

单词 碍胃口

See also:


shy to speak out
too embarrassing for words


gastric adj


stomach n

External sources (not reviewed)

这种情况仍然反映了一种传统的模式:仆人为主人提供符合 胃口 的食 品。
This type of production still reflects the conventional performance offered by the servant for the appetite of the master.
科特迪瓦空军显然有能够维修直升机的 技术人员,但曾指出禁运碍备件的 进 口 (见 S/2009/188,第 30 段)。
The Ivorian Air Force clearly has technicians capable of
servicing the helicopter, but has stated that the
[...] embargo prevents the import of spare parts (see S/2009/188, [...]
para. 30).
您可以在The One Bar、顶级航行休息厅和独享餐厅的不同菜谱上享用意大利和各种国际美食,MSC游艇俱乐部的客人可以尝试到各 口 味 的 菜肴,从健康的到特殊的,包括了多种特色蔬菜、 胃 菜 和 开 胃 酒。
With an extensive choice of Italian and international gourmet specialities from different menus in The One Bar, Top Sail Lounge and dedicated restaurant, MSC Yacht Club guests are assured of superior
dining to delight the
[...] most varied and discriminating tastes, ranging from the healthy to the superbly indulgent, and including many vegetarian specialities as well as finger food appetisers to accompany your aperitif.
高级管理层对业连管及其好处的认识越深,其开 展业连管工作胃口也就 越大,因而也越有可能积极支持业连管工作的落实。
The more understanding of BCM and its benefits senior management has, the more appetite they will have for it and the more likely it is that they will actively support its implementation.
[...] 建立两用物品出口管制的必要性和进展,以期他们认识到,这些措施不会 碍出 口发展 ,而可成为当今国际贸易制度的组成部分。
It is also important to engage the private sector through various industry outreach programmes to keep them informed of the need for and progress in establishing controls on the export of dual-use items, in
order that they understand that such
[...] measures do not hamper export promotion, but [...]
have become an integral part of today’s international trade regime.
加热系统采用独特的设计,提供均匀的热量分布,从而消除令人丧 胃口 的 热 点。
The unique design of the heating system provides even heat distribution to eliminate unappetizing hot spots.
[...] 胖,妊娠超过 14 周,或具有多处创伤或大 创伤,急性腹部或胸部损伤,患有任何胃排空障碍相关 的疾病,或禁食前使用鸦 片制剂药物。
Patients who are grossly or morbidly obese, more than 14 weeks pregnant or those with multiple or massive injury,
acute abdominal or thoracic injury,
[...] any condition associated with delayed gastric emptying, or using [...]
opiate medication prior to fasting.
如果我们真正想要减少或消除非法跨界流通的 悲惨后果,只要取消新自由主义及其跨国公司的贪胃口和导 致贫困增加的帝国主义和殖民主义政策并 结束世界经济、政治和社会的不平等就足够了。
If we truly want to reduce or combat the tragic consequences of cross-border illicit flows, it would suffice to put an end to the voracious appetite of neoliberalism, its transnational companies and the imperialist and colonialist policies that give rise to poverty, and to stop economic, political and social inequalities in the world.
但越来越清楚的 是,增加口的主要障碍不再 是关税,而是发展中国家在满足进口市场与质量和 安全有关要求方面的困难。
However, it is increasingly clear that the main barrier
[...] to increased exports is no longer import tariffs [...]
but the difficulties developing countries
have in meeting import market quality-related and safety-related requirements.
根据此项《首尔成果文件》,4 委员会大力主张:(a)绿色经
济办法是实现和推进可持续发展的手段之一;(b)必须从可持续发展 和根除贫困的总体目标范畴内实行绿色经济;(c)应特别考虑到共同
[...] 但有区别的责任的原则;(d)应以根除贫困为目的促进经济增长;(e) 以及不应使之成为设置贸易壁垒或实行绿色保护主义、从而 碍 发展口。
Based on the Seoul Outcome,4 the Committee asserted that the green economy approach: (a) is one means to achieve and promote sustainable development; (b) has to be seen in the context of overriding objectives of sustainable development and poverty eradication; (c) should take into account the principles of common but differentiated responsibilities in particular; (d) should promote economic growth for poverty
eradication; and (e) should not be used as a trade barrier or green
[...] protectionism and, thus, an impediment to development.
其他一些因素也为不利的经商环境的形成推波助 澜,包括:法治薄弱,难以保障合约的实施;腐败 现象普遍;资本设备口成本高昂, 碍 了 生 产; 落后的基础设施、昂贵的过路费和破旧的汽车导致 运输费用奇高;以及电力供应短缺和不稳定——这 [...]
These include weak rule of law that has made it difficult to enforce contracts;
widespread corruption;
[...] the high cost of importing new capital equipment that hampers production; extremely [...]
high transport costs
as a result of poor infrastructure, expensive road tolls and antiquated vehicles; and, crucially for most industries, shortages and unreliability of electricity supply.
墨西哥呼吁各国避免在武装冲突期间使用集束 弹药,因为集束弹药是有害的并造成滥杀滥伤后果, 它们影响到整个平民口并阻碍可持 续发展。
Mexico calls upon all States to avoid the use of cluster munitions during armed conflict, because of their harmful nature and their
indiscriminate effects, which affect
[...] entire civilian populations and constitute an obstacle to sustainable development.
社会保护也是确保最边缘化的口得 以 克服 碍 他 们获得服务的社会 性、经济性和歧视性障碍的关键。
Social protection is also key to ensuring that the
[...] most marginalized populations are able to overcome [...]
social, economic and discriminatory
barriers to accessing services.
[...] 运动再次强调迫切需要立即开始加沙重建工作,并强 烈谴责以色列碍向加沙进口必要 的重建物资,以及 以色列对联合国提出启动平民重建活动的建议的消 [...]
The Non-Aligned Movement again stresses the urgent need immediately to begin
reconstruction in Gaza and deeply condemns the
[...] obstruction by Israel of the import of essential reconstruction [...]
materials into Gaza,
as well as Israel’s negative response to the United Nations proposal to kick-start civilian reconstruction activity.
在警官的知识和技术专长方 面存在着大的口,有碍他们 依照成文法系统性地调查案件。
There is a serious gap in the knowledge and technical expertise of officers, which prevents them from systematically investigating cases in accordance with statutory legislation.
托里切利法和赫尔姆斯伯顿法的效力及其域外适用,继续阻碍古巴与美国 公司在第三国的子公司开展贸易,威胁并处罚要在古巴投资的企业家,增加古
[...] 巴和第三国之间海上货运的难度和成本,禁止在古巴港口停靠或为古巴运输货 物的船舶在 6 个月内进入美国口,阻碍悬挂 第三国国旗载有古巴船员的船只 [...]
The fact that the Torricelli Act and the Helms-Burton Act remain in force and are applied extraterritorially continues to prevent Cuba from trading with the subsidiaries of United States companies in third countries. Businesses wishing to invest in Cuba are threatened with and subjected to sanctions, while the provisions of those Acts also hamper, and increase the cost of, the maritime transportation of goods between Cuba and third countries, since any vessel that enters a Cuban port or carries goods on
behalf of Cuba is prohibited from
[...] entering United States ports for six months following [...]
its departure from Cuba, and access
is denied to vessels with Cuban crews even when they are sailing under the flag of a third country.
b) 内部监督办公室的长期战略和目标(2002--2007 年)的实现影响了本组织的风气 (即评胃口、对 计划成果的关注,问责制文化,改进的内部监控,后者使总干 事在财务情况的报告中能够发布关于整个教科文组织的风险管理和内部监控系统 的说明)及本组织的运作方式(即改进的工作程序,与既定政策和程序的一致 性,相关部门和办事处因利用了评估结果而使计划的质量得到了提高)。
(b) Achievement of the IOS long-term strategy and goals (2002-2007) impacted the Organization’s culture (e.g. appetite for evaluation, focus on achievement of programme results, culture of accountability, improved internal controls enabling the DirectorGeneral to issue an Organization-wide Statement of Risk Management and Systems of Internal Control in his report on the financial statements) and the way the Organization operates (e.g. improved work processes and compliance with established policies and procedures, improved quality of programme outcomes by the relevant sectors/offices drawing on the results of evaluations).
(a) 确保管理层采用并保持有效的 风险管理进程并在组织内保有 适当的“风胃口”。
(a) Ensures that management adopts and maintains an effective risk management process and the appropriate “risk appetite” is set in the organization.
溃疡会引起各种症状抑或根本没有症状,但是最常见的溃疡症状包括:疼痛或不适、肿胀、进食少量食物后即有饱腹感、缺 胃口 、 恶心或呕吐,或者是粪便颜色变深。
Ulcers can cause a variety of symptoms or no symptoms at all, but the most common ulcer symptoms include: pain or discomfort, bloating, feeling full after eating a small amount of food, lack of appetite, nausea or vomiting, or a dark stool color.
下调胃口都被 看作是次要的特困孕产妇营养等强大的功能,它可以防止饮食引起的肥胖小鼠。
Down-regulation of appetite is seen to be secondary to poor maternal nutrition and so powerful that it prevents diet-induced obesity in mice.
此外,肾脏疾病、糖尿病、胃疾病 及神经系统疾病和精神疾病发病率正 在增加,关于这类疾病导致死亡的报告增加。
In addition, incidences of renal
[...] diseases, diabetes, gastro-intestinal diseases [...]
and diseases of the nervous system and mental
disorders are on the increase, with increasing deaths reported from such diseases.
法院指示了临时措施,命令两个缔约方不能以任何方式 碍 向 当地 人 口 提供 人道主义援助,以及避免采取任何可能侵犯另一方权利或使争执变得更严重的行 为。
The Court had issued an order for the indication of provisional measures that required
both parties to refrain
[...] from creating any impediment to humanitarian assistance to the local population and from engaging [...]
in any action that might
prejudice the rights of the other party or aggravate the dispute.
各位部长还对仍继续强 制实施此类措施的做法表示关切,这破坏了受影响国家 口 的 福 利,并碍全面实现其人权的工作
The Ministers further expressed their concern at the continued imposition of such
measures which hinder
[...] the well being of population of the affected countries and that create obstacles to the full realization [...]
of their human rights
取而代之的是,可以规定, 解释性声明一旦以书面形式做出,就立即生效—— 这并不碍事先以口头形式提出。
Instead, it could be stipulated that an interpretative
declaration became effective as soon as it was set down in writing — which did
[...] not prevent its being made orally in advance.
61%受訪者表示經常感到疲累及極度疲倦;超過41%僱員表示由於工作壓力出現失眠及沒 胃口 ; 33 %指出工時長會導致生產力及工作素質下降;31%表示由於工作量沉重更容易並經常生病,增加員工告病假的情況。
The lack of work-life balance has a negative impact on the health of employees. 61% of respondents indicate that they suffer from prolonged fatigue levels and extreme tiredness at work; over 41% say they suffer from insomnia and poor diet due to work pressure; 33% noted a dramatic decline in their productivity and quality of work due to long working hours; and 31% indicate that they are more prone to sickness and increased absence and sick leave due to heavy workloads.
本项目的另一重点是必须把与贸易有关的国际支持措施作为各国国家发展战略的优先和主流, 利用这一政策工具消除口增长障碍。
The project will also focus on the need to prioritize and mainstream trade-related international
support measures in countries’ national development strategies as a policy
[...] tool for removing obstacles to export growth.
换言之,尽管曾努力更新版式、方法和风格,使其适应当 今青年胃口和期 望,但是看来《信使》并未真正“重新得到”公众的青睐,仍然躺在 过去的成绩上,过去的确是辉煌的,但终究会成为过去。
In other words, and in spite of the efforts made to renew the presentation, approach and style in order to adapt them to the tastes and expectations of young people today, it seems that the Courier has not really won back its target readership and is living on its reputation which, though once illustrious, is now a thing of the past.
古巴常驻联合国代表团向美国常驻联合国代表团致意,谨通知如下:2010 年 7 月 23 日上午 11 时,约有 12 人聚集在古巴代表团大楼门前,高呼攻击性和 侮辱性口号,阻碍工作 人员进出,并扰乱外交使团平和正常地履行职能。
The Permanent Mission of Cuba to the United Nations presents its compliments to the United States Mission to the United Nations and, wishes to inform it that, on Friday 23 July 2010 at 11:09 a.m., a group of around 12 people gathered in front of the entrance doors of the Mission’s
building, shouting
[...] offensive and insulting slogans, blocking the staff’s comings and goings and disturbing the [...]
peace and proper functioning of the diplomatic Mission.




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