单词 | 破竹建瓴 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 破竹建瓴—lit. smash bamboo, overturn water tank (idiom); fig. |
管理者可以高屋建瓴,发挥重要的前 瞻作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | Directors can set the right tone at the top and play vital oversight roles. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,这样的批评可以让我们基于SMS的成功上高屋建瓴地创造未来概念。 uigarden.net | However, this type of criticism puts us into a good position to create future [...] concepts that build upon thesuccess of SMS. uigarden.net |
c) 「本会要求就中区警署古蹟群的竹棚设计方案谘询区内居民意 見,及政府需降低新建筑物的高度至附近居民可接受水平。 centralpolicestation.org.hk | c) "The DC requests that residents in the vicinity should be consulted on the [...] scaffolding design of the CPS Compound and that [...] the Government should reduce the height of the newstructure to a level acceptable to the residents. centralpolicestation.org.hk |
关于惩戒系统,建造新的蒙罗维亚中央监 狱以取代拥挤破旧的现有建筑已被定为优先事项,需要捐助者的援助。 daccess-ods.un.org | For the corrections system, thebuilding of a new Monrovia Central Prison to replace the existing overcrowded and dilapidatedstructurehas been [...] identified as a priority that needs donor assistance. daccess-ods.un.org |
1960 年 12 月 14 日,当《联合国宪章》驱动的非殖民化进程已经势如破竹时,联合国大会通过了关于《给予殖民地国家和人民独立宣言》的第 1514(XV)号决议, 该决议宣布,“有迅速无条件终止各种形式之殖民主义之必要”,并规定了指导非 殖民化进程的两项基本原则:自决和领土完整。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 14 December 1960, when the decolonization process driven by the Charter of the United Nations was already well under way, the United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution 1514 (XV) on the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, which proclaimed “the necessity of bringing to a speedy and unconditional end colonialism in all its forms and manifestations” and set out two fundamental principles that should guide the process of decolonization: self-determination and territorial integrity. daccess-ods.un.org |
工务计划项目 4158CD 为港岛南部的薄扶林、华富、田湾、香港仔、黄竹坑及石澳建造雨水渠。 devb.gov.hk | PWP Item 4158 CD for the construction of stormwater drains in Pok Fu Lam, Wah Fu, Tin [...] Wan, Aberdeen, WongChuk HangandShek O of southern [...]Hong Kong Island. devb.gov.hk |
本文件旨在寻求委员支持进行为竹篙湾发展拟建的第3 组基础设施及相关工程,以及竹篙湾第 2 阶段填海工程( [...] 属工 务计划项目第 660CL 号㆘的部份工程) 。 legco.gov.hk | This paper seeks Members’ [...] support for the proposed construction of infrastructure [...]and associated works for Penny’s Bay Development, [...]Package 3 and Penny’s Bay Reclamation Stage 2 under part of the Public Works Programme (PWP) Item No. 660CL. legco.gov.hk |
前财利船厂座落的地段,会在下一组主要基 建工程用作兴建 竹篙湾连接路 的竹篙湾段和P2公 路,该幅土地已在2001年 [...] 4月交还 给 政 府。 legco.gov.hk | The former CLS site is [...] required for the construction of the Penny’s [...]Bay Section of Chok Ko Wan Link Road and Road P2 under [...]the next package of major infrastructure works. legco.gov.hk |
以色列政府继续其侵略政策和对加沙地带的封 锁,剥夺了巴勒斯坦人的基本权利,使他们得不到粮 食、燃料、药品,以及在以色列军事机器去年在加沙 造成破坏后进行重建所需的建筑材料。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Israeli Government has continued its policy of aggression and its blockade of the Gaza Strip, depriving Palestinians of their basic [...] rights and of food, [...] fuel, medicine and construction materials to rebuild after the destruction caused by [...]the Israeli military machine in Gaza last year. daccess-ods.un.org |
仔细地观察奇石的细节,似乎呈现和一笔画中留拖丝或留白的现象,大概是磨破了竹签的外皮或尖头,竹笔还可以模拟毛笔的效果。 e-yaji.com | It is also evident in the painting of the rock, where close examination reveals lines with ‘flying white’ and places where a single movement of the pen quite obviously divides into more than one streak of ink. e-yaji.com |
犯罪资金和网络颠覆机构 和经济结构,破坏建设和平和公众对法治的信任。 daccess-ods.un.org | Criminal money and networks subvert institutions and economic [...] structures, underminingpeacebuilding andpublic [...]trust in the rule of law. daccess-ods.un.org |
引爆点威力无穷: 根据流行病学理论,引爆点存在并出现于当一种地方病因为感染了足够多的宿主而成为流行病时, 此后,传染之力就会势如破竹、所向披靡。 12manage.com | Significance precedes momentum: In epidemiology, the point at which a disease has infected enough hosts that the infection moves from local illness to raging epidemic can be thought of as the tipping point. 12manage.com |
他呼吁立即、彻底停止定居点活动,包括在现 [...] 有定居点上开展的所谓“自然增长”活动。另外, 他还指出定居点破坏了建立以东耶路撒冷为首都的 独立且具有生存能力的巴勒斯坦国的可能性,而且 [...]对整个区域的和平构成了威胁。 daccess-ods.un.org | He called for an immediate and complete halt to settlement activity, including so-called “natural growth” [...] in existing settlements, noting [...] that settlementsundermined prospects for an independent [...]and viable Palestinian state, with [...]East Jerusalem as its capital, and were a threat to peace in the region as a whole. daccess-ods.un.org |
除了以上各项的支出,政府亦根据在 2002 年 7 月 14 日和地铁公司的工 程项目协议,豁免向地铁公司收取约 9 亿 3 千 100 [...] 万元的股息,作为对地铁公 司投资兴建竹篙湾铁路线(现名迪士尼线)的财务支持。 legco.gov.hk | Apart from the above, the Government has also waived its claim of some $931 million in dividend that would otherwise be payable to the Government by [...] the MTR Corporation Limited, as financial [...] support tothe Penny'sBay Rail Link [...](now known as "Disneyland Resort Line") under [...]the Project Agreement entered into with the MTR Corporation Limited on 24 July 2002. legco.gov.hk |
在世界金融和经济危机问题会议的谈判进程中,77 国集团加中国重申了这一 提议,方式是建立独立的国际债务仲裁制度,例如可能的话设立有可能遭遇债务 困扰的国家可向其申请暂停偿还债务的国际破产法庭,建立分摊负担的债务解决 机制,并根据拖欠后贷款计划建立对一国持续贷款机制。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Group of 77 and China reiterated this proposal during the negotiation process for the Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis, through the establishment of an independent international system of debt arbitration, such as a possible international bankruptcy court, in which countries facing risks of debt distress can have recourse to a debt standstill, a debt work-out with a burden-sharing procedure to beestablished and a continued lending facility to the country under a scheme of lending in arrears. daccess-ods.un.org |
关於铁路服务方面,政府与地铁有限公司(下称"地铁公司 ")於 2002年 7 月就兴建竹篙湾铁路线( 现称为"迪士尼线")签订工程 [...] 项目协议。 legco.gov.hk | On railway service, the Government and MTR Corporation Limited (MTRCL) [...] entered into a Project Agreement on the [...] implementation of the Penny's BayRail Link [...](now known as "Disneyland Resort Line" (DRL)) in July 2002. legco.gov.hk |
在这方面,自我监管的媒体机构可以发挥积极作用,包括通过采 取措施,例如强制或自愿的媒体行为守则,帮助重建被战争破坏的、族裔分裂的 媒体格局。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this context self-regulatory media bodies can [...] also play a positive role including [...] in helping to rebuildthewar-shattered and ethnically divided [...]media landscape, through [...]adoption of measures such as enforceable or voluntary media codes of conduct. daccess-ods.un.org |
他们生 活在几代同堂的大家庭中,用竹子和木料建造传统的船形房屋。 netzhammerbreiholz.de | They live in extended families and [...] theirhouses, made of bambooand wood,are traditionally [...]shaped like ships. netzhammerbreiholz.de |
石礼谦议员支持当局及时兴建竹篙湾铁路线以 连接香港迪士尼,因此举符合公众利益。 legco.gov.hk | Mr Abraham SHEK stated support for the timely provision of PBRLto serve the HKD, which was in line with public interest. legco.gov.hk |
在布拉斯基奇初审判决中(前南问题国际 法庭,检察官诉蒂霍米尔·布拉斯基奇, 判决书,2000 年 3 月 3 日),法庭在第 185 段中指出,“对可能明确确定为专用 于宗教或教育事业且在采取行为时未用于 军事目的的公共机构建筑物造成的破坏或损坏必须是蓄意所为。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In the Blaskic Trial Judgement (ICTY, Prosecutor v Tihomir Blaskic, Judgement, 3 March 2000), the Tribunal stated, in paragraph 185, that the “damage or destruction must have been committed intentionally to institutions which may clearly be identified as dedicated to religion or education and which were not being used for military purposes at the time of the acts. unesdoc.unesco.org |
硬盘上任何空闲的空间都可以被用来重建被破坏的磁盘阵列。 highpoint-tech.cn | Any available space on these disks [...] may be used to rebuild otherbroken arrays. highpoint-tech.cn |
法院还引述了《公司法经济改革方案的改革建议》:题为“跨 国界破产—促进国际合作与协调”的第 8 号文件》,其中指出,在《澳大利亚公 司法》中,《跨国破产示范法》的范围将扩大到第 5.1 条规定的破产、重建和重组 所产生的清算以及第 5.3A 条规定的自愿行政管理。 daccess-ods.un.org | The court also quoted the Corporate Law Economic [...] Reform Program’sProposals for Reform: Paper No. 8 headed “Cross-Border Insolvency—Promoting international cooperation and coordination”, which stated that in the Australian Corporations Act context, the scope of the MLCBI would extend to liquidations arising from insolvency, reconstructions and reorganizations [...]under Part 5.1 and [...]voluntary administrations under Part 5.3A. daccess-ods.un.org |
应当提高政府和社会各方的能力,以便迅速估计出儿童和成年人在危机时期和冲突后的 形势下有哪些教育需求、恢复在安全和睦的环境中学习的气氛以及重建被破坏的教育系 统。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The capacity of governments and civil society should be enhanced to rapidly assess educational needs in contexts of crisis and post-conflict situations for children and adults, to restore [...] learning opportunities in secure and friendly [...] environments, and to re-constructdestroyed or damagededucation [...]systems. unesdoc.unesco.org |
以时计工业为例,1970年代电子跳字技术势如破竹,瑞士传统机械时计饱受打击,系於存亡之秋;然而三十年後的今天,高级机械腕表却已经重归正统,市场需求不断上升,制表业界更不断提升产品设计及修饰工艺水平,崭新的技术亦不断涌现,复杂机械腕表再度晋身艺术收藏品的殿堂。 think-silly.com | Fast forward thirty years to today, the increasing demand urges the watch industry to improve the design and craftsmanship of the product as well as developing new techniques. think-silly.com |
打破“黑匣子 充分利用本设施展品的特点,本设计打破了博物馆建筑设计中传统的“黑匣子”概念,把活的动植物及室外的生态环境作为主要展品。 chinese-architects.com | Breaking the “Black Box” Considering the unique [...] characters of the exhibits, the design breaks away from the “black box” stereotype of museum design, making live species and outdoor natural [...]environment the main exhibits. chinese-architects.com |
(b) 筑建竹篙湾连接路-竹篙湾段,这段道路长约 1.1 公里,为双程三线分隔车道,沿路多处设有路 [...] 肩,以及进行相关的道路、土力、渠务和机电装置 工程 legco.gov.hk | (b) constructionofa dual3-lane [...] CKW Link Road Penny’s Bay Section of about 1.1 km with hard shoulders and associated road [...]and geotechnical works, drainage works and E&M installations legco.gov.hk |
(b) 联合王国的建议(在 A/CN.9/WG.V/WP.93/Add.4 [...] 号文件中提出)、破产 管理从业人员国际协会(在 [...] A/CN.9/WG.V/WP.93/Add.3 号文件中提出)和国际破产协会的建议(在 A/CN.9/582/Add.6 号文件中提出),均涉及破产情况下和破 [...]产前情况下董事和高管人员的职责和赔偿责任问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) The proposals of the United Kingdom (set forth in document A/CN.9/WG.V/WP.93/Add.4), INSOL International (as set forth in [...] document A/CN.9/WG.V/WP.93/Add.3) and [...] the International Insolvency Institute (as set[...]forth in document A/CN.9/582/Add.6) concerning [...]the responsibility and liability of directors and officers in insolvency and pre-insolvency cases. daccess-ods.un.org |
回顾《世界人权宣言》第 30 条,重申一切形式和表现的恐怖主义行为、方 法和做法都是旨在摧毁人权、基本自由和民主的活动,威胁到国家的领土完整与 安全,破坏合法组建的政府的稳定,并重申国际社会应采取必要步骤,加强合作, 防止和打击恐怖主义,3 重申明确谴责一切形式和表现的恐怖主义行为、方法和做法,这些行为、方 法和做法不论动机为何,在何处发生,何人所为,都是无可辩解的犯罪,并重申 决心加强国际合作,防止和打击恐怖主义 daccess-ods.un.org | Recalling article 30 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and reaffirming that acts, methods and practices of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations are activities aimed at the destruction of human rights, fundamental freedoms and democracy, threatening the territorial integrity and security of States and destabilizing legitimately constituted Governments, and that the international community should take the necessary steps to enhance cooperation to prevent and combat terrorism,3 Reaffirming its unequivocal condemnation of all acts, methods and practices of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, wherever and by whomsoever committed, regardless of their motivation, as criminal and unjustifiable, and renewing its commitment to strengthen international cooperation to prevent and combat terrorism daccess-ods.un.org |