单词 | 硕士生 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 硕士生 —Master's degree studentSee also:硕士—master's degree • learned person 硕士 n—bachelor's degree n
这 些举措包括一个名为“竞争”的博士培养项目和一个正在筹划中 的旨在加强美国硕士生教育的项目。 fgereport.org | These are [...] the COMPETES doctoral traineeship program and a proposed program to strengthen U.S. master’s-level education. fgereport.org |
虽然有关研究生辍学的研究一直都集中在博士项目上,但是很显 然,我们也有必要更好地去了解一下 硕士生 的 辍 学问题。 fgereport.org | Although much of the attention to the [...] attrition problem has [...] been focused on doctoral programs, there is a clear need to better understand attrition at the master’s level. fgereport.org |
研究生院委员会对博士生辍学问题的研究由来已久,而且 现在也把注意力转向了硕士生的辍 学问题。 fgereport.org | CGS has a long history of studying [...] attrition at the doctoral level, and [...]is now turning attention to understanding master’s program attrition as well. fgereport.org |
如今,该项目为博士生、硕士生以及从事博士后研究的学生提供 了在各种学术机构(这些学术机构的使命不同,学生群体多元 [...] 化,对教师的期望值也各异)观察和体验教师职责的机会。 fgereport.org | Today PFF [...] programs provide doctoral students, as well as some [...]master’s and postdoctoral students, with opportunities to [...]observe and experience faculty responsibilities at a variety of academic institutions with varying missions, diverse student bodies, and different expectations for faculty. fgereport.org |
b) 2 年制硕士生:“人权”,40 小时;《乌兹别克斯坦共和国宪法》, [...] 27 小时。 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) For students in the second year [...] of a graduate degree: human rights (40 hours); and the Constitution (27 hours) daccess-ods.un.org |
今年夏天,DNV在150位申请人中挑选了来自挪威、瑞典和尼日利亚的十 名 硕士生 进 行 了一项为期六周的暑期命题项目—“液化天然气在近海航行中的应用”。 dnv.com.cn | Ten master’s students from Norway, Sweden [...] and Nigeria, chosen among 150 applicants, have worked on this year’s summer project [...]assignment – “LNG in short-sea shipping”– for the past six weeks. dnv.com |
1996年起,总商会开始联合国大和南大两所大学,共同为修读企业管理专业的优 秀 硕士生 和 学士生颁发商学奖。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | Since 1996, the Chamber began to partner NUS and NTU in awarding scholarships to students pursuing graduate and undergraduate degrees in business management from the two universities. english.sccci.org.sg |
该中心旨在除其他外,通过为主要来 自海委会西太平洋小组委员会的发展中国家成员约 15 名至 20 名初级科学家和博士/硕士生每年 举办一次以英语授课的 定期培训班的形式,加强海洋动力学、海气相互作用、气候 变化和数值预测技术等方面的区域研究能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | The objective of the Centre is to enhance the regional research capacity and capability on ocean dynamics, air-sea interactions, climate change and numerical modelling through, among other means, regular training courses in English once a year for approximately 15 to 20 junior scientists and doctoral/master students mainly from developing member States of the IOC Subcommission for the Western Pacific. daccess-ods.un.org |
其中,硕士以上学历占55%,海外归国人 [...] 员占9.5%,高级职称技术人员32人, 硕士生 导 师 2人,博士生导师1人,初步形成了一支高学历、高素质、 [...]年轻化的人才队伍。 cnnic.net | Therein, 55 hold master degree, 9.5 are overseas returnees, 32 hold [...] senior professional titles, 2 postgraduate [...] mentors and 1 doctoral supervisor, which [...]together form a team of high-diploma, [...]highquality and young talents. cnnic.net |
通过各种形式和模式的产学合作,大学 在本科生、硕士生、博士生的培 养中为学生提供不同程度产业实践机会。 unesdoc.unesco.org | To realize this objective, institutions of higher education should create opportunities of internship for undergraduate students, graduate students and doctorial students via a variety of models and ways of University-Industry Cooperation. unesdoc.unesco.org |
越德大学(VGU) [...] 于11月21日在新平阳市中心举行了2011-2012年开学典礼并给第一 批 硕士生 颁 发 毕业证书。 becamex.com.vn | In the afternoon of November 21st, in the centre of new Binh Duong city, Viet Nam-German University [...] (VGU) organized the opening ceremony of 2011-2012 school year and awarded graduation [...] diplomas to the first master's course. becamex.com.vn |
去年 7 月,我们根据 [...] 印度-非洲行动计划,通过提供奖学金的方式,在印 度各农业大学为苏丹开办了 4 个博士生和 6 个科学硕 士生的课程。 daccess-ods.un.org | In July last year, we offered fellowships in Indian [...] agricultural universities for four PhD and six MSc courses to the [...]Sudan under the India-Africa Action Plan. daccess-ods.un.org |
计划项目的研究成果写进了教科书,成 为一些非洲国家大学的标准必读教材。在计划的框架内还对一 些 硕士生 和 博士生 (M.Sc 和 Ph.D.)提供了部分经费帮助他们完成各自的研究。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Research and findings from IGCP projects are used in textbooks, which are standard reading requirements in several African universities, and several postgraduate students (M.Sc. and Ph.D.) have been partly funded and completed their research and studies within the framework of IGCP. unesdoc.unesco.org |
相对来说,硕士生中只有一小部分人可以得到学校的资助或 者助研助教职位,多数情况下,他们只能依赖贷款或者雇主的资 助。 fgereport.org | Instead, master’s students rely more on loans [...] and employer support. fgereport.org |
The Launch Pad” 计划由迈阿密大学筹划,创建于 2008 年,旨在为本科生、硕士生和刚毕业学生的创业想法和活动提供支持。 china.blackstone.com | Founded in 2008, the University of Miami program promotes entrepreneurial thinking and activity among undergraduate, graduate students and new alumni. blackstone.com |
免除一些重要领域研究生(硕士生和 博士生)的贷款。 fgereport.org | Loan forgiveness [...] for graduate students (master’s and doctoral) in priority fields. fgereport.org |
学生还参加导师的课题组,与博士生 、硕 士生组成 研究团队,共同学习和工作,在浓厚的学术环境中培养学生的科研兴趣和能力。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Students also participated research group of tutors studied and did research work with graduates and PhD candidates. unesdoc.unesco.org |
中心提供从本科生、硕士生及创 业企业家等不同层次、不同阶段的创业教育,学生来自全球15个国家, 其中有不少是家族企业家班人。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | The Nanyang Technopreneurship Center (NTC), a multi-disciplinary university-level centre in the Nanyang Technological University, was established in January 2001 with seed funding from the Economic Development Board (EDB), Singapore. english.sccci.org.sg |
白先生自2003年7月起任教于暨南大学管理学院会计学系,并自2005年起至今任暨南大学管理学院会计学系副教授 和 硕士生 导 师 ,2007年起至今任暨南大学管理学院会计学系系主任助理和MPAcc中心执行主任。 southchina-logistics.com | Mr. Bai has been a teacher of the Accountancy Department of the School of Management in Jinan University since July 2003, an associate professor and tutor of master degree students since 2005, and he has been the assistant to the Dean of Jinan University and the executive supervisor of MPAcc centre since 2007. southchina-logistics.com |
美国院校的硕士生项目 有一年、两年和三年的,所以富布赖 特 硕士生 项 目 可以是一年的,也可以是一年以上的,但是,我们 的 硕士生 项 目 不支持三年的项目。 embassyusa.cn | So this MA program can support one year of academic study or more than one year of academic study, but we are not able to support three year programs. eng.embassyusa.cn |
考虑到就读硕士学位的人数的不断 增加以及与此相关的学生投资的增加,我们也应该开展 跟 硕士研 究生的毕业率和减员有关的研究。 fgereport.org | Completion and attrition should also be studied at the master’s level, given the growth in the number of students pursuing master’s degrees and the student investment that growth represents. fgereport.org |
在摩尔多瓦共和国加入《博洛尼亚进程》之后,根据教育法第 28 条,第 [...] 1 周期持有各学年牌照文凭的毕业生有多达 50%被录取为硕士研究生。 daccess-ods.un.org | After Republic of Moldova adhered to the Bologna Process, on the basis of article 28 of the Law on education, up to 50% of the total number of [...] graduates of the 1st cycle, holders of licence diplomas of the respective year, may be [...] matriculated for higher master’s studies. daccess-ods.un.org |
南存辉,男,汉族,1963年生,硕士研 究 生,高级经济师,现任正泰集团股份有限公司董事长兼总裁,并被推选为十一届全国人大代表,中华全国工商业联合会常委,同时担任中国工业经济联合会主席团主席、中国机械工业联合会副会长、外交学院董事。 hamburg-summit.com | As Chairman & [...] President of CHINT Group, Mr. Nan Cunhui is also [...]member of 11th National People’s Congress (NPC), member of [...]the Standing Committee of All China Federation of Industry and Commerce (ACFIC), Presidium of CFIE, Vice-Chairman of China Machinery Industry Federation (CMIF), and board member of China Foreign Affairs University. hamburg-summit.com |
高 校学生中,女性占 54.2%,并且在各类学生中均占多数:女性在第一和第二阶段 学生、学位学生、硕士研究 生和博士研究生中的比例分别为 54.4%、53.7%、 53.3%和 52%。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some 54.2 per cent of all university students are women, who represent the majority in all levels of study: 54.4 per cent of first- and second-cycle students; 53.7 per cent of graduate students; 53.3 per cent of official Master’s degree students; and 52 per cent of doctoral students. daccess-ods.un.org |