequate
macronutrient (protein) and micronutrient
[...] (including iron and iodine) intakes is responsible [...]
for 35 per cent of child deaths
and 11 per cent of the global disease burden.
由於缺碘有 可 能影響甲狀腺功能,繼而可能會令嬰兒的腦部發育受影響, [...]
As iodine deficiency may affect [...]
the functioning of the thyroid gland, which may in turn affect the brain development of
infants, the survey results have aroused wide public concern over the safety and regulation of formula products.
[...] 前的海水中含有比现在浓度高得多的钙、离 子聚合 物,这有利于海洋生物骨骼中的碳酸钙 [...]
保持稳定,与现在的海洋状况相比,能够更好 地适应酸化。
The ocean of millions of years ago also contained much higher
[...] calcium and magnesium ion concentrations than [...]
are present in the ocean today, which
helped to stabilize calcium carbonate minerals in marine animals’ skeletons so they were better able to tolerate the acidified conditions than they are able to do in today’s ocean.
另外,古巴也无法采购到价值 193 000 美元的电感耦合离子体质 谱仪,申 请这项采购计划属于国际原子能机构执行项目的一部分,即 [...]
CUB/5/018 号项目, 通过引进核分析技术加强对渔业产品中化学污染废物的官方监控系统。
In another connection, Cuba was also unable to purchase an
[...] inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer [...]
at a cost of US$ 193,000, which was requested
as part of a project implemented by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), entitled “Strengthening Official Control of Chemical Residues and Contaminants in Fishery Products” (CUB/5/018), which introduces nuclear analytical techniques.
晶片加工设备、单结晶制造设备、曝光·成像清晰度设备、保护剂处理设备、蚀刻设备、干蚀刻设备、热处理设备、薄膜开成设备(CVD设备、溅射设备、其他) 离子 注 入设备、CMP设备、洗涤干燥设备、各种搬运系统·设备、纯水·药液·水处理设备、各种气体设备、切割成片设备、微型·纳米金属模、纳米刻印制造设备 离子 束 加 工设备、微小放电加工设备、片成形设备、挤压/浇铸/喷射成形设备、加压成形设备、激光微型加工设备、成膜加工设备、干燥炉、烧成/烧结设备、微波加热设备、熔融工序设备、粉碎工序设备、超声波加工机、晶片接合设备(校准器)、深挖蚀刻设备(面向MEMS)、清洁室设备等。
Wafer processing equipment, single crystal production device, exposure/depiction device, resist processing equipment, etching equipment, dry etching device, heat processing device, thin film forming device
(CVD devices,
[...] sputtering devices, etc.), ion injection device, CMP equipment, cleaning-drying equipment, various transportation systems and equipment, pure water/chemical liquid/water processing equipment, various gas devices, dicing equipment, micro/nano dies, nano imprint device, ion beam processing equipment, [...]
micro radiation
processing equipment, sheet forming equipment, extrusion/casting/injection molding machine, pressurized forming equipment, laser micro processing equipment, thin film coating equipment, drying furnaces, burning/sintering equipment, microwave heating equipment, dissolution process equipment, fracturing process equipment, ultrasound processing equipment, wafer bonding equipment (aligner), deep etching equipment (for MEMS), clean room equipment, etc.
当今,只有 Veeco 有资格提供高离子束源 和组件(设计为具有高稳定性和齿形系数以满足任何系统设计要求)以及整个蚀刻 离子 束和 MBE 沉积系统,从而以最高的资本效率提供最优质的光学薄膜。
Veeco is uniquely qualified to
[...] supply advanced ion beam sources and components engineered for high reliability and form factors to fit any system design, as well as complete etch, ion beam and MBE deposition [...]
systems proven
to deliver the highest quality optical films with the highest capital efficiency.
用于高频率电子设备和光电产品的 III-V 材料离子束蚀 刻解决方案不仅可避免基于 CI 的反离子束蚀刻的损坏效应,而且可以针对许多应用维持卓越的侧壁控制和重复性,如高频集成电路元件、LED 触点和高电子迁移率晶体管 (HEMT)。
III-V Materials for
[...] High-Frequency Electronics and Optoelectronics: Ion beam etch solutions avoid the damaging effects of CI-based reactive ion beam etch [...]
while maintaing superior
sidewall control and repeatability for applications such as high-frequency integrated circuit components, LED contacts and high electron mobility transisters (HEMT).
联合国儿童基金会也正在与公共卫生和人口部及合作伙伴(如FONDEFH和世界粮食计划署)紧密合作,通过分发强化食品,倡导政府及其合作伙伴加大努力普 碘 盐 的 食用,从而减少海地 碘 缺 乏 症。
UNICEF is also working closely with the Ministry of Public Health and Population and partners such as FONDEFH and the World Food Programme to reduce IDD in Haiti, through distribution of fortified foods and by advocating for an increase in commitment to universal salt iodization by the government and its partners.
[...] 不仅提供高价值的蛋白,还提供广泛的必需微量营养素,包括各类维生素(D、A 和B)、矿物质(包括钙碘、锌 、铁和硒)以及欧米伽-3多不饱和脂肪酸(二 [...]
With a few exceptions for selected species, fish is usually low in saturated fats, carbohydrates and cholesterol. Fish provides not only high-value protein, but also a wide range of essential micronutrients, including
various vitamins (D, A and B), minerals
[...] (including calcium, iodine, zinc, iron and selenium) [...]
and polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty
acids (docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid).




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