单词 | 砵 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 砵—alms bowl
令㆟遗憾的,是政府并不以「在乞儿砵㆗讨饭吃」而感到惭愧,反而甚至有勇气接纳马会减收佣金比率的提议而自身却不作出相 [...] 应的表示。 legco.gov.hk | It is regrettable that the Government does [...] not feel ashamed of itself for "taking rice [...] from a beggar's bowl";it even had [...]the temerity to accept the Jockey Club's proposal [...]of reducing the Club's commission rate without taking corresponding action itself. legco.gov.hk |
如果你走到另一边的砵兰街看看,便会看到该处的2楼、3楼是一 个街市和小巴总站。 legco.gov.hk | If you go to Portland Street on the other side, you will see that there is a market and a minibus terminus on the second and third floors. legco.gov.hk |
当全港各行各业继续 忍受高通胀之苦时,政府当局再无理由从「乞儿砵㆗抢饭」,以填满其「铁饭碗」。 legco.gov.hk | While the rest of Hong Kong continues to suffer, the Administration cannot again justify "taking more rice from the beggar's bowl" to fill its own "iron rice bowl". legco.gov.hk |
钱当然要问那些赚得盘满砵满的人拿取。 legco.gov.hk | Of course, we should ask those who are making big bucks to contribute the money. legco.gov.hk |
以来自葡萄牙的四种佳酿2009 Terras d’Alter Fado、2005 Quinta da Romaneira、2007 Passadouro Reserva和Quinta da Romaneira 10-Year Old Tawny Port,分别配上马介休沙律、法鲁海鲜饭、草砵酒焗龙利柳或里斯本蒜片烧牛柳以及葡萄牙特式甜点拼盘,佳肴佐以美酒,简直是人间美味。 yp.mo | Perfectly matching 2009 Terras d’Alter Fado, 2005 Quinta da Romaneira, 2007 Passadouro Reserva, and Quinta da Romaneira 10-Year Old Tawny Port with Cod Fish Salad Quartet, Portuguese Seafood Rice, Sole Fillet Baked with Cilantro & Port or Roasted Beef Tenderloin with Garlic & Olive Oil, and Sweet Symphony respectively, guests can experience an extremely high level of Macanese-Portuguese dining. yp.mo |
我们了解到,香港的一般地产商自从 1972 年和 1973 年开始便发达起 来,当时本地有一间华资银行和两间交易所作为它们的後盾和後台,令它们 藉着上市机会 ─ 首先,我当然要指出,地产商是凭着本身的努力,亦配 合整体社会发展,令它们赚至“盆满砵满”的。 legco.gov.hk | At the time, there were one Chinese-funded bank and two stock exchanges to back them up and provide them with support. As a result, they took the opportunity for listing ― First of all, I have to point out that real estate developers have made their "pots of money" through their ownhard work and their fitting in with the overall development of the economy. legco.gov.hk |
梁美芬议员: 主席,本人接获多位市民投诉指,有多间跨境旅游 巴士公司,在九龙太子运动场道及砵兰街一带营运每天合共近200班 次的巴士服务,导致马路挤塞,危害行人过路安全,亦造成大量噪音 及废气排放等社区问题。 legco.gov.hk | DR PRISCILLA LEUNG (in Chinese): President, I have received complaints from a number of members of the public that nearly 200 trips of cross-boundary coaches (CBC) are operated by a number of bus companies each day in the area of Playing Field Road and Portland Street in Kowloon, causing traffic congestion, endangering the safety of pedestrians as well as creating problems such as serious noise nuisances and vehicular emissions in the community. legco.gov.hk |
根据建 议的行 人环境改 善 计划, 戏 院 [...] 里 、 兰 桂坊、 德己立 街与砵典乍街之 间 的 一 段 皇 后 大 [...]道中,以及卢押道 与 菲 林明道之 间 的 一 段 庄 士 敦 道,会划为全日或部分时间行人 专 用 街 道 。 legco.gov.hk | Under the proposed pedestrian schemes, Theatre Lane, Lan Kwai Fong, the [...] section of Queen's Road Central between [...] D'Aguilar Street andPottinger Street,and the [...]section of Johnston Road between Luard [...]Road and Fleming Road would be designated as either full-time or part-time pedestrianized streets. legco.gov.hk |
中调:皮革、含羞草花、砵酒 aster.com.hk | Middle Notes: Mimosa, Porto Wine, Leather aster.com.hk |
路政署负责按运输署的建议实施介乎毕打街至砵典乍街间 的一段皇后大道中的行人路扩阔计划及行人环境美化工 程。 legco.gov.hk | The Highways Department (HyD) was responsible for the implementation of the conversion of the carriageway at the [...] section of Queen's Road Central between [...] Pedder Street andPottinger Street into a [...]footpath as recommended by the TD, as well [...]as the introduction of streetscape enhancement measures. legco.gov.hk |
我们了解到,发财也须立品,尤其是遵守规矩的地产发展商,根 本上已经赚至“盆满砵满”,所以应该遵守游戏规则,他们亦不希望经常遭 人淋黑狗血吧,只因有些事件并非依循正规的发展,别人忍无可忍才采取这 种犯法的手法作反应而已。 legco.gov.hk | We must understand that one must behave with integrity while making a fortune. In particular, the real estate developers who adhere to the rules have actually made "pots of money". legco.gov.hk |
(一 ) 运输署於2002年 11月於介乎毕打街至砵典乍街间的一段皇 后大道中进行封闭部分行车线的试验。 legco.gov.hk | (a) The TD conducted a trial lane closure in November 2002 for part of the carriageway at the section of Queen's Road Central between Pedder Street and Pottinger Street. legco.gov.hk |
政 府已经 以 短 期 租 约 形 式,把 油 麻 地上海 街和砵兰街7 个 空 置 单 位 租 予香港艺术发 展 局 (“艺 展 局 ”);其中 6 个供艺术工 作 者 / 艺术团 体 租 用作为临 时 工 作 室 , 另 外一个单 位 则 拨 给 艺 展 局 用作临 时展览场 地 。 legco.gov.hk | The Government has leased seven vacant flats at Oil Street and Portland Street in Yau Ma Tei on short-term tenancy agreements to the Hong Kong Arts Development Council (ADC), of which six are leased to artists/arts groups for use as temporary workshops while the remaining one is allocated to the ADC for use as temporary exhibition venue. legco.gov.hk |
政府的做法就仿如在乞丐砵㆗讨饭吃㆒样。 legco.gov.hk | This is just like [...] grabbing rice from a beggar's bowl. legco.gov.hk |
至 於计划 在中区实施的 行 人 专 用区计划,政府 刚 完 成 了 初步建 议,现 正 徵询中西 区区议会和 区 内 受 影响人士的意 见 ;而将德 忌笠街至砵典砟街一 段 皇 后 大 道中辟 作全日制 行 人 专 用区的 计 划,只 是 上 述建议的其中一环 。 legco.gov.hk | As regards the proposed pedestrian schemes in Central, the Administration has just completed an initial proposal and is now consulting the Central and Western District Council and the local parties affected. legco.gov.hk |
砵甸乍总督在1843年 8 月宣布委任官守议员 委任官守议员 委任官守议员 委任官守议员加入立法机 关。 legco.gov.hk | The appointment of Official Members to the Council was announced by Governor Henry Pottinger in August 1843. legco.gov.hk |
地产商如 何巧取豪夺擡高楼价赚得盆满砵满,升斗市民在有形无形的利益输送 中供足一世楼,还要眼睁睁看着个别高官在退休後归入地产商旗下招 摇过市。 legco.gov.hk | While estate developers have, by force or trickery, reaped substantial profits by raising property prices, the general public has to spend the rest of their life paying property instalments, as affected by the numerous tangible and intangible transfers of benefits. legco.gov.hk |
此外,该单位处于有利位置,利用许多优秀的当地的交通连接,包括St [...] Pancras火车站和欧洲之星服务,以及双方沃伦街和大砵兰街地铁站。 zh-cn.aylesford.com | In addition, the flat is well positioned to take advantage of many excellent local transport links, including St [...] Pancras Station and its Eurostar service, as well as both [...] Warren Street and Great Portland Street [...]Underground stations. aylesford.com |
为进一步 减低流 入 公 用 排 水 渠 的 污 水 所 造 成的问 题,渠 务 署亦已 於 登 打 士 街和砵兰街交 界 的地下公用 排 水 系统设置 旱 流 污 水 截 流 设 施,在无雨 的时候 将 排 放到公 用 排 水 系统中 的 污 水引回 公 用 污 水 系统。 legco.gov.hk | To further minimize the problem caused by waste water found in the communal drains, the Drainage Services Department had installed a dry-weather flow interceptor in the section of the underground communal drainage system around the intersection of Dundas Street and Portland Street. legco.gov.hk |
难道是要等有钱人或社会上层赚到盘满砵满的时候,他们从 口袋中漏少许出来,这些便是“滴漏效应”? legco.gov.hk | Does the trickle-down effect mean that we should wait until the rich or the upper class have made a great deal of profits that a tiny bit may leak from their pockets? legco.gov.hk |
路政署现决定於2009年第二季展开介乎毕打街至砵典乍街间的一段皇后大道中的行人环境美化工程,包括消除 北面行人路的高度差距,并於该路段两旁行人路重新铺砌行 人路面,安装装饰栏杆及摆放绿化设施。 legco.gov.hk | The HyD decided to commence further improvement and streetscape enhancement works on the footpaths at the section of Queen's Road Central between Pedder Street and Pottinger Street in the second quarter of 2009. legco.gov.hk |
举 例 而言,澳 洲 借助举办2000年悉尼奥林匹克运动会的经验来筹 办在墨尔砵举行的2006年英联邦运动会,而英国亦以其举办2002年英 联邦运动会的往绩,作为其申请在 伦敦举办2012年的奥林匹克运动会 的宣传重点 。 legco.gov.hk | For example, Australia has borrowed the experience of hosting the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games for its preparation in staging the 2006 Commonwealth Games in Melbourne. legco.gov.hk |
香水瓶子穿上了一层具代表性和特大的Burberry格子布料这设计正好结合了时装和香水系列,籍着能散发清新气息的佛手柑和黑胡椒,混合了与众不同的具代表性的皮革、含羞草花、砵酒和愈疮木,缔造了一款细致、优雅的木味和富琥珀色彩的香水。 hk.eternal.hk | Heart notes create a hint of subtle seduction bringing together luxurious leather, subtle mineral flower notes and port wine. hk.eternal.hk |