单词 | 破口大骂 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 破口大骂 —abuse roundlySee also:破口—tear or rupture • without restraint (e.g. of swearing) • have a tear (e.g. in one's clothes) 大骂—bawl sb out • let sb have it • rain curses (on sb) 大口—open mouth • gaping • gobbling • gulping • big mouthful (of food, drink, smoke etc)
当杰里米破口大骂亚烈 达,他试图去利奥道歉。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | When Jeremy yells at Aelita, he tries [...] to go to Lyoko to apologize. seekcartoon.com |
互联网上 可以看到格鲁吉亚士兵在进攻南奥塞梯村庄和首府 时拍摄的手机照片,照片中显示了他们旨在专门消 灭平民的种种手段,在一段众所周知的 [...] YouTube 视 频中,一名格鲁吉亚士兵一边 破口大骂 , 一 边不停 地向屋内射击。 daccess-ods.un.org | Cell phone photographs taken by Georgian soldiers as they advanced on South Ossetian villages and the capital were available on the Internet, showing their methods, which were aimed specifically at wiping out civilians, and there was a [...] well-known YouTube video which showed a Georgian soldier firing non-stop into homes [...] while uttering a string of profanities. daccess-ods.un.org |
警官或医务人员等工作人员常常不认真对待受害者; (g) [...] 据报告,与受害者打交道的医务或执法人员有时会对受害者进 行 口头 漫骂。 daccess-ods.un.org | (g) There are reported [...] instances of verbal abuse of victims [...]by medical or law enforcement professionals dealing with them. daccess-ods.un.org |
执行主任代表人口基金全体人员,对海地人民和政府以及受这场具有 极 大破 坏力的地震影响的其他方面表示声援、同情和慰问。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Executive Director, on behalf [...] of the entire UNFPA, expressed solidarity, compassion and sympathy for the people and Government of Haiti and others affected by the devastating earthquake. daccess-ods.un.org |
15 时 30 分 一个以色列敌军巡逻队在 Fatimah Gate [...] 对面停止前进,其对成员对黎巴嫩军 队 Fatimah Gate 阵地人员大骂脏话 、进行挑衅并做下流手势。 daccess-ods.un.org | 1530 An Israeli enemy patrol halted opposite the Fatimah Gate, where its [...] members directed profanities, obscene gestures [...]and provocations at personnel of the [...]Lebanese Army observation post of Fatimah Gate. daccess-ods.un.org |
黃毓民議員:代理主席,我的黨友陳偉 業 破口大 罵 , 他如 何 破口大 罵也 是沒有用,局長可能一會兒不服氣,也會回敬他數句的,對嗎? legco.gov.hk | But, however strong his remarks are, it is useless, for the Secretary will not be convinced and he will probably rebuke, am I right? legco.gov.hk |
特别报告员在 [...] 2010 年 4 月至 2011 年 5 月发给各国政府的信件中,对若干指 控侵犯移徙工人人权的情况表示关切,其中包括:(a) 任意逮捕、性暴力、酷刑 和其他残忍、有辱人格和不人道的待遇或处罚;过度使用武力;强迫劳动; ( b) 大 规模驱逐和强迫回返;(c) 生活标准不令人满意,包括不能获取适足的食品和住 房;(d) 包括出于经济剥削目的买卖儿童;(e) 边境当局的杀戮;(f) 为性剥削 和经济剥削目的贩运人口;(g) 移民当局的谩骂和体 罚;(h) 虐待和剥削国内移 徙工人,包括剥夺基本的劳动权,例如,不支付工资;(i) 限制国民的自由移动; (j) 针对移徙者的种族主义和仇外主义宣传。 daccess-ods.un.org | In his communications to Governments sent from April 2010 to May 2011, the Special Rapporteur expressed concern at a number of situations of alleged violations of the human rights of migrant workers, including (a) arbitrary arrest, sexual violence, torture and other forms of cruel, degrading and inhuman treatment or punishment; excessive use of force; and forced labour; (b) mass expulsions and forcible return; (c) inadequate standard of living, including lack of access to adequate food and housing; [...] (d) sale of [...] children, including for purposes of economic exploitation; (e) killings by border authorities; (f) trafficking for sexual and economic exploitation; (g) verbal and physical abuse by immigration authorities; (h) abuse and exploitation of domestic migrant workers, including denial of basic labour rights, such [...]as non-payment of [...]wages; (i) restrictions on freedom of movement of nationals; and (j) racist and xenophobic propaganda against migrants. daccess-ods.un.org |
埃德加吹嘘敏明和Bob不死的鱼,在恐慌中失去了即将到来的科学公平,激励他们的火箭出的碳酸饮料瓶,这将导致鲍勃 打 破 他 的 胳膊,Rzykruski先生被指责由于发射对他的指控影响和 谩 骂 的 乡亲质疑他的方法时,他为自卫。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Edgar brags about the undead fish to Toshiaki and Bob, which, in panic of losing the upcoming science fair, inspires them to make a rocket out of soda bottles, which causes Bob to break his arm and Mr. Rzykruski to be blamed and fired due to his accused influencing and reviling the townsfolk for questioning his methods when he steps up for self-defence. seekcartoon.com |
最 後 , 在我差 不 多要破 口 大 罵 之 際 , 才 發 現 生福利局局長在 “ 福利服 務 ” 部 分 序言中 的 最 後一句 : “ 我們期望與大家一 同 為 福利制度的未來發 展 制 定 藍 圖 。 legco.gov.hk | Finally, when I was about to shriek abuse at it, I found that the last sentence of the "Message" written by the Secretary for Health and Welfare preceding the section on "Welfare Services" reads, "We look forward to working together to formulate this blueprint for our future welfare system. legco.gov.hk |
因此,陳偉業剛才破口大罵,血壓上升,是有道理的, 對不對? legco.gov.hk | As such, it is reasonable for Albert CHAN to make those fierce condemnations, seeing his blood pressure rising, is it not? legco.gov.hk |
DKM-R系列大型橡胶注射成型机”项目是在对中小型橡胶注射成型机和大型塑料注塑机多年研发生产的基础上,针对大型橡胶制品注射量大、成型周期长、热平衡要求高、夹气处理难等技术难题,集合我司与华南理工大学合作研发的先进超大注射量塑化注射技术及温度与塑化注射速度为一体的闭环控制技术、斜角塑化水平注射水平合模结构技术、橡胶专用冷流道注射技术、大型两板卧式锁模机构和技术,以开发生产锁模力12 00 吨 大 型 卧式橡胶注射机为 突 破口 , 再 开发生产锁模力从900吨至3200吨 的 大 型 橡胶注射成型机。 cml.com.cn | The “DKM-R Series Large-sized Rubber Injection Machine” project is based on years of research and development on small and medium-sized rubber injection machines and large-sized plastic injection moulding machines, aims at large shot volume, long moulding cycle, high requirement of hot balance, gas entrapment and the technical problems of large-sized rubber products, together with the advanced ultra-large shot volume plasticizing injection technique, temperature and plasticizing velocity as a whole of closed-loop control technology, bevel plasticizing level injection balance mould closing structure technology, rubber special cold flow injection technology, large two-platen horizontal clamping mechanism and technology of our company and South China University of [...] Technology, developed 1,200T [...] clamping force large-sized horizontal rubber injection moulding machine as a breakthrough, redevelop 900 to 3,200T clamping force large-sized rubber [...]injection moulding machine. cml.com.cn |
做出性挑逗接触、身体接触或妨碍性动作,不 得调戏或猥亵异性,亦不得口头进 行性 辱 骂。 tenneco.com | engage in sexually suggestive touching, body contact or [...] blocking movement, repeated and offensive sexual flirtations or [...] advances, or continued verbal abuse of a sexual nature. tenneco.com |
水、环境卫生和个人卫生合作伙伴,如国际移徙 组织,在阿卜耶伊镇修复了 23 口破损的水井,以支持 15 000 名目标居民,在 阿卜耶伊地区北部修复了 18 口破损的水井,支持大约 19 000 名居民。 daccess-ods.un.org | Water, sanitation and hygiene partners, such as the International Organization for Migration, rehabilitated 23 broken bore [...] holes in Abyei town to [...] support a target population of 15,000 and 18 broken bore holes in northern parts of the Abyei Area to support an estimated 19,000 [...]inhabitants. daccess-ods.un.org |
当大家轮流出发到另外一家背包客栈时,原来我们闯祸了!大事情发生了!最后一班人在等待车子来接送时,被女房东 给 大骂 了 一 顿。 4tern.com | When everybody is waiting for transportation, we didn’t expect something terrible was going to happen. 4tern.com |
当我明白这些孩子的生命中,没有人来扮演这样的角色,没有人为他们站 在 破口 之 中,为他们能够 长 大 茁 壮 和健康、并且得以认识耶稣基督的救恩祷告时,我流下泪来。 amccsm.org | I wept as I realized that these children have no one [...] filling that role in their life, no one standing in the gap for them, [...]praying that they will grow [...]up strong and healthy, and come to a saving knowledge of Christ Jesus. amccsm.org |
供应商不得采用骚扰或不人道的方 [...] 式威胁员工,或使其遭受骚扰或不人道的待遇,包括性骚扰、性虐待、体罚、精神压迫、肉体胁 迫、口头浏谩骂或无 理由限制进入或离开公司提供的设施。 htc.com | Suppliers shall not threaten workers with or subject them to harsh or inhumane treatment, including sexual harassment, sexual abuse, [...] corporal punishment, mental coercion, [...] physical coercion, verbal abuse or unreasonable [...]restrictions on entering or exiting company provided facilities. htc.com |
在凯内马区工作的联合国电台记者今年 2 月报告称, [...] 她因开展反对切除女性生殖器的宣传,遭到邦多协会成员的羞辱,她的衣服被 剥,几乎半身裸体,一群妇女对着她高呼 辱 骂 和 侮 辱 口 号。 daccess-ods.un.org | A United Nations Radio reporter working in Kenema reported in February that she had been humiliated by Bondo society members for having campaigned against female [...] genital mutilation; she was stripped almost half naked and crowds [...] of women chanted abusive and humiliating slogans at her. daccess-ods.un.org |
即使在这种情况中,为了使在国家继承之日之前未来得及反对保留的国家 或国际组织能够反对,那么维持领土范围已经 扩 大 的 保 留必然会 打 破 条 约 的平 衡:这正是这一例外的狭义意思,即仅涉及保留的领土范围的扩大“使保留的实 [...] 施条件发生根本的改变”的情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | Even in such a situation, in order for a State or international organization that has not objected in time to the reservation prior to the date of the succession of States to be able to object to it, it would be necessary that the maintenance of the reservation the territorial [...] scope of which has been extended [...] should upset the balance of the treaty: that is the sense [...]of the restrictive formulation of [...]this exception, which covers only those situations in which the territorial extension of the reservation “radically changes the conditions for the operation of the reservation”. daccess-ods.un.org |
但这个挑战已经促使一些人从根本上重新思考他们的事工方法,并以热切的心祷告,寻求 突 破口 , 希 望带来有深度的、具有转 化 大 能 的 、以及在整个群体范围内的门徒训练。 conversation.lausanne.org | But it has compelled some to rethink [...] radically their [...] approaches and to pray fervently for breakthroughs that would lead to discipleship [...]that is deep, transformational and community-wide. conversation.lausanne.org |
应清洗浸油的衣服,并对接触 石油产品的破口和划伤采取急救措施。 mobilindustrial.com | Launder oil-soaked clothes and get first aid for cuts and scratches exposed to petroleum products. mobilindustrial.com |
教科文组织的阿拉伯组要求在第一八一届会 议的议程中列入以下项目:“促进加沙重建 与发展,以便发挥教科文组织在联合国系统 所承担的牵头组织的作用;以色列发起进攻 的负面后果;是否涉及侵犯人权或对关键的 教育基础设施造成影响,如教育和教师机构 (中小学、研究所、高等院校);对学生和 教师造成的不利社会影响和心理影响;加沙 地带建筑物的巨大破坏; 教科文组织及其会 员国在处理以色列攻击行动的后果方面所面 对的重担”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Arab Group at UNESCO has requested that an item be placed on the agenda of the 181st session on "contribution to the reconstruction and development of Gaza, in view of the role assigned to UNESCO as a leading organization of the United Nations system; the negative consequences of the Israeli aggression; whether in regard to human rights violations or repercussions on vital educational infrastructure such as educational and teaching institutions (schools-institutes-universities); adverse social and psychological effects on both students and teachers; great losses sustained at archaeological sites in the Gaza Strip; and the burden faced by UNESCO and the Member States in dealing with the consequences of Israeli aggression”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
政府发动了“绿色革命和农业改革”,试图以农业为 突 破口 , 确 保粮食生 产和粮食安全,并且以此作为一种减少贫困的战略。 daccess-ods.un.org | In spearheading agriculture to guarantee food and food security as one of the poverty reduction strategies, the Government has initiated Green Revolution and Agriculture Transformation. daccess-ods.un.org |
作為㆒個負 責任的香港市民和立法局議員,我知道愛滋病不單是㆒個醫療或道德問題,而是㆒個 重大的社會問題,會對㆟類造成極 大破 壞 ,因此必須正視和設法加以解決。 legco.gov.hk | As a responsible Hong Kong citizen and as a legislator, I know that the AIDS problem is not simply a medical nor even a moral one but a social problem of such magnitude and potential damage to the human society that it must be dealt with openly and without reservation. legco.gov.hk |
故此, 我們建議擴大破欠基 金的保障範圍,以涵蓋未放年假及未放法定假日 薪酬,藉以加強受影響僱員在這方面的保障。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, we propose to expand the scope of the Fund to cover pay for untaken annual leave and untaken statutory holidays so as to strengthen the protection of affected employees in this regard. legco.gov.hk |
该代表要 [...] 求秘书处考虑就普及生殖健康服务问题展开协商,包括在即将举行的第六次 亚洲及太平洋人口大会上这样做。 daccess-ods.un.org | The representative requested the secretariat to consider holding consultations on [...] universal access to reproductive health, including during the forthcoming sixth [...] Asian and Pacific Population Conference. daccess-ods.un.org |
随着旭瑞公司落户佛山南海,南海半导体照明产业技术创新平台及中试基地投入建设、华南地区最大规模的灯饰电光源市场华南(国际)电光源灯饰城初具规模、南海被省科技厅认定为广东新光源产业化基地,南海已打通LED产业链,有望率先突破LED高端照明应用推广的瓶颈 , 大 幅 降 低LED产品的价格,为传统照明企业转型和LED产品普及找到 突 破口。 gz-henli.com | Xu Rui company settled with the Foshan, Nanhai semiconductor lighting industrial technology innovation platforms and test base to invest in construction, South China's largest source market in South China Lighting Electric (International) Electric Light Source Lighting City beginning to take shape, the South China Sea by the Provincial Science and Technology Department new light source for the industrial base of Guangdong, South China Sea has opened up the LED [...] industry chain, the first [...] breakthrough in high-end LED lighting is expected to promote the application of the bottleneck, significantly reduce the price of LED products, traditional business transformation and LED lighting products to find breakthrough popularity. gz-henli.com |
其實,自從總督在十月七 日發表的施政報告㆗提出政制改革的建議以來, 北 大 ㆟ ㆝ ㆝ 破口大 罵 , 其實早就在 香港颳起了呼呼北風。 legco.gov.hk | Indeed, since the Governor gave his policy address on 7 October, and presented his political reform proposals along with it, our northern masters have resorted to cursing (the proposed political reform) daily. legco.gov.hk |
这是小森公司为了协助客户实现全日本印刷工会联盟制订的“促进企业形态变革的方案-全印工联2008计划”中的 五 大 突 破口 〈5 Doors〉而汇总的有效解决方案〈5 Solutions〉。 komori.com | These 5 Solutions were shaped by Komori to solve the 5 Issues (‘5 Doors’) set out in the ‘Business Innovation Promotion Plan’ of the AJ-PIA, the All Japan Federation of Printing Industry Associations. komori.com |
爱马仕高级制表部掌门人所主张的长期战略认为“爱马仕钟表可以依赖某些增长强劲的地区”,并且这些地区的销售业绩已有所表现:“我们发现了东南亚的新 突 破口 , ” Luc Perramond解释道,“尤其是新加坡和印度尼西亚,这些国家在人口、购买力和对奢侈品的关注度上均是 庞 大 的 市 场。 wthejournal.com | Such a strategy has long been advocated by the head of the Hermès watchmaking subsidiary, who considers that “La Montre Hermès can count on solid alternative [...] growth [...] avenues” and is already seeing results to prove it: “We are seeing good penetration in South East Asia,” notes Luc Perramond, “notably in Singapore and Indonesia, which are very large markets [...]in terms [...]of population, buying power and taste for luxury. wthejournal.com |