

单词 研发



Development Research Center (PRC State Council institution)

(调查或研究的)发现 n

finding n

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 家发改委能源研究所(ERI)有 70 名科研人员,国土资 源部(MLNR)油气资源战略研究中心有 50 名科研人 员,为中央政府提研发支持
In addition, the Energy Research Institute (ERI) under the NDRC employs about 70 researchers, and the MLNR’s
Strategic Research Center of Oil and Gas
[...] Resources keeps 50 researchers to provide research support for the [...]
central government.
公共和国研发机构 应避免与私 营企业建立能给予后者获取、拥有和/或控制共同物品/资源的权利的伙伴关系,因 为它们会对公众的福利构成威胁。
Partnerships with private corporations that give them access, ownership and/or control over common goods/resources should be avoided by public and international R&D institutions as they pose a threat to public welfare.
在这方面,亚太技转中心在以下方面帮助成员国加 强能力:提高中小企业规划和执行技术转让项目的技能;在各优先技
[...] 术领域(新兴技术和传统技术)促 研发 协 作 、促进关键技术(包括可 再生能源技术、生物技术和纳米技术)的交流和应用;建立能够支持 [...]
In this regard, APCTT, helped build the capacity of member States to improve skills in SMEs to plan and
implement technology transfer projects; promote
[...] research and development collaboration [...]
in priority areas of technology – both
emerging and traditional, promote the flow and utilization of critical technologies, including renewable energy technologies (RETs), biotechnologies and nanotechnologies; and structure national innovation systems (NIS) that can support all these interventions with special emphasis being place on promoting innovation at the firm level, strengthening intellectual property management capacity, and fostering cross-border collaboration.
通过与医院药研发者以及医护 人员的密切合作,这家年轻的公司给 市场带来了新的发展,为医药进步作 出了重大贡献。
In close collaboration with medical developers and staff in hospitals, the young company brought new developments on the market and thus made vital contributions to progress in medicine.
原子能机构核查制度的主要宗旨是防止核材料被 用于非和平活动,“确保由原子能机构、或经其请求、或在其监督或管制下提供 的特殊裂变材料及其他材料、服务、设备、设施和信息不致用以推进任何军事目 的”(章程第三 A.5 条)和加强信任和提高透明度以及允许所有不扩散条约缔约国 在安全条件下和互信情况下,不受歧视地行使为和平目 研发 、 生 产和利用核能 的不可剥夺的权利(《不扩散核武器条约》第四条)。
The main aim of the IAEA verification regime is to prevent the diversion of nuclear material from peaceful activities, to “ensure that special fissionable and other materials, services, equipment, facilities, and information made available by the Agency or at its request or under its supervision or control are not used in such a way as to further any military purpose” (article III A.5 of the Statute) and to reinforce mutual trust and transparency as well as to allow all States parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, under secure conditions and with mutual confidence, to exercise their inalienable right to develop research, production and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes without discrimination (Treaty article IV).
2011年,中兴通讯利用产品生命周期环境评估方法建立公司各类产品碳排放数据库,并通 研发 流 程将生命 周期环境评估理念嵌入到产品开发过程中,实现产品生态化设计的同时形成过程管理,为产品生命周期评估和持 [...]
In 2011, ZTE Corporation utilized the product life cycle evaluation
method to establish the product carbon
[...] emission database for all kinds of products [...]
of the company and embedded the product
life cycle evaluation concept into product development through the R&D process to achieve ecological designs of products, form process management, and provide a guarantee for product lifec ycle evaluation and continual improvement.
这主要是因为波兰较低研发成本、 研发 力量的可获得性和高质量、大学 研发 中 心具 有较高品质并接近消费者,以及政府 研发的 激励。
This is mostly because of the lower R&D costs in Poland, the availability and the quality of R&D labour forces, the quality of universities and research centres and the proximity to customers as well as government R&D incentives.
由于某研发费用 的降低和从研究到应用的时间间隔的缩短,为 穷人进行技术投资的利润越来越大。
As a result of both the reduction in cost of certain research and development, and the reduced time from research to application, it was becoming profitable to invest in technologies for the poor.
他因创建并领导中国最大的软研发 中 心之一,SAP中国实验室而闻名,该实验室有约3000名雇员,他通过“以身作则”的领导方式营造并维持高效的团队和组织。
He is recognized for establishing and leading one of China’s largest software research and development centers, SAP Labs China with over 3000 employees, through a “leading by example” leadership style that created and retained high performance teams and organizations.
因 此,比如计算机软件业认为对其产品收取著作权费才能产生公司用于进一 研发 的 收 入。
So, for example, the computer software industry argues that charging licence fees for its products allows companies to generate revenues to fund future R&D.
根据《公约》第11条第4 款和议事规则第1条第4 款,下列其他组织以观 察员身份出席了会议:杀伤人员地雷探测产 研发 组 织 、国际稳定和复原中心、 地面除雷组织、哈洛信托会、排雷和援助地雷受害者国际信托基金。
In accordance with Article 11, paragraph 4, of the Convention and rule 1, paragraph 4, of the rules of procedure, the following other organizations attended the Meeting as observers: APOPO, Centre for International Stabilization and Recovery (CISR), Cleared Ground Demining, the HALO Trust, and International Trust Fund for Demining and Mine Victims Assistance (ITF).
提高乘客和货物运输速度及安全性有赖于动力 学、空气动力学以及交通安全技术的广泛应用——在高 速列车和低噪音轨道车研发领域 尤其如此。
The faster, safer transportation of people and goods is a question of dynamics, aerodynamics and travel security – especially in the development of high-speed trains and low-noise railway vehicles.
因此,WIPO 积极与联合国系统内外的各个国际合作伙伴开展合作,以便通过下列方式帮助 共同解决重大挑战:释放创新和知识产权潜力,营建一个更为公平的世界;分析创新、知识产权和
[...] 技术转让之间的关系(将酌情包括各种形式的知识共享 研发 与 产能的转让,其中包括合作、能力 [...]
WIPO therefore cooperates actively with diverse international partners, both within and outside the UN system, in order to contribute to shared solutions to major challenges by: unlocking the potential of innovation and IP for a more equitable world; analyzing the relationship between innovation, IP and technology transfer (to
include, as appropriate, various forms of
[...] knowledge sharing, the transfer of R&D [...]
and productive capacity, including collaborations,
capacity building, licensing and technology adaptation and diffusion); and, developing practical tools.
这些点未在操作说明书中进行 说明,必须在输送设研发、安 装和调试过程中进行分析。
These are not described in this manual and have to be analyzed during the design, installation, and startup of the conveyor module.
该系统的成研发将有助于开展DNSSEC设备与系统的测试评估与认证工作,掌握DNSSEC部署后对现 [...]
有DNS影响的实测数据,综合评估我国部署DNSSEC系统的安全风险,研究制定我国DNSSEC部署策略及相 关管理政策,从而为我国DNSSEC系统的安全、高效、有序部署提供技术支撑和管理依据。
Successful R&D of this system will [...]
facilitate the evaluation of DNSSEC device and system testing and the authentication
work, obtaining the measured data about the influence of DNSSEC deployment on the existing DNS, comprehensive evaluation of the risk of deploying DNSSEC system and research and formulation of DNSSEC deployment policy and relevant management policy, so as to provide technical support and management basis for safe, high-efficient and orderly deployment of China’s DNSSEC system.
各国应在国际援助及 合作的框架内采取各种激励措施,推动针对这些具体健康需求 研发。
Within a framework of international assistance and cooperation, States should resort to a variety of incentives to influence research and development for these specific health needs.
俄罗斯已开研发性能 更高的新工具,以探测地雷并使其失效,并建立了一个适用于地雷的 [...]
The Russian
[...] Federation had started to develop new, improved [...]
tools for mine detection and disposal, had established a national
system of technical requirements for landmines and had developed a plan for the destruction of obsolete mines.
农业的可持续性取决于适当的投资:需要投研发针对 地方农业生态条件的适应性技术;特别是 针对小农户和妇女的投资;在农民教育和培训方面 的投资;在农业有形基础设施方面的投资;以及提 升农业和农村发展的最佳做法方面的投资。
Sustainability of agriculture depended on appropriate investments: there was a need to invest in research into adapted technologies for local agro-ecological conditions; in extension, especially for smallholders and women; in farmers’ education and training; in the physical infrastructure of agriculture; and in the scaling-up of best practices, both in agriculture and in rural development.
[...] 持续技术、创新和基础设施的投资,途径包括:制定政策和目标,减少投资者的 顾虑;推动发展支研发的公 私网络;发展风险担保机制和提供风险资本;提供 [...]
Governments, international financial institutions and major companies should work together to create incentives for increased investments in sustainable technologies, innovations and infrastructures, including through the adoption of policies and targets that reduce investor
uncertainty; the promotion of public-private
[...] networks to support research and development; [...]
the development of risk guarantee schemes
and the provision of risk capital; and seed financing.
对于咨询服务,在评估实施 过程中制作、构想、创建、发现、发明或付诸实践的所有报告、原作品和这类原作品的衍生作 品,以及安装脚本和其他可交付物 研发 成 果 中的所有知识产权是并且将一直是 CITRIX 的独 有和绝对财产,仅向您授予全球非独占性许可供内部使用。
With respect to consulting services, all intellectual property rights in all reports, pre-existing works and derivative works of such pre-existing works, as well as installation scripts and other deliverables and developments made, conceived, created, discovered, invented, or reduced to practice in the performance of the assessment are and shall remain the sole and absolute property of CITRIX, subject to a worldwide, non-exclusive License to you for internal use.
2006 年 5 月在特立尼达和 多巴哥就“促进加勒比发展的科学和技术”组织了一个重要的会议,该会议得到了金 斯顿办事处、教科文组织国际基础科学计划、加勒比科学网络(CARISCIENCE)和许 多其他伙伴的支助,反映出其跨社会部门性,其结果已经产生了某些影响:三个成员 国的科学和技术政策正得到审查;巴巴多斯公开承诺 研发 费 用 提高到其国内生产总 值的 1-1.5%——特立尼达会议的直接结果之一。
A key meeting organized in Trinidad and Tobago in May 2006 on “Science and Technology for Caribbean Development”, and supported by the Kingston Office, UNESCO IBSP, CARISCIENCE and many other partners, reflected this cross-section of society and the outcomes have already had some impact: the science and technology policies in three Member States are being reviewed; Barbados has publicly pledged to increase spending on research and development to 1%-1.5% of its GDP, a direct result of the Trinidad meeting.
69 已有人建议要创立更多的计 划来加快农业生物技术研究的步伐。70 有必要建立更多的这类机构和战略,它们的目的是:促进和发展中国家相关的研究工作所 需技术研发和获 取;最佳利用知识产权提供的机会;并帮助解决因研究工具专利的扩散 而带来的困难。
It is sponsored by public and private sector institutions and has the objective of transferring and delivering appropriate biotechnology applications to developing countries and the building of partnerships between institutions in the South and the private sector in the North, and by strengthening South-South collaboration.69 Proposals have been made for further initiatives to facilitate the acceleration of biotechnology research in agriculture.70 There is a need for the further development of institutions and strategies such as these which will seek to facilitate the development and acquisition of technologies required for research relevant to developing countries, seek to use the opportunities offered by IP to best advantage, and also help resolve the difficulties associated with the proliferation of patents on research tools.
一个代表团建议,秘书处应通过采取下列行动,继续向本区域各 相关国家提供支持:(a) 就可持续消费与生产、可持续农业、可再生 能源和能源效率、可持续城市和交通运输规划、废水处理以及市政危 险废物管理等领域,建立相关区域和次区域技术合作、能力开发和知 识共享平台;(b) 就自然灾害管理、综合水资源管理和气候变化适应 方面研发和技 术合作以及数据联网领域,建立新的区域和次区域伙 伴关系,并加强现有的相关区域和次区域伙伴关系。
One delegation proposed that the secretariat continue providing support to countries in the region by: (a) establishing regional and subregional platforms for technological cooperation, capacity development and knowledge sharing in the areas of sustainable consumption and production (SCP), sustainable agriculture, renewable energy and energy efficiency, sustainable urban and transport planning, wastewater treatment, and municipal and hazardous waste management; and (b) forging new, and strengthening existing regional and subregional partnerships in research and development and technical cooperation as well as data networking in the fields of natural disaster management, IWRM and climate change adaptation.
最不发达国家的农业面临巨大挑战,原因包括最不发达国家对有形基础设 施、科研发及农 业技术推广服务的投资有限。
The agriculture sector in least developed countries faces huge challenges owing to lack of adequate investment in physical infrastructure, scientific and technological development, research and agricultural extension services.
首先是我们全球各地兢兢业业的卓越团队:我们的技师在日本、英国和美国的实验室以令人惊叹的速度构建复杂的设备制造商车桥和变速箱测试环境并以出色的精度完成测试;我们的工程师在您能想象到的最严酷的环境中进行现场试验,以检验新款Anglamol添加剂的性能;我们的科学家迅 研发 出 新 产品,以满足客户和设备制造商的需求;我们的全球制造、销售和营销人员时刻以满足客户的产品需求为第一要务。
First is our remarkable team in action all over the world: our technicians in our laboratories in Japan, England and the United States who set up complicated OEM axle and gearbox testing with amazing speed and run them with remarkable precision; our engineers running field trials in some of the harshest environments you can think of to
test new Anglamol additives; our
[...] scientists who create new products rapidly to meet the needs [...]
of our customers and OEMs; and
our global manufacturing, sales and marketing personnel who are keenly focused on meeting our customer’s product needs.
就此而言,企业 能够从卢森堡各家研究中心(如李普曼 公共研究中心下属的汽车行业设备研 究所(REA))的专业知识中受益,从研发新型原料、纳米技术、生态技术或 任何创新项目。
In this respect, companies can benefit from the expertise of Luxembourg research centres (e.g. the Research in Equipment for the Automobile industry (REA) of the PRC Lippmann) to develop new raw materials, nanotechnologies, eco-technologies, or simply any innovative project.
比如 说,我们所开的汽车是由拥有研究生学历的工程师设计的;我们 子女学校的老师,有研究生学历的人也越来越多了,而且这些老 师又是由拥有高等学历的人培养出来的;医生为我们开的处方药 是由拥有研究生学历的科学研发和 测 试过的;在博物馆,我们 所看到的展览也是由拥有研究生学历的馆长筹划和安排的; 我们 在电影上看到的一些复杂的电脑特效同样也是由一些拥有研究生 学历的男男女女们设计的。
We ride in automobiles with systems designed by engineers having graduate degrees; send our children to schools where a growing number of teachers have graduate degrees and were themselves trained by people with advanced degrees; pick up prescriptions for drugs designed and tested by scientists with graduate degrees; visit museums and view displays arranged by curators with graduate degrees; and go to movies enhanced by sophisticated computer-generated special effects designed by men and women who have graduate degrees.
目前,GTI 继续拓展业务范围,作为一个国际工作平台,在市场 宣传推广、技术发展、产品路标等领域给予产业和市场发展的极大推 动,有效实现了运营商产品需求和技 研发 的 结 合,大力拉动了产业 和市场的发展。
At present, GTI continues to expand its business scope, and as an international working platform, it gives big boost to the industry in terms of market promotion, technology development, product roadmap and other fields, effectively realizes the combination of product demand of operators with technology research, and greatly drives the development of the industry and the market.
中国著名品牌柔性版制版机 ●液体制版机的世界加工工厂 ●中国最早、规模最研发、生 产柔版机的企业 ●中国最研发、生 产PS版生产线的企业之一 ...●中国著名品牌柔性版制版机 ●液体制版机的世界加工工厂 ●中国最早、规模最研发、生 产柔版机的企业 ●中国最研发、生产PS版生产线的企业之一 PS版、CTP版是印刷行业适应范围最广泛的胶印版材,中国已发展成为胶印版材的世界加工工厂。
China famous brand flexo plate making machine The world manufacture plant of liquid plate making machine A pioneer in the research and the most scope of manufacturing flexo plate making machine One of...China famous brand flexo plate making machine The world manufacture plant of liquid plate making machine A pioneer in the research and the most scope of manufacturing flexo plate making machine One of the pioneers in the research and manufacturing PS plate production line PS and CTP Plate is the most comprehensive applied offset plate in the printing industry; China has been developed into a world manufacture plant of offset plate.




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