单词 | 硬件匙 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 硬件匙 noun —hardware key nSee also:硬件 n—hardware n • software n 硬 adj—hard adj • stiff adj 硬—firm • doggedly • good (quality) • resolutely • able (person) 匙 n—tablespoon n • spoon n
如果您的NiceLabel软件有硬件匙,直 接跳到“使 用 硬件匙 激活 NiceLabel”一章。 cdn.ftp.nicelabel.com | If you have a NiceLabel [...] edition with a hardware key, please skip ahead to the chapter Activate NiceLabel with a Hardware Key. nicelabel.com |
不过,您不能使用硬件匙来激 活NiceLabel网络版。 cdn.ftp.nicelabel.com | However, you cannot activate the NiceLabel [...] network edition with a hardware key! nicelabel.com |
企业打印管理器许可服务器 硬件匙激活: 带硬件匙的NiceLabel软件版本安装以后可以立即使用。 cdn.ftp.nicelabel.com | Hardware key activation: NiceLabel software editions with hardware key can be [...] used immediately after installation. nicelabel.com |
软件版不能使用并行 密钥或USB硬件匙来激活。 cdn.ftp.nicelabel.com | The network edition does not provide the activation option [...] with a parallel or USB hardware key. nicelabel.com |
将硬件匙直接 接到计算机的并行端口(标有 LPT 或 PRN 的端口 cdn.ftp.nicelabel.com | Connect the hardware key directly to the [...] parallel port (marked as LPT or PRN port) on your computer. nicelabel.com |
注释:如果您的 NiceLabel [...] 软件旧版本配有 USB 或并行密钥,将密钥 插入可用端口,选择“硬件匙”,单击“下一步”。 cdn.ftp.nicelabel.com | Note: If your old NiceLabel software came with a USB or Parallel key, plug the key into an [...] available port, select Hardware Key and click on Next. nicelabel.com |
您的打印机不需要“通过”硬件匙来 打 印。 cdn.ftp.nicelabel.com | Your printer does not need [...] to print "through" the hardware key. nicelabel.com |
否则可能永久性损坏硬件匙和计算机。 cdn.ftp.nicelabel.com | You can permanently damage the hardware key as well as your [...] computer equipment. nicelabel.com |
如果您的NiceLabel软件具有硬件匙保护 ,请选择“管理当 前硬 件匙许可”,点击“下一步”。 cdn.ftp.nicelabel.com | If your NiceLabel software [...] is protected by a hardware key, select Manage current hardware key license and click [...]on Next. nicelabel.com |
当您使用硬件匙激活NiceLabel单个用户版时,请确保您已经在自己的个人 [...] 计算机上安装了NiceLabel软件。 cdn.ftp.nicelabel.com | Make sure you have finished installing [...] the NiceLabel software on your PC when [...]you activate your NiceLabel single user edition with a hardware key. nicelabel.com |
硬件匙激活 cdn.ftp.nicelabel.com | Hardware key activation nicelabel.com |
请始终将串行打印机接到串行接口, 将 硬件匙接 到并行端口。 cdn.ftp.nicelabel.com | Always connect your serial printer to [...] the serial port and hardware key to the parallel port. nicelabel.com |
您就可以利用此文 件在 Windows 桌面上通过选择[开始]>[全部程序]>[Multi-Instrument ]> [VIR TI NS 硬 件升级工具]来升级 USB 硬匙中的软件使用许可证。 virtins.com | You can then use it to upgrade the [...] license information inside the [...] USB hardkey by selecting [Start]>[All Programs]>[MultiInstrument]>[VIRTINS Hardware Upgrading Tool] [...]on your Windows desktop. virtins.com |
这种使用许可 [...] 证并不提供软匙(注册码)。只要在启动软件之前连接上 USB 硬匙,软件将自动运行 于激活模式下。 virtins.com | No softkey (activation code) is provided. virtins.com |
透過與合資企業夥伴合作 ,天浪衛視平台提供全面性服務 ,由硬件 分發和產品推廣 ,以至客戶服務和訂戶管理 。 asiasat.com | Working through its joint venture partners, the [...] Skywave platform provides a [...] comprehensive offering from hardware distribution and [...]product promotion, to customer service and subscriber management. asiasat.com |
在执行安全理事会相关决议,以及外交部努力 [...] 了结前政权于1990年夺取科威特财产的案子方面,4 月16日,在科威特中央银行总部,把属于科威特中 央银行的纸币、硬币、文件及钥匙交 给 了科威特方 面。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the context of implementing the relevant Security Council resolutions and of efforts made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to close the file of Kuwaiti property taken over by the former regime in 1990, on 16 April, in the headquarters of [...] the Central Bank of Kuwait, [...] paper notes, metal currency, documents and keys belonging [...]to the Central Bank of Kuwait were handed over to the Kuwaiti side. daccess-ods.un.org |
参见零配件列表中 的详细信息,以确定您的泵需要的 硬件。 graco.com | See details in kit parts list to determine the hardware needed for your pump. graco.com |
伊拉克常驻联合国代表团在 2012 年 5 月 9 日给安全理事会主席的信(S/2012/ 309)中表示,伊拉克外交部的一个代表团于 2012 年 4 月 16 日和 17 日在科威特 中央银行总部向科威特当局移交了属于科威特中央银行的科威特货币(旧纸币和 硬币)、文件和保险柜钥匙。 daccess-ods.un.org | In a letter dated 9 May 2012 addressed to the President of the Security Council (S/2012/309), the Permanent Representative of Iraq to the United Nations stated that, on 16 and 17 April 2012, a delegation from the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs had transmitted Kuwaiti currency (paper notes and coins), documents and keys for safes belonging to the Central Bank of Kuwait to the Kuwaiti authorities at the headquarters of the Central Bank of Kuwait. daccess-ods.un.org |
具體 的保安規定已涵蓋保密資料的儲存、處理和傳送,密 碼匙 的管理,文件類別 標記,保密資料的銷毀,實體保安和違 反保安規定的處理方法。 legco.gov.hk | Specific security requirements cover storage, processing and transmission of classified [...] information, management of [...] cryptographic keys, marking of documents, destruction of classified [...]information, physical security [...]and handling of breaches of security. legco.gov.hk |
該系列器件還加入了一個硬件加密 引擎,帶有先進加密演算法(AES)、三重資料加密標準(3DES)和安全雜湊演算法(Secure Hash Algorithm, SHA)支援,用於加密/解密數據或通訊,同時使用一個真亂數據發生器(TRNG)生成多樣化的獨特 密 匙。 ipress.com.hk | The series also includes a hardware encryption engine with Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES) and Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) support to encrypt/decrypt data or communications while a true random number generator (TRNG) can be used to generate [...] or diversify unique keys. ipress.com.hk |
在2007年年底,小組委員會與民政事務委員 [...] 會商定,關於文化政策及文化軟件的發展的事宜,以及可能會 與西九文化區發展計劃有關或無關,但需從較廣闊角度處理的 文化設施的一般管理事宜,應由該事務委員會跟進,而小組委 [...] 員會則會較聚焦研究在政府當局就西九文化 區 硬件 內 容 作出 決定的過程,而該等決定會對該發展計劃的財務要求及公帑運 [...]用均影響重大。 legco.gov.hk | In late 2007, the Subcommittee agreed with HA Panel that issues on cultural policy, cultural software development and general management of cultural facilities which might or might not be related to the WKCD project but need to be tackled from a broader perspective should be followed up by the Panel, while the Subcommittee would focus more on the [...] process taken up by the Administration in [...] deciding on the hardware contents of WKCD [...]that would have great impact on the financial [...]implications of the project and the use of public funds. legco.gov.hk |
另加殊荣是公司在会议上推出的I-Platform, [...] 即新的统一软件平台,该平台将逐渐在所有KEYLINE的电子配匙机上采用,由此而来将会大幅度地提高电子配匙器的灵活性和可靠性,并且还保证 配 匙 机 硬件 高 品 质投入使用。 keyline.it | This winning hand was further enhanced by the launch of [...] I-Platform, the new consolidated software platform that [...]shall be increasingly adopted in all [...]Keyline electronic key-cutting machines. keyline.it |
一个明显 的前提条件是要有必要的计算机硬件 和 连 接。 unesdoc.unesco.org | An obvious [...] precondition is the availability of the necessary computer hardware and connectivity. unesdoc.unesco.org |
辦公室家具及設備(同時適用於新會址或舊會址的翻新工程) 例如貯物櫃、貯物箱、層架、檯、椅、光管、燈泡、窗、窗花、 防風閘、電腦及相關軟件/配件、打印機、傳真機、冷氣機連 安裝費、風扇、抽濕機、購置電話連安裝費、鐘、鎖連安裝費、 鎖匙、滅 火筒及化學補充劑、安裝於互助委員會辦事處內或辦 事處外牆上的警鐘、電器/家具/窗框/喉管的維修費、家具 運送費、水費/電費按金(只適用於新會址) (備註 2)、相架、掛 鈎等。 legco.gov.hk | Office Furniture & Equipment (also applicable to newly-set-up offices or subsequent refurbishment works) e.g. cabinets, storage boxes, shelves, tables, chairs, fluorescent tubes, light bulbs, windows, window grilles, typhoon [...] shutters, computers [...] and related software/accessories, printers, fax machines, air-conditioners (including installation), fans, dehumidifiers, purchase of telephone sets (including installation), clocks, locks (including installation), [...]keys, fire extinguishers [...](and chemical refills), alarm bells (to be installed inside or on the external wall of MAC offices), repairs to electrical appliances/furniture/window frames/pipes, furniture delivery, deposits on water supply/electricity (applicable to newly set-up offices only) (Note 2), picture frames, hanging hooks, etc. legco.gov.hk |
如果您购买了一个可选硬件密钥 ,请确定它已插入您的计算机 USB 端口。 graphics.kodak.com | If you purchased an optional hardware key, make sure it [...] is inserted into a USB port on your computer. graphics.kodak.com |
關於上文第 17 段 (b)項,每年 848,000 元的預算開支是用以支付系 統軟件、資料庫管理系統、報表工具和密 碼 匙 管 理 軟 件 使 用 證費用和 有關的支援服務開支。 legco.gov.hk | On paragraph 17(b) above, the estimated annual expenditure of $848,000 is for the licence fee and support for the system software, database management software, reporting tool and key management software. legco.gov.hk |
有關劉議員對培育及培訓中心為培育公司提供的 支援類型的進一步提問,她回應指培育及培訓中心不 會直接資助培育公司,而是透過為培育公司提供數碼 [...] 娛樂培訓計劃、免費辦公室地方,並以優惠價格提供 專門的硬件和軟件設施、業務發展諮詢和法律服務, [...] 藉此協助該等公司在數碼娛樂業界開展業務。 legco.gov.hk | It assisted the incubatees to start up in the digital entertainment industry by providing them with a Digital Entertainment Training [...] Programme, rent-free office space and access [...] to specialized hardware and software facilities, [...]business development advice as [...]well as legal services at subsidized rates. legco.gov.hk |
另外,我们建立了范围广泛的硬件平 台 ,用来提供通用固 件,其中一些型号的固件具有模块化设计功能,其特性包括无线接口、附 [...] 加传统端口和集成智能卡读卡器。 igel.com | In addition, we make a [...] broad range of hardware platforms, with [...]some models offering a modular design that includes features [...]such as wireless, additional legacy ports and an optional internal smartcard reader. igel.com |
其中 一次性成本用于购买办公场所和自动化 ( 硬件 和 软 件)办公设备、获取顾问服务(政策研 究、新法律的草拟、自动化策略的设计和改革的管理等等)和训练政策/法律的制定、管 [...] 理与实施机构的工作人员,。 iprcommission.org | One-time costs could include acquisition of office [...] premises; automation (hardware and software) and [...]office equipment; consultancy services [...](for policy research, the drafting of new legislation, design of automation strategies, management re-organisation etc); and training of staff in the relevant agencies dealing with policy/law making, administration and enforcement. iprcommission.org |