

单词 硅石

硅石 ()

siliceous rock



wollastonite CaSiO3

See also:


silicon n

silicon (chemistry)

External sources (not reviewed)

含有BELSIL® DMC 6038和HDK® T 30的化妆水适合油性及中性肤质,其 硅石 除 了 能够吸附油脂,还能掩盖细小的皱纹,是控油及抗衰老产品的理想选择。
The toner based on BELSIL® DMC 6038 and HDK® T 30 is suitable for oily and neutral skin, as the silylate is capable of absorbing oil and masking [...]
fine wrinkles, making
it ideal for oil-controlling and anti-aging products.
視乎工作性質而定,建造業僱員須暴露於各種危害或危害 性物質,例如過量噪音硅石、焦油、松脂、瀝青、激光、鉛、鎘、 錳、壓縮空氣和石棉。
Depending on the job nature, workers of the construction industry are exposed
to hazards such as
[...] excessive noise, silica, tar, pitch, bitumen, lasers, lead, cadmium, manganese, compressed air and asbestos.
这些全部是由一种特殊的粘土叫玻璃陶瓷的材料制成,这种粘土是混合了很多种粘土,比如球粘土和瓷土 硅石 以 及一种助溶剂而成。
All is made from a special clay called
vitreous china, which is a mix of several kinds of clay, such as ball clay
[...] and china clay, silica, and a fluxing agent.
维生素 C 和硅石是人 体制造和合成胶原蛋白质的必需成分。
Vitamin C and Silica is essential for [...]
the manufacture of collagen and synthesis of collagen protein within the body.
低分子量共聚物和三元共聚物通常用于抑制钙、镁 硅石 在 冷却塔、锅炉、净气器和气体洗涤器中的沉淀比例。
Low molecular weight copolymers and
terpolymers are typically used to inhibit calcium,
[...] magnesium and silica scale in cooling [...]
towers, boilers, air washers and gas scrubbers.
硅石的宽 带FBPI光纤在大大增宽的光谱范围具有改进的传输特性,提供一系列密度选择,能够制造50-600 [...]
Featuring improved transmission properties over a much wider
[...] spectral range, the silica-based, broadband [...]
FBPI fiber is available in a range of densities
and can be produced in core diameters from 50-600 μm.
国外在这个领域的产品已经采用纳米材料作改性剂,而纳米Si02是首选材料,它主要是在纳米Si02表面包敷一层有机材料,使之具有憎水性,将它添加到密封胶中很快形成一 硅石 结 构 ,即纳米Si0X小颗粒形成网络结构抑制胶体流动,加快固化速度,提高粘结效果,由于纳米Si02颗粒尺小从而也增加了产品的密封性和防渗性。
Overseas already used a nanometer material in this domain product to make the modifier, but nanometer Si02 was the first choice material, it mainly was spreads a organic material in the nanometer Si02 table bread, enable it to have the hatred river character,
increased it to the sealant in very quickly
[...] forms one kind of silica structure, namely [...]
the nanometer Si0X finely ground particles
formed the network architecture suppression colloid to flow, speed up the curing velocity, enhanced the caking effect, because the nanometer Si02 pellet ruler was small thus also increased the product leak-proof quality and guards against infiltrates the nature.
肺塵病條例》就肺塵病(一種由於游 硅石 塵 埃 或石棉塵埃 或含有游硅石或石棉的 塵埃而導致的肺部纖維化疾病)引致的喪失工 作能力或死亡,為有關人士或其家庭成員訂定補償計劃(《肺塵病條例》 第 2(1)條 )。
The PCO provides a compensation scheme for persons or their family members in respect of incapacity or death resulting from pneumoconiosis, an illness of fibrosis of the lungs due to dust of free silica or asbestos or dust containing free silica or asbestos (section 2(1) of PCO).
研磨材大致可區分為:粒子有銳角的氧化鋁、略軟便宜 硅石 粉 末 及粒子圓的玻璃珠,能在加工時不傷母體的塑膠粒等,根據其用途使噴砂粒子,依應用目的約可使用#16~#2000。
The abrasive media may be aluminum oxide grains with sharp edge, Slightly
[...] soft and cheap silica powder, round [...]
glass beads and plastic grains that won't
damage workpiece during finishing operation, etc. The abrasive grains selected for sand blasting may vary with its application and it approximately ranges #16 ~ # 2000 according to its application purpose.
[...] Technologies成功地开发了一款使用低氢氧基(low-O H) 纯 硅石 内 芯 的宽光谱光纤,该光纤具有显著减少的紫外线(UV)缺陷和其它UV吸收中心点含量。
Polymicro Technologies, a subsidiary of Molex Incorporated, has successfully
developed a broad spectrum optical fiber with
[...] a low -OH pure silica core that demonstrates [...]
significantly reduced content of
UV defects and other UV absorption centers.
高梯度分离过程 机:赤铁矿,褐铁矿,菱铁矿,钛铁矿,铬铁矿,黑钨矿,钽铌矿,以及其他弱磁性矿物的选矿,石英,长石, 石 , 萤 石 , 硅 线 石 , 锂辉石和其他非金属矿物的除铁的应用,和纯化。
Process of High-Gradient Separator The applications of the machine: hematite, limonite, siderite, ilmenite, chromite, wolframite, tantalum and niobium ore, and other weakly magnetic minerals beneficiation; quartz, feldspar, nepheline, fluorite, sillimanite, spodumene and other non-metallic minerals to remove iron, and purification.
Quartz is a silicate and one of the most abundant [...]
minerals found in the Earth’s crust.
这里描述的是从一个富石灰石/二氧 化 硅 的 风土条件下种植出的葡萄酿制的葡萄酒中可以感觉到类似的味道。
These terms are presumably metaphorical approximations based on the flavor sensations allegedly present in wines made from grapes grown on a limestone/silica rich Terroir.
此案例中,我们成功地测量了蓝石 和 硼 硅 玻 璃 基底上铟锡氧化物薄膜厚度。
In this example, we successfully measure an ITO
[...] film deposited on borosilicate glass (BSG).
超精细研磨材料硬度少比6莫氏规模和湿度小于6%,如高岭土,石灰石,方解石,大理石,滑石,重晶石,石膏,白云石,膨润土泥浆的微粉末穆勒(超细磨),云母,叶蜡石,海 石 , 硅 藻 土 , 石 墨 , 明矾石,萤石,钾长石,磷矿,颜料和等。
The Micro Powder Mill(ultrafine mill) is for super-fine grinding materials with hardness less than 6 in Moh’s scale and humidity less
than 6 percent such
[...] as kaolin, limestone, calcite, marble,talcum, barite, gypsum, dolomite, bentonite mud,mica, pyrophyllite, sepiolite, diatomite, graphite, alunite, fluorite, [...]
potassium feldspar,
phosphorite, pigment and so on.
[...] 在“公会“泵是由热塑性聚合物如聚丙烯是适合的化学品在市场上和E-周大福,它是含氟聚合物通常对所有的液体,酸和碱混合到一个可用的多数工作温度为90℃的内部组件,陶瓷,碳 硅 是 , 碳 石 墨 和 玻璃纤维增强聚四氟乙烯。
The “TMA” pumps are made of thermoplastic polymer such as Polypropylene that is suitable for the majority of the chemicals available on the market and E-CTFE that is a fluorinated polymer usually resistant to all the liquids, mix of acids and bases up to a working
temperature of 90°C. The internal components are in ceramic,
[...] silicon carbide, carbon-graphite and glass fibre reinforced PTFE .
本标准适用石膏板 、纤维增强水泥板、加气混凝土板、轻集料混凝土条板、混凝土空心条板、 纤维增硅酸钙 板及复合板等轻质墙体板材。
This technical requirement shall apply
to lightweight wall
[...] boards such as plasterboard, fiber reinforced cement board, aerocrete panel, light aggregate concrete ribbon board, concrete hollow ribbon board, fibrous reinforcement calcium silicate board and composite board.
塔吉克斯坦拥有丰富的自然资源, 特别是水、水力发电和一些矿物,包括金、银、 石 和 铀
The country is rich in natural resources, significantly water, hydropower, and some minerals including
[...] gold, silver, precious stones and uranium.
业内观察人士认为,成本下降的关键驱动力之一是氮化镓LED芯片生产从蓝 石 或 碳 化 硅 衬 底 向 硅 衬 底的转移,这一新的方式正受到业内许多主要制造商的支持,虽然成功程度不一。
An inside observer holds that one of the
crucial drive forces is
[...] the change from sapphire or silicon carbide substrate to silicon substrate in gallium nitride LED chip production, [...]
which is supported
by more and more main manufacturers of the industry, though each with success of different degree.
瑞士布斯化工及技术有限公司(简称BCT)60年来为铝用阳极和氟化铝的生产提供先进的不断发展的专用设备,包括: • 绿色阳极工厂 • 沥青熔化工厂 • BCT 混捏机 • 焦炭预热螺旋 • 糊料冷却器和液压阳极成型机 • 从石或氟硅酸生 产氟化铝的工厂 2011年九月以来,我公司加入了KRESTA工业集团,该集团员工人数达到700人,拥有自己的生产制造设施,提供EPC(设计,采购,施工)项目承包服务。
For more than 60 years Buss ChemTech (BCT) offers high developed and fully dedicated applications for Carbon Anode & Aluminium Fluoride production, covering: • Green Anode Plants • Pitch Melting Plants • BCT Paste Kneader • Coke Preheater, Paste Cooler • Hydraulic Anode Press • AlF3 plants Since Sep 2011 BCT is joining KRESTA Industries, a private owned industrial group with 700 employees, own fabrication facilities and full EPC services.
瓦克,以有硅为基础的整体解决方案的领先供应商,将在2013年中国国际化妆品、个人及家庭护理用品原料展览会(PCHi 2013)上展示其最新产品和创新性有 硅 解 决 方案。
WACKER, a leading supplier of complete silicone-based solutions, will present its latest products and innovative solutions at the upcoming Personal Care and Homecare Ingredients (PCHi) 2013 trade show.
食典委还注意到,基于 CAC/32 LIM/16
[...] 药最大残留限量持保留意见,包括柑橘类水果中的甲萘威(008)、食用内脏、苹果和梨 中的硅唑( 165)、辣椒和生菜中的乐果(027)、小麦中的马拉硫磷(049)、葡萄和番 [...]
The Commission also noted the reservations of the European Community and Norway on MRLs for carbaryl (008) in citrus fruit; fusilazole (165) in edible offal, apples and pear; dimethoate (027) in peppers and lettuce; malathion
(049) in wheat; methomyl (094) in grapes
[...] and tomato; cypermethrins (118) in cauliflower, [...]
scarole, apples and peaches; and
cyhalothrin (146) in apricots, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage head, milk, nectarines, peaches, tomatoes, peppers sweet, and corn for reasons presented in CAC/32 LIM/16.
公私伙伴 关系在联盟工作中发挥日益重要的作用,是制订有全球影响力的具体项目的基 础,例如与思科、卡洛斯特·古尔本金安基金会和若干其他伙伴发起的“对话咖 啡馆”;世界文化间创新机制,与宝马集团一起设立的世界促进创新设施,帮助
发现和推广在不同文化之间搭桥的最有创新性的基层举措;不同文明联盟暑期学 校;与威望迪公司共同设立的联合工作队,以确定不同文化间对话和文化多样性
[...] 的影响;“为多样性和包容做一件事”运动,这一运动是 硅 谷 最 大公司中的 20 家公司(雅虎、Intuit、英特尔和其他公司等)合作开展的。
They form the basis for the development of concrete projects with a global dimension, such as the “Dialogue Café” with Cisco, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and a number of other partners; the World Intercultural Facility for Innovation with the BMW Group to help identify and replicate the most innovative grass-roots initiatives for cross-cultural bridge-building; the Alliance of Civilizations summer schools; a joint task force with Vivendi on measuring the impact of intercultural dialogue and cultural diversity; and the “Do one thing for diversity and inclusion”
campaign made possible through a partnership with 20 of the
[...] largest firms in Silicon Valley (Yahoo, [...]
Intuit, Intel and others).
[...] 6058CN 组合而成的新配方可以使护发素的护理效果倍增,氨 硅 油 乳 液可以精准修复头发受损部位,新 硅 胶 混 合物BELSIL® GB 1020 可帮助头发重建疏水保护层,重现健康光泽。
Another new formulation combines BELSIL® GB 1020 and BELSIL® ADM 6058CN
to amplify the care
[...] effect of hair conditioners: the amino silicone fluid emulsions precisely repairs damaged [...]
hair, while the new
gum blend BELSIL® GB 1020 helps to regenerate the hydrophobic protective layer and restore a healthy sheen.
[...] 的印度洋海域深海港口以及平行公路、高速铁路石油管 道和天然气管道,这将建起一个缅甸通往中 [...]
国西南部内陆省份的能源和贸易走廊;加叻丹多式 运输项目(Kaladan multi-modal project)将在印度
洋和印度东部沿海地区之间、印度洋和印度东北部 内陆地区之间建起一条交通走廊;以及达维发展项 目(Dawei Development Project),按照计划,该项 目将在缅甸南部修建一个大型工业区和一个现代化 深海港,以及连通泰国并进一步通至越南的公路和 铁路,这样可以从陆路将货物运送至泰国和越南, 比起经马六甲海峡的海路运输要少花好几天时间。
These include: a deep-sea port being constructed on the Indian Ocean near the Rakhine State
capital of Sittwe, and parallel road,
[...] high-speed rail, and oil and natural [...]
gas pipelines that will create an energy and
trade corridor to China’s landlocked south west; the Kaladan multi-modal project that will create a transportation corridor between the Indian Ocean and India’s eastern seaboard and its landlocked north east; and the Dawei Development Project which, if completed according to plan, would include a large industrial estate and modern deep-sea port in the south, with road and rail links for transhipment of goods to Thailand and on to Vietnam, cutting several days off the sea route through the Straits of Malacca.
此外,工作组指出,鉴于在治理有罪不罚现象方面合作义务似乎是引渡 或起诉义务的石,需 要基于国家实践,对下述问题作系统的评估:在多大程度 上,合作义务作为一般规则或相对于具体的罪行而言,可指导本专题的工作,包 括涉及引渡或起诉义务的实质范围、内容以及诱发该义务的条件的工作。
In addition, it was pointed out that, as far as the duty to cooperate in the fight against impunity seemed to underpin the obligation to extradite or prosecute, a systematic assessment, based on State practice, needed to be made of the extent to which that duty could elucidate, as a general rule or in relation to specific crimes, work on the topic, including work in relation to the material scope, the content of the obligation to extradite or prosecute and the conditions for the triggering of that obligation.
鑒於本地石油產 品價格經常加快減慢及各油商調整價格 的步伐趨於一致,石油產 品零售價格往往又未能真確地反 映入口成本價,本會促請政府積極考慮 石 油 行業引入公平 競爭法及其他有效措施,包括要求競爭政策諮詢委員會關注 本石油市 場可能出現的不公平競爭模式,並委託該委員會 就有關情況作出監察和研究,以增 石 油 行 業的競爭性和提 高產品價格的透明度,從而避免寡頭壟斷,促進公平競爭和 保障商戶及市民免受高油價之苦。
That, as the adjustments of local oil product
[...] prices are always quick in going up but slow in coming down and the pace of price adjustments by various oil companies tends to be synchronized, while oil product pump prices often fail to truly reflect import costs, this Council urges the Government to actively consider introducing a fair competition law and other effective measures for the oil industries, including requesting the Competition Policy Advisory Group to take heed of any unfair mode of competition [...]
that may emerge in the local oil market, and entrusting the Group
to monitor and study the situation, with a view to increasing competition in the oil industries and enhancing the transparency of product prices, thereby avoiding oligopoly, promoting fair competition and safeguarding commercial clients and the public against high oil prices.
(a) 制訂新法例,進㆒步減低空氣、噪音和水污染,包括:管制手提撞擊式破碎機;
[...] 增加空氣污染罪行的刑罰和簡化有關發出消減空氣污染滋擾通知書的手續;管石棉的 使用;管制廢物處理裝置的使用和維修,並訂立條文規定樓宇業主將 [...]
They cover controls of hand held percussion breakers; increases in penalties and improvements in the procedure for abatement
notices to air pollution offences; controls
[...] on the use of asbestos; controls on [...]
the use and maintenance of waste treatment
plants, provision to direct property owners to discharge wastes into public sewers; for a system of charging for treating of industrial effluent to specified quality and regulations to control the disposal of chemical waste and charge for it.




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