

单词 硕士

硕士 noun ()

bachelor's degree n



Master of Business Administration (MBA)


M.Sc. (Master of Science degree)


Master's degree student

See also:

scholar (old)
surname Shi
specialist worker
member of the senior ministerial class (old)
first class military rank

External sources (not reviewed)

考虑到就硕士学位 的人数的不断 增加以及与此相关的学生投资的增加,我们也应该开展 硕士研 究生的毕业率和减员有关的研究。
Completion and attrition should also be studied at the master’s level, given the growth in the number of students pursuing master’s degrees and the student investment that growth represents.
在摩尔多瓦共和国加入《博洛尼亚进程》之后,根据教育法第 28 条,第
[...] 1 周期持有各学年牌照文凭的毕业生有多达 50%被录取硕士研究生。
After Republic of Moldova adhered to the Bologna Process, on the basis of article 28 of the Law on education, up to 50% of the total number of
graduates of the 1st cycle, holders of licence diplomas of the respective year, may be
[...] matriculated for higher master’s studies.
教科文组织--水教育研究所在 2008--2009 年开展的部分能力建设项目包括:1) 一项超 过 50
个短期课程的培训计划,以及为伊朗供水和卫生部门专业人员安排的一次学习考察活 动;2)
[...] 开发水资源研究,提高卢旺达国立大学开展理 硕士 教 育的能力;3) 设计和实施在 以色列、约旦和巴勒斯坦开展的小规模水处理和人工注水试点项目,交流取得的成果;4) [...]
加 强特立尼达和多巴哥水和污水处理主管当局以及西印度洋大学的能力。
Some examples of capacity building projects that UNESCO-IHE led in the 2008-2009 biennium include (1) a programme of over 50 short courses and study tours for Iranian professionals working in the water supply and sanitation
sector, (2) development of a water resources
[...] research and M.Sc.level education capacity [...]
at the National University of Rwanda,
(3) design, implement and exchange results produced by pilot-sites for small-scale water treatment and artificial recharge in Israel, Jordan, and the Palestinian Authority, (4) capacity enhancement for the Water and Sewerage Authority and the University of the West Indies in Trinidad and Tobago.
在该领域妇女占总劳力约95%,多数具有高中学历,有学 位者百分比较高(科学学士或科 硕士 )。
In a sector where women make up about 95 percent of the workforce,
most workers have a high school diploma while a high percentage
[...] have a degree (Bachelor of Science or [...]
Master of Science).
行动方式包括:在埃塞俄比亚的学校中广泛 地发放了用阿姆哈拉语制作的关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病的一系列录象带;举办了如何制作只读 光盘和网站的讲习班(埃塞俄比亚和尼日尔)和教育信息技术高级培训班(乌干达和津巴布 韦);将关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病的电子图书馆译成法文和葡萄牙文;支持了苏丹科技大学 (SUST)和比勒陀利亚大学为教育 硕士 开 展 的利用教育信息传播技术的联合计划。
Modalities of action have included: a series of videos on HIV/AIDS in Amharic, widely distributed in Ethiopian schools; workshops on how to make CD-ROMs and websites (Ethiopia and Niger) and advanced courses in IT training for education (Uganda and Zimbabwe); the Electronic Library on HIV/AIDS translated into French and Portuguese; and support to the Sudan University of Science and Technology (SUST) and Pretoria University joint programme for the M.Ed in the Use of ICTs for Education.
(b) 高等教育的第二个阶段(研究生阶段)旨在保证专业人员的深造,使其具
[...] 备科学教学和科研工作所需的知识、技能和能力,结业时授 硕士 学 位 并颁硕 士文凭 ,毕业生有权在研究机构进一步深造或根据所学专业和掌握的技能安排就 业。
(b) The second level (master’s degree programme) provides in-depth specialist training and the development of knowledge, faculties and academic methodology and research
skills, culminating in the award of
[...] a master’s degree and a master’s diploma, which entitle [...]
the holders to enrol in a course
of study leading to a candidate’s degree and to employment according to the area of specialization studied and qualifications obtained.
2008年,他以优异的成绩取得了伦敦政治经济学院(LSE)国际政治经济学理 硕士 学 位 ,同时开始就职于英国伦敦商业金融学院。
In 2008 he also completed with Merit an MSc in International Political Economy from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) while embarking on a career at London School of Business & Finance.
Schwartz 先生持有哈佛商学院工商管硕士学 位 及斯坦福大学电气工程理学士学位和经济学文学士学位。
Mr. Schwartz earned an M.B.A. from [...]
Harvard Business School and a B.S. in Electrical Engineering and a B.A. in Economics from Stanford University.
很难吸引实习生去内罗毕,不仅因为他们 必须在硕士课程 (这在非洲不多见),还因为他们没有报酬,只给少量的差旅津 贴。
It was difficult to attract interns to Nairobi not only because they were required to be enrolled in a master’s programme, which were not widespread in Africa, but also because they were not paid, except for a modest travel allowance.
Olivier 获得了瑞士纳沙泰尔大学颁发的法学博士学位,英国剑桥大学颁发的法 硕士 学 位
Olivier holds a Doctorate degree in law from the Université of
[...] Neuchâtel, Switzerland and an LLM degree from [...]
Cambridge University, England.
设在东京的联合国大学可持续 发展与和平研究所所提供的一硕士 学 位 ,将有一门关于国际和平与安全的必 修课,和一门关于当代安全问题的选修课,这两门课都包含不扩散和裁军的内 容。
The UNU Institute for Sustainability and Peace in Tokyo offers a master’s degree that will contain a compulsory course on international peace and security and an optional course on contemporary security issues, both of which will include non-proliferation and disarmament components.
同样,一方面与大学和高等教育机构合作联合开 硕士 学 位和文凭课程,另 一方面与合作伙伴机构在用各种语言开设的在线课程领域中进行的合作将继续得到加强。
In the same vein, cooperation with universities and higher educational institutions for joint offering of Masters Degree and diploma programs, on the one hand, and, on the other, cooperation with partner institutions in the field of online courses in various languages, will continue to be reinforced.
Blyzinskyj先生在克兰菲尔德管理学院获得金融与市场营销工商管 硕士 学 位,在伦敦大学国王学院以优异成绩获得电子工程学理学士学位。
Mr. Blyzinskyj holds an MBA in Finance and Marketing from the Cranfield School of Management, and a B.Sc. degree with honors in Electronic Engineering from King's College, University of London.
参加讲习班的有高级研究员、教 学人员硕士研究生、贸易谈判人员和贸易从业人员。
The workshops were attended by senior researchers, teaching staff, master students, trade negotiators and trade practitioners.
同时硕士研究生项目也向医学和药 物学专业高等学府的毕业生开放。
The Master’s postgraduate studies are also open for the graduates from medical and pharmaceutical higher institutions.
他是哥伦比亚大学法学院(法硕士, 19 73 年)和印度尼西亚大学法学院(法硕士,1965 年)毕业生。
He is a graduate of
[...] Columbia University School of Law (Master of Law - LLM, 1973) and University of Indonesia School of [...]
Law (Master of Law - S.H, 1965).
2012 年,犯罪司法所提供了其第六期年度国际犯罪与司法专业法 硕士 项 目 , 该项目是与都灵大学法学院联合组织的,来自 [...]
37 个国家的 42 名研究生参加了 该项目。
In 2012 UNICRI offered its sixth annual
[...] Master of Law (LLM) programme in international [...]
crime and justice, organized jointly
with the Faculty of Law of the University of Turin and attended by 42 postgraduate students from 37 countries.
开始攻硕士或博 士课程的学生的陪读家属可无时间限制地工作。
In the case of students who have commenced a
[...] masters or doctorate course, family [...]
members can work unlimited hours.
BioInitiative Report的共同作者、纽约州伦斯勒奥尔巴尼大学卫生与环境学院院长、医学博士/公共卫 硕士 D a v id Carpenter称:“虽然这项研究还不完善,但是我们必须把研究中提到的风险作为一项警告慎重对待,我们必须限制手机使用,尤其是限制儿童使用手机,同时我们还要呼吁手机厂商重新设计手机和PDA产品。
David Carpenter MD MPH, BioInitiative Report co-editor and Director of the Institute for Health and the Environment at University at Albany, Rensselaer, NY says that, "While this study is not perfect, the risks documented in it must be taken seriously as a warning to limit cell phone use, to restrict the use of cell phones, especially by children, and to call on manufacturers for redesign of cell phones and PDAs.
芮先生拥有德国DIEGEN大学的自动控制工 硕士 学 位 ,以及台湾大学的自动控制学士学位。
Mr. Jui received his Master’s Degree in Automatic Control Engineering from the University of Siegen, Germany, and a Bachelor’s Degree from National Taiwan University.
他于1994年获得印度地区工程学院科技学士学位,后又获得印度博拉理工学院( Bi t s ) 硕士 学 位
He earned his Bachelor of Technology degree from Regional Engineering College
[...] in 1994 and his MS from Bits Pilani.
其中硕士以上 学历占55%,海外归国人 员占9.5%,高级职称技术人员32人 硕士 生 导 师2人,博士生导师1人,初步形成了一支高学历、高素质、 年轻化的人才队伍。
Therein, 55 hold master degree, 9.5 are overseas
returnees, 32 hold
[...] senior professional titles, 2 postgraduate mentors and 1 doctoral supervisor, which together form a team of high-diploma, [...]
highquality and young talents.
1996年,乔治•F.W.•舍弗勒开始在美国北卡罗莱纳州杜克大学Durham法学院学习法律,2000年他取得法学士和国际比较 硕士 学 位
In 1996, Georg F. W. Schaeffler began to study law at Duke University's School of Law in Durham, North Carolina (USA) and, in 2000, he obtained the combined degree of Juris Doctor (cum laude) and Master of Law in international and comparative law.
除与能帮助我们识别和招募顶尖人才的合伙人建立友好关系之外,例如INROADS(未成年大学生实习计划)和全美黑人工商管 硕士 协 会 ,我们还参加由代表各类人群的协会赞助的讨论会和招聘会。
In addition to building relationships with partners who can help us identify and recruit top talent, such as INROADS (minority undergraduate internship program) and the National Black MBA Association (NBMBAA), we attend conferences and recruiting events sponsored by associations that represent diverse populations.
教学计划中关于官硕士课程 的入学程序及要求有如下规定:“对于因为 残障而有特殊教育需求的学生群体,这些系统及程序应包含辅助服务及相应咨询 [...]
As regards admission to
[...] official studies at Master's degree level [...]
and the procedures and requirements for admission, which
should be included in study programmes, the regulation states: " For students with specific educational needs deriving from disabilities, those systems and procedures must include adequate support and advisory services, which will assess the possible need for curricular adjustments, changes of itinerary or alternative studies.
36 为了响应和支持那些兼职学生和“另谋职业者”的需要以 及满足他们想获得和提高一些具体的与工作相关的技能的渴望, 我们必须对现行研究生教育的结构及与其有关的财政支持,特别 是硕士研究 生这个层面上,进行严肃地思考。
A 2006 survey of 226 companies in the public and private sectors indicated that nearly all of them (approximately 94%) said they offered some form of education assistance to their employees.36 In order to be responsive to and support the needs of part-time students and “career changers” and their desire to acquire and enhance specific, job-related skills, serious thought must be given to the current structure of and financial support for graduate education, especially at the master’s level.
Traoré先生,马里国籍,持有乌克兰基辅农业科学院兽 硕士 学 位 ;法国巴黎第十二大学及法国Maison Alfort热带国家畜牧兽医研究所热带国家畜牧生产及农产品科技高等专业学习文凭(DESS);以及法国巴黎第十二大学畜牧生产及卫生博士学位。
Mr Traoré, a national of Mali, holds an M.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, from the Agricultural Academy of Kiev, Ukraine; a “Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures Spécialisées” (DESS) in Animal Production and Agro-food technologies in Tropical countries from the University of Paris XII, France and the Institute of Livestock and Veterinary Medicine of Tropical Countries (IEMVT), Maison Alfort, France; and a “Doctorat d’Etat ès Sciences” in Animal Production and Health from the University of Paris XII, Créteil, France.
如果您目前正在某个英国电子技能基金会 (UKESF) 合作伙伴大学攻读电子学或电子工程学领域的工程学士或工 硕士 学 位 ,则您可能有资格申请 ARM 提供的工业奖学金。
If you are currently studying a BEng or MEng degree in Electronics or Electronic Engineering at a UK Electronics Skills Foundation (UKESF) partner university you may be eligible to apply for an industrial scholarship from ARM.
申请博士课程必须取硕士学位 或同等 学位,而外国的申请学生必须提供在波兰学习 获硕士学位的学位证书,或者在国外完成高 等教育,在波兰被承认的合法学位证书或同等 学位证书。
Candidates applying for PhD course must have a master’s degree or an equivalent, while foreign candidates must provide a diploma of a master’s degree course of study obtained in Poland or a [...]
legalised diploma or
another certificate confirming the completion of higher education obtained abroad and recognised under separate provisions as equivalent to a polish degree.




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