

单词 硅谷

See also:


silicon n

silicon (chemistry)

paper mulberry tree
surname Gu


butchers pl

External sources (not reviewed)

在這樣的情況下,我們如果要複 硅谷 的 經 驗,第一波(the first wave),其實應該是在海外尋找硅谷 般 的 地方中的一些創新企業來 港。
In such circumstances, if we need
to replicate the
[...] experience in Silicon Valley, the first wave should actually be to identify some overseas innovation companies like those in Silicon Valley and invite them to [...]
Hong Kong.
He has also served as chief representative for the China E-commerce Association
[...] in the Silicon Valley, and as a member [...]
of the selection committee for the California
Next Generation Internet (NGI) program.
融合后的北京联通10010客户服务系统由东四、五棵松 硅谷 三 个中心组成,通过扩容互联中继,保证三平台之间的两两中继互联,构建了一套由三个中心组成的NIRC网络呼叫中心,实现了10010和10060话务的全网均衡、、负荷分担以及部分容灾备份功能。
Beijing Unicom’s 10010 client service system, as merged,
consists of three centers, namely
[...] Dongsi, Wukesong and Silicon Valley, to ensure pairwise [...]
relay and interconnection between
the three platforms by expanding interconnection and relay capacity, building a set of NIRC network call center composed of the three centers and realizing across-network balance and load sharing of 10010 and 10060 telephone traffic as well as some disaster recovery and backup functions.
公私伙伴 关系在联盟工作中发挥日益重要的作用,是制订有全球影响力的具体项目的基 础,例如与思科、卡洛斯特·古尔本金安基金会和若干其他伙伴发起的“对话咖 啡馆”;世界文化间创新机制,与宝马集团一起设立的世界促进创新设施,帮助
发现和推广在不同文化之间搭桥的最有创新性的基层举措;不同文明联盟暑期学 校;与威望迪公司共同设立的联合工作队,以确定不同文化间对话和文化多样性
[...] 的影响;“为多样性和包容做一件事”运动,这一运动是 硅谷 最 大 公司中的 20 家公司(雅虎、Intuit、英特尔和其他公司等)合作开展的。
They form the basis for the development of concrete projects with a global dimension, such as the “Dialogue Café” with Cisco, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and a number of other partners; the World Intercultural Facility for Innovation with the BMW Group to help identify and replicate the most innovative grass-roots initiatives for cross-cultural bridge-building; the Alliance of Civilizations summer schools; a joint task force with Vivendi on measuring the impact of intercultural dialogue and cultural diversity; and the “Do one thing for diversity and inclusion”
campaign made possible through a partnership with 20 of the
[...] largest firms in Silicon Valley (Yahoo, Intuit, [...]
Intel and others).
Cracker团队在工业技术研究院的支持下于2007年成立,总部位于台湾 硅谷 ” 的中心――新竹。
Initiated in 2007 with support from the
Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), team cracker is based in Hsinchu, the heart
[...] of the Taiwanese "Silicon Valley.
於2012年6月30日的結餘主要指收取物業開發預售收益,主要包括優湖(UHO)的銷售收益人民 幣1.07億元及美蘭硅谷的銷 售收益人民幣2,500萬元以及成都綠洲雅賓利花園的銷售收益人民 [...]
The balance as at 30 June 2012 mainly represented the collection of property development presale revenue, which mainly included RMB107 million from the sale of UHO
and RMB25 million from the sale of the
[...] Lake Malaren Silicon Valley and RMB19 million [...]
from the sale of Chengdu Albany Oasis Garden.
但我知道,你们总是非常随意,有点 硅谷 的 创新、刺激、劲头十足、充满活力和同样也非常非常随意的文化。
But I know that you guys are always very very casual, kind of like
[...] that Silicon Valley culture of innovation, [...]
excitement, drive, energy, but also very very casual.
例如,阿里巴巴自2 0 0 9年起 在美国分公司开展招
[...] 聘 活 动 ,着 重 吸硅 谷 里 的 顶 尖 中 国 I T 工 [...]
程 师 。
For instance, Alibaba has been conducting recruiting campaigns in its US office since 2009, targeting top
[...] Chinese IT engineers in Silicon Valley.
由于在节约能源、提高用水效率、减少二氧​化碳排放量、管理资源并保持其对环境的影响的敏感性等各方面均取得进步,我们的全球公司总部、SY3 悉尼以及 HK2-II 香港 IBX 数据中心获得了 LEED Gold(金级)认证,LA4 洛杉矶、DA2 达拉斯和 DC6 华盛顿 DC 的 IBX 数据中心获得了 LEED Silver(银级)认证,SV2 和 SV5 硅谷及 DC10 华盛顿 DC IBX 数据中心获得了 LEED Certification(绿色建筑认证)。
Our Global Corporate Headquarters, SY3 Sydney, and HK2-II Hong Kong IBX data centers have achieved LEED Gold, LA4 Los Angeles, DA2 Dallas and DC6 Washington DC IBX data centers have achieved LEED Silver, and the SV2 and SV5 Silicon Valley and DC10 Washington, DC IBX data centers have achieved LEED Certification for improving performance across all of the following metrics: energy savings, water efficiency, CO2 emissions reductions and stewardship of resources and sensitivity to their impacts on the environment.
我们的内部转学政策,容许家长安排子女在香港、上海、北京、重庆、青岛以及美 硅谷 的耀中国际学校进行内部转学。
Our internal transfer policy allows families to apply for a transfer to
any school in our network in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Chongqing and Qingdao in
[...] China and Silicon Valley in the USA.
Kionix 成立于 1993
[...] 年,总部设在美国纽约州伊萨卡,在日本、韩国、香港、上海、台湾、新加坡、美 硅谷 、 加 利福尼亚州和伊利诺斯州芝加哥均设有区域办事处。
Founded in 1993, Kionix is headquartered in Ithaca, NY
USA and has regional offices in Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Taiwan,
[...] Singapore, Silicon Valley, CA and Chicago, IL.
上月,我花了1星期的時間,率領一個香港的科技團體的成員,包 括科技園主席Mr Nicholas
[...] BROOKE、創新科技署的官員、GCIO的代表, 以及很多科技界人士硅谷進行考察。
Last month, I spent a week leading a Hong Kong science and technology delegation with members including Mr Nicholas BROOKE, Chairman of Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks (Science and Technology Parks), officials of the Innovation and
Technology Commission, representatives from GCIO, and many delegates of the technology
[...] sector on a visit to Silicon Valley.
著名的美硅谷,中 国和印度及其他外国血统的工程师几乎占 60%,但他们之中很少有 中国大学直接培养的毕业生,大多是经过了美国大学的本科和研究生教育的毕业生参加 [...]
For example, in
[...] world-famous Silicon Valley in America, engineers [...]
of Chinese, Indian and other foreign descent almost account
for 60% of all engineers working there, whereas most of them have received graduate or undergraduate education in American universities rather than just have been educated by Chinese universities.
硅谷 項目 所售每一單位的預售所得款項中之為數人民幣800萬元及UHO項目所售每平方米的預 售所得款項中之為數人民幣1.42萬元,亦將轉入受限制銀行賬戶,直至有關受限制銀行賬戶 [...]
For each unit sold of Silicon Valley project, an amount [...]
of RMB8 million of the pre-sale proceeds, and for each square meter
sold of UHO project, an amount of RMB14.2 thousand of the pre-sale proceeds, will also be transferred to restricted bank accounts, until the balance of such restricted bank accounts reached the outstanding balance of such loans.
公司管理团队的主要成员拥有丰富的产品开发、设计、财务和销售经验,并 硅谷 领 先 的半导体公司合作过。
The key members of the management team have
extensive product development, design, finance and sales experience with
[...] leading Silicon Valley semiconductor companies.
硅谷的   Equinix Exchange  对等互联枢纽是业内最大的枢纽之一,每个设施都能提供全套的优质数据中心与支持服务、广泛的网络选择以及与整个数字供应链的合作伙伴及客户实现互联的能力。
The Equinix Exchange peering
[...] hubs in the Silicon Valley are among the largest [...]
in the industry, and each facility offers
a full array of premium data center and support services with extensive network choice and the ability to interconnect to partners and customers across the digital supply chain.
这几乎是同一种文化,你能感觉到这里的文化与你 硅谷 所 有 新技术企业中发现的文化是一样的。
It’s almost the same culture, you can sense the same culture here as what you would
[...] find in Silicon Valley working for all [...]
the new technology firms.
创业活动取得成功的地区,硅谷和 波士顿,都有着高密度的人口,便于企业家与同行、导师、风险投资人以及金融专家之间的互动。
Successful regions of entrepreneurial activity,
[...] such as Silicon Valley and Boston, have [...]
high-density populations that facilitate
interaction between entrepreneurs and peers, mentors, venture capitalists as well as financial experts.
在彻底调查后对UC-win/Road的功能、将来性、利便性做了评价,被誉为印度 硅谷 的 班 加罗尔,2009年Kam Technologies社作为FORUM8软件产品和服务的经销商开始运营。
After conducting intensive search and validating the capabilities, potential and user-friendliness of UC-win/Road software they
established a new company, Kam Technologies in 2009
[...] at the silicon valley of the East i.e. [...]
Bangalore to resell Forum8's software products & services.
由于开发中心位硅谷附件 ,较高的开发人力成本使得公司在招聘一个24小时热线技术支持团队是面临困难。
Due to the location, the price of development talent would make it difficult to justify the cost of employing an on-call support team that could be accessible 24x7.
在此之前,从2008年至2012年,Oaklander先生曾担任位 硅谷 的 In tersil公司的高级副总裁,负责公司的电源管理产品事业部。
Prior to this position, between 2008 and 2012, Mr. Oaklander was Senior Vice President, power management products group at Intersil and based in Silicon Valley.
博物馆坐落硅谷首都 圣荷西,是一个非营利性的体验式学习资源,吸引人们探索和体验与人们生活息息相关的应用技术。
The museum -- located in the
[...] Capital of Silicon Valley -- is a non-profit, [...]
experiential learning resource established to
engage people in exploring and experiencing applied technologies affecting their lives.
目前以取得美硅谷的风 险企业所做不到的、 使 IT 行业革新的成果为目标。
We are aiming for results that can bring innovation to the IT industry, of the kind that cannot be achieved by ventures in the United States’ Silicon Valley.
公司至今参加了多个国际著名的节能环保组织,包括能源之星、绿色网格联盟、科技信息产业协会 硅谷 领 导 集体等,致力于执行并推广一系列绿色节能标准或计划。
To date, the company has been a member of many internationally-known energy conservation and environmental protection organizations, including Energy Star, Green Grid, Association for the
Scientific and Technological Information
[...] Industry, and Silicon Valley Leading Group, dedicated [...]
to implementation of green energy
conservation standards or plans.
在科学领域,来自澳大利亚国立大学和天津大学的科学家 硅谷 公 司 Chromasun 携手合作,共同开发出更高效更经济的屋顶式太阳能集热系统。
In the science sector, scientists from the Australian National University and Tianjin University are working together with Chromasun, a SiliconValley company, to make more efficient and cost-effective roof-mounted solar trough concentrator systems.
硅谷领导 人组织(SLVG):一个由会员公司主要高层管理人员构成的组织,与地方、区域、州及联邦官员合作,致力于解决影 硅谷 经 济 状况和生活质量的重大公共政策问题。
Silicon Valley Leadership Group (SLVG): Organization involving principal officers and senior managers of member companies in a cooperative effort with local, regional, state, and federal government officials to address major public policy issues affecting the economic health and quality of life in Silicon Valley.
Before joining Baidu, Mr. Li held a series
of positions as sales director for
[...] instrumental Silicon Valley firms, and Beijing [...]
regional representative for key industry players.
汉鼎亚太公司基于多方面的原因被公认为亚洲创业投资及私募基金的先锋,其中包括:于1986年设立台湾首家 硅谷 ” 式创投公司;唯一一家于1987到1991年间在东盟设立4个办事处;1993年首批进入中国的基金之一(与中国银行共同管理);亚洲金融危机过后首次重振一家韩国证券公司并大获成功;于2002年在日本首次实现由外国创投公司投资的日本高科技公司成功上 市。
H&Q Asia Pacific is recognized as a pioneer of Asian venture capital and private equity in a number of
respects, including being the first
[...] firm to bring "Silicon Valley" style venture capital [...]
to Taiwan in 1986, the only firm
to open four offices in ASEAN countries between 1987 and 1991, one of the first funds to enter China in 1993 (jointly managed with the Bank of China), the first firm to execute a turnaround in Korea following the Asian financial crisis, and the first foreign private equity firm to take a Japanese technology company public in Japan in 2002.
的首席财务官,并于 1998 年 2 月到 2000 年 2 月间硅谷图形公司的首席财务官。在此之前,Gomo 先生曾在惠普公司工作了 24 年,担任过多个财务、财务管理、制造和综合管理职位。
Previously, Mr. Gomo spent 24 years at Hewlett-Packard Company serving in various finance, financial management, manufacturing and general management positions.
Katz 博士有六本著作,包括《因设计而改变:如何设计思维转换组织和激励创新》(2009 年,与 Tim Brown 合著),《NONOBJECT》(2010 年,与 Branko Lukic
[...] 合著),以及2011 年即将由麻省理工学院出版社出版的《相变 硅谷 设 计的发展历史》。
Dr. Katz is the author of six books, including Change By Design: How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation (2009, with Tim Brown), NONOBJECT (2010, with
Branko Lukic), and Phase Change: The Dynamic
[...] History of Silicon Valley Design, to be published [...]
in 2011 by the MIT Press.




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