

单词 碎裂

碎裂 ()

shatter into small pieces



fission fragment


in mortal fear [idiom.]

See also:

break down
break into pieces

break open

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 难看的行走痕迹,避免了因涂层而引起的污染碎 裂、刮擦痕迹或褪色等现象。
Thus, they eliminate unsightly pathways which would
be the result of use-related abrasion nor increased
[...] contamination, chipping, scratches or [...]
discolourations of the coating.
据报,他似乎遭受了酷刑, 导致低椎碎裂,一 根肋骨骨折,使他在医院担架上出庭。
According to reports, he appears to have been subjected to
[...] torture resulting in shattered lower vertebrae [...]
and a broken rib, which led to his attending
court on a hospital stretcher.
如牙齒因意外或受碎裂,或 因嚴重蛀牙導致病菌深入牙髓(牙齒內的軟組織),令牙神經受到感染,便可能會引致急性牙痛或劇烈痛楚。
Teeth fractured by accident or trauma [...]
or severe tooth decay that progresses to a destructive extent in which the bacteria
have already entered the pulp (the soft tissue chamber inside the tooth) and infected the nerves may lead to an acute toothache or severe pain.
3.2 裝飾性損害:WebStation產品對於人為或非自然所造成的 表面刮傷、凹痕、塑膠部碎裂等顧 客造成之損害,不提 供有限產品保固。
3.2 Cosmetic Damage: WebStation warranty does not cover surface scratches, dents, broken plastic and customer induce defect .
[...] Rosa市一名女司機懷疑醉酒駕駛,在一家Denny’s餐廳附近釀成車禍,導致餐廳的玻璃窗 碎裂 , 一 名食客見狀慌忙躍起躲避,在過程中受輕傷。
A suspected drunken driver crashed near
a Denny’s restaurant in Santa Rosa on
[...] Sunday morning, shattering several windows [...]
and injuring a patron who dove to the ground
to get out of the way, a California Highway Patrol officer said.
Klet 天文台的 KLENOT 项目于 2002 年启动,目的是
[...] 确定并跟踪亮度较低而运行速度快的近地天体,以及监视和研究近地彗星的运 行情况、爆发碎裂或分裂情况。
The KLENOT project of the Klet Observatory was started in 2002 to confirm and follow up fainter and
fast-moving NEOs, as well as to watch and study the behaviour,
[...] outbursts, fragmentation or splitting [...]
of near-Earth comets.
精美的木质饰面巧妙地隐藏了精致的电子安全锁和配备保护壳的不锈钢结构 — 甚至展示窗的玻璃经专门加固以防 碎裂 — 可 容纳多达 64 块手表,是一款安全精美的手表上发条陈列柜。
Beautiful wood veneers artfully conceal the most sophisticated electronic safety locks and armored steel
construction — even the display glass is
[...] reinforced to resist shattering — providing a beautiful [...]
and secure winding showcase for up to 64 watches.
冲击波和气泡喷射造成舰底中纵桁材与原状相比严重向上弯曲,舰壳大 角度弯曲,部分舰碎裂
(i) A shockwave and bubble effect caused significant upward bending of the Centre
vertical keel, compared with its original state, and the shell plate was steeply bent, with some
[...] parts of the ship fragmented
方法是,首先用一條厚毛巾包裹著生蠔,以防被它銳利的硬殼邊緣 碎裂 的 硬 殼刮傷雙手,又或者滑出手心造成傷害。
When you are using an oyster shuck, to prevent getting hurt
[...] from the edge or crack of the shell, [...]
please hold an oyster in a towel when you opening it.
学前儿童已具备玩发条式八音盒的精巧运动技能,但对于不同的八音盒, 大人们须考虑其是否合适,因为有些产品很容 碎裂 , 比 较适合大龄儿童使用。
Preschool children have the fine-motor skills necessary to manipulate windup music boxes, but adults must consider the appropriateness of individual music boxes as some are fragile and more suitable for older children.
由於發生連串專營巴士與其他車輛碰撞後擋風玻 碎裂 及乘 客從巴士上層車廂被拋出車外的事故,事務委員會在2006年 10月 24日討論有何措施防止類似事故再次發生,包括巴士擋風玻 璃和車窗選用更好的物料。
As a result of a spate of franchised bus incidents which involved broken windscreen and passengers being thrown away from the upper saloon of a bus after collision with another vehicle, the Panel discussed on 24 October 2006 measures to prevent the recurrence of similar incidents, including the selection of better materials for windscreen and passenger windows on buses.
AMT GFG 和 GFG LR 觸控產品的四周都貼上一圈黑色的 PET 保護層,最主要的目的是為了保護 GFG 的上層薄玻璃,避免產品在組裝或拿取時容 碎裂。
AMT GFG and GFG LR touch panels are laminated with black printed PET around the perimeter of the touch panels to prevent the edge of the top thin glass of the GFG from damage during integration.
造型USB手環隨身碟,手環隨身碟為矽膠外殼不容 碎裂 , 手環隨身碟可綁在手上以免遺失,手環隨身碟上可客製化壓印或印刷指定圖案或LOGO,使得手環隨身碟適合做為企業廣告品。
We can emboss your logo or text on the wrist belt USB drives so that you can use it as a corporate gift.
政府當局在2007年 3月匯報,專營巴士
[...] 公司已同意,在所有巴士上層的強化擋風玻璃貼上一層透明保護 膜,以有效防止玻璃意碎裂後散 落,或把有關玻璃換成夾層玻 璃。
The Administration reported in March 2007 that it had agreed with franchised bus companies to apply a transparent protective film onto the upper deck toughened glass windscreens of
all existing buses, which would
[...] effectively contain the shattered glass fragments in [...]
the event of an accident, or to replace them with laminated glass.
重量仅为普通玻璃的1/2,碎裂性能 为普通硅玻璃的12-18倍,机械强度和韧性大于普通玻璃10倍以上,硬度相当于金属铝,具有突出的耐候性和耐老化性,能耐有机酸、碱、盐及低级醇,并且价格低廉,已广泛地应用于宾馆、酒店、商场、体育馆、 [...]
Weight is only common glass
[...] 1/2, resistance to shatter glass for ordinary [...]
performance of silicon 12-18 times, mechanical
strength and toughness is 10 times greater than common glass, aluminum, hardness is equivalent to having outstanding weathering and aging resistance, alkali, salt and organic acids, and low prices, lower alcohol, has been widely used in hotels, restaurants, stores, gymnasium, airport terminal bus stop, indoor advertisements, etc. Due to the membrane material, through performance of grating YanYun "phenomenon, complex operation, scrap rate high, gradually been plank grating replacement, Sheet thickness thin, line grating due to high number, caused the view is small.
这一情况已经得到接受此案司 法调查的证人证词的确认。1 检察官进行的法证检查的结果显示,在巴达洛夫的左太阳穴和头顶右侧发现 伤口,枪伤造成其头颅碎裂、脑 组织穿透并受到破坏。
This is confirmed by the testimony of witnesses questioned in the prosecution of the case.1 According to the conclusions of the forensic medical examination performed for the prosecution, wounds were found on Badalov’s body in the areas of the left temple and the
right side of the crown, together
[...] with fragments of bone from the skull and puncturing and destruction of the brain tissue.
遇有牙碎裂、過 度填補或嚴重蛀壞而導致有機 碎裂 , 牙 醫可能會替病者鑲配人造牙冠,以鞏固及保護剩餘的牙質,同時使牙齒恢復正常的大小、形狀及功能。
When a tooth is fractured, extensively filled or severely decayed posing a high risk of fracture, the placement of a crown may be recommended [...]
to strengthen
and protect the remaining tooth structure in order to restore the tooth back to its normal size, shape and function.
因不使用護齒器而可能導致的牙齒傷害類型為:牙 碎裂 或 斷 裂、牙冠或牙橋斷裂、唇頰受傷、牙根損壞、牙根受傷、顎骨破裂和腦震盪。
The types of dental injuries that can occur without the use of a mouth guard are chipped or broken teeth, fractured crowns or bridgework, lip and cheek injuries, root damage to the teeth, fractured jaws, and concussions.
否则会导致剧烈 的化学反应和设备裂,并 可造成严重的人员伤亡及财产损失。
Such use can cause serious chemical reaction and equipment rupture, and result in death, serious injury, and property damage.
(C) 即使本公司細則(A)段載有任何規定,於認購權獲行使時,不得 配發任何碎股份 ,因此是否產生任何 碎 股 份 (及如有,屬何種 碎 股 份 )須根據 認股權證之條款及條件予以釐定。
(C) Notwithstanding anything contained in paragraph (A) of this Bye-law no fraction of any share shall be allotted on exercise of the subscription rights and so that whether any (and if so what) fraction of a share arises should be determined according to the terms and conditions of the warrants.
儘 管 本 集 團 已 於 武 漢 陽 邏 港 項 目 開 始 時 獲 中 國 合 營 夥 伴( 為 武 漢 市 政 府 機 關 )授 予 發 展 武 漢 陽 邏 港 第 二 期 的 優先權 , 且 於 二 零零五 年 訂 立 一份綱 要 性 協 議( 連 同 於 二 零零七 年 四 月 簽 署 的 補 充 協 議 )並 獲 中 央 政 府 於 隨 後 批 准 相 關 發 展 計 劃 , 令 本 集 團 持 有 第 二 期 發 展 項 目的 44 % 股 權 及 由 武 漢 陽 邏 港 兩 間 中 國 合 營 夥 伴 持 有 其 餘 權 益 , 惟 就 合 資 合同條 款 的 磋 商 最 終裂 , 導 致 本 集 團 未 能 如 願 參 與 該 項 目的開 發 。
Despite the Group having been granted the right of first refusal for the development of Phase II of the WIT Port by the PRC joint venture partners who are Wuhan government agencies at inception of the WIT project, the signing of the Heads of Agreement in 2005 (together with a supplemental agreement in April 2007) and the subsequent approval of the development plan by the Central Government for the Group to take a 44% equity interest in the Phase II development with the rest of the interest to be taken up by the two PRC Joint Venture partners of WIT, negotiations of the terms of the joint venture agreement have grinded to a halt resulting in the Group not being able to participate in the development of the project as intended.
(b) 「供股」指於本公司董事所指定之期間向指定記錄日期名列股東名 冊之本公司股本或任何類別股份的持有人,按其當時持有該等股
份或類別股份的比例提呈發售本公司股本中之股份或提呈發售或 發 行 附 有 權 利 可 認 購 本 公 司 股 份之認 股 權 證 、 購 股 權 或 其
[...] 他 證 券,惟本公司董事有權就碎股份 或經考慮任何本公司受其規管 [...]
之司法管轄區或任何本公司受其規管之認可監管機構或證券交易 所之法例或規定所指之任何限制或責任,或就釐定根據上述法例
或 規 定 而 存 在 的 任 何 限 制 或 責 任 或 其 範 圍 可 能 涉 及 之 開 支 或 延 誤,而作出其認為必要或權宜之例外情況或其他安排。
(b) “Rights Issue” means an offer of shares in the share capital of the Company, or an offer or issue of warrants, options or other securities giving rights to subscribe for shares, open for a period fixed by the directors of the Company to holders of shares in the share capital of the Company or any class thereof whose names appear on the register of members on a fixed record date in proportion to their then holdings of such shares or class thereof (subject to such
exclusion or other arrangements as the directors
[...] of the Company may deem necessary [...]
or expedient in relation to fractional entitlements
or, having regard to any restrictions or obligations under the laws of, or the requirements of, or the expense or delay which may be involved in determining the exercise or extent of any restrictions or obligations under the laws of, or the requirements of, any jurisdiction applicable to the Company, any recognised regulatory body or any stock exchange applicable to the Company).
索马里公民遭受冷酷无情的军阀的勒索、其沿海和毗连海路海盗行为层出不 穷;海洋资源遭到外部势力肆无忌惮的掠夺;这些虚弱和四分 裂 的 实 体被邻国 利用以达成不公正和非法的协定,或利用这些脆弱的小国作为其国内经济的附属 体,这些就是纷乱的索马里局势产生的一些令人不安的现实。
The extortion of its citizens by ruthless and callous warlords; the mushrooming and proliferation of piracy along its coasts and adjacent sea lanes; the unconscionable plundering of its maritime resources by extraneous forces; the instrumentalization of the weak and fragmented entities by neighbouring countries both to extract unfair and illicit agreements or to use these fragile mini-States as an appendage of their domestic economies are some of the disturbing realities that this simmering Somali situation has given rise to.
(a) 制訂新法例,進㆒步減低空氣、噪音和水污染,包括:管制手提撞擊式 碎 機; 增加空氣污染罪行的刑罰和簡化有關發出消減空氣污染滋擾通知書的手續;管 制石棉的使用;管制廢物處理裝置的使用和維修,並訂立條文規定樓宇業主將 廢物排放入公共污水渠;設立㆒項收費制度,就處理工業污水,使之符合標準 而徵收費用,以及立例管制化學廢物的處理,並徵收費用。
They cover controls of hand held percussion breakers; increases in penalties and improvements in the procedure for abatement notices to air pollution offences; controls on the use of asbestos; controls on the use and maintenance of waste treatment plants, provision to direct property owners to discharge wastes into public sewers; for a system of charging for treating of industrial effluent to specified quality and regulations to control the disposal of chemical waste and charge for it.
尽管有这些挑战,但已证 实有 113 名儿童被以下武装部队和团体招募:自由派和改革武装运动(从正义与 平等运动和苏丹解放军/阿卜杜勒·瓦希德派 裂 出 来 的团体)、边境情报部队、 乍得武装反对集团、社区警务部队、警察部队、民防军、苏丹解放军/Abu Gasim 派、苏丹解放军/历史领袖派(苏丹解放军/阿卜杜勒·瓦希德派 裂 团 体 )、苏丹 解放军/阿卜杜勒·瓦希德派、苏丹武装部队以及不知名的武装团体。
Notwithstanding these challenges, 113 children were confirmed to have been recruited by the following armed forces and groups:
Armed Movement of
[...] Liberals and Reform (splinter group of JEM and SLA/Abdul Wahid), Border Intelligence Forces, Chadian armed opposition groups, community policing forces, police forces, Popular Defence Forces, SLA/Abu Gasim, SLA/Historical Leadership (splinter group of SLA/Abdul [...]
Wahid), SLA/Abdul Wahid,
Sudanese Armed Forces and unknown armed groups.
虽然包括联合国主要机关在内的国际社会一直承认,是亚美尼亚发动了战 争,攻击并占领阿塞拜疆领土,包括 Daghlyq
[...] 区,开展大规模的种族清洗,在战争期间犯下其他骇人听闻的罪行,在被占领的 阿塞拜疆境内成立了同族裔人组成的附庸 裂 实 体 ;奇怪的是,亚美尼亚的宣传 机器继续把对阿塞拜疆的侵略说成是“纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫人民和平要求行使其 [...]
Whereas it has been internationally recognized, including by the principal organs of the United Nations, that Armenia unleashed the war, attacked Azerbaijan and occupied its territories, including the Daghlyq Garabagh (Nagorno Karabakh) region, carried out ethnic cleansing on a massive scale, perpetrated other heinous crimes in the course of the war
and established the ethnically
[...] constructed subordinate separatist entity on the captured [...]
Azerbaijani territory, it is curious
that Armenian propaganda continues to qualify the aggression against Azerbaijan as “a peaceful and constitutional demand of the Nagorno Karabakh people to exercise its right to self-determination”.
為了提供適當程度的安全保障,應選用 合適種類、厚度及尺寸的玻璃,當中須考慮玻璃的預期用途, 以及碎時可能發生的嚴重後果。
Glass of suitable type, thickness and size should be selected to provide an appropriate degree of safety, taking into account the intended use and the possibility of catastrophic consequences in the event of breakage.
供股」指依照指定之記錄日期,向當日股東名 冊上所載之股份或任何類別股份之持有人,按彼
[...] 等當時持有該等股份或該類別股份之比例提出供 股要約(惟在涉及碎配額 ,或涉及受香港以外地 區之法律或任何認可管理機構或任何證券交易所 [...]
所規定之限制或責任影響時,董事局可以其認為 必要或屬權宜之形式,將該等配額予以撤銷或另 作安排)。
Rights Issue” means an offer of shares to holders of shares or any class thereof on the register on a fixed record date in proportion to their then holdings of such shares or class thereof
(subject to such exclusion or other arrangements as
[...] the Directors may deem necessary [...]
or expedient in relation to fractional entitlements
or having regard to any restrictions or obligations under the laws of, or the requirements of any recognised regulatory body or any stock exchange in, any territory outside Hong Kong).




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