单词 | 碘化钾 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 碘化钾 —potassium iodideSee also:碘化 n—iodide n • iodination n 碘 n—iodine n 碘—iodine (chemistry) 钾 n—potassium n
使用 1 毫升摩尔管加入 0.5 毫升饱和碘化钾溶液。 cn.lubrizol.com | Using 1 ml Mohr pipette, add 0.5 [...] ml of saturated potassium iodide solution. lubrizol.com |
其中,主要的保护措施是及时说出事 实并大面积分发给市民碘化钾(KI)。 worldinfo.org | The main preventive action would have been telling the truth in [...] time for the wide [...] distribution of potassium iodide (KI) to those exposed to ionizing radiation as KI functions [...]as an antidote to thyroid cancer. worldinfo.org |
在蛋白质合成中,钾的存在提高了将吸收的硝酸盐 转 化 为 蛋 白质的 转 化 率 , 从而提高肥料中氮的效率(SQM, 2006)。 kno3.org | The action of potassium on protein synthesis enhances the conversion of absorbed nitrate into proteins [...] which contributes to an [...]enhanced efficiency of the supplied N fertiliser (SQM, 2006). kno3.org |
补充维生素 A 和锌、食盐加碘和面粉强 化工作 均得到加强,纯母乳喂养率也有所提高。 daccess-ods.un.org | Vitamin A and zinc [...] supplementation, salt iodization and flour fortification [...]have all been scaled up, and rates of exclusive breastfeeding have improved. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于土壤质量差(多孔、缺乏氮和钾) 和 淡 水供应量有限,集 约 化 农 业 生产规模有 限。 daccess-ods.un.org | Intensive agricultural production is limited [...] because of the poor quality of soil [...] (porous, deficient in nitrogen and potassium) and the limited availability [...]of fresh water. daccess-ods.un.org |
(iii) 气体样品:备有适当进口和出口的 10-20 厘米固定通道的导管并且 配有溴化钾窗口。 opcw.org | (iii) gas samples: 10 to 20cm fixed-path tubes fitted with appropriate inlet and outlet ports [...] and equipped with KBr windows. opcw.org |
虽然上述协议是直线前进的惰性条件下,一些常见故障排除程序是:(一)确保焦磷 酸 钾 , 脱 气和干,(b)如钐金属有长期暴露在空气中,它可能有一个外层 氧 化 , 用 研钵和pestal清洁的金属表面暴露的金属研磨,(三)火焰干燥所有玻璃器皿和冷却的氩气下,(四)随着氮,优选氩气惰性气氛中作为购买已被证明与该金属相互作用,(e)在存在下,过量的金属的Sm-有助于保持SMI的浓度如图2所示 ,(六)resublime的碘晶体。 jove.com | While the above protocol is straight forward when done under inert conditions, some of the common troubleshooting [...] procedures are: (a) make sure [...] the THF is properly degassed and dry, (b) if Sm metal has had prolonged exposure to air it could have an oxidized outside layer, grind the metal with a mortar and pestal to expose the clean metal surface, (c) flame-dry all glassware and cool under argon, (d) argon is preferred inert atmosphere over Nitrogen, as the later has been shown to interact with the metal, (e) The presence of excess Sm-metal helps to maintain the concentration of SmI2, (f) resublime the iodine crystals. jove.com |
主要产品蛭石,膨胀蛭石,云母,石英砂, 氧 化 铁 红, 氧 化 铁 灰 , 钾 长 石 等。 business-china.com | Main product vermiculite, inflation vermiculite, mica, [...] quartz sand, oxidized iron oxide red, ferric oxide ash, potash feldspar. business-china.com |
儿基会及其合作伙伴(包括世界粮食计划署(粮食署)、联合国粮食及农业组 [...] 织(粮农组织)和国际农业发展基金(农发基金))为逾 50 个国家的营养计划提供支 持,采用了补充维生素 A、食盐加碘、促进纯母乳喂养、食物 强 化 和 治 疗严重急 性营养不良等切实有效的方案。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNICEF and partners, including the World Food Programme (WFP), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) supported nutrition programmes in more than 50 countries with [...] effective programmes in [...] vitamin A supplementation, salt iodization, promoting exclusive breastfeeding, [...]food fortification [...]and treatment of severe acute malnutrition. daccess-ods.un.org |
关键问题是,剩余的多数关键用途提名并未按照第 IX/6 号决定的要求使 用防渗薄膜来控制排放,并且在全球(除日本外)撤销甲 基 碘 为 寻 找新 的 化学 替 代品带来较大压力,尤其给处理苗圃问题带来了压力。 conf.montreal-protocol.org | Key issues were the fact that most remaining critical-use nominations did not use emission control with barrier films as required by [...] decision IX/6 and the [...] withdrawal of methyl iodide worldwide (except in Japan) had put pressure of finding new chemical alternatives, [...]in particular with regard to nursery issues. conf.montreal-protocol.org |
食物安全中心(中心)现正进行为期两年的计划,检测本港市面上初生婴儿及较大婴儿奶粉中的营养素含量(分别是能量、蛋白质、总脂肪、亚油酸、α-亚麻酸、总碳水合物、维生素A、维生素D3、维生素E、维生素K、维生素B1、核黄素、烟酸、维生素B6、维生素B12、泛酸、叶酸、维生素C、生物素、铁、钙、磷、镁、钠、氯 、 钾 、 锰 、 碘 、 硒 、铜、锌、胆碱、肌醇、L-肉碱)。 cfs.gov.hk | The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) has embarked on a two-year programme to test the nutritional composition (i.e. energy, protein, total fat, linoleic acid, alpha-linolenic acid, total carbohydrates, vitamin A, vitamin D3, vitamin E, vitamin K, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, pantothenic acid, folic acid, vitamin C, biotin, iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, chloride, potassium, manganese, iodine, selenium, copper, zinc, choline, myo-inositol, and L-carnitine) of infant and follow-up formulae available in the local market. cfs.gov.hk |
(ix) 世衞建議用鹽為媒介供普羅大眾強 化碘 , 因 此應提供碘鹽讓市民選 擇。 cfs.gov.hk | (ix) As salt is recommended by WHO as [...] a vehicle for iodine fortification for the [...]general population, make iodised salt available for the public to choose. cfs.gov.hk |
联合国儿童基金会也正在与公共卫生和人口部及合作伙伴(如FONDEFH和世界粮食计划署)紧密合作,通过分发 强 化 食 品 ,倡导政府及其合作伙伴加大努力普 及 碘 盐 的 食用,从而减少海地 的 碘 缺 乏 症。 unicef.org | UNICEF is also working closely with the Ministry of Public Health and Population and partners such as FONDEFH and the World Food Programme to reduce IDD [...] in Haiti, [...] through distribution of fortified foods and by advocating for an increase in commitment to universal salt iodization by the government [...]and its partners. unicef.org |
除了不多的几个物种外,鱼通常含有低水平的饱和脂肪、碳 水 化 合 物 和胆固醇, 不仅提供高价值的蛋白,还提供广泛的必需微量营养素,包括各类维生素(D、A 和B)、矿物质(包括钙、碘、锌 、铁和硒)以及欧米伽-3多不饱和脂肪酸(二 十二碳六烯酸和二十碳五烯酸)。 fao.org | With a few exceptions for selected species, fish is [...] usually low in saturated fats, [...] carbohydrates and cholesterol. Fish provides not only high-value protein, but also a wide range of essential micronutrients, including various vitamins (D, A and B), minerals (including calcium, iodine, zinc, iron and selenium) [...]and polyunsaturated [...]omega-3 fatty acids (docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid). fao.org |
只有在已知出現危險輻射程度數小時內的地 方,碘化鉀方被推薦服用。 cchrchealth.org | Potassium iodide is only recommended [...] to be taken within a few hours while in an area of a known dangerous radiation. cchrchealth.org |
建议勿将再生纤维素膜与浓度大于 25% 的 盐酸、浓度大于 25% 的硝酸、浓度为 96% [...] 的硫酸、浓度 为 25% 高氯酸、1N 氢氧化钾以及浓度为10%的含水酚 共用。 cn.spectrumlabs.com | solvents containing nitrogen. RC membranes are not recommended for use with [...] hydrochloric acid > 25%, nitric acid > 25%, 96% sulfuric acid, 25% [...] perchloric acid, 1N potassium hydroxide and 10% aqueous phenol. eu.spectrumlabs.com |
跨骏工程塑料制品公司(Quadrant EPP)材料的本粘合剂使用手册中提及了许多用于表面处理或溶剂粘结的 化学品 :二甲基乙酰胺、二甲基甲酰胺、二氧杂环已烷、乙醇(酒精)、甲酸、六氟丙酮半水合物、异丙醇、 二氯甲烷、全氯乙烯(四氯乙烯)、苯酚、磷酸、重铬 酸 钾 、 p-甲苯-磺酸、间二苯酚、重铬酸钠、硫酸、1,1,1三氯乙烷和三氯三氟乙烷。 quadrantplastics.com | Plenty of chemicals, to be used for surface pre-treatment or solvent cementing, are mentioned in this guide for adhesive [...] bonding of Quadrant [...] Engineering Plastic Products’ materials: dimethylacetamide, dimethylformamide, dioxane, ethanol (ethyl alcohol), formic acid, hexafluoroacetonesesquihydrate, isopropyl alcohol (isopropanol), methylene chloride, perchloroethylene (tetrachloroethylene), phenol, phosphoric acid, potassium dichromate, p-toluene-sulfonic [...]acid, [...]resorcinol, sodium dichromate, sulphuric acid, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, trichlorotrifluoroethane. quadrantplastics.com |
論,並以口述或書寫方式簡報出來 y 檢視實驗報告,並以口述或書寫方式簡報批評性的論點 y 討論真誠地記錄和報告數據的重要性 y 設計並製作手攜式酒精呼氣測試器,然後測試其準確度 y 搜尋和簡報儀器分析的原理及其應用的資料,如以氣相色層法求出血液 內的酒精含量 y 利用碘昇華法鑑定指紋 y 搜尋和簡報在科學鑑證上應用化學方 法的資料 y 觀看在化學分析中應用現代化學技 術的影片 334.edb.hkedcity.net | y discussing the importance of integrity in recording and reporting data. y designing and making a portable alcohol breathalyser and testing its accuracy. y searching for and presenting information on the principle and application of instrumental analysis such as gas chromatography for blood [...] alcohol content. y [...] identifying fingerprints by iodine sublimation. y searching for and presenting information related to the use of chemical methods in forensic science. y viewing video on the use of modern chemical techniques in chemical analysis. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
2003年,美国以生产蓖麻毒素(附表1化学品)起诉了一名位于斯波凯恩的前童子军队长,另有一名大学教授因储存和拥有化武( 氰 化钾 ) 而 被捕。 opcw.org | USA, 2003: prosecutions of a former boy scout leader in Spokane for producing [...] ricin (Schedule 1), and arrest of a former university professor for stockpiling and [...] possession of CW (potassium cyanide) opcw.org |
在未有向你的醫生諮詢前,千萬不可以私下服 用 碘化 鉀 。 碘化 鉀 是 一種被証實 有效保護人體甲狀腺暴露於某些類型輻射的化合物,但它並不可以提供人體全面不受輻 [...] 射危害的免疫功能。 cchrchealth.org | Potassium iodide is a chemical compound that has [...] been known to protect the thyroid from certain types of radiation, but [...]does not offer full body immunity from harmful radiation. cchrchealth.org |
粮农组织食品添加剂联合专家委员会秘书处还澄清,食品添加剂联合专家委员会 第二十九届会议和第三十五届会议评价了用于激活乳过氧化物酶体系的过氧化氢和硫氰 酸盐,结论是按照所使用的水平,这 些 化 学 物品对人体健康不构成危害,但如 果 碘 摄入 量不足,硫氰酸盐可能产生毒理作用,食品添加剂联合专家委员会这两届会议的报告已 得到粮农组织/世卫组织技术会议的考虑。 codexalimentarius.org | The FAO JECFA Secretariat further clarified that the 29thand 35th Sessions of JECFA had evaluated hydrogen peroxide and thiocyanate used to activate the lactoperoxidase system and had [...] concluded that at the [...] levels used, these chemicals did not pose a hazard to human health, but that thiocyanate could have a toxicological effect if iodine intake was not adequate [...]and that the reports [...]of these sessions of JECFA had been taken into account by the FAO/WHO technical meeting. codexalimentarius.org |
因此,業界應在產品上清楚標示碘的 數 量,以便消費者計算個人每 天碘 攝入量。 cfs.gov.hk | In this connection, traders were [...] advised to declare clearly [...] the quantity of iodine on the product to facilitate consumers in calculating their daily intake of iodine. cfs.gov.hk |
该材料必须如非易燃,非爆炸性材料:石灰石,方解石,重晶石,白云石 , 钾 长 石 ,大理石,滑石,石膏,高岭土,麦饭石,磷矿石,锰矿,铁矿,玻璃,陶瓷,活性炭,炭黑,耐火材料,保温材料 , 化 工 原 料等(300种材料)。 chinatrader.ru | The materials must be non-flammable and non-explosive materials such as: [...] limestone, calcite, [...] barite, dolomite, potassium feldspar, marble, talcum, gypsum, kaoline, medical stone, rock phosphate, manganese ore, iron ore, glass, ceram, active carbon,carbon black,fireproof materials, heat preservation [...]materials, chemical materials and so on(300 kinds of materials). chinatrader.ru |
已确定了以下机构并使其联网:乍得湖:迈杜古里大学和乍得湖研究所(尼日利 亚);恩冈代雷大学(喀麦隆);和乍得湖盆地委员会(乍得);死海:约旦大学;费城大 [...] 学、水和灌溉部及约旦谷当局和阿拉 伯 钾 盐 公 司(约旦);咸海:科学教育部水文地质和水 [...] 利工程研究所(哈萨克斯坦);乌尔根奇国立大学和发展研究中心(乌兹别克斯坦);和 ZEF 波恩(德国)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The following institutions were identified and networked: for Lake Chad: University of Maiduguri and Lake Chad Research Institute (Nigeria); University of Ngaoundere (Cameroon); and Lake Chad Basin Commission (Chad); for the Dead Sea: University of Jordan, University of Philadelphia, Ministry of Water [...] and Irrigation and Jordan Valley Authority, [...] and the Arab Potash Company (Jordan); [...]for the Aral Sea: Institute of Hydrogeology [...]and Hydrophysics, Ministry of Science and Education (Kazakhstan); Urgench State University and the Centre for Development Research (Uzbekistan); and ZEF Bonn (Germany). unesdoc.unesco.org |
哥伦比亚当局在 2009 年通过表格 D 通报缉获了 595 公斤的锰酸钾(高锰酸钾前体 )但并未缉获过 氧化锰, 这一数量不足以评估非法制造高锰 酸钾 的规模。 incb.org | The amounts of potassium permanganate precursors notified by Colombian authorities on form D for 2009 — 595 kg for potassium manganate and no seizures of manganese dioxide — do not lend themselves to an assessment of the extent of illicit potassium permanganate manufacture. incb.org |
亚马逊矿业控股公共有限公司(多伦多证券交易所创业版:AMZ)(下称“亚马逊”或“公司”)欣然宣布,它已经于12月1日在英国提交了关于从Cerrado Verde项目的韦尔德特板岩(verdete slate)中提炼生产传统碳酸钾产品、 氯 化钾 ( K C l) 和硫酸钾的专利申请。 tipschina.gov.cn | Amazon Mining Holding Plc (TSX VENTURE: AMZ) ("Amazon" or "The Company"), is pleased to report it has filed a patent application in the U.Kon the 1st of December for the production of conventional potash product, muriate of potash (KCl) and sulphate of potash (SOP) from verdete slate of the Cerrado Verde ProjectThe technology was developed by DrDerek Fray, Professor and Director of Research at the University of Cambridge, UK tipschina.gov.cn |
例如,30%浓度的VEG-ESTER GY-300氢氧化钾盐在 溶于高油酸芥花油时所产生的浓缩物如按照典型的金属加工液稀释率(20:1)进行稀释,可在水中形成稳定的乳状液。 cn.lubrizol.com | As an example, a 30% concentration of [...] VEG-ESTER GY-300 potassium hydroxide salt in high [...]oleic canola oil will yield a concentrate [...]that forms stable emulsions in water at typical metalworking fluid dilution rates (20:1). lubrizol.com |
2007 年 10 月,白俄罗斯议会通过了食物安全法的缺碘性失调症/普及食 盐碘 化修正 案,并对国家立法进行了修订,使之符合法律规定;其结果,现已建立起 [...] 对加碘盐的质量及其零售供应情况的全国监测。 daccess-ods.un.org | In October 2007, the Parliament of [...] Belarus adopted an iodine deficiency disorders/universal salt iodization amendment [...]to its law on food [...]safety, and national legislation was revised to comply with the provisions of the law; as a result, national monitoring of the quality of iodized salt and its availability in the retail trade is now in place. daccess-ods.un.org |
硫酸亞鐵中的鐵、七水合物:245毫克/公斤、氧化鋅中的鋅:204毫克/公斤、氧化錳中的錳:27毫克/公斤、硫酸錳中的錳、一水合物:20毫克/公斤、硫酸銅中的銅、五水合物:15毫克/公斤 、 碘化 鉀 中 的碘:3毫克/公斤、鹼性碳酸钴中的钴、一水合物:0.5毫克/公斤。 eukanuba.com | Iron as Ferrous Sulphate, heptahydrate: 245mg/kg, Zinc as Zinc Oxide: 204mg/kg, Manganese as Manganous Oxide: 27mg/kg, Manganese as Manganous Sulphate, monohydrate: 20mg/kg, [...] Copper as Cupric Sulphate, [...] pentahydrate: 15mg/kg, Iodine as Potassium Iodide: 3mg/kg, [...]Cobalt as Basic Cobaltous Carbonate, monohydrate: 0.5mg/kg. eukanuba.com |
2006 年 9 月 28 日第 2006/001 号共和国总统令对一些生活必需品的税制进 行了调整。主要涉及冷冻鱼,半加工或加工的、去皮或带皮的稻米,玉米面,豆 饼和玉米种子提取后的其他固体残渣,甚至磨碎或凝结成团粒状,未精炼也 未碘 化的粗盐。 daccess-ods.un.org | Presidential Order No. 2006/001 of 28 September 2006 reduced the common external tariff (CET) on certain imported staples (particularly frozen fish; semi-white, white, polished or glazed rice; corn flour; oil cakes and other solid corn-sprout extraction residues, even ground or agglomerated in the shape of pellets; and unprocessed, unrefined and noniodized salt), setting it at 5 per cent compared to the general CET rate which ranges up to 58 per cent. daccess-ods.un.org |