

单词 研究目的

See also:

研究 pl

researches pl
findings pl

研究 v

study v
examine v
do v
consider v
explore v

目的 n

purpose n
purposes pl
objective n
object n
goal n
target n
end n
point n
intention n
sake n
idea n

External sources (not reviewed)

的确,研究目的而使 用现存数据库并对其进行 摘录和重组的能力已经成为科学进程的一个关键部分。
Indeed, the ability to access existing databases and to extract and recombine selected portions of them for research has become a key part of the scientific process.
立陶宛各医院正在对患者安全文化进行试 研究 , 目的 是 讨 论和概述 有关立陶宛医院患者安全文化状况的信息,并通过分析科学数据提出 概要结论。
a pilot study on patient safety culture is being conducted at Lithuanian hospitals. The aim of the study is to discuss [...]
and summarise information
about the level of patient safety culture at Lithuanian hospitals and, through scientific data analysis, provide summarised conclusions.
(a) 应当事人要求,为诊断和公共卫生目的以及医学 研究目的 收 集的其基因数据和 生物样本,如不再需要,应予以销毁,除非这些数据已经不可逆转地与当事人切 断关联或国家法规认定为了公共利益和/或医学 -- 法律目的必须予以保留。
(a) If the person concerned so
requests, his or her genetic
[...] data and the biological samples collected for diagnostic and health care purposes and for medical and research purposes should be [...]
destroyed when they
are no longer necessary, unless such data are irretrievably unlinked to the person concerned or a national law or regulation makes such provision for their preservation as necessary in the public interest and/or for medico-legal purposes.
研究目的包括 :探討學 習困難及心理問題在青少年間的普遍程度與他們變成雙待的關係; [...]
發展一套試驗性的識別工具,用以識別可能有學習困難及/或心理問 題的雙待青少年;尋找現有識別及介入機制中的服務空隙;以及就 如何更有效協助面對這些問題的雙待青少年提出建議。
The study aims to look into the [...]
relationship between the prevalence of learning difficulties and psychological problems
among young people and their becoming non-engaged, develop an experimental screening instrument for identification of NEY who may have learning difficulties and/or psychological problems, identify the service gaps in the existing identification and intervention mechanisms, and make recommendations on how best to assist NEY with these problems.
1.1 內務委員會在2005年 1 月 21日成立的西九龍文娛藝術 區發展計劃小組委員會(下稱"小組委員會")就西九文化區發展 計劃進的研究,目的是跟進與位於西九龍填海區南部面積達 40公頃的西九文化區的發展有關的各項事宜。
1.1 The purpose of the study of the West Kowloon Cultural District (WKCD) Development Project (the Study) by the Subcommittee on WKCD Development (the Subcommittee) set up by the House Committee on 21 January 2005 is to follow up on a range of issues relating to the development of the 40-hectare WKCD at the southern portion of the West Kowloon Reclamation (WKR).
评价包 括两个阶段,案头研究和实研究, 目的 是 评 估非洲至今实现的甲基溴逐步淘汰是否可 以持续。
The evaluation comprises two stages, a desk study and a field study, which aimed at assessing the sustainability of the MB phase-out achieved in Africa to date.
以“自由及开源软件世界中的妇女”为主题与 BSP 合作开展了前研究,目的是 协 助编写具体提案,解决妇女在自由及开源软件世界中的参与度和可见度有限的 问题。
Initiation of preliminary research on the theme “Women in FOSS” in collaboration with BSP to contribute to the formulation of a concrete proposal that addresses the limited participation and visibility of women in the Free and Open Source software world.
这是食物安全中心( 下称“ 中心”)首次在香港进行总膳研究, 目的在 于估计整体香港市民和不 同人口组别从膳食摄入各种物质( [...]
包括污染物 和营养素) 的分量 ,从而评估摄入这些物质对健康带來 的风险。
This was the first time carrying
out the TDS in Hong Kong by the
[...] Centre for Food Safety (CFS). It aims to estimate dietary [...]
exposures of the Hong Kong population
and various population subgroups to a range of substances, including contaminants and nutrients, and thus assess any associated health risks.
2009 年世卫组织在越南进行了一项试 研究 , 目的 是 采 用基于性别的方式, 减少越南社会的被动吸烟现象。
In 2009, WHO
[...] carried out a pilot study in Viet Nam aimed at taking [...]
a genderbased approach to reducing second-hand smoking in the Vietnamese society.
澳大利亚指出,“考虑到 JARPA II 方案的规模,考虑到未对鲸鱼种群的保 护和管理显示出任何相关性,并考虑到对特定鱼种和种群构成的危险,JARPA II 方案不符合《国际管制捕鲸公约》第八条规定的理由(此条对为科 研究目的而 击 杀、捕获和加工鲸鱼发放特别许可证之事作出了规定)”。
Australia points out that “having regard to the scale of the JARPA II program, to the lack of any demonstrated relevance for the conservation and management of whale stocks, and to the risks presented to targeted species and stocks, the JARPA II program cannot be justified under article VIII of the ICRW” (this article regulates the granting of special permits to kill, take and treat whales for purposes of scientific research).
香港大學婦產科學系於2009年進行了一項隨機對 研究 , 目的 是 研 究 本 地華人婦女對HPV及HPV測試的概念,以及是否願意接受新HPV測試。
In 2009, with the support by the Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, HKU conducted a randomized controlled trial to study local Chinese [...]
women’s perception
towards HPV and HPV testing, and whether they would accept this new measure.
她介紹丙烯酰 胺的背景資料研究目的(相同 背景資料已於業界諮詢論壇第26次會議上介紹,詳見有 關會議紀要第7至9段),並向與會者講解研究的詳情及結果。
She introduced the background information
[...] on acrylamide and objectives of the study (Same background [...]
information was introduced in
the 26th Meeting of Trade Consultation Forum (TCF) and recorded in paragraphs 7 to 9 of the Notes of 26th Meeting of TCF).
(f) 贸易、工业和旅游部 2002 年 9 月 25 日第 77 号通告——“进口物品的清 关和登记要求”:该通告附件 10
[...] 列出了含放射性材料但用于教育、工业和医 研究 目的的产 品,这些产品在进口前需获得哥伦比亚地质和采矿研究所的核准或授权。
(f) Circular No. 77 of 25 September 2002 of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism “Clearance and registration requirements for imported goods”: annex 10 of this Circular lists products containing radioactive materials
to be used for educational, industrial
[...] and medical research purposes, which prior [...]
to importation require approval or authorization
from the Colombian Institute of Geology and Mining (INGEOMINAS).
它 将包含两个部分,即教学研究, 目的 是 丰 富现有课程内容,并鼓励在这一学科 领域提供培训。
It will have two components, namely, teaching and research, and its purpose is to enrich the courses on offer and encourage training in this subject area.
此外,建築署於 2007 年完成“香 港綠化屋頂應用”顧問研究,該 研究目的 在 於 對綠化屋頂的最新概念和設計 科技作快速檢討,並且建議調整配合香港應用的技術指引,從而推廣市民對綠 化屋頂的了解和認識。
In addition, the ArchSD completed a consultancy study on “Green Roof Application in Hong Kong”(the Study) in 2007, the purpose of which is to conduct a quick review of the latest concepts and design technology of green roofs and recommend technical guidelines adapted to suit applications in Hong Kong to promote public understanding and awareness.
国内用户群体可以为非商业目的、公共 的 和 研究目的 以 生 产成本价使用 KOMPSAT-2 的数据。
Domestic user groups can use KOMPSAT-2 data at the cost of production for non-commercial, public and research purposes.
15 条承认利益分享的多种形式,包括“对曾参加研究的 个人和群体的特别和可持续援助和承认;获得高质量的医疗保健服务;提供由研
[...] 究产生的新的诊断和治疗办法或产品;支持医疗保健服务;利用科学和技术知 识;研究目的提供能力建设设施”。
In article 15, it recognizes multiple forms of benefit-sharing, including “special and sustainable assistance to, and acknowledgement of, the persons and groups that have taken part in the research; access to quality health care; provision of new diagnostic and therapeutic modalities or products stemming from research; support for
health services; access to scientific and technological knowledge; and
[...] capacity-building facilities for research purposes”.
根据它, MorphoSys公司可以使用ESETEC®系统生产试剂, 既用于治疗项目的早期开发也用于诊 研究目的 以 及单纯用于研究。
As a result, MorphoSys will now be able to use the WACKER technology for the production of antigen material in
addition to the production
[...] of antibodies in both the early development phase of therapeutic projects as well as [...]
in the production of diagnostic and research antibodies.
[...] 和波兰合作开展了一项关于以强迫劳动为目的贩运人 的研究 , 目的 是 加 强合 作和信息交流、丰富相关知识和提高公众对该问题的认识。
A study on trafficking in persons for
forced labour, in cooperation with
[...] Estonia, Finland and Poland aimed at strengthening cooperation [...]
and information exchange and
increasing knowledge and public awareness of the issue.
我方也可能要求您完成我方用 研究目的 的 调 查,但您不一定非得作答。
We may also ask you to complete surveys that we use for research purposes, although you do not have to respond to them.
2011 年,难民署对人道主义行为者与11 个国家中( 包括哥伦 比亚、菲律宾、斯里兰卡和也门 ) 生活在收容家庭和社区的境内流离失所者之间 的联系进行研究,目的是以 对文化和冲突敏感的方式,更好地支持这些保护机 制。
In 2011, UNHCR undertook a study of humanitarian actors’ engagement with IDPs living with host families and in host communities in 11 countries, including Colombia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Yemen, in order to better support such protection mechanisms in ways that are culturally and conflictsensitive.
荷兰与挪威、芬兰和瑞典合作,委托进行了一 研究 , 目的 是 审 查安全理事 会第 1325(2000)号决议在阿富汗的执行情况。
In cooperation with Norway, Finland and Sweden, the
[...] Netherlands commissioned a study to review the implementation [...]
of Security Council resolution 1325 (2000) in Afghanistan.
屋宇署已委聘 顧問就可持續建築設計進研究, 目的 是 就 可持續建築設計制訂指引, 而如何提供更多綠化設施,便是研究範疇的其中一項。
The Buildings Department has commissioned
[...] a consultancy study on sustainable building designs which aims at developing [...]
guidelines on sustainable
building designs, and the provision of more green features is one of the issues under such study.
应确保研究机构特别是与穷人需要有关的农业或医疗技术机构不能以获取更多的许可收 入作为主的研究目的。
care be taken to ensure that research priorities, particularly as regards the technology requirements of the poor, be it in agriculture or health, are not distorted by the search for a larger licensing income.
研究的目的,是說 明納米技術的基本原理;確定納米技術應用於食物業引起的潛在安全問題;以及探討食 [...]
The objectives of this RA study were to present [...]
the basic principles of nanotechnology, to identify potential safety implications
associated with the application of nanotechnology in the food sector and to review the strategies for RA of engineered nanoparticles.
多边基金对包括低消费量国家(被定义为报告甲基溴消费量低于 5 ODP 吨的国 家)在内的第 5 条国家甲基溴项目的业绩和影响进行了多次评 研究 , 目的 是 查明影响顺 利实现淘汰目标及其长期可持续性的具体因素。
The Multilateral Fund has conducted several evaluation studies on the performance and impact of MB projects in Article 5 countries including low-volume consumers (LVC) (defined as countries with reported consumption of less that 5 ODP tonnes of MB), with the aim of identifying specific factors influencing the success of phase-out and its long-term sustainability.
为更全面理解渔业管理政策和捕捞安全之间的关系,粮农组织和美国国家职 业安全和健康研究所进行了一研究 , 目的 是 记 录全球海上安全和渔业管理政策 的关系,为渔业管理者和安全专业人员提供如何一道工作,使商业捕捞更安全的 [...]
In order to understand more fully the relationship between fisheries management policies and fishing safety, FAO and the United States National
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
[...] developed a study with the purpose to document [...]
globally the relationship between safety
at sea and fisheries management policies and to provide practical guidelines for fisheries managers and safety professionals on how they can work together to make commercial fishing safer.3
[...] 府統計處(統計處)進行相關調查的做法、最低工資委員會及相關組織(包括商會及勞 工組織等)的有關觀點,以及本地的相 研究 , 目的 是 確 保得到專業及適用的數據。
In the course of the design of this Study and the questionnaire survey, the Study team made reference to other sources of information, including the practices of the Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) in conducting related surveys, relevant views from the Minimum Wage Commission and
related organisations (including employers’ associations, labour
[...] organisations, etc), as well as relevant local studies.
陳蓉蓉女士說,這 項風險評研究的目的,是檢測動物源性食物的多溴聯苯醚含量;估計本港中學生可能 [...]
Ms Melva CHEN
[...] said that the RA study aimed to measure the [...]
levels of PBDEs in food of animal origin, to estimate the potential
dietary exposure to PBDEs of secondary school students in Hong Kong from these foods and to assess the associated health risks.
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