

单词 破相

See also:


defeat v
get rid of v

External sources (not reviewed)

雖然救回㆒命,但每年大概有 5000 名兒童會遺㆘思維或肢體方面的缺憾 破相 , 需 要整容矯形。
Although their lives are saved, roughly 5 000 of the injured children each year are left with mental scars, defective limbs or disfigurements that must be corrected with plastic surgery.
These have the annoying habit to
[...] crumble or break relatively quickly either.
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The failure of EnglishCentral to partially or fully exercise any rights or the waiver of EnglishCentral of any breach of these Terms by you, shall not prevent a subsequent exercise of such right by EnglishCentral or be deemed a waiver by EnglishCentral of any subsequent breach by you of the same or any other term of these Terms.
请秘书长向大会第六十五届会议提交关于国际金融体系与发展的报告,建议 所有国家利用《立法指南》评估本国破产法制度的经济效率,在修订或通 破产 相关立法时积极考虑到该《指南》(第 65/24 号决议)。
Furthermore, the General Assembly expressed its appreciation to the Commission for developing and adopting part three of the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Insolvency Law and recommended that all States utilize the Legislative Guide to
assess the economic
[...] efficiency of their insolvency law regimes and give favourable consideration to the Guide when revising or adopting relevant legislation (resolution 65/24).
我们强烈重申,我们期望安理会举行本次辩论会 的举措不会创造先例破坏相关机 构、程序和文书的 权威和任务规定,而这些机构、程序和文书已经讨论 了这些问题的各个复杂方面。
We strongly reiterate our expectation that the initiative of the Council to hold this
debate will not create a
[...] precedent that undermines the authority or mandate of the relevant bodies, processes [...]
and instruments
that already address these issues in all their complexity.
在加拿大,国家研究委员会的一项研究发现,聚氯乙烯 (PVC) 供水管道每年每 62 英里只有 0.7 处破损,相比之下铸铁管道约破损 36 处,而延性铁管破损 9.5 处。
In Canada, a study by the National Research Council found that polyvinyl chloride (PVC) water-distribution piping suffered 0.7 annual breaks per 62 miles, compared to nearly 36 breaks for cast iron and 9.5 breaks for ductile iron.
该受体是免疫系统细胞表面的一个跨隔膜分子,能够使免疫细胞和 破 坏 的组 织 相 结 合
The receptor is a membrane-spanning molecule found on the surface of cells in the immune system, binding them to the site of tissue damage or disease.
虽然帕金森氏症的根本原因是未知的,但许多研究人员认为,自由基对于神经细胞的一 破 坏 是 有 相 关 作 用的。
Although the underlying cause of Parkinson's
disease is unknown,
[...] many researchers believe that free radicals may play a role in destroying some of these [...]
nerve cells.
這是一個完全整合的系統,破性 地提 供 相 等 於 上一代平台產品的雙倍性能和三倍數據容量。
This data warehouse appliance is a fully-integrated system that delivers double the performance and triple the data capacity of its predecessor.
工程倡議人會在展開任何破活動 前, 相 關 詳 情諮詢區內人 士的意見。
The project proponents will consult the local
[...] community on the relevant details before the commencement of any blasting activities.
VPN 客戶電腦不論在連接前,還是連接後 破 解 , 都可能相 連接的網絡構成威脅。
If the VPN client machine is compromised, either before or during the connection, this poses a risk to the connecting network.
(d) 据了解,北朝鲜军队拥有一支由多种潜艇组成的舰队,还拥有各种能力 的鱼雷,包括炸药净重量约为 200 至 300 公斤的声导/尾流自导鱼雷,可造成的 破坏程度与大韩民国天安舰壳体所发现的 破 坏 程 度 相 同。
d) The north Korean military is known to be in possession of a fleet of various submarines and torpedoes of various capabilities including acoustic/wake homing torpedoes with a net explosive weight of about 200 to 300 kg — which can deliver the same level of damage that was discovered to theCheonan hull.
2011 年 9
[...] 月,妇女署与粮食署签署了关于增强农村妇女协会和小型企业权能 的联合行动声明,以破饥饿世代相 传 的 局面,增加妇女谋生机会,提倡两性平 [...]
等,协助在动荡局势中保障妇女和女童的安全,加强妇女对为保障粮食安全存储 粮食的控制。
In September 2011, UN-Women and WFP signed a joint statement of action on empowering rural women’s
associations and small-scale businesses to break
[...] the intergenerational cycle of hunger; improving [...]
livelihood opportunities for
women; advocating for gender equality; supporting the safety of women and girls in volatile situations; and enhancing women’s control of food-security reserves.
[...] 采取蓄意破坏对人类具有特别重要意义之文化遗产,包括蓄 破 坏 对直 接 相 关 社区具有特殊 意义之文化遗产的行为的个人实行刑事制裁。
States should take all necessary steps, in accordance with international law, to establish jurisdiction over, and provide effective penal sanctions for those persons
who commit or order to be committed
[...] acts of intentional destruction of cultural heritage [...]
of great importance for humanity,
including such cultural heritage which is of special interest for the community directly affected by such destruction.
我们都知道,这类冲突不会孤立存在于某个单一 国家,恰相反,它常破坏整 个区域的稳定。
We all know that conflicts of this sort do not remain isolated within a single
[...] country but, on the contrary, tend to destabilize whole [...]
歐、美、日等先進國家較具環保觀念,對電動自行車需求殷切,我國自行車業者向來深耕歐美日的自行車市場,將來也是電動自行車的潛力市場,另石油輸出國家組織的石油供給常因國際情勢的緊張而呈現較大幅的波動,傳統燃油車也直接受到衝擊,電動自行車也因此吸引了各國的投入研發與政策導入,雖目前仍有技術與環境的因素需尋求 破 , 未 來存 相 當 大 的商機而中國大陸廣大的消費場也是我國業者的重要著力點。
Europe, the United States, and Japan and other advanced countries than with the concept of environmental protection and the keen demand for electric bicycles, our bike industry who has always been deep plowing Western and Japanese bike market, the future is also the electric bike's potential market, another Petroleum Exporting Countries's oil supply often due to the international situation tension and showed substantial fluctuations traditional fuel vehicles are also directly affected by the impact of electric bicycles and therefore attract national investment in research and development and policy import, although there are
still technical and environmental
[...] factors need to seek a breakthrough, there are considerable [...]
opportunities in the future important
focus of the majority of the consumer field in the Chinese mainland is also our industry.
例如,Burin 村经常遭受定居者暴行相关的财产破 坏。
For example, the village of Burin is frequently subjected to settler
[...] violence and related destruction of property.
對政府當局這種相破壞社 會和諧的拙劣公關手法,我及民 協均不能認同。
Both the ADPL and I find such poor publicity tactics which
[...] serve only to undermine social harmony [...]
在处理任何案件中所需要的审前阅读时间将由多方面因素决定, 包括处理申请的紧迫性相关的破产 管 理工作规模、其复杂性、所涉及的国家 数目、具体决定的经济后果以及相关的公共政策因素等。
The pre-hearing reading time required in any given case will be dictated by the urgency with which
the application must be addressed,
[...] the size of the relevant insolvency administrations, [...]
their complexity, the number of States
involved, the economic consequences of particular decisions and relevant public policy factors.
扩大裁谈会成员可丰富其工作,允许更多的思想和信息交流,有助于停止军 备竞赛、实现国际和平与安全和维护外层空间,而外层空间是人类共同继承的财 产,不应由于各国相征服外空破 坏 和 摧毁其组成部分而遭到破坏,这将对全 人类造成损害。
Expansion of the Conference’s membership would enrich the work, allowing for greater exchanges of ideas and information that could help to put a stop to the arms race, establish international peace and security and preserve outer space, which belongs to the human heritage and is a collective asset that should never be damaged by rivalry between States seeking to conquer it and to damage and destroy its component parts, doing harm to mankind as a result.
由于人均自然资源有限,本区域特别容易受到与能源和资源价格 波动、土地利用方面的变化和气候变 相 关 的 破 坏 ,而这几个因素之 间的关系越来越密切。
With limited per capita endowments of natural resources, the region
is particularly
[...] vulnerable to disruptions associated with volatile energy and resource prices, land use changes and climate change, which are becoming increasingly interconnected.
[...] 等其它辅助性课程以及旨在满足当地 对基础保健、安全用水和环境保护等 方面需要的课相结合,打破了学习 内容上的限制。
Learning barriers were brought down by combining other complementary subjects such as reading, writing
and mathematics as well as programmes to address other local needs such as
[...] basic health, safe water, and the environment.
另一方面,市民在沖泡即食杯麪時應遵從有關指 示,切勿把沸水注破損或 變形的容器沖泡麪條。
On the other hand, the public should follow the instruction when preparing the noodle for consumption and should not fill up damaged or distorted container with boiling water to prepare the noodle.
[...] 方效力和优先权主要交由保护国法律处理;(c)允许将担保 相 对 于 破 产 管理人 的第三方效力和优先权交由设保人所在国法律处理。
This approach would: (a) allow a limited extent of party autonomy with respect to creation and enforcement; (b) refer third-party and priority mainly to the law of the protecting State; and (c) allow the third-party
effectiveness and priority of a security
[...] right as against an insolvency representative to [...]
be referred to the law of the State of the grantor’s location.
鉴于生活贫困的人每天都面临他们的公民、文化、经济、政治和社会权利 被侵犯,并且这种现象相作用相辅 相 成 造 成 破 坏 性 的效应,极端贫困就是人权 的不可分割性、互相关联性和互相依存性的清楚说明。
Extreme poverty is a clear illustration of the
[...] indivisibility, interrelatedness and interdependence of human rights, [...]
given that persons living
in poverty face daily violations of their civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights, which interact and mutually reinforce one another with devastating effects.
還有其他創意破壞力量:或許家用能源監測技術會破壞現有能源及科技產業,儘管我過去認為,Google、微軟等資通訊科技企業將跨足能源產業,但結果卻可能恰 相 反 , 由新進 破 壞 資 通訊產業力量,未來左右市場的居家能源監控裝置可能此刻正在研發,且源自於沒沒無聞的車庫、實驗室或新創企業。
Despite my earlier assumption that
[...] ICT players would ‘gatecrash’ the energy sector, in the way Google and Microsoft tried, it might be precisely the opposite – [...]
that a new entrant is poised
to creatively destruct the ICT disruptors.
(a) 制訂新法例,進㆒步減低空氣、噪音和水污染,包括:管制手提撞擊 破 碎 機 ; 增加空氣污染罪行的刑罰和簡化有關發出消減空氣污染滋擾通知書的手續;管 [...]
制石棉的使用;管制廢物處理裝置的使用和維修,並訂立條文規定樓宇業主將 廢物排放入公共污水渠;設立㆒項收費制度,就處理工業污水,使之符合標準
They cover controls
[...] of hand held percussion breakers; increases [...]
in penalties and improvements in the procedure for abatement
notices to air pollution offences; controls on the use of asbestos; controls on the use and maintenance of waste treatment plants, provision to direct property owners to discharge wastes into public sewers; for a system of charging for treating of industrial effluent to specified quality and regulations to control the disposal of chemical waste and charge for it.
[...] 或国际组织能够反对,那么维持领土范围已经扩大的保留必然会 破 条 约 的平 衡:这正是这一例外的狭义意思,即仅涉及保留的领土范围的扩大“使保留的实 [...]
Even in such a situation, in order for a State or international organization that has not objected in time to the reservation prior to the date of the succession of States to be able to object to it, it would be necessary that the maintenance of the reservation the territorial
scope of which has been extended should upset
[...] the balance of the treaty: that [...]
is the sense of the restrictive formulation of
this exception, which covers only those situations in which the territorial extension of the reservation “radically changes the conditions for the operation of the reservation”.
家庭法典》第二部分 X 标题第 328 条 规 定:“当一个未成年人的健康、安全、 精神 或教育,由于父 母或 监护人的不 道 德或无能, 遭破坏或者未得到足够 保护时, 或 由于未成年人的不 端行为或不守 纪 律,使 父 母或 监护人极 为不 满 或者使 他 们无 法履行指 导 职责时, 少年事务法官 按规定,或 在公共部长的要求 下 、 或者在 父母 或 监护人的要求 下, 可以决定让 该 未成年人在一定时期内(这个时间不可以超过其成年的时间),接受社会助理的定期 到访,或者接受监视自由制度的管理”。
Section II, title X, article 328 of the Family Code states: “When the health, safety, morality or education of a minor are jeopardized or insufficiently protected owing to the immoral behaviour or disability of the father and mother or of the person accorded the right of guardianship, or when, owing to misconduct or unruly behaviour, a minor gives these individuals cause for very serious dissatisfaction or renders them incapable of exercising guidance, the juvenile judge may on his own initiative, at the behest of the public prosecutor or at the behest of the father, mother or guardian, rule that the minor shall, for a period not to extend beyond the date of his coming of age, be visited regularly by a social worker or placed on probation.




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