

单词 破竹之势

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势如破竹的国 际化扩张中,源于欧洲文化的罗兰贝格公司从一开始就非常注重本土化。
From the beginning of its explosive global expansion, Roland Berger, a company rooted in European culture, concentrated on localization.
1960 年 12 月 14 日,当《联合国宪章》驱动的非殖民化进程已 势 如 破竹 时,联合国大会通过了关于《给予殖民地国家和人民独立宣言》的第 1514(XV)号决议, 该决议宣布,“有迅速无条件终止各种形 之 殖 民主 义 之 必 要 ”,并规定了指导非 殖民化进程的两项基本原则:自决和领土完整。
On 14 December 1960, when the decolonization process driven by the Charter of the United Nations was already well under way, the United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution 1514 (XV) on the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, which proclaimed “the necessity of bringing to a speedy and unconditional end colonialism in all its forms and manifestations” and set out two fundamental principles that should guide the process of decolonization: self-determination and territorial integrity.
引爆点威力无穷: 根据流行病学理论,引爆点存在并出现于当一种地方病因为感染了足够多的宿主而成为流行病时, 此后,传之力就会势如破竹、所 向披靡。
Significance precedes momentum: In epidemiology, the point at which a disease has infected enough hosts that the infection moves from local illness to raging epidemic can be thought of as the tipping point.
我们重申,指导联合国的宗旨和原则,除其他外,包 括维护国际和平与安全,在尊重各国人民平等权利和自决原则的基础上发展国家 之间的友好关系,采取其他适当措施加强世界和平,并为此目的决心采取有效集 体办法,以防止且消除对于和平之威胁,制止侵略行为或其他和 之破 坏 ,并以 和平方法且依正义及国际法之原则,调整或解决足 破 坏 和 平 之 国 际 争端或势。
We reaffirm that the purposes and principles guiding the United Nations are, inter alia, to maintain international peace and security, to develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principles of equal rights and selfdetermination of peoples and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace, and to that end we are determined to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace,
and to bring about by peaceful means,
[...] in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, the adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations that might lead to a breach of the peace.
原先不包括在首份鐵路發展策之內 的竹 篙灣鐵路線,將於二零零五年年中完工,以配合迪士尼主題公園落成。
The Penny’s Bay Rail Link (PBRL), which was not included in the first Railway Development Strategy, will be completed in mid 2005 to serve the Disney Theme Park.
过去几年,阿塞拜疆军事预算成倍增加(2012 年国防预算为 34.7 亿美元), 而且阿塞拜疆领导人持续使用咄咄逼人的反亚美尼亚的粗暴言辞,这也加大了 二之间的 差距,加剧了南高加索地区紧张 势 , 并严 重 破 坏 了旨在和平解决 现有问题、特别是纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫地区冲突的谈判进程。
The manifold increase of Azerbaijan’s military budget over the last years (the defence budget for 2012 is $3.47 billion) and the persistent aggressive and harsh anti-Armenian rhetoric of the
Azerbaijani leadership also
[...] increase the gap between the two nations, heighten the tension in the region of the South Caucasus and seriously undermine the negotiation [...]
process aimed at the peaceful
settlement of existing problems, particularly the Nagorno Karabakh conflict.
以時計工業為例,1970年代電子跳字技術勢 破竹 , 瑞 士傳統機械時計飽受打擊,繫於存 之 秋 ;然而三十年後的今天,高級機械腕錶卻已經重歸正統,市場需求不斷上升,製錶業界更不斷提升產品設計及修飾工藝水平,嶄新的技術亦不斷湧現,複雜機械腕錶再度晉身藝術收藏品的殿堂。
Fast forward thirty years to today, the increasing demand urges the watch industry to improve the design and craftsmanship of the product as well as developing new techniques.
[...] 應該採取措施改變僱主這種意識形態,但平心而論,我不認為現時的整體招聘情況如 李議員所說「普遍存在歧視」,這說法似乎有「 竹 篙 打 ㆒船㆟ 之 嫌。
Despite the fact that I do not think it is right in so doing and I think the Government should take steps to change this mentality of some employers, in fairness I do not think that
the overall recruitment situation features "prevalent discrimination against
[...] women by employers" as suggested by Mr LEE.
粮食问题第一次成为主要议题是在2009年7月的意大利拉奎拉峰会,当时是为了应对已 破 灭 之 兆 的 大宗商品泡沫,但这个泡沫后来又以雷霆万 之势 卷 土 重来。
The food issue emerged for the first time as a major theme at the July 2009 summit in L’Aquila, Italy, as a response to a commodity boom that was beginning to falter, but that has since reemerged with the force of a hurricane.
遗憾的是,希族塞人方面维持对土耳其和土族塞人的敌对立场,并利用一切 可用的手段,反复提出这些无端的指控,因而进一步加剧紧张 势 , 破 坏 双 方之 间的 信任和伙伴关系的精神,尤其是在联合国牵头举行谈判即将进入全面解决塞 岛问题的决定性阶段。
It is unfortunate that the Greek Cypriot side maintains its hostile stance against Turkey and the Turkish Cypriots and uses every available outlet to repeat those fabricated accusations,
which further escalate
[...] the tensions and undermine the spirit of trust and partnership between the two sides, [...]
especially at a time
when the United Nations-led negotiations are reaching a decisive phase in finding a comprehensive settlement on the island.
同样令人忧虑的是,由于这破坏 稳定 的 势 力 继 续得 到支持、保护和庇护,国际社会打击恐怖主义的努力受到削弱。
Equally of concern was that the efforts of the
international community to fight
[...] terrorism were being undermined by support, protection [...]
and shelter that these forces of
destabilization continue to receive.
又回顾《宪章》规定,联合国的宗旨为维护国际和平及安全,并为此目的, 采取有效集体办法,以防止且消除对于和平之威胁,制止侵略行为或其他和之 破坏, 并以和平方法且依正义及国际法之原则,调整或解决足 破 坏 和 平 之 国际 争端或
Recalling also the purpose of the United Nations to maintain international peace and security and, to that end, to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace,
and to bring about by peaceful means,
[...] and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace, as enshrined in the Charter
至於在陰澳竹篙灣之間的隧道爆石工程,及在陰澳的挖坑回填隧道 內的油壓破碎工 程,承建商均應採用如土木工程署 務及石礦部所 規定的最佳可行措施,來紓緩這些工程所帶來的塵埃影響。
For the blasting
[...] works within the rock tunnel between Yam O and Penny’s Bay and the hydraulic breaking activities required inside the cut [...]
and cover
tunnel at Yam O, the Contractor will be required to adopt the best practical means and measures in undertaking these kinds of works, such as the measures required by the Mines & Quarries Division of the Civil Engineering Department.
之,這些個案竹難書 ,希望政府能減少鋪張 浪費。
It is hoped that the Government can be less extravagant and wasteful.
a. 港島綫延綫,由㆖環至西營盤; b. 新建西港島綫,由西營盤至黃竹坑; c.
[...] 新建南港島綫,由鴨ffl洲海怡半島至金鐘;及 d. 西港島綫及南港島之車廠,設於 竹 坑。
a. an Island Line extension from Sheung Wan to Sai Ying Pun; b. a new WIL from Sai Ying Pun to Wong
Chuk Hang; c. a new SIL from South Horizons on Apleichau to Admiralty; and
[...] d. a depot for WIL and SIL at Wong Chuk Hang.
在陰澳與 P2 號公路迴旋之間的一段竹篙灣 連接路,是竹篙 灣區道路網絡的一部分,須在 2005 [...]
年香港迪士尼樂園第一期開幕前建 成。
The section
[...] of the CKW Link Road between Yam O and the roundabout [...]
at Road P2 forms part of the road network in the Penny’s
Bay area and should be in place before the opening of the Hong Kong Disneyland Phase 1 in 2005.
预计联索政治处将实现其目标,但前提是:(a) 内外反势力不破坏过 渡联 邦机构的稳定;(b) 过渡联邦政府和反对派签署一份全面和平协定;(c) 区域各 国政府和组织支持和平进程;(d) 国际社会继续协调支持索马里和平进程;(e) 区域各国致力于促进非之角区 域的和平与稳定。
UNPOS is expected to achieve its objectives provided that (a) the
Transitional Federal
[...] Institutions are not destabilized by internal or external opposition; (b) the Transitional Federal Government and the opposition sign a comprehensive peace agreement; (c) regional governments and organizations are in support of the peace process; (d) renewed and concerted engagement is provided by the international community in support of the peace process in Somalia; and (e) countries of the region are committed to promoting peace and stability in the Horn of Africa region.
以色列的行事作法使其好像是一个凌驾于法 之 上 的 国家, 它对法律以及遵守法律和呼吁尊重法律者表现出蔑视。它的继续有罪不受惩罚必 须受到国际社会的抵制,因为这有可能进一 破 坏 当地 局 势 的 稳 定,损害为实现 将给巴勒斯坦和以色列两方面的公民都带来和平与安全的和平、公正解决办法而 恢复可信的谈判的任何机会。
Israel’s continued impunity, acting as a State above the law and demonstrating contempt for the law and for those who adhere to it and
call for its
[...] respect, must be completely rejected by the international community for it threatens to further destabilize the situation on the ground and undermines any chance for credible negotiations to be resumed towards the achievement of a peaceful [...]
and just solution that
will bring peace and security for both Palestinian and Israeli citizens.
区域经济一体之所以可带来各种惠益,不仅是它可以利用发展 机遇,而且还由于它有助于本区域面对共同的威胁发出更有力的声 音,尤其是考虑到在诸如能源和粮食安全、灾害、自然资源的压力、 社会排斥和不平等加剧等领域具有的共同脆弱性和风险有可能导致发 生冲突和社会紧张势,破坏增 长过程本身。
Regional economic integration could be
[...] beneficial not only to exploit developmental opportunities but also to help the region articulate a more effective response to common threats. In particular, shared vulnerabilities and risks in areas such as energy and food insecurity, disasters, pressures on natural resources, social exclusion and rising inequalities, could lead to conflicts and social tensions and disrupt the growth process itself.
竹篱与围墙之间的 前导小径,远处为教堂入口。
Between the bamboo fence and the wall, [...]
the entering path leads to the main entrance.
[...] 和安全,侵犯国家主权和领土完整,危及国家机构行使职能和稳定,对国家的生 产基础设施和经济活动带来严重损害,并创造新的紧张局势的温床,有时还引发 国际冲突,从而进一破坏国际局势 稳 定
Cuba stresses that all terrorist acts and actions affect the life, health, property and safety of innocent people, violate the sovereignty and territorial integrity of States, jeopardize the functioning and stability of national institutions, cause serious damage to the production infrastructure and
economic activity of
[...] States and further destabilize the international situation by creating new [...]
hotbeds of tension and,
on occasion, triggering international conflicts.
如果对这些违反行为之任之,它 们 肯定会对稳定与安全构成威胁,加剧紧张 势 , 破坏 两国解决方案的可行性,并且给巴勒斯坦人民的生活 带来长期不良后果。
If left unchecked, those violations
will certainly pose a
[...] threat to stability and security, heighten tensions, undermine the viability of the two-State solution and have far-reaching [...]
consequences on the life of the Palestinians.
1.2 這項研究計劃是㆒個結合規劃和工程的可行性研究,當㆗涉及兩個發展項目:大 嶼山北岸發展以竹篙灣連接之初 步 設計研究。
1.2 The Project is an integrated planning and engineering feasibility study which consists of two development packages, the Northshore Lantau Development and the preliminary design of Chok Ko Wan Link Road (CKWLR).
如果调解人没有遵守这些准则, 他们不仅可破坏有关局势中的 和平与和解,而且可能鼓励其他局势中的暴力行 为。
If mediators fail to observe these guidelines, they
[...] may not only undermine peace and reconciliation efforts in the situation concerned, but [...]
also encourage violence in other situations.
仔細地觀察奇石的細節,似乎呈現和一筆畫中留拖絲或留白的現象,大概是 破 了 竹 籤 的 外皮或尖頭,竹筆還可以模擬毛筆的效果。
It is also evident in the painting of the rock, where close examination reveals lines with ‘flying white’ and places where a single movement of the pen quite obviously divides into more than one streak of ink.
推出果之後,讚果在竹果類 市場中,更推出了成效亮眼的 Glimpse™ Topical Skin Nutrition 表層肌膚滋養系列,其中包括多項以山竹果為基底的個人保養用品。
Since that time, the company has extended its leadership in the mangosteen category with the Glimpse® Topical Skin Nutrition line of premium performance, mangosteen-based personal care products.
到港島南部尋寶,最熱門地當然是鴨脷洲的工貿大廈;而其實在 竹 坑 之 工 廠 地域,也逐漸發展成另一具有個性之商業與消閒區!這裡有時裝集團OFFICE、新型酒店、隱世畫廊、傢俬WAREHOUSE… [...]
還有這家一走眼便會錯過的生活ZAKKA店 — MIRTH。
The neighbouring
[...] factory area of Wong Chuk Hang is slowly developing [...]
into a business/leisure region with a character of its own.
无论是抱着公开的还是不可告人的目的,为颠覆国家政治和法律制度敌对性 地使用电信,是违反这方面国际公认准则的行为,也是不负责任地使用这种媒体
[...] 的负面表现,其后果可能造成紧张关系和不利于国际和平与安全的 势 , 从 而破 坏《联合国宪章》阐述的宗旨和原则。
The hostile use of telecommunications, with the declared or hidden intent of undermining the legal and political order of States, is a violation of the internationally recognized norms in this area and a negative and irresponsible use of such means, which can give rise to tensions and situations that are not
conducive to international peace and
[...] security and thereby undermine the principles and [...]
purposes enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations.
乌拉圭特遣队曾多次警告说,人道主义援助 行动和保护平民的努力不可能扩大,因为某一地区破坏稳定势力在人数上要比维和行动人员多好几倍。
On numerous occasions, Uruguayan contingents have warned of the impossibility of carrying out expanded humanitarian assistance and civilian protection efforts due to the fact that destabilizing forces in a given region were several times greater in number than the personnel of peacekeeping operations.




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