单词 | 硕果 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 硕果 —great workless common: major achievement • triumphant success Examples:硕果仅存—only remaining of the great (idiom); one of the few greats extant 硕果累累—heavily laden with fruit • fertile (of trees) • many noteworthy achievements
实践证明,2010 年部门间的密切合作硕果累累 ,这 也为本组织在实现总体目标方面取得重大进展提供了保证。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Close intersectoral cooperation in 2010 has [...] proved to be fruitful, and promises [...]significant achievements in working towards [...]the Organization’s overarching goals. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这些具有创造力的创新人才将会是美国研究生教育体系下 结出的累累硕果。 fgereport.org | These creative innovators will be the product of the U.S. graduate education system. fgereport.org |
只有少数敢于梦想并 采取行动实现其人人安居乐业的梦想的人将看到他 们的梦想结出硕果。 daccess-ods.un.org | Only the few who dare to dream and act on their dreams of an ideal abode for all human [...] beings will see the fruit of their dreams. daccess-ods.un.org |
一份知名报纸写道,波兰“为其巨大的 [...] 损失而感到震惊”,人们看到,许多年龄和政治信仰 各不相同的人、一个个家庭以及一群群男孩和女孩聚 集在华沙市中心,手持红色和白色的蜡烛,点点烛光 [...] 闪动,他们在悲痛、痛苦和悲伤中团结起来,但也团 结在对他们的国家、民主以及自由 硕果 的 深 爱中,卡 钦斯基总统为这一切作出了巨大贡献。 daccess-ods.un.org | Poland felt “shock at the immensity of its loss”, as one prominent newspaper wrote at the sight of so many people of all ages and political persuasions, families, and groups of boys and girls gathered in central Warsaw holding flickering flames, candles in the red and white colours; united in grief, pain and sorrow, [...] but also in care for their nation, their [...] democracy and the fruit of freedom to which [...]President Kaczyński contributed so much. daccess-ods.un.org |
我国塞内加尔要借审查国际法院报告(A/66/4) 的本次年度会议的机会,强调法院在推进创立本组织 的和平与正义的理想方面硕果累累。 daccess-ods.un.org | My country, Senegal, takes the opportunity provided by this annual meeting to review the report of the International Court of Justice (A/66/4) to highlight the Court’s productivity in moving forward the ideals of peace and justice upon which the Organization was founded. daccess-ods.un.org |
总商会的成绩,是先贤和前辈们长期以来不计得失、薪火相传 的 硕果 , 也 是会员间精诚团结、众志成城的佳绩。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | These achievements have materialised because of the pursuit and passion of our pioneers and predecessors, and the enthusiasm and strength of members working together with unity of purpose. english.sccci.org.sg |
食物材料由自 己国家供 应是比 较环保便利 的,而且在地域取得的食物材料在地域调理食 用的可能性,能让人感受到食物的可贵,感谢 自然大地的硕果 。 ficec.jp | If all of the food materials and products are arranged inside Japan, it is not only convenient and economic but we also will feel gratitude and possibility of local production for local consumption. ficec.jp |
登高望远,从去年进行的全民教育 战略研究中我们看到,虽然存在的问题往 往积重难返,但我们的改革决心正在结出 硕果。 unesdoc.unesco.org | With the lens of longer hindsight we know from the strategic EFA review of last year that the shortcomings have sometimes tended to be stubborn, but that our determination is beginning to bear its dividends. unesdoc.unesco.org |
他不仅是一位杰出的发明家,而且在研究领 域 硕果 累 累 ,展现了无限潜力。 delaval.cn | He was not only an outstanding inventor; he was a man who saw no limitations to what could be achieved by research. delaval.ca |
位于布朗克斯区的纽约植物园包含一座占地16公顷的森林,是用以兴建城市的原始森林开垦 后 硕果 仅 存 的部分。 audemarspiguet.com | The New York botanical gardens in the Bronx include a forest of 16 hectares, what remains of the original forest that was cleared in order to build the city. audemarspiguet.com |
其中,经过专家委员会的专家评审和全体员工 [...] 的大众评选,被采纳的金点子185个,补充调研的75个,提案提出之前已实施的22个,暂不采纳的56个,可谓 群策群力,硕果累累 ,成为推动创新文化发展,促进业务工作进步,调动广大员工积极、民主地参与到组织 [...] 管理的重要力量,这也是支部明确使命、找准定位,全力打造有行动力和影响力的基层党组织的重要实践。 cnnic.net | Through the evaluation by the Experts Committee and selection by voting of the whole staff, 185 “Golden Ideas” were adopted, 75 researches were supplemented, 22 had been implemented before the proposals were put forward, and 56 [...] were not adopted temporarily, the joint [...] wisdom and efforts reaped a bumper harvest, [...]and these ideas have become a significant [...]force propelling the development of innovative culture, accelerated the progress of business, and mobilized the employees to participate in the organizational management actively and democratically, and this is also a significant practice of the Party Branch in mission defning and positioning for creating a grassroots Party organization with strong action force and influential power. cnnic.net |
它也必须协助 当事各方制定其决议中所载的明确参数,推动在规定 期限内举行和平谈判,以便真正使在 1967 年 6 [...] 月 4 日边界基础上的“两国解决方案”结 出 硕果 , 从而实 现巴勒斯坦国独立,以东耶路撒冷为其首都,和平、 [...] 安全地与以色列及其所有邻国毗邻共存。 daccess-ods.un.org | It must also assist the parties by setting forth clear parameters, as enshrined in its own resolutions, for peace negotiations [...] within a specified time frame that will [...] actually bring to fruition the two-State solution [...]on the basis of the 4 June 1967 [...]borders, thus achieving the independence of the State of Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its capital, living side by side in peace and security with Israel and all its neighbours. daccess-ods.un.org |
与时俱进、遵循新的游戏规则的人将乘着新经济的风帆收获累 累 硕果; 因循守旧、无视新经济法则的人将逐渐被历史淘汰。 12manage.com | People playing by the new rules will prosper; people ignoring them will not. 12manage.com |
该解决方案的实施是富士通与FPX的优秀团队合作 的 硕果 — — 整个过程中所取得的技术进步为富士通带来了在规模、性能与功能上极具个性化的解决方案。 tipschina.gov.cn | This implementation is the result of great teamwork [...] between Fujitsu and FPX -- the technology advances achieved through [...]this process deliver an extremely differentiated solution to Fujitsu with scale, performance and functionality. tipschina.gov.cn |
我们的两个产品有幸成为这些极具影响力的行业大奖的候选产品,这仅仅是 RGB 的最新成就,今年是 RGB 硕果累累的一年”,RGB 网络公司首席执行官 Jef Graham 表示。 rgbnetworks.com.cn | Having two of our products chosen as finalists for these influential industry awards is just the latest achievement for RGB, which is having an exceptional year of successes,” said Jef Graham, CEO of RGB Networks. rgbnetworks.com |
我们高兴地看到我们的努力终于结出 硕果 , 我 们确信新网站将成为有价值的工具——不仅是为地球物理行业从业人士希望与家人和朋友分享网站,更重要的是为没有相关知识的人士希望了解地球物理技术如何有助于降低石油和天然气勘探和开采风险。 tipschina.gov.cn | We are thrilled to see our [...] efforts come to fruition and we feel [...]certain the site will serve as a valuable tool -- for those [...]in the Geophysical industry who want to share the site with family and friends, but more importantly to those with no knowledge, who want to educate themselves on how geophysical technology helps reduce risk for oil and gas exploration and production. tipschina.gov.cn |
在音频领域,这种合作结出了硕果, 例 如分别用于广播和存储/分发的MPEG Layer II、MP3和AAC(高级音频编码)等,鼓励着工业界实施进一步的研发计划。 analog.com | Success of such collaborative audio-specific efforts as MPEG Layer II, MP3, and AAC (advanced audio coding) for broadcasting and storage/distribution, respectively, has encouraged the industry to engage in further research initiatives. analog.com |
在跨逾半个世纪的历史长河中,该疗养中心开创了以活细胞疗法抵抗衰老的先河,与来自世界各地的众多访客共享其独步全球的欣 喜 硕果。 cosme-de.com | For more than half a century, the Clinic has been the [...] pioneer in anti-aging cellular therapy, [...] sharing its unique accomplishments with thousands [...]of visitors from around the world. cosme-de.com |
会议承 认,任何范 例的贯 [...] 彻 落实,一般 地 说 都需要时间才 能 结 出 硕 果,损 失或失败是可能发生的。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was recognized that, in general, [...] implementation of any of the exemplary practices took [...] time to bear good results and that losses or [...]failure could occur. daccess-ods.un.org |
应付精神疾病,与我们的亲人在康复的旅程中并肩前行,是一个非常复杂和充满挑战的过 程,但同时,它也可以是一个硕果累 累 的和有意义的过程。 hongfook.ca | Coping with mental illness and walking [...] alongside our loved ones in their recovery journey is complicated and challenging, but it [...] can also be fruitful and rewarding. hongfook.ca |
令我们倍感自豪的是,Marvell的创新、承诺以及与谷歌及其他合作伙伴的辛勤合作结出了 丰 硕果 实 , TCL基于Google TV 的智能电视产品将成为一个新的里程碑。 marvell.com.cn | Marvell is very proud to see our innovation, commitment and hard work with Google and our partner companies lead to the milestone of TCL’s new Smart TV product with Google TV. marvell.com |
我们衷心期盼新中两国这一次的自由贸易协定谈判早 结 硕果 , 为 两地商家提供更加广阔的合作空间。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | We sincerely hope that ongoing discussions for the planned [...] Singapore-China Free Trade Agreement will soon [...] reach a favourable outcome, opening up even [...]more areas of cooperation between both our countries. english.sccci.org.sg |
玛莎拉蒂精益求精的技术以及扎嘉托力求完美的空气动力学设计,促成了20世纪50年代终极竞速型双门跑车的诞生,该款车型在2升GT跑车类赛事中表现优异,并摘得1956年意大利锦标赛桂冠,在多项山道赛中 亦 硕果 累 累 ,风光一直延续到20世纪60年代。 maserati.com.cn | Maserati’s technical refinement and Zagato’s relentless quest for aerodynamic purity resulted in the ultimate racing berlinetta of the 1950s, which competed convincingly in the 2 liter GT class, taking top honors in the 1956 Italian championship and racking up a number of hill-climb class victories right up until the early 1960s. maserati.us |
2012年对于博思格来说是硕果累累 的一年,在行业领导方面——我们起草制定国家行业标准——JG/T378-2012《冷轧高强度建筑结构用薄钢板》;在新产品研发方面——我们推出了绿色节能新产品Clean COLORBOND® COOLSMART™ steel(洁面恒丽®板酷能™ ) ,在工程获奖方面——我们有5个使用博思格产品的项目获得了上海市建设工程金属结构“金钢奖”;在市场推广方面——我们在7座城市巡回举办了全国研讨会;在国际性奖项方面——我们获得了国际镀铝锌协会产量50万吨银奖。 bluescopesteel.com.cn | In leading industry, we participated in compiling China industry standard ¨C JG/T378-2012 High-strength Cold-rolled Steel Sheet for Building Structure; in new product development, we launched Clean COLORBOND® COOLSMART™ steel; in building awards, there were 5 projects won Jingang award; in market promotion, we successfully launched BlueScope Steel Suzhou national seminars in 7 cities; in the international awards, we won InterZAC Silver Award 500,000 tones. bluescopesteel.com.cn |
20年来,宏源一直致力于推动中国照明技术的发展及核心技术的突破,与复旦大学电光源研究所在学术研究和科研成果转化方面长期保持紧密合作,不仅成功发明了LVD无极灯,获得国际国内100多项专利,使其在产业化和技术领域保持领先优势,而且还建立了“宏源-复旦产学研研究基地”、博士后工作站,在照明技术可持续创新、知识产权管理、产品认证等方面都取得累 累 硕果。 cn.lvd.cc | To work closely with the Electric Lighting Source Research Institute of Fudan University in transformation of academic studies and scientific research achievements, Hongyuan has not only successfully invented LVD induction lamp, won more than 100 patents from both the international and domestic and kept the lead in industrialization and the field of technology, but she has also established "Hongyuan-Fudan University Industry-Academy-Research Base" and postdoctoral centre. en.lvd.cc |
在中国的经济转型结出硕果之时 ,在全球绿色革命不可避免地走上正轨之际,那些能提前认准机会,抓住机会的公司,势必会因为拥有绿色开发所必须的经验、技术和能力而受益匪浅。 australiachina.com.au | Those who are able to identify and take up the opportunity early will benefit from having the necessary experience, know-how and capacity for green development when China’s economic transformation bears fruit, and when the global green revolution inevitably kicks into drive. australiachina.com.au |
VIBRAM作为全球户外鞋底领导者,面对着这些专业零售商和竞争品牌,将要在北京ISPO展现V IB R A M 硕果 累 累 的2011年的成就:飞速增长的销售额,强大的品牌效果,创新的设计,极具竞争力的产品还有最先进的赤足科技。 vibramfivefingers.cn | Exposed to these professional retailer attendees and competing brands, VIBRAM, the world leader in outdoor sole industry, avail itself to showcase its fruitful year 2011 in growing sales revenues, increasing brand awareness, innovative designs, competing new products and most advanced barefoot technology. vibramfivefingers.cn |
推行模块化生产 公司通过发行优先股上市 推出 UV1 危重症呼吸机 PA 80 压缩空气呼吸设备 推出 Oxylog 急救呼吸机 [...] 成为国际标准 推出 Panorama Nova 面罩 27 1980 – 89 [...] 新的中央电子部,在此进行的早期基础研究结 出硕 1983 果:新 技术发展良好,特别是在气体检测领域,传 [...] Ulf Merbold 的第一次航天任务 感器可以检测出比以前更多的气体,因此生成的数 [...]据可以通过微处理器迅速反馈。 draeger.net | Modular production launched UV1 intensive care ventilator The Company goes public with the issue of preferred PA 80 compressed air Oxylog emergency ventilator shares breathing apparatus becomes international standard [...] Panorama Nova full-face mask 27 1980 – [...] 89 research bore fruit: the new technology [...]caught on well, particularly 1983 in the [...]field of gas detection, with sensors that detect more gases Ulf Merbold’s first space mission than ever before and thus produce data that can be fed quickly through microprocessors. draeger.net |
尽管Audemars Piguet的制造厂之后硕果累累 ,但激励创立者们的高标准精神、创造力和制表热忱依然得到坚持,并每天指引着公司作出各种选择。 hautehorlogerie.org | While the Manufacture Audemars Piguet has developed considerably since then, the spirit of high standards, inventiveness and watchmaking passion that drove its founder still persists, daily guiding the company in its choices. hautehorlogerie.org |