单词 | 破解 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 破解verb—crackvless common: hackv explainv 破解—unravel decipher decode break (a bond, constraint etc) See also:破—damaged worn out break with capture (a city etc) break, split or cleave expose the truth of 破v—defeatv get rid ofv
无论私密金钥是否遭破解,皆可使用私密金钥之签章及欲废止之 凭证来监别凭证废止申请者之身分。 epki.com.tw | Regardless of whether the [...] private keyis being decrypted ornotthe private [...]key signature and the revoked certificate can [...]be used to verify the identity of the applicant. epki.com.tw |
(1) 如用户的私密金钥证实或怀疑遭破解(例如用户储存私密金钥 的 IC 卡遗失)时,则该私密金钥对应之未过期公钥凭证必须废 止。 epki.com.tw | (1) If the subscriber private key has been proven or [...] suspectedto be decrypted (for instance [...]loss of the IC card for storing subscriber [...]private key), then the unexpired public key certificate corresponding to the private key shall be revoked. epki.com.tw |
爱沙尼亚已经在波罗的海国家合作框架内设立了一个联络点,以 破解孤身被拐儿童案。 daccess-ods.un.org | Estonia has established a contact [...] point in the framework of cooperation between the [...] Baltic Seastates to solvecasesof unaccompanied [...]and trafficked children. daccess-ods.un.org |
VPN 客户电脑不论在连接前,还是连接後被 破解,都可能对相 连接的网络构成威胁。 infosec.gov.hk | If the VPN client machine is compromised, either before or during the connection, this poses a risk to the connecting network. infosec.gov.hk |
作为琼斯博士的助手,你打算破解琼斯博士所加密的信息,以证明弱的加密方 法是不安全的。 hkoi.org | As an assistant of Dr. Jones, to show him that the encryption method is not reliable, [...] you aregoingto decrypthisencrypted message. hkoi.org |
一千年前的“另一个世界”,一个神奇的水晶 破解。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | One thousand years ago on “another world”, a [...] magicalcrystal cracked. seekcartoon.com |
这样的措施可确保受着作权保护的作 [...] 品不会未经作者同意就在网路上散布,也确保 防拷机制不会遭人破解或规避。 globalstudy.bsa.org | These measures ensure that protected works are [...] not made available online without the author’s permission and that copy protection [...] tools arenot hackedor circumvented. bsa.nl |
为了确保数字化时代 的知识产权受到保护,各国需要更新各自的版权法,以 履行对WIPO承诺的义务,其中包括确保未经作者许可, [...] 受保护的作品不会出现在网络上,以及版权保护工具不被破解或规避。 portal.bsa.org | To ensure protection of copyrighted works in the digital age, countries need to update copyright laws to implement their WIPO obligations. Among other things, these measures ensure that protected works are [...] not made available online without the author’s permission and that copy protection [...] tools arenot hackedor circumvented. bsa.be |
T纵观 Talka 先生在 UL 的 33 [...] 年职业生涯,他对 UL 安全使命的执着坚守和破解技术难题的逻辑方法是我们最宝贵的资产。 ul.com | Throughout his 33 year career at UL, Mr. Talka's unwavering [...] commitment to UL's safety mission and his logical approach to [...] technicalproblemsolving havebeen an invaluable [...]asset to UL. ul.com |
第一步:这是必须的,不管你怎样去除,都要改动这个PDF文件,如果它设了密码,不让编辑,你就要去除它的密码,也就是 破解它,看看我推荐的几个软件,在这里 http://oapdf.com/pdf_jishu/PDF_jiami_jiemi/ ,大家也可以自己搜一个名叫"PDF Password Remover "的软件,进行破解加密的PDF文档。 oapdf.com | The first step:This is a must, no matter how you are going to remove all changes to the PDF file, if it set up a password, not editors, you [...] must remove its [...] password, that is,break it, take a look at my recommended Some software, where http://oapdf.com/pdf_jishu/PDF_jiami_jiemi/, you can also find the name of their own " PDF Password Remover " softwaretocrack theencryption of [...]PDF documents. oapdf.com |
该组还负责定罪後的DNA测试,对过去30年中曼哈顿区的所有悬而未决的谋杀案进行系统性的重新审查,确定是否能用最新的鉴定检测技术 破解这些 案件。 manhattanda.org | The Unit also reviews motions for post-conviction DNA testing and conducts systematic reviews of every unsolved homicide in Manhattan committed [...] in the last 30 years to determine whether the [...] homicides can be solvedusingstate-of-the-art [...]forensic testing techniques. manhattanda.org |
大范围和大规模地开展这项研究符合BIOTRONIK的远大志向,BIOTRONIK有志通过 破解心血 管研究领域最重要的一些问题,来优化心血管疾病的治疗方案,从而在临床方面引领业界的发展。 tipschina.gov.cn | The massive scale and scope of this undertaking has been defined in line with BIOTRONIK's ambition to lead the industry in clinical excellence by providing answers in the most important areas of cardiovascular research and thereby optimizing therapies for cardiovascular patients. tipschina.gov.cn |
通过调查和游说,全球见证致力于找出 破解“资源诅咒”的方法来减少冲突和腐败,这样富资源 [...] 国家的人民便有望公平地获得他们在国家财富中应 得的一部分。 syntao.com | Through investigations and advocacy, the [...] organization seekssolutions to the ‘resource [...]curse’ to prevent conflict and corruption [...]and so that citizens of resource-rich countries can, hopefully, get a fairer share of their country’s wealth. syntao.com |
此外,IT部门能够把应用列入批准名单或黑名单;侦测经 破解的装置并加以防护;还可移除或选择性移除已遗失、被窃取或没有遵循法规的装置。 ipress.com.hk | IT can blacklist or whitelist apps, detect and protect against jailbroken devices, and wipe or selectively wipe a device that is lost, stolen or non-compliant. ipress.com.hk |
任何软件保护技术的主要功能是:检测盗版行为( 破解密码或者篡改软件);这些 破解密码和篡改软件的行为将使被保护的软件降级到无检测状态,软件保护技术还要防止这种降级情况的发生。 evget.com | The chief functions of any software protection [...] technique can be determined [...] as detection of pirate attempts to decipher ortamper software, protection against [...]such attempts and [...]alteration of software to ensure that it functionality degrades in an undetectable manner if the protection fails. evget.com |
作为回应,思邦从杭州富有的植物种类以及西湖和周边自然地理特色中获取灵感,打造了一个地上部分被 破解开来的商业群落。 chinese-architects.com | In response, Spark created a groundbreaking retail quarter that draws inspiration from Hangzhou's richness of indigenous flora, the outstanding west lake and its natural topography. chinese-architects.com |
我们都应该尊重这一事实,并投入更多共同的努力,通过了解影响并告知我们行为方式的我们两个社会的元素来 破解对方的密码,可以这么说。 embassyusa.cn | We all should appreciate this fact and dedicate more mutual [...] effort to cracking each other's code, [...] so to speak, by understandingthe elements of [...]our two societies that influence and inform our behavior. eng.embassyusa.cn |
当然,从不可能程度及困难性來看, PKI 有可能永远都是无法破 解的加密演算法。 hongkongpost.gov.hk | However, by thinking in terms of infeasibility and difficulty, you accept that at some stage it may be possible and are not holding any false assumptions that PKI will be forever invincible against attack. hongkongpost.gov.hk |
然而WPS的漏洞可利用暴力攻击去攻破,当WPS的密码被入侵者 破解,入 侵者便可以控制无线存取点。 hkcert.org | However WPS is vulnerable by brute force attack, Once the WPS PIN was discovered by intruders, they can take control of the wireless AP. hkcert.org |
因此,软件破解者可以使用任何与操作系统相同优先等级的情形下运行的黑客工具,这使这些黑客工具可以在特定的时间里完全地监视软件保护层的运作,然后在特定的地方进行攻击。 evget.com | Because of this [...] attackerscan usecracking tools thatrun [...]at the same priority level as the operating system allowing them [...]to fully supervise what a software protector is doing at a certain time and attack it in specific places. evget.com |
小心一些免费档案如音乐,视频,游戏或己 破解的应用程式,因为恶意程式有可能己包含在这些软件之内。 hkcert.org | Be cautious of suspicious offer of free music, videos, games or cracked application which notorious for including malware in the download. hkcert.org |
光是注意那些派遣海军巡 逻的国家逮捕的小兵不足以确保持久的正义和破解在索马里沿海活动的海盗犯罪组织。 daccess-ods.un.org | Focusing on foot soldiers apprehended by naval patrolling States alone will not be sufficient to ensure sustainable justice and to dismantle pirate criminal organizations operating off the coast of Somalia. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果你不知道什么密码,程序不能找到你的密码自动,您可能需要一个PDF密码 破解工具。 cn.anypdftools.com | If you have no idea what password is, the program cannot find passwords automatically for you, you may need [...] a PDF password cracker tool. anypdftools.com |
为了维护花费大量时间、精力写成的PDF文章的版权,不被任意非法利用,需要对PDF文章加密,而用密码的方法加密容易被 破解,采用数字证书加密可以更有效地保护PDF文件,可以用数字证书授权给一个或多个证书用户。 oapdf.com | in order to maintain a lot of time and energy into the PDF article, copyright, will not be any illegal use, the need for encryption of PDF [...] articles, and method of using the password [...] encryptioneasilycracked,encryption using [...]digital certificates can be more effectively [...]protected PDF documents, digital certificates can be delegated to one or more of the certificate user. oapdf.com |
在这样一个飞速发展的多 元化世界里,目前尚没有针对气候变化等问题的解决方案,城市化和发展中的其它问题比如节 能、土地利用规划等也都是尚未破解的难题。 ecegp.com | In such a diverse and rapidly changing world, no solutions have yet become readily available for challenges such as mitigating and adapting to climate change, upgrading and modifying urban planning for eco-living, and many others. ecegp.com |
我们继续认为, 区域内各国的密切合作和国际社会的坚定支持,必将破解上帝军使局势动荡不安的战略并使其遵守国 际人道主义法。 daccess-ods.un.org | We continue to believe that the close cooperation of States in the region and the determined mobilization of the international community will and the launching of the African Union-led regional cooperation initiative. daccess-ods.un.org |
设置复杂的口令:您也许觉得这已经是老生常谈了,但这里还是需要再次强调复杂口令的重要性,虽然随机字符口令很难记忆,但我们若将其记录在纸张或文件中将更不安全,因此选择一个自己容易记忆,同时难以猜测,并无规律可寻的口令是一个明智的做法,此时口令的长度将决定 破解的难易程度。 bsdrc.com | Set complex passwords: You may think this is already commonplace, but there still need to re-emphasize the importance of complex passwords, although the random character passwords difficult to remember, but if we should be recorded in the paper or document will be more insecurity, therefore choose its own easy to remember, while difficult to guess, no rules can be [...] found in the password is a sensible approach, then the password will determine the [...] length of the difficultyofcracking. bsdrc.com |
在 英 格 兰 及 威 尔 斯 , 法 官 的 做 法 是 暗 里 鼓 励 警 方 改 [...] 动 或 不 执 行 旧 有 的 《 法 官 规 则 》 , 但 在 苏 格 兰 , 法 官 对 於 警 方 詴 图 以 任 [...] 何 一 种 诘 问 方 式来破 解和侦查 刑 事 案 件 的 [...]做 法 却 越 来 越 怀 有 敌 意 。 hkreform.gov.hk | But where in England and Wales the judges tacitly encouraged the policy by bending, or not enforcing, the old Judges' Rules, in Scotland there was [...] increasing hostility from the Bench towards police attempts to use interrogation [...] of any kind to solveand detect criminal cases. hkreform.gov.hk |