单词 | 硷试法 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 碱试法—alkali test
本课题将介绍一些重要的工业过程,如哈柏法、氯硷工业及生产甲醇的过程。 334.edb.hkedcity.net | A study of some important industrial processes such as the Haber process, chloroalkali industry and the methanol manufacturing process is required. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
试讨论法国大革命对法国和欧洲的重要性。 hkahe.com | Discuss the [...] significance of the French Revolution for France andEurope. hkahe.com |
此外,学生将会学习运用仪器量度 pH、各种制备盐的方法及涉及酸和硷的容量分析。 334.edb.hkedcity.net | Students will learn to use an [...] instrumentalmethod ofpH measurement, to prepare salts by differentmethods,andto perform volumetric analysis involving acids and alkalis. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
若尝试将新演算法写入已存在的档案中,则会清 除现有档案的内容。 seagate.com | If you try [...] to writeanew algorithmto apre-existing [...]file, the existing file's contents will be erased. seagate.com |
4.15 为了让私营和政府化验所有足够时间研发测试方法,以测试新附 属法例载列的除害剂,以及让业界有充分时间为遵守新的法例规定作准 备,我们建议给予业界兩年宽限期,才实施这项新的附属法例。 cfs.gov.hk | 4.15 To allow sufficient time for laboratories (both [...] private and government) [...] to develop testing methods forpesticides as listed in the new subsidiary legislation andthe trade [...]in complying with [...]the new regulatory requirement, it is proposed to grant a two-year grace period for this new piece of subsidiary legislation. cfs.gov.hk |
包括非碳酸化并含高营养素量及其他配料(例如 咖啡因、牛磺酸、肉硷)的所谓“能量"饮料。 cfs.gov.hk | Includes so-called “energy” drinks that are non-carbonated and contain high levels of nutrients and other ingredients (e.g. caffeine, taurine, carnitine). cfs.gov.hk |
本课题要求学生学 习一些元素的物理性质的周期性变化,及个别氧化物的酸硷性质的周期关 系。 334.edb.hkedcity.net | In this topic, students are required to acquire the knowledge and concepts about the periodic [...] trends of physical properties of some elements and the periodic [...] relationship between acid-base properties of [...]selected oxides. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
并且在1999年时由硷性离子整水器检讨委员会,在第25次日本医学会总会控电板讨论「对於医疗的电解机能水」中,出示以饮用水来说根据世界首次的双重盲检比较临床试验「硷性离子水是有用的」的结论。 3aaa.gr.jp | Then in 1999, at the 25th General Meeting of The Japanese Association of Medical Sciences, in "Electrolytic Functional Water in Medical Treatment" from the Alkaline Ionizer Review Committee, the world's [...] first double-blind [...] comparisonclinical testingfor drinking water offered the conclusion that "Alkalineionized water [...]is useful". 3aaa.gr.jp |
脂肪在激烈运 动中是主要的能量來源,因此摄取肉硷将可以帮助提升脂肪利用率并减少对储存 肝醣的消耗。 herbalifenutritioninstitute.com | Since during heavy exercise fat is a primary fuel, this is taken to enhance fat utilization and sparing of glycogen stores. herbalifenutritioninstitute.com |
在政府的支持下,香港认可处将研究为更多国际认可的计划引入认 [...] 可服务,而政府化验所会举办技术研讨会,分享测试方法及技术,并举行能力验证测试 /化验所之间比对测试研究。 cfs.gov.hk | On Government’s support, the Hong Kong Accreditation Service (HKAS) could explore the introduction of accreditation service for more international recognized schemes while the Government [...] Laboratory could conduct technical seminars to [...] share testing methodologiesandskills, [...]and to organize proficiency tests / inter-laboratory comparison studies. cfs.gov.hk |
学生亦应注意由使用 酸和硷所引起的潜在危险。 334.edb.hkedcity.net | Students should also be able to develop an awareness of the potential hazards associated with the [...] handling of acids and alkalis. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
香港法国文化协会是法国教育部所颁发的考试文凭:DELF/DALF在港唯一的官方认可考试中心,法协同时亦是TCF语文评核试的考试中心。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | AFHK is the only official examination [...] centre in Hong Kong for all of the [...] Diplomas awardedby theFrench Ministry of Education: [...]DELF/DALF and it is also an official examincation centre for TCF. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
主干道本身必须 通过凌驾性公众需要的测试,以符合终审法院就《保护海 港条例》的裁决。 devb.gov.hk | The Trunk Road must, itself, pass the Overriding Public Need Test, such that it satisfies the CFA’s ruling oncompliance with the PHO. devb.gov.hk |
现时的“Geospec 3” 辑錄了32项扩编第一阶段土壤测试的标准方法,以及7 项第二阶段土壤测试的标准方法。 bd.gov.hk | The Geospec 3 now available contains 32 [...] standard procedures for Expanded Phase I soil tests and 7 standard procedures for Phase [...]II soil tests. bd.gov.hk |
内控建设项目组邀请会计师事务所对内控自我评价团队成员进行内控测试专题 培训,培训内容包括内控测试方法、样本总体的确定、抽样方法的选择以及内 [...] 控执行缺陷的评价等,为内控自我评价工作的全面开展做准备。 zte.com.cn | Aspects of the training included [...] internal control test methods, generaldetermination [...]of samples, options of sampling methods [...]and assessment of deficiencies in internal control execution, etc., preparing the team for the full implementation of the self-assessment of internal control. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
试图将您非法逐出(即不是由警察执行占有授 权令) tuv.org.au | trying to evictyouillegally (ie without [...] a warrant carried out by the police) tuv.org.au |
传统用法胆硷对於维持肝脏健康和防止脂肪积聚肝脏异常重要。 vitagreen.com | Traditional Use Choline, in the form choline bitartrate, is important for liver health and the prevention of cholesterol build-up. vitagreen.com |
本人在此考试结束之际特此声明,本人在此考试之前未非法获得考题内容及答案,并且在考试中,既未向任何人提供帮助,也未从任何人处得到帮助。 nysedregents.org | I do hereby affirm, at the close of this [...] examination, that I hadno unlawful knowledge of the [...]questions or answers prior to the examination [...]and that I have neither given nor received assistance in answering any of the questions during the examination. nysedregents.org |
采用随机抽样法进行测试,而整个产品系列只须一套测试结果。 wastereduction.gov.hk | Random sampling should be adopted and only one set of test result is required for the whole series. wastereduction.gov.hk |
反循环 (RC)钻探项目已展开以测试资源评估方法。 mmg.com | A Reverse Circulation (RC) drilling program has commenced to [...] test the resource evaluationmethodology. mmg.com |
当局值得在招聘程序加入《基本法》测试的做法一段时间後,检讨是否有需要继续进行有关 测试。 psc.gov.hk | It is worthwhile for the Administration to review the continuous need for the BL test when the incorporation of BL assessment in the recruitment process has been implemented for some time. psc.gov.hk |
该实验室将用一半浮选精矿进行优化阿尔比恩法试验工作。 tipschina.gov.cn | The same laboratories will begin optimized Albion test work on half the flotation concentrates. tipschina.gov.cn |
再者,为确保测试方法在使用时能有 足够的监控,在方法中必须加入适当质控程序,例如分析检定 对照品、平行双样和加标样本等。 cmchk.org.hk | Furthermore, in order to ensure sufficient control over the analytical process, appropriate quality control (QC) measures such as analysis of certified reference material, duplicate sample and spiked sample shall be incorporated into the adopted methods. cmchk.org.hk |
总而言之,这项目将有助香港中小企整理、建立及认定LED照明产业的价值链; 找出各种技术及其对LED产业的重要性; [...] 分析整体LED照明市场面临的形势并着眼於内情况; 为本地中小企探讨LED 照明的专利及版权,特别当他们进入内地市场(内部销售); [...] 确定品牌策略,有助香港中小企业在市场脱颖而出; 标准和相关的测试方法,和现有的测试实验室,皆可以帮助认受产品推出市场。 hkeia.org | In summary, the proposed project will help Hong Kong SMEs through collate, establish and define the value chain of the LED lighting industry; identify various technology and their sources necessary for the LED lighting industry; overall market situation facing LED lighting industry with special emphasis for Mainland China; identify the patent and copyright situation and strategy for Hong Kong SME, especially when they sell into Mainland China (Internal Sales); identify branding strategy that can help Hong Kong SMEs to [...] excel in their market; Standards and the [...] associated testmethods,and available test [...]labs that can help to validate products to the market. hkeia.org |
他们需要分组合作,了解和界定问题、找出他们需要掌握的知識來 解决问题、想出其他可行方法、找出和测试解决方法,并辩证解决方法是 否有效。 334.edb.hkedcity.net | Students are required to work in groups to: understand and define the problem; discover what they need to know to tackle it; generate alternatives; develop and test solutions; and justify their suggested solutions. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
将 会 详 细 检 视 及 分 析 [...] 「 深 层 水 泥 拌 合」法 试验中的 所 有 环 境 监 [...]察 结 果 , 以 配 合 在 环 评 研 究 期 间 评 估 建 议 的 「 深 层 水 泥 拌 合 」 施 工 方 法 对 环 境 的 潜 在 影 响 。 threerunwaysystem.com | All the environmental monitoring [...] results of the DCMtrial will bereviewed [...]and analyzed in detail in order to support the [...]assessment of potential environmental impacts of the proposed DCM construction method during the EIA study. threerunwaysystem.com |
我不期待"以身试法"﹐用自己的定力去作什麽奇迹见证﹐也不期待其他人去作证明,因为问题重点不在於有没有人能超越这个定律﹐重点在於确实有人(而且这样的人为数不少)在显贵之後﹐立场有变。 hkupop.hku.hk | There is no miracle for myself to withstand such a "rule". Neither do I expect the others to witness such a miracle. hkupop.hku.hk |