单词 | 硕 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | Examples:丰硕adj—fruitfuladj 企管硕士—Master of Business Administration (MBA) 硕士—master's degree learned person
Jeong 博士拥有首尔国立大学电子工程学系理学士学位,韩国高等理工学院电子工程学系理学硕士学位,科罗拉多大学电子与电脑工程学系博士学位。 seagate.com | Dr. Jeong holds a bachelor of science [...] degree in electronics engineering from [...] Seoul National University, a master of [...]science degree in electrical engineering [...]from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology and a Ph. seagate.com |
彼自中国社会函授大学取得国际金融学士学位,并自中国 人民解放军空军工程学院取得工商管理硕士学位。 equitynet.com.hk | She obtained a Bachelor degree in [...] International Finance from China [...] Socialist Distant LearningUniversity andMaster ofBusiness [...]Administratis degree from the People [...]of China Aviation Engineering College. equitynet.com.hk |
他持有经济学学士及硕士学位, 主修会计。 asiasat.com | He holds a Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree in Economics, majoring in Accounting. asiasat.com |
她 持有夏威夷大学酒店及旅游业管理学士学位,以及美国乔治华盛顿大学工商管理硕士学 位,主 修财务及国际商业。 wingtaiproperties.com | She holds a BBA degree with distinction in [...] Hotels and Tourism [...] Management fromUniversity ofHawaii and a MBA degree in Finance and International Business from George Washington University, Washington, D.C. wingtaiproperties.com |
她持有加拿大西安大略大学行政人员工商管理硕士及工商管理文学士 学位,并获伦敦大学颁发法学士荣誉学位。 aia.com.hk | Ms. Fung holds an Executive MBA and [...] a Bachelor of Arts in Business [...] Administration from the University of Western [...]Ontario and a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) from the University of London. aia.com.hk |
杨先生持有香港理工大学专业会计硕士学位。 wingtaiproperties.com | Mr. Yeung holds a Master of Professional Accounting degree from The [...] Hong Kong Polytechnic University. wingtaiproperties.com |
他毕业於北京对外贸易学院(现名为北京国际经济贸易大学),并於美国国际商学研究院取得 国际管理硕士学位。 asiasat.com | He graduated from Beijing Institute of Foreign Trade (now renamed Beijing University of International Business and Economics) and obtained a Master of International Management degree from the American GraduateSchool ofInternational Management. asiasat.com |
赵 先 生 取 得 伦 敦 大 学 学 院 资 讯 管 理 学 士 学 位,香 港 大 学 法 学 专 业 证 书(PCLL) ,以 及 中 国北 京 人 民 大学 的 法律硕士学位。 vindapaper.com | Mr. CHIU received a bachelor’s degree in information management from the University College London, the Postgraduate [...] Certificate in Laws [...] (PCLL) from the Universityof Hong Kong and a master of laws degree from Remin University of China, [...]Beijing. vindapaper.com |
凭藉本集团管理队伍於中国内地与海外国家之 [...] 间买卖建筑材料方面之丰富经验,本集团对买卖水泥熟料及其他建筑材料之业务充满信心, 预期此项业务日後将可为本公司股东带来丰硕回报。 equitynet.com.hk | Leveraging on the Group’s experienced management team in trading building materials between Mainland China and overseas countries, the Group is confident that the business of [...] trading cement clinker and other building materials will bring fruitful rewards to the Company’s [...] shareholders in comingyears. equitynet.com.hk |
梁博士是土生土长之中国籍香港居民,持有香港中文大学之科学学士(一等荣誉)学位 (一九九零年)、加州理工学院之数学科学硕士学 位(一九九三年)和数学哲学博士学位(一九 九六年),以及香港科技大学之投资管理科学硕士学位(一九九九年)。 cre8ir.com | Dr. Leung, a native Hong Kong citizen with Chinese nationality, holds a Bachelor (First Class Honours) degree [...] of Science (1990) [...] from the ChineseUniversity of HongKong, a Master degree of Science in Mathematics (1993) and a Doctor degree of Philosophy in Mathematics (1996) from the California Institute of Technology, and a Master degree of Science in Investment Management (1999) from the Hong Kong Universityof Science and [...]Technology. cre8ir.com |
Coleman 先生拥有美国空军官校电脑科学学系学士学位,以及史丹福大学电脑科学与电脑工程学系硕士学位。 seagate.com | Mr. Coleman holds a bachelor’s degree in computer science from [...] the U.S. Air Force Academy and a master’s degree in computer science and computer [...] engineering fromStanford University. seagate.com |
在本章, 我们将让你深入了解恒生强积金的详情,包括强积金 结构及各种服务,助你获享更丰硕成果。 bank.hangseng.com | In this section, we’ll help you understand more about Hang Seng MPF, including how it’s structured and what services are available to help you get the most from your account. bank.hangseng.com |
R4.4 爲了提升不同工商管理硕士课程之间各个标准的可比性和一致性,同时配合港大 经修订的校外主考政策,以及正视因学生人數衆多而引致委任校外主考的困难, 将会(当现时在任的校外主考任期届满之後)委任单一名校外主考,负责审视工 商管理硕士课程的整体结构和设计,另外委任四名校外主考,分别检视兩个工商 管理硕士课程的四个学习专题(即财务管理;中国和亚洲业务管理;创业、创新 和营运管理;以及市场及服务管理)。 ugc.edu.hk | R4.4 With a view to enhancing comparability and [...] consistency of standards across MBA programmes, aligning with the University’s revised EE policy and addressing the difficulty posed by large cohort size, one single EE will be appointed (when the current EE appointments expire) to review the overall MBA programme structure and design, and four other EEs will be appointed for each of the specialist themes of study to scrutiniseboth MBAprogrammes at the course level, viz. in Finance Management; [...]Managing in [...]China and Asia; Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Operations Management; and Marketing and Services Management. ugc.edu.hk |
林先生现於香港中文大学攻读企业传播社会科学硕士学位,其主要研究兴趣包括:文化研究、传媒解读、危机管理及企业形象。 hkupop.hku.hk | His major research interests include: cultural studies, media analysis, crisis management, and corporate image. hkupop.hku.hk |
许先生於美国柏克莱加州大学取得物理学学士学位,及 後於美国加州圣克拉大学取得电机工程硕士学位。 hklistco.com | Mr. Hui received his Bachelor Degree in Physics from the University [...] of California – Berkeley in USA and earned a Master Degree in Electrical Engineering [...] from Santa ClaraUniversity in USA. hklistco.com |
作者Joni [...] Eu,为GIA认证宝石学家,目前居住纽约,拥有加州柏克莱大学的经济学学士学位,以及加州大学圣地牙哥分校的国际管理硕士学位。 ravenelart.com | Joni Eu is a New York based GIA Graduate Gemologist (G.G.) who also holds a B.A. in Economics from the [...] University of California, Berkeley, and a Masters in Internat ional [...] Managementfrom the UniversityofCalifornia, [...]San Diego. ravenelart.com |
本 集 团 有 信 心,在 新 一 年 度 继 续 为 股 东 创 造 新 的 价 值,同 享丰硕成果。 vindapaper.com | We will continue our efforts to generate lucrative returns for our shareholders in the year to come. vindapaper.com |
这兩个硕士课程因学生人數衆多,共取錄了九百多名学生,而且兩个课程提供的专门课题 和课程范围甚广。爲了处理这个问题,目前的安排是请兩位负责审视港大工商管理硕士课程的校外主考其中专责财务、经济、在华经商等课题的那一位,兼任审 视国际工商管理硕士课程。 ugc.edu.hk | To address this problem, the current arrangement is for one of the two EEs, who is appointed to review the theme of finance, economics and doing business in China of the HKU MBA, to also review the MBA(International). ugc.edu.hk |
作为亚洲区领导的工商管理学院,本学院创先於1998年与上海复旦大学合办工商管理〔国际〕硕士课 程;亦於2008年与美国哥伦比亚商学院(Columbia [...] Business School)及英国伦敦商学院(London Business School)合办EMBA 课程。 xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk | As Asia's premier international business school, the Faculty [...] has pioneered the International MBA Programme [...] with Fudan University in Shanghai [...]in 1998, and the EMBA Global Asia jointly [...]offered with Columbia Business School (CBS) and London Business School (LBS) in 2008. xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk |
Jones 先生是美国专利的拥有人,并具有加州大学尔湾分校的电子工程学士学位 以及加州州立大学富尔顿分校的企业管理硕士。 pixim.com | Mr. Jones is a US patent holder and has a bachelor’s degree in [...] electrical engineering from [...] the University of California, Irvine, and an MBA from California State University, Fullerton. pixim.com |
演出嘉宾包括有被喻为 “香港鼓王” 的恭硕良、 EO2、蔚雨芯、香港超级巨声:陈国峰、曾臻及何雁诗,并联同本地乐队Scamper,Black Sheep 和Rush & Crush。 yp.mo | The performers have been hailed including Jun Kung, EO2, Rainky Wai; Penny Chan, Eileen and Stephanie Ho of The Voice at TVB, and lined up with the local rocks bands: Scamper, Black Sheep and Rush & Crush. yp.mo |
疑犯被指是西语裔男子,身材健硕,最後被人见到身穿白色T恤、蓝裤和黑色棒球帽。 ktsf.com | He was described as a heavyset Hispanic man with an unshaven face and was last seen wearing a white T-shirt, blue pants and a black baseball hat. ktsf.com |
我们的价格是去度假 !只有这个夏天笔记本华硕K52F双英特尔奔腾双核心 P6200,320GB 硬碟和 2 Gb RAM 的只是 13 490 美元。 kompyuterniy-ma...city.g-sochi.ru | Our prices are gone on vacation! Only this summer notebook Asus K52F with dual Intel Pentium Dual Core P6200, 320 GB hard drive and 2 Gb RAM for just 13 490 USD. kompyuterniy-ma...city.g-sochi.ru |
张教授一直孜孜不倦地工作,从他在1996年起出任城大校长後,便致力於法国和香港间大学与科学发展的交流,在2004年更设立双文凭制度,与 l’université de Paris-Dauphine合作举办硕士经济数学课程,众多优秀的法国高级教授也参与任教。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | His tireless action, since his nomination in 1996 as a president of City University of Hong Kong, in favour of the development of university and scientific relations of the highest level between France and Hong Kong, marked by the creation of the first double-diploma in 2004, a master degree in financial mathematics collaborating with l’Université de Paris-Dauphine, the nomination of several high level French professors within the teaching team consulfrance-hongkong.org |
格蕾斯实在太推崇「把握一切学习机会」的信念,所以她竟然同时在两所大学读书!她还在香港的时候,便申请了一个远程教育课程以便她今後可以到南澳继续就读工商管理硕士 (MBA)。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Rachel is learning about animals she would never have studied if she had stayed in the United Kingdom (UK). studyinaustralia.gov.au |
张女士其後於一九九六年取得中国人民大 学的计算机应用专业文凭,并於二零零六年取得清华大 学的创新管理MIA高级研修班高级文凭及於二零零六年 七月取得大连理工大学颁发的高级管理人员工商管理硕士学位。 wqfz.com | She further obtained a professional diploma in computer application from the Renmin University of China in 1996, a senior diploma in Innovative Management MIA from senior research class in Tsinghua University in 2006 and a Master degree in business administration for senior management from Dalian Polytechnic in July 2006. wqfz.com |
本学院与美国哥伦比亚商学院及英国伦敦商学院合作,提供以亚洲及中国课题为核心的全日制工商管理学硕士课程;项目於2010年及2011年经济学人世界MBA排名榜中名列亚洲第一。 xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk | Its MBA full time programme, offered in partnerships with CBS and LBS has a strong Asia and China focus and was ranked Asia's no. 1 in the World MBA Rankings released by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) in 2010 and 2011. xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk |