

单词 破瓦寒窑

External sources (not reviewed)

黑麦是唯一适于寒冷而干燥瓦莱 山谷中生长的麦子。
Rye is the
[...] only cereal suited to the cold, dry valleys of the canton.
汞在全球范围交易,用于产品生产和氯碱厂,并从燃煤 电厂、焚化炉、水窑和受 污染的场所向外释放。
Mercury is traded globally and is used in products
and chlor-alkali plants; it is emitted from coal-fired power plants,
[...] incinerators, cement kilns and contaminated sites.
[...] 酷熱天氣下才會有人死亡,從剛才的數字來看, 寒 冷 天氣下亦一樣有人死 亡的。
Let us not forget that people die not only in hot weather, but also, judging from the
[...] figures just now, in cold weather.
刑事诽谤法律本质上是严苛的,且对言论 自由权有过度寒蝉效应。
Criminal defamation laws are inherently harsh and have a
[...] disproportionate chilling effect on the [...]
right to freedom of expression.
在这方面,特派团将按计划更 换漏水破败的预制件设施,包括办公房地单元、浴室和储存结构;对所有联合 国房地进行维修,铺设和修复道路、简易跑道和直升机停机坪,以确保所有供应 线路保持畅通;焚化所有医疗废物和其他可容易处理的有毒废物,改进废物管理, 同时在联利特派团各地点建造窑处 理 燃料废物。
In this connection, the Mission will undertake the
planned replacement of leaking
[...] and deteriorated prefabricated facilities, including accommodation units, ablution units and storage structures; maintenance services on all United Nations premises; the paving and repair of roads, airstrips and helipads to ensure that all supply routes remain open; and the improvement of waste management through the incineration of all medical waste and other toxic waste that can be easily treated while, at the same time, treating fuel waste through the construction of kilns at various UNMIL locations.
经过现场调查,最高法院得出的结论是,“监狱 里的居住环寒酸破旧并 且拥挤不堪(最大容量为 1 800 人,在检查的时候实际却 有 3 245 人或者更多),缺乏能够满足基本人道需求的物质条件,很少能喝到可饮 用水以及吃到花样丰富营养均衡的健康食物,很少有人能够有一个用来休息的床 或垫子,也很少有人能够享受体检或治疗的待遇;牢房里既没有电灯也没有通风 窗,而且还缺少卫生设施;既没有锻炼身体和消遣娱乐的场所,也没有劳动改选 的计划(……)。
After conducting an on-site investigation, the Court found that the inmates “live in dangerous and overcrowded conditions [with a maximum capacity of 1,800 inmates, at the time of inspection there were 3,245 inmates, or more than double the capacity], without the means to satisfy their basic human needs, with no regular access to sources of drinking water or healthy food (varied, balanced, and nutritious), no beds or even mattresses, and no effective medical care, (preventive or therapeutic), the dormitories lack light and natural ventilation, and have no hygienic sanitary facilities; there are no areas for sports or recreation, no educational or training programmes, and no work programmes to facilitate their positive reintegration into society (...).
有關措施主要包括在安全 情況下先清拆含石棉物料;在清拆現場設立圍封區;在清拆 時盡量避免過破碎石棉瓦片; 大量灑水以減低石棉塵釋 放;為工作人員提供合適的個人防護裝備;對工作人員及環 境進行空氣監測;及妥善處置石棉廢料等。
Adopted key measures included: removing asbestos containing materials under safe condition in the first instance; designating a segregation zone on the
building collapse site;
[...] avoiding excessive breakage of asbestos cement sheets during demolition; carrying out profuse wetting to minimize asbestos dust release, providing [...]
suitable personal
protective equipment for workers; conducting air monitoring for the workers and the ambient air; and arranging for proper disposal of asbestos waste.
1815年,破仑势力瓦解后 ,瑞士军队开始带上红底白十字的联邦袖章,之后很快出现了非正式的联邦旗帜。
In 1815,
[...] after the fall of Napoleon, troops were given [...]
a federal armband to wear, which was red with a truncated white cross,
and this was followed shortly afterwards by the introduction of an unofficial federal flag.
讓我數 數 現 時的問題, 看 下 去 是 一 步 一 驚 心 的 。 失 業 高 企 、 貧 窮 者日眾 、 貧 富 懸殊 日 增 、 破 產 數 字 仍 然 高 企 、自殺
人 數 眾 多、青少年問題日益嚴 重、青少年失 業 問題嚴 重、離 婚 率 日 漸 上 升 、 家 庭 暴 力 及家庭 罪 案 的
[...] 數 字 增 加、不少家庭 面破 碎 或 瓦 解 的 邊 緣 和 危 機 、 治 安 [...]
問題日益惡 化 。
An enumeration of the problems will certainly horrify us all: the unemployment rate is high, more people are being impoverished, the wealth gap is ever widening, bankruptcy cases are still large in number, there are lots of suicide cases, the youth problem is worsening, the problem of youth unemployment is acute, divorce cases are on the rise, domestic violence and
crimes are on the increase, many
[...] families are on the verge of disintegration and the [...]
law and order situation is deteriorating.
换台系统可为您带来最大经济效益。当一个工作台被送 窑 炉 后 ,另一个工作台可以装载 到换台系统上。
Especially economical is the alternating table system, in which one table is loaded while the other one is in the furnace.
窑经营 者应 当针对与危险废物利用有关的要求,包括健康、安全和环境排放内容,进行适 [...]
Kiln operators should undergo [...]
appropriate training for the requirements related to the use of hazardous waste, including
health, safety, and environmental emission aspects.
除工业领域窑炉还 可广泛用于陶瓷厂、陶瓷作坊、医院、学校和私人住所等领域,特别是那些需经常焙烧、要 窑 炉坚 固耐用且温度分布良好的场所。
You will find these kilns in industry as well as in ceramic workshops, studios, clinics, schools and private homes – practically every place where a rugged, capable [...]
of frequent firings and
excellent temperature uniformity is required.
西湖公园拥有1700年的历史,共有三座小岛 窑 角 屿 、谢坪屿和开化屿。
With a history of more than 1,700 years, West Lake Park has three
[...] islets namely Yao Jiao Island, [...]
Xie Ping Island and Kaihua Island.
将在全年定期进行环境检查,特派团计划兴建 10 座窑炉处理/焚烧废物。
Environmental inspections will be carried out regularly throughout the year, and the Mission plans
[...] to construct 10 kilns to treat/burn fuel waste.
没有得到 维护和整修、经费不足的寄宿学校会危害健康 ,
[...] 因为儿童会因种种原因而受到伤害 : 如寒冷、 潮湿或是煤烟 , 食品不足 , 教师不够精心 [...]
, 以 及低质量的教学环境和不良的社会环境所导致 的糟糕的教育状况。
Under-funded boarding schools that are not maintained
and repaired can compromise health as
[...] children suffer from cold, dampness or coal [...]
smoke fumes; insufficient or inadequate
food; poor attendance of teachers; and low quality teaching/a poor social environment that leads to a poor education.
[...] 遗憾,强调了恐怖分子以这些公民为目标,是要扩大我们阿拉伯人民各个组成部 分之间的纷争,煽动骚乱和制造歧视,以削弱 瓦 解 社 会结构 破 坏 阿 拉伯国家 的稳定。
The leaders absolutely deplore the events that took place in the Church of Our Lady of Salvation in Baghdad and the Two Saints Church in Alexandria, Egypt, and stress that the terrorist targeting of this group of citizens is intended to spread civil strife, provocation and discrimination amongst the various components of our Arab
peoples, with a view to weakening and unravelling the
[...] fabric of society and undermining the stability of the [...]
Arab nation.
所产生的政治紧张气氛严破了自 签署 瓦 加 杜 古协议》以来过去三年 中普遍存在的相对稳定局面。
The resulting political
[...] tensions have severely undermined the relative stability [...]
that had prevailed over the past three years since the signing of the Ouagadougou Agreement.
在姆贝基前总统于 12 月 9
[...] 日通报了情况后,非洲联盟和平与安全理事会对他承 担的使命表示欢迎,强烈敦促巴博先生尊重选举结果,并重申决心在必要时针对 那破坏科特迪瓦人民 自由表达的意志的人采取其他措施。
Following a briefing given by former President Mbeki on 9 December, the African Union Peace and Security Council welcomed the mission that he had undertaken, strongly urged Mr. Gbagbo to respect the results of the election and reaffirmed its determination
to take other measures, if necessary, against
[...] those who were undermining the freely expressed will of the Ivorian people.
露天采矿设备、地下开采设备、输送装置、隧道掘进机、陆上和海上石油设备、钻机设备、铺管船上的卷筒 破 碎 机 、磨机、振动筛、回 窑 、 烧 结设备。
Open pit mining equipment, underground mining equipment, conveying plants, tunnel boring machines, onshore and offshore
equipment, drilling rigs units, reels on
[...] pipe-laying vessels, crushers, mills, vibrating screens, rotary kilns, sintering plants.
白雪皇后》講述在一個陷入『永恆冬天』預言的王國,一位樂觀的女孩Anna為 破 除 這 寒 冬 預言,必須找出身為雪后的姐姐Elsa,並且終結她的寒冰魔法。
When her
[...] estranged sister, the cold-hearted Snow Queen Elsa, [...]
curses Anna her only hope of reversing the curse is to survive
a perilous but thrilling journey across an icy and unforgiving landscape.
I saw the scattered pieces of roof, houses that lost its 3 walls, roofless houses, empty lands, dried trees.
注意到西爱沙尼亚和北爱沙尼亚寒 武 纪 凡蒂母含水层的地下水中存 在着强化有效剂量。
A heightened effective dose was noted in the ground water of Western and Northern Estonia’s Cambrian-Vendium aquifer.
3 月 3 日至 5 日, 效忠于巴博先生的部队破坏和洗劫 瓦 塔 拉总统政府数名部长在阿比让的住 宅。
Forces loyal to
[...] Mr. Gbagbo also vandalized and looted residences of several Ministers of President Ouattara’s [...]
Government in Abidjan between 3 and 5 March.
破坏瓦加杜 古框架的行为都将令人严重关切。
Any unravelling of the Ouagadougou framework [...]
would be a cause for serious concern.
不过,实际上 SRI 并没有收集可适于销售的净产量数据,只是同其他第 5 条国家一 样,以下列方式在印度来获取 CFC 生产数据:它请各公司根据生产记录簿提供最近一年 实际使用原材料(CTC、HF 等)和 CFC 实际产量的数据,而生产记录簿是以对日 窑 的测 量为基础的。
However, SRI in reality did not collect net saleable production data but proceeded in the following way in India, as in the other Article 5 countries, to obtain CFC production data: it requested data from each company for the most recent year on actual use of raw material (CTC, HF, etc.) and actual CFC production according to production log book records which are based on measurements of day tanks.
强迫阿塞拜疆族人流离失 所构成严破坏《日内瓦第四 公约》的行为,因此,可被视为违反了强制性规范。
The forced displacement of ethnic Azerbaijanis
[...] constitutes a grave breach of Geneva Convention IV and may [...]
thus be seen as a breach of a peremptory norm.
( 例如,是否可将适用于严破坏《日 内 瓦 四 公约》 行为的或引渡或起诉的义务适用于国际法规定的其他罪行,例如其他战争罪、危 害人类罪或种族灭绝罪;或是否可将许多关于恐怖主义的公约内所载义务适用于 这些公约未涵盖的其他恐怖主义罪行或受国际社会关注的其他犯罪
The Working Group could consider, in particular, whether the Commission should focus its attention on certain categories of crimes (for instance, whether the obligation to extradite or prosecute applicable to grave breaches under the Geneva Conventions extends to other crimes under international law, such as other war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide; or whether the obligation included in many conventions on terrorism extends to other offences of terrorism not covered in those conventions or to other crimes of international concern).
(四) 曾经参与过旨在保护摩尔多瓦共和国领土完整和国家独立的军事行 动,并且住所在这些军事行动中破 坏 的 摩尔 瓦 共 和 国公民
(iv) Citizens that participated at the military actions for the protection of territorial
integrity and independence of the
[...] Republic of Moldova and whose houses have been destroyed during those military actions
這 些措施包括:規定 肉 食 攤檔檔主在攤檔裝設 展 示 式冷凍機, 展 示出售的豬 肉
、禽肉 、 牛 肉 及 羊 肉;規定所有處理食 物 人 員 必 須 修
[...] 讀基本的食物衞生課 程並通 過考試 、 接 受寒疫苗注 射 ,以及年屆 45歲 時接受 [...]
肺 病 檢查;以及實 施 分 級制,讓 市民知悉光 顧 的 熟 食 檔 的衞生水平 。
These include the requirement for meat stallholders to equip their stalls with display chillers for the sale of pork, poultry, beef and mutton, for all food handlers to attend basic food
hygiene course and pass examination, be
[...] vaccinated against typhoid, and go for tuberculosis [...]
screening for those age 45 and
above, and the adoption of a grading system to let the public know the hygiene standards of the cooked food stalls they patronise.
149 过渡联邦政府 2004 年成立后,埃塞俄比亚政府一直是其 主要同盟和资助方,同时为各种其他团体提供政治、外交、经济和军事援 助——至少部分是为破坏、瓦解和 击败青年党。
According to open source databases and several testimonies, Somalia has received at least 450 such systems since the mid-1970s.147 The majority have been used, sold or are no longer serviceable.148 Although there have been no known attempts to employ the systems since 2008, evidence gathered by the Monitoring Group suggests that a number of them remain in circulation in Somalia, some of which are in the hands of Al-Shabaab.




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