

单词 硬着陸

See also:

good (quality)
able (person)

External sources (not reviewed)

我們應該共同合力尋求能平衡企業及員工權益的解決辦法,讓最 低工資得以“軟着陸”,而不是在吵罵聲中、互相攻擊聲中 硬着陸 ”。
We should work together to look for a solution that can balance the interests of enterprises and their employees, so that the
minimum wage can achieve a "soft landing"
[...] rather than a "hard landing" in a mist of [...]
all sorts of accusations and criticisms.
政府怎樣令樓價“軟陸”而非“ 硬着陸 ” , 也是一個很 重要、很重要的問題。
They are therefore panicking. How the
Government is going to bring
[...] forth a "soft landing" rather than a "hard landing" for the [...]
property market is also a very, very important matter.
第一,世界主要發達國家經濟嚴重失衡,歐美經濟 在債券危機下狀況極差,市場需求明顯萎縮,經濟衰退可能曠日持 久,牽連甚廣,未來香港經濟勢將進一步受拖累;第二,內地經濟發 展迅速,但增速將逐步放緩硬着陸 的 風 險正在增加,當中存在不少 問題,例如通脹、樓價過高、生產成本逐步上升、信貸緊縮等;第三, 本地處於樓價高、租金貴、通脹持續攀升、經營成本高企、產業發展 呈現疲態、貧富懸殊進一步加深等多方面長期有待解決的結構性問 題。
Third, Hong Kong finds itself caught in a host of long-standing structural problems that need to be solved, for example, high property prices, high rents, rising inflation, soaring operation costs, a lack of momentum in industrial development and the widening wealth gap.
在資本主義社會裏,我們面對經濟周 期的上落,當然無可避免會看到很多泡沫,亦會有很多泡沫爆破的
[...] 情況,但政府的責任,是要有良好的規管架構及良好的判斷力,並作出 適當的介入,以防止資產泡沫急促形成及爆破,因而造 硬着陸 的情 況,使市民遭受損失。
Inevitably, a lot of bubbles will be seen and on many occasions, such bubbles will burst. However, it is the Government's responsibility to have a good regulatory structure in place and make sound judgment, and intervene whenever appropriate, so as to
prevent asset bubbles from being formed and bursting rapidly,
[...] resulting in a hard landing which causes losses [...]
to the public.
本文件就大橋計劃着陸點選 址於大嶼山西北的理據,向議員 提供補充資料。
This paper provides Members with
supplementary information on the justification for the Bridge and the
[...] location of its landing point in North [...]
West Lantau.
此外,我們承諾提供更多資料,說明大橋 計劃着陸點選 址於大嶼山西北的理據。
We also undertook to provide more information on the justification for the Bridge project and the
[...] location of its landing point in North [...]
West Lantau.
該公司為地產發展 商,隨着中國經濟着陸以及政府對房地產限制的逐漸放寬,料該公司可繼續受惠。
The company should continue to
[...] benefit from a soft landing in China, as [...]
well as the loosening of property restrictions within the real estate industry.
東 行連接路是連接深港西部通道及后海灣幹
[...] 線與現有道路系統的 另 一通道,方便來自后海灣幹線的車輛 在 鰲磡着陸後取道東 行。
The ELR would serve as an additional access road connecting
the HK-SWC and DBL to the existing road system to facilitate traffic heading
[...] east from DBL after landing at Ngau Hom Shek.
林健鋒議員關注到,由於利率可能在 2012年年初或年中重拾升勢,樓市屆時或 會" 硬 陸 "。
Mr Jeffrey LAM was concerned that the property market might have a "hard landing" when the interest rates resumed the upward trend, possibly in early or mid-2012.
李卓人議員又表示,委員已要求政府當 局提供資料,述明其他司法管轄區有否禁止某些 機種在其機場升降,以及有否就不同機種的升降 設定時限及收取不同着陸費。
Mr LEE Cheuk-yan further said that members had requested the Administration to provide information on other jurisdictions in respect of banning certain types of aircrafts from taking off and landing at airports
and setting different
[...] take off and landing times and imposing different levels of landing charges for different [...]
types of aircrafts.
金管局總裁表示,金管局擔 心,美國經濟硬 陸 ”或 會對本港經濟構成負面影響, 繼而可能影響港元的穩定性及對港元的信心。
CE/HKMA said that HKMA was
[...] concerned that a "hard landing" of the US economy [...]
might adversely affect Hong Kong's economy
which in turn could affect the stability and confidence in the Hong Kong dollar.
清代一代代皇帝所收藏的小件珍奇物品包括西班牙在新 陸 鑄 造 的 硬 幣 , 可推測宮廷的雕匠一定會有機會親眼觀看原物,因而能琢出這麼精確的模樣。
Several are to be found among the large number of small objects collected by successive emperors in individual curio boxes still in the imperial collection in the Palace Museum, Taipei.
这两大机构都面着硬通货 长期不足的问题。2010 年 9 月,厄立特里亚 商业银行经理 Yemane Tesfay 告诉监察组,厄立特里亚几乎没有外汇储备:银 行 95%的存款都是纳克法,而且“如果厄立特里亚有硬通货储备的话,那么厄 立特里亚银行会进行管理,但厄立特里亚没有硬通货。
In September 2010, the Manager of the Commercial Bank of Eritrea, Yemane Tesfay, told the Monitoring Group that Eritrea held no foreign currency reserves to speak of, that 95 per cent of deposits with the Bank were held in nakfa, and that “the Bank of Eritrea would manage hard currency reserves if Eritrea had any, but it doesn’t”.308 376.
此外,随着新技术在测量工作中的采用,着硬件和软件能力的提高以及随着对新产品、新服务的需求的出现,有必要不断改进和 强化数据管理与通讯子系统支持技术。
This has allowed, for example, spatial patterns in beach morphology to be monitored and related to external forcing functions such as incident wave energy.
经过 2011 年的激烈动荡之后,全球资本市场在 2012 年早些时候略微恢复了
[...] 稳定,因为对欧元区危机升级和中国经 硬着 陆 可能性的担忧有所缓解(至少目 前如此),而美国的增长前景似乎有所改善。
After much turmoil during 2011, global capital markets regained some stability in early 2012 as concerns over an
escalation of the euro area crisis and the
[...] possibility of a hard landing of the Chinese [...]
economy eased (at least for now), and
growth prospects in the United States seemed to have improved.
在我們的構想中,橋頭經濟其實不單包括香港口岸本身着 陸點, 亦包括鄰近地區,例如東涌、機場本身的機場島及屯門。
Our idea is, the bridgehead economy should
[...] include not only the landing points of the [...]
HKBCF, but also the nearby areas, such as
Tung Chung, the Airport Island and Tuen Mun.
擬議 的屯門至赤鱲角連接路將經香港口岸選址在大嶼 着陸。
The proposed
[...] TM-CLKL will land on Lantau Island [...]
via the HKBCF site.
請問特首有否考慮特別信貸保證計劃在今年年底屆滿前,推出一 些着陸的措施,例如分期遞減擔保借貸的額度或逐步降低擔保的比 [...]
Has the Chief Executive considered
[...] launching some soft-landing initiatives before [...]
the Special Finance Scheme ceases to operate
at the end of this year by, for instance, reducing in phases the guaranteed loan amounts or lowering progressively the guarantee ratios?
政府當局曾比較各個方案,鑒於大嶼山西北 部選址帶來較少的環境影響,並且比較接近香港國際機場及迪士尼樂 園,過境車輛只需較短的接駁基建,便能直接通往此等目的地,故建 議大嶼山西北部為相對較佳着陸點。
The Administration had compared the various options and recommended that North West Lantau was comparatively a better landing point, in view of its lesser environmental impact and closer proximity to Hong Kong International Airport and the Disneyland, which could bring cross boundary traffic directly to these destinations through a shorter connecting infrastructure.
他 們大致 認 同在㆔着陸點㆗ ,大嶼山西北部的環境影響應該最少,並 認 為 當局應 就建議的大嶼山西北着陸點, 進行全 面 的 環境影響評 估 ,以進㆒步評估其影響,並建議所需的緩解措施 。
They generally agree
[...] that of the three landing points, North West Lantau should result in the least impact on the environment and that a full Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) should be conducted for the proposed landing point in North West [...]
Lantau to further
assess the impact and to propose the necessary mitigation measures.
專 家組一致推薦採用北線橋隧走線方案,並分別以香港特區的䃟石灣、 珠海的拱北及澳門特區的明珠着陸 點。
The Expert Panel unanimously recommended the Northern bridge-cum-tunnel alignment option with landings at San Shek Wan of HKSAR, Gongbei of Zhuhai, and A Pérola of Macao SAR.
[...] 運收費率由6%漲至12%,加上中國經濟 着陸 , 料 該公司股價可繼續受支持。
The company is engaged in the construction business. The raising
of ordinary freight rail rates to 12% from
[...] 6% and a soft-landing in China should [...]
prove to be further catalysts for the company.
為了保持在職場上的競爭力,即使面對沒有補償的超時工作,很多 人也只硬着頭皮撐下去,逆來順受。
For other times, they have to work hard for a living. Moreover, in order to stay competitive in the job market, many people have to work overtime without compensation and they dare not voice their grievances.
这意着硬盘上 的每个分区都必须使用可识别 4K 的分区软件进行创建,以确保适当对齐,并保障性能。
This means that each
[...] partition on the hard drive must be created [...]
with 4K-aware partitioning software to make sure proper
alignment and performance is ensured.
今年前九個月﹐圍繞中國經濟放緩或將導致 硬 著 陸 ” 的 擔憂令亞洲貨幣承壓﹐然而多數亞洲貨幣並未真正收復年內迄今的失地。
But most Asian currencies never did reverse their losses this year, as
concerns that a Chinese slowdown would
[...] result in a "hard landing" weighed them [...]
down through the first nine months of it.
展望期 内,中国经硬着陆的 风险较低,但增长率预计从 2011 年的 [...]
9.2%减缓至 2012 年的 8.3%。
While the risk of a hard landing of China’s [...]
economy in the outlook period is low, growth is forecast to slow from 9.2 per
cent in 2011 to 8.3 per cent in 2012.
民航條例》( 第 448章 ) 第
[...] 8(2)條對飛機機主施加嚴格法律責 任,規定凡有正在飛行、起飛着陸 的 飛 機或在其內的人或從其墮下 的物件或人,對地上或水上任何人或財產導致實際損失或損毀,則除 [...]
則無須證明有關的疏忽、意圖或其他訴因即可就該損失或損毀追討損 害賠償,猶如該損失或損毀是由該飛機的機主的故意作為、疏忽或失 責造成一樣。
Section 8(2) of the Civil Aviation Ordinance (Cap. 448) imposes a strict liability on aircraft
owners whereby if material loss or damage is caused to any
[...] person or property on land or water by, [...]
or by a person in, or an article
or person falling from, an aircraft while in flight, taking off or landing, then unless the loss or damage was caused or contributed to by the negligence of the person by whom it was suffered, damages in respect of the loss or damage shall be recoverable without proof of negligence or intention or other cause of action, as if the loss of damage had been caused by the willful act, neglect, or default of the owner of the aircraft.
專家組考慮到各項因素,例如航道淨空要求、機場的高 度限制、珠江口各港口的發展需要、珠江口水域的使用、環境保護及 水文,故一致推薦採用北線橋隧走線方案,並分別以香港特區的 石 灣、珠海的拱北及澳門特區的東方明珠 着陸 點。
Taking into account various considerations such as air draught requirements for navigation, airport height restrictions, development needs of the ports in Pearl River Estuary, the use of the Pearl River Estuary waters, environmental protection and hydrology, the Expert Panel unanimously recommended the Northern bridge-cum-tunnel alignment option with landings at San Shek Wan of HKSAR, Gongbei of Zhuhai and A Pérola of the Macao SAR.
IDE代着硬盘的 一种类型,但在实际的应用中,人们也习惯用IDE来称呼最早出现IDE类型硬盘ATA-1,这种类型的接口随着接口技术的发展已经被淘汰了,而其后发展分支出更多类型的硬盘接口,比如ATA、Ultra [...]
ATA、DMA、Ultra DMA等接口都属于IDE硬盘。
IDE hard drive represents a type, but [...]
in practical applications, people also used to refer to the earliest use IDE IDE type
hard drive ATA-1, this type of interface with the interface technology development has been eliminated, and its After spending more development of sub-types of hard disk interface, such as ATA, Ultra ATA, DMA, Ultra DMA IDE hard drives, etc. are all interfaces.




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