

单词 研判

See also:

obviously (different)

External sources (not reviewed)

筆者估計,不同政黨可能採用不同的調查方法,然後 研判 不 同名單組合的勝算。
In the author's view, different political
parties may have adopted different survey
[...] methods so as to study the possibilities [...]
to win under different combinations.
此儀表板可 讓管理員即時查看受感染的系統數,並直接向下查詢感染細節, 研判 接 下來 要採取的步驟。
The dashboard gives administrators a real-time view to see the number of infected systems and drill directly down to infection details to determine next steps.
研判危险性的结果应 该记录下来。
Written records should be kept of risk assessment results.
代表还说,何为良好或最佳做法的定 义,得由各国和其它相关利益攸关方 研判。
The representative added that the definition of a good or a best practice would be up to States and other relevant stakeholders.
研判出的 危险将严重影响健康或造成伤害,雇主应该立 即采取措施。
If the risk of illness or injury is serious, employers should take steps to eliminate it immediately.
对于所有的金点子提案,各级负责人十分重视,认 研判 每 一 份金点子提案,对提案与业务的关联度、 [...]
Each level of executives paid special
attention to “Golden Idea”
[...] proposals, and earnestly studied and evaluated each [...]
such proposal, and carried out evaluation
on the proposals’ correlation with the business, feasibility and validity.
联邦调查局已成立专门从事反恐工作的新业务部门,其中包括负责管理和共 享威胁信息、24 小时运作的反恐观察处和国家联合反恐工作队;负责统一制止资 助恐怖主义工作的制止资助恐怖主义行动科;负 研判 海 外材料情报价值 研判 证据工作队;负责在任何需要的地方提供反恐专业知识的可部署“飞队”;负责 帮助识别恐怖分子并将其挡在美国门外的恐怖分子识别中心和外国恐怖分子追 踪工作队。
These include the 24-hour Counterterrorism Watch and the National Joint Terrorism Task Force to manage and share threat information; the Terrorism Financing Operation Section to centralize efforts to stop terrorist financing; evidence exploitation squads to exploit material found overseas for intelligence value; deployable “Fly Teams” to lend counter-terrorism expertise wherever it is needed; and the Terrorist Screening Center and Foreign Terrorist Tracking Task Force to help identify terrorists and keep them out of the United States.
此次评估的职权范围系由亚太经社会方案管理司经 与亚太统计所的代表组成的评研判 小 组 以及亚太经社会统计司协商之 后于 2008 年 10 月确定,并已得到亚太统计所理事会于 2008 年 11 月在 日本千叶举行的第四届会议的核准 (STAT/SIAP/GC(4)/7 第 11 页)。
The Terms of Reference (TOR) for the evaluation were finalized in October 2008 by the Programme Management Division (PMD) of ESCAP in consultation with the evaluation reference group comprised of representatives from SIAP, and ESCAP Statistics Division and endorsed by the SIAP Governing Council at its 4th session in November 2008, Chiba, Japan (STAT/SIAP/GC(4)/7 page 11).
而挺过这波经济危机,我自研判需 要两年多的恢复期。
For weathering this wave of economic crisis, based
[...] on my personal judgment, it will need more [...]
than two years to recover.
他对全球各类赛道的敏锐观察研判 能 力 ,让他在每次比赛中都令对手不可小觑。
His ability to read and interpret very carefully the various tracks around the globe makes him a serious contender for the podium every time.
于 2003 年完成的前一次评估是本报告的起点,其内容 研判 先 前 所 提出的各项建议在何种程度上得到了贯彻落实、以及评判亚太统计所在 亚太区域重大而迅速的变化中是如何调整其目标和方针的。
The previous evaluation completed in 2003 has served as the starting point for the current report, which assesses the extent to which the earlier recommendations have been implemented and how well SIAP is adapting its objectives and approaches amid the very significant and rapid changes in the Asia-Pacific region.
研判有助於目前預測未來業績之資訊,請參照第4頁(3)預估合併業績相關定性資訊 「2012年3月期 合併結算 業績參考指標」之記載。
Information currently useful for forecasting earnings results can be found on page 5, (3) 4Q of FY 2011 and Full-Term Outlook.
大遊行已經收到即時的效果:政府被迫延期立法,建制內部分化,中央從 研判 香 港 的情勢,各方勢力以至傳媒紛紛向民意傾斜。
The aftermath of the demonstration made the whole event seemingly "a victory of public opinion": The internal split of the administration, the postponement of the legislation, and the re-evaluation of Hong Kong's situation by the Chinese government.
本次论坛针对全球经济形势、变革抉择、实体经济发展困局等年度热点话题进行探讨 研判 , 共 设立“应对全球经济衰退”、“寻找经济新增长点”、“第三次工业革命:改变制造业格局”、“国际化的软实力困境”和“媒体领袖论坛”,探讨内容遍及宏观经济走向、行业发展趋势、新技术革命带来的行业机遇与挑战、新媒体环境挑战等领域。
Forum guests were invited to share professional insights on such hot issues as the global economic situation, decision-making in times of change, and the dilemma of development in the real economy.
参加讲习班的有高级研究员、教 学人员、硕研究生、贸易判人员和贸易从业人员。
The workshops were attended by senior
[...] researchers, teaching staff, master students, trade negotiators and trade practitioners.
但是,他曾根据国家、区域和国判 例 和学 说研 究对驱逐出境理由的评估标准。
Nevertheless, he had examined the criteria
for assessing the grounds for expulsion on the basis of national, regional
[...] and international jurisprudence and doctrine.
但是,一 些缔约方也提到,由于在缔约方会议第十七届会议前可用于正式谈判的时间有 限,必须考虑到时间上的限制,确 研 讨 会不会侵占正式 判 的 时 间,在 研讨 会和正式判分配的时间上实现平衡。
However, some Parties also mentioned that owing to the limited time available for formal negotiations in the run-up to COP 17, it would be important to consider time
constraints and to
[...] ensure that the workshops do not take time away from formal negotiations and that there is balance between the time allocated to workshops and that allocated to formal negotiations.
它为具有地⽅和文化相关性的学习,以 及 基于积极、判、研究和以学习者为中心的办法的学习,提供⽀持。
It supports learning which is locally and culturally relevant and based on active, critical, exploratory, creative and learnercentred approaches.
在每次报告中,特别报告员都先研 究 国 家实 践判例法 和法理的基础上详细分析所涉问题,然后进行总结,综述所涉问题的整 体要点(A/CN.4/601,第102和第130段;A/CN.4/631,第90和第91段;A/CN.4/ 646,第 61 段)。
For each of three reports, the Special Rapporteur routinely presented a summary following a detailed analysis of the issues involved on the basis of a review of State practice, case law and the doctrine, thus providing elements of an overall picture of the issues addressed in a synthesized manner (A/CN.4/601, paras. 102 and 130; A/CN.4/631, paras. 90 and 91; A/CN.4/646, para. 61).
自治妇女中心率先进行了题为《反对家庭暴力的 家庭法律保护》和《贝尔格莱德法院判例法》(2008 年)的判例法研究,进行了塞 尔维亚共和国法判例法研究( 2009 年)。
The Autonomous Women’s Centre was the first to conduct a research of the case law entitled Family Legal Protection against Domestic Violence and the
Case law of the Courts in
[...] Belgrade (2008) and a research of the case law in the courts in the Republic of Serbia (2009).
禁毒办工作方案的三大支柱是: ㈠
[...] 规范性工作,以便利国际法律文书的执行并使其转变为全球性规范,以及促 进国际法律文书的判工作研究和 分析工作,以增进对毒品、犯罪和恐怖 [...]
主义问题的认识和了解并扩大政策制定和运作决定的依据;㈢ 技术援助,向会 员国提供专门知识,以便为其签署和批准国际法律文书做好准备并推动国际法律
The three pillars of the work programme of UNODC are: (i) normative services to facilitate the implementation of international legal instruments and their
transformation into global norms, as
[...] well as facilitating negotiation of international [...]
legal instruments; (ii) research and
analysis to increase knowledge and understanding of drug, crime and terrorism issues and expansion of the evidence base for policymaking and operational decisions; and (iii) technical assistance to provide expertise to Member States to prepare for signature and ratification of international legal instruments and to facilitate their implementation, together with legislative assistance and national capacity-building in the area, inter alia, of multilateral standards and norms.
每一个阶段的首脑会议都标志着长达数月的准备工作进入了高潮,在这一过程中,会 员国、联合国专家、私营部门、非政府组织代表进行磋商和 判 , 研 究 分 析大量信息,分享 与信息社会问题相关的方方面面的经验。
For each phase, the Summit event marks the culmination of many months of preparation, in the form of consultations and negotiations among Member States, United Nations experts, the private sector, and non-governmental representatives reviewing vast amounts of information, and sharing a broad spectrum of experiences in issues related to the information society.
前南问题国际法庭直接执行该项目的三个组成部分,包括将指定的前 南问题国际法庭记录翻录成该区域的当地语言,将前南问题国际法庭上诉分判 例法研究工具翻译成波斯尼亚/克罗地亚/塞尔维亚语,向法律专业人员提供如何 查阅和研究前南问题国际法庭记录的培训。
The Tribunal directly implemented three components of the project, including the transcription of designated Tribunal proceedings into the local languages of the former Yugoslavia, the translation into Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian of the Tribunal’s Appeals Chamber Case Law Research Tool, and the training of legal professionals on how to access and research the Tribunal’s public records.
(f) 考虑采用新的投入类型,为判会议 和 研 讨 会 提供资料和补充:“开 拓者国际的项目”可使参与的几个国家就某个项目共同努力,以便对 [...]
长期合作行动问题特设工作组 提 出 的 意见和建议 进行实际测 试 (新 西 兰,MISC.1)。
(f) Consideration should be given to using
a new type of input to inform
[...] and complement negotiating sessions and workshops: ‘Pathfinder [...]
Projects’ would involve a
small group of countries working together on a specific project in order to “road-test” ideas and proposals put forward in the AWG-LCA (New Zealand, MISC.1).
在答覆中,政府表示,就實施「強拍條例」後,土地審裁處已公布一份「實務指 示」,政府預期很快將會有客戶參與「調解先導計劃」,但若調解不成,會有需 要由土地審裁處作出仲裁,而小業主,尤其是長者業主,要與大地產商進行對辯 及提供樓宇市值評估數據特別困難,政府會否考慮提供專業援助,例如透過「支 援長者業主外展服務先導計劃」,協助提供市值估價資料,以及推薦給法律援助 署,就土地審裁處的審訊提供法侓援助,仿如法援署會向精神健康覆核審裁處案 件及某些死因判研訊提供法援?
Will the Government consider rendering professional assistance to these owners, for example through the Pilot Scheme on Outreach Support Service for Elderly Owners to help to provide them with information on the assessed market value of their properties, and referring them to the Legal Aid Department (LAD) to receive legal aid for Lands Tribunal proceedings, just as LAD provides legal aid for Mental Health Review Tribunal cases and certain cases in the Coroner's Court?
最可能造成上判决预 测完成日期拖延的五个因素 与以下方面有关的或是由此造成的拖延:(a) 多个上诉人案件的性质;(b) 非常 多的上诉前请求;(c) 将判决书 翻译成波斯尼亚/克罗地亚/塞尔维亚文,并将提 交的书面文件翻译成分庭的一种工作语文和波斯尼亚/克罗地亚/塞尔维亚文,特 别是如果上诉人作自我辩护,所需的时间非常之长;(d) 对上诉理由的修订,特 别是判决书 翻译之后(主要是有律师的上诉人);(e) 工作人员人手不够和/或 缺乏上诉支助方面的经验。
The five factors with the most potential to cause slippage in
projected estimates for
[...] completion of judgements on appeal are the delays associated with or caused by: (a) the nature of multi-appellant cases; (b) the inordinate amount of pre-appeal motions; (c) the inordinate length of time for translation of trial judgements into Bosnian/Croatian/ Serbian, as well as for translation of written submissions into one of the Tribunal’s working languages and Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, especially in cases of selfrepresented appellants; (d) amendments to grounds of appeal, especially following translation of the trial judgement (mainly for [...]
represented appellants);
and (e) understaffing and/or lack of experience in appeals support.
大会第六十二届会议请秘书长对收集的国际性法院、法庭和其他机构提及条 款的判予以 更新;并邀请各国政府提供关于本国在这方面的实践的资料;还请 秘书长在第六十五届会议之前尽早提交这份材料;决定由第六委员会的一个工作 组进一步探讨在这些条款的基础上拟订国家对国际不法行为的责任公约或采取 其他适当行动的问题(第 62/61 号决议)。
At its sixty-second session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to update the compilation of decisions of international courts, tribunals and other bodies referring to the articles, and to invite Governments to submit information on their practice in that regard; also requested the Secretary-General to submit that material well in advance of its sixty-fifth session; and decided to further examine, within the framework of a working group of the Sixth Committee, the question of a convention on responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts or other appropriate action on the basis of the articles (resolution 62/61).




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