单词 | 碌 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 碌noun—recordn碌—small stone laborious tape write down 碌verb—employvExamples:骨碌碌—(onom.) rolling around spinning 庸碌—mediocre mediocre person 庸庸碌碌—mediocre
不会,Jabra MOTION UC 采用自适应频率跳变技术,可避开正在忙碌的信道。 jabra.cn | No. Jabra MOTION UC uses Adaptive Frequency Hopping, avoiding channels that are busy. jabra.com |
一天活动结束之后, 选一家舒适的露天啤酒馆,可用一杯新鲜 生啤给忙碌的一天画上一个完美的句号。 carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com | After so much activity the best way to end the day is to enjoy a fresh wheat beer in one of the many lovely beer gardens. carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com |
一种解释可 能是这些工具仍然处于早期开发阶段,忙碌的人们没有时间既参加虚拟会议又参加面对 面的会议,仅此而已。 unesdoc.unesco.org | One explanation could be that these tools are still too early in their development cycle and busy people simply do not have the time to participate in a virtual world as well as the real one. unesdoc.unesco.org |
一夜好眠应该是最简单及最理所当然的事,但是忙碌的生活及步调使我们饮食变得失衡,不良的饮食习惯让我们无法拥有好的睡眠品质。 health.herbalife.com.tw | But busy lives andhectic schedules make [...] us less apt to eat properly, and bad food habits can prevent us from developing good sleep hygiene. health.herbalife.com |
有人甚至现今忙碌与它整天,尝试愚蠢的整个范围内的智能应用程序,它肯定会是一个非无聊。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | One could even nowadays busy all day long with it, try out the whole range of stupid to smart apps and it would certainly be a non-boring here. en.developmentscout.com |
耳麦的忙碌指示灯还可避免您被打断。 jabra.cn | The headset’s Busylight indicator also [...] ensures that you avoid interruptions. jabra.com |
备注;当 IC1 在接受指令前,微处理器必须先确认其内部处于非忙碌状态,即读取 BF 标志时,BF 需为 零,方可接受新的指令;如果在送出一个指令前并不检查 BF 标志,那么在前一个指令和这个指令中间 必须延长一段较长的时间,即是等待前一个指令确实执行完成。 sprinter.com.cn | Set graphic RAM address 0 0 1 AC6 AC5 AC4 AC3 AC2 AC1 AC0 Not available Note: before IC1 receiving this instruction, microprocessor should confirm the interior is not in busy status firstly, namely when read BF mark, BF should be 0, then can accept new instruction; if BF mark was not checked before sending an instruction, then should set a rather long interval time between the former instruction and the current instruction, that means should await the former instruction has been finished. sprinter.com.cn |
正如现在摆在安理会面前的秘书长报告 (S/2010/127)也注意到的情况,那就是在加强采取军 事行动之际,我们面临着忙碌不堪的政治活动,其中 包括订于 9 月举行的国民议会选举、卡尔扎伊总统刚 在一个多月前宣布的和平支尔格以及当然在此之后 举行的喀布尔会议。 daccess-ods.un.org | As also noted in the Secretary-General’s report now before the Council(S/2010/127), in the midst of heightened military operations, we face a crowded political calendar, including in light of the planned National Assembly elections in September, the Peace Jirga announced by President Karzai in just over a month, and, of course, the Kabul Conference after that. daccess-ods.un.org |
商务中心马赛有一个繁忙的销售和租赁市场的优势和普罗旺斯地区艾克斯(Aix-en-Provence的)同样是很好的投资,但更漂亮,忙碌的。 leapfrog-properties.com | As a business centre Marseille has the advantage of [...] a busy sales and lettings market and Aix-en-Provence is just as good an investment but is much [...] prettierand less hectic. leapfrog-properties.com |
在逐步平伏情绪后,Diane必须兼顾忙碌的工作与家庭责任,腾出时间照顾儿子,包括带他看医生、动手术、以及接受物理治疗和运动疗法。 clarinsusa.com | After the initial shock, Diane had to juggle her career aspirations and family responsibilities with taking care of her son, which involved many doctor appointments, operations, physiotherapy and ergo therapy treatments. clarinsusa.com |
当我们变得忙碌时,通常在白天的食物摄取量会比需要的少,在晚上则会吃比正常需要量多,这刚好跟正确的饮食习惯背道而驰。 health.herbalife.com.tw | When we’re busy, we tend to eat less [...] than we should during the day, and then much more than necessary in the evening, which [...]is exactly the opposite of what we should be doing,” says Herbalife’s Luigi Gratton, M.D., and vice president of medical affairs. health.herbalife.com |
他们都在这个名单上,但我们要再次感谢“中国日报”以及北大,特别要感谢北大在这个非常忙碌的日子接待我们。 embassyusa.cn | They’re listed here, but again, we want to thank China Daily and especially thank Beida for hosting us on this very very busyday. eng.embassyusa.cn |
九月和十月总是CPAD的家长和孩子们非常忙碌的月份。 cpad.org | September and October are the busy months for our children and parents. cpad.org |
上诉分庭目前的工作量使 上诉分庭的法官十分忙碌,又由于为完成审判,2010-2011 年度上诉分庭工作人 员外调,上诉分庭的人员配置不足以完成工作量。 daccess-ods.un.org | The current workload of the Appeals Chambers fully occupies the Appeals Chamber judges and because of the redeployment of staff from the Appeals Chamber in 2010-2011 to complete trials, the staffing of the Appeals Chamber is insufficient to cover the workload. daccess-ods.un.org |
在刘女士和我启动这一论坛以来的两年中,我们一直非常忙碌。 embassyusa.cn | In the two years since Madam Liu and I launched this forum, we have been very busy. eng.embassyusa.cn |
前往参观的游客,有机会看到帮助圣诞老人的小精灵在忙碌地工作和烤焗圣诞姜饼,又可以欣赏乐园的冰雕花园。 visitfinland.com | Visitors can observe elves at work, bake gingerbread cookies and visit an ice sculpture garden. visitfinland.com |
2009对於Vitsœ来说是忙碌的—不单设立了官方网页及网上商舖,於日本发展零售网络,亦於纽约开设新店;来到年末,位於伦敦West End的New Shop亦投入运作。 think-silly.com | The classic design is recently spotted in the new Under Cover Aoyama shop, alongside with many designs by Ram duringthe Braun era. 2009 is a busy year for Vitsœ, not only they have set up an official website and online shop, developed retail network in Japan, opened its New York shop, and the new shop (situated in London West end) has also now opened its door. think-silly.com |
通过冥想,您可以在忙碌的生活中收获内心的宁静。 sunislandclub.com | Through meditation, you gain inner tranquility amidst the [...] hustle and bustleof citylife. sunislandclub.com |
直至今日国际展览的邀约仍不间断,尤其过去一年来,她忙碌於筹备展览,例如去年十月份巴黎庞毕度中心的回顾展,今年二月伦敦泰德现代美术馆大型回顾展,紧接着七月移师纽约惠特尼美术馆(Whitney [...] Museum of American Art)继续展出。 ravenelart.com | She is still frequently invited to show her work at international galleries and [...] exhibitions, and the past year has been a [...] particularly busy one, seeing Kusama [...]prepare for a slew of current and upcoming [...]events, including a retrospective of her work at the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris in October last year, which has now moved to the Tate Modern in London (February 9 through June 5), and will head to the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York in July. ravenelart.com |
派对、现场演出、手工艺术课、运动竞赛以及趣味冒险,我们相信您的孩子在一天的快乐和忙碌后绝不会向您抱怨邮轮假期的无趣。 msccruises.com.cn | Parties, live shows, arts and crafts lessons, sports tournaments and adventures will keep them busy all day long. msccruises.com.eg |
时间和忙碌的步伐,我们需要在现有的生活方式,通过之前,万宝龙的CEO的解毒剂:“我们的品牌有一个传统的艺术和文化,因为我们相信,听一场演唱会古典音乐,欣赏歌剧,参加一出戏,只是觉得在博物馆的艺术家的激情和创造力,我们可以把这种平衡。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Before the passage of time and the hectic pace that we [...] needed the current lifestyle, the CEO of Montblanc has an antidote: [...]"Our brand has a tradition of supporting the arts and culture, because we believe that listening to a concert classical music, enjoy an opera, attend a play or simply feel the passion and creativity of an artist in a museum, we can bring this balance. finding the time to go down a notch, to expand our field of vision, to recharge our batteries, taking into account the point of view of the artists is to inspire each of us and make us better. inspiration can come from the same master craftsmen in the field of watchmaking . en.horloger-paris.com |
沿岸优美,安静,和长长的白沙滩是一个逃避现实的避风港,几乎没有一样忙碌的蔚蓝海岸。 leapfrog-properties.com | Along the coast the beautiful, quiet, and long white beaches are a haven for an escape from reality and not nearly as busy as theCote d’Azur. leapfrog-properties.com |
做出相对较少的投资,提供可提升生活质量和活动能力、协助老年人进行洗 澡、烹饪、打扫、洗衣等日常活动的辅助设施,不仅能帮助脆弱的老年人保持独 立,还能减轻过于忙碌的照顾者的负担。 daccess-ods.un.org | Relatively small investments in the provision of assistive equipment to improve quality of life and mobility and assistance with daily activities such as bathing, cooking, cleaning and laundry, can help frail older persons to remain independent and can also lessen the burden of overstretched caregivers. daccess-ods.un.org |
无论用户是在远达300公尺外的位置透过Cat 5连接线存取电脑, 还是从数千里外透过TCP/IP网路进行远端存取,现代创新的KVM多电脑切换器使忙碌的工作人员无需离开办公桌即可对伺服器与其他电脑设备进行远端管理,协助用户节省更多宝贵 的时间。 aten.com.tw | Modern KVM switches also save a lot of valuable time by offering users remote access up to 1000 feet away via Cat 5 cables, or up to thousands of miles away via TCP/IP so busy, highly paid personnel don’t have to leave their desks to manage distant servers and other computers. aten.co.kr |
禁止酷刑委员会感到不安的是,在丹戎不碌(1984年) 、东帝汶(1999年)和阿 倍普拉(2000年) 案中,人权法院、包括特设法院不能确保对任何被控严重侵犯人 权的人定罪,尤其是现在最高法院已经宣判 在行使司法职责方面遇到严重困难,造成事实上对于严重侵犯人权者有罪不罚, 因此缔约国应考虑修订关于人权法院的立法。 daccess-ods.un.org | CAT was troubled that human rights courts, including ad hoc ones, were not able to secure the conviction of any of the alleged perpetrators of gross human rights violations in relation to the Tanjung Priok (1984), East Timor (1999) and Abepura (2000) cases, especially now that the Supreme Court had acquitted Enrico Guterres. daccess-ods.un.org |
城市热闹声光的刺激可能也会让人感到疲惫厌倦,此时可试着摆脱曼哈顿忙碌的步伐,逃逸到东方文华酒店,酒店中有一座令人难以置信的游泳池,纽约市鳞次栉比的建筑屋顶全景尽收眼底,还有城内最受好评的spa。 audemarspiguet.com | The stimulation of the city’s [...] sights and sounds can be exhausting; but one [...] can escapethe hectic paceof Manhattan [...]in the Oriental Mandarin, which has an [...]incredible pool with a panoramic view of New York’s rooftops and the city’s best-rated spa. audemarspiguet.com |
时下的父母每天忙着为孩子寻找教育、健康培养、兴趣培育等信息,满脑子都是有关教养子女的问题,于6月5日逢周日出版的Family Post,可帮助读者解答这些问题,为忙碌的父母提供育儿或其他家庭问题上的相关信息和实用观点。 tipschina.gov.cn | Launching Sunday, 5th June, Family Post will answer some of those questions every Sunday, pointing today's busy readers to a more comprehensive view of parenting, education and family issues. tipschina.gov.cn |