

单词 砍死

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External sources (not reviewed)

根据报导,在七月叁十一日下午,攻击者对喀什米尔的一家饭店发动攻击,杀死店主和侍者之後,放火烧毁饭店,然後跑到街上,将四个 砍死。
On the afternoon of 31 July, police reportedly shot dead five people and arrested four others in another incident after attackers had stormed a restaurant in
Kashgar, set it on fire after killing the owner and a waiter, and then ran onto the street and
[...] hacked four people to death.
2008 年 12 月以来死亡人数据信接近 900 人, 许多受害者是砍刀砍死或木 棍击打致死。
The number of deaths since December 2008 is believed to approach 900, with many
[...] victims hacked to death with machetes or bludgeoned [...]
by clubs.
3 月 21 日,据报道上帝军袭击了 Agoumar,在那里后来发现了 14 具村民的尸体,他们都是被斧子砍 刀 劈 死 的。
On 21 March, LRA reportedly attacked Agoumar, where the bodies of
[...] 14 villagers, killed with axes and machetes, were later discovered.
[...] 屯門良景邨的情況,亦引起很大的反響,樹木被人所謂修剪,其實不是修剪, 而是令樹木砍得差不多死。
The so-called pruning of trees is actually not pruning at
[...] all, but lopping the trees half-dead.
联合国进行的调查证实, 至少有 33 人,其中包括 9 名儿童和 6 名妇女,在这些袭击中死亡,他们要么是 被活活死,要么是砍头或枪杀。
A United Nations investigation confirmed that during those attacks, at least 33 persons, including 9 children and 6 women, had been killed, either burned alive, decapitated or shot.
有關非砍伐樹 木事件的報告會 轉交規劃署,而規劃署可能會把報告轉交城市規劃委員會,以 [...]
Reports on illegal tree felling incidents [...]
would be referred to Planning Department for possible referral to the Town Planning
Board for reference in the consideration of planning applications.
受到非砍伐和 贸易影响的国家还开始采用新技术来跟踪木材的流动情况。
Countries affected by illegal harvesting and trade also started to adopt new technologies for tracking timber movement.
此外,秘鲁排雷行动中心继续努力执行帮 助地雷幸存者死者家 属重新融入社会和经济生活的方案。
In addition, CONTRAMINAS continued its efforts
to implement social and economic reintegration programmes to assist landmine survivors
[...] and the families of the deceased.
過去二、三 十 年 來 , 很 多 人 視砍 的 樹 為 死 物,是 木 材,於 是強行把樹木焗乾,由 裏 至 外 焗 至 乾涸,樹木內 裏 供 作 疏 導、 運 輸 的 系 統 , 即用以 流 通 空 氣 、水分或 養 料 等 的 管 道,全 都 被 焗 至 乾 枯 , 然 後視之 為 死 物,這 是 過去建築行 業 蓬勃時,處 理 被 砍 樹木的 一 種 方 法。
As a result, the internal circulation and transportation system of the tree, that is, ducts used for transporting oxygen, water or nutrition all shrivelled in the drying process and the tree was then considered dead.
我们需要持续的援助和行动,以巩 固和平与安全及我们的国家机构,培训我们的军队和 警察,为年轻人创造就业机会,特别是让他们一直有 事可做,提高国家提供优质社会服务的能力,重新安 置人数众多的流离失所者,以及加快实施降低因森砍伐和退化而产生的排放的战略,总之实现可持续发 展和千年发展目标。
We need sustained assistance and action to consolidate peace and security and our national institutions, to train our armed forces and police, to create jobs for youth, in particular to keep them occupied, to strengthen the State’s capacities to provide quality social services, to resettle the many displaced people and to accelerate the strategy to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation — REDD-plus — in short, to bring about sustainable development and to achieve the Millennium Development Goals.
然而,许多国家的森砍伐和 退化情况依然令 人深感不安。
However, in many countries the rate of deforestation and forest degradation remains deeply disturbing.
民间社会承认私营部门能够发挥有益作用,但我们看到的却是企业 不可持续地采矿、捕鱼砍伐森 林,通过土地掠夺偷取资源和当地人生计,通过 生物燃料场毁坏森林和农田,通过食品倾销摧毁农民生计,通过项目让当地人失 去水源面对污染的环境。
Civil society accepts that the private sector can play a useful role, but our experience is of companies that have unsustainably exploited minerals, fish and forests; land grabs that have stolen the resources and livelihoods of local people; biofuel plantations that have destroyed forests and agricultural lands; food dumping that has destroyed farmers’ livelihoods; and projects that leave local people with no water and a polluted environment.
云南政府当局、地方军队领导及 少数民族组织都直接参与了树砍伐。
Yunnan authorities, regional army commanders and ethnic groups have all been directly involved.
[...] 示关注,依据这类法律,一些作家和出版人被起诉、监禁和判 死 刑 , 国际笔会 指出,它将继续要求释放根据此类法律监禁的人。
International Pen was also concerned about the existence of “blasphemy” laws, under which a number of writers and
publishers had been charged and
[...] imprisoned and sentenced to death, and indicated that [...]
it would continue to call for the release
of those imprisoned under such legislation.
普遍存在的森砍伐问 题可能会影响到吴哥世界遗产的的景观, 特别是遗产地的水资源 管理。
The general problem of deforestation is threatening to affect the landscape of the world heritage site of Angkor, in particular its water management.
间接的后果包括:因劣质或地下堕胎手术生造成 死 亡 ;死亡;有害习俗造成死亡;与贩毒、有组织犯罪和团伙活动相关 死 亡 ; 仅仅 因忽视、饥饿或虐待造成女孩或妇女 死 亡 ;以及国家蓄意的行为或不行为造成死亡。
The indirect category includes: deaths
due to
[...] poorly conducted or clandestine abortions; maternal mortality; deaths from harmful practices; deaths linked to human trafficking, drug dealing, organized crime and gangrelated activities; the death of girls or women from simple neglect, through starvation or [...]
and deliberate acts or omissions by the State.
发言者们提出的问题包括破坏环境 罪,特别是非砍伐和捕捞;造假和数字媒体盗版;以及贩运枪支。
Topics raised by speakers included environmental crime, particularly illegal logging and fishing; counterfeiting and piracy of digital media; and trafficking in firearms.
[...] 高、失业现象严重、人口增长率高、卫生和营养结果差(反映于妇幼发病率死 亡率 高),以及营养不良的沉重负担;传染性疾病的流行,包括艾滋病毒/艾滋病、 [...]
Efforts at development of human capacities in least developed countries have been affected by high incidence of poverty, mass unemployment, high population growth rates, poor health and nutrition
outcomes, as evidenced by high child and maternal
[...] morbidity and mortality rates and [...]
the high burden of undernutrition, the prevalence
of communicable diseases, including HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and polio, and the growing burden of non-communicable diseases.
各位部长还重申,必须采取紧急行动,支持发展中国家采取的适应和自愿 减缓措施,并加强全球一级的合作,以便除其他外应对荒漠化、土地退化砍 伐森林问题,呼吁国际社会根据《气候公约》所列标准,将发展中国家的需求 列为优先事项,同时考虑到特别易受影响国家的需要,并提供长期的、适足 的、按比例增加的、可预测的、新的额外供资、技术开发和支助以及能力建 设。
The Ministers also reaffirmed that urgent actions were needed to support adaptation and voluntary mitigation measures undertaken by developing countries, and to strengthen cooperation at the global level to address, inter alia, desertification, land degradation and deforestation, and called upon the international community to prioritize the needs of the developing countries, taking into account the needs of those that are particularly vulnerable, in accordance with the criteria set in the UNFCCC, and to provide long-term, adequate, scaledup, predictable, new and additional finance, technology development and support as well as capacity-building.
大规砍伐导致洪水泛滥,人口迁徙,广泛地破坏当地农业、经 济和基础设施。
Logging has resulted in extensive flooding, large scale human displacement and widespread agricultural, economic and infrastructure damage.
(c) 工務部門在向 立法會申請撥 款 進行公共工程項目時,會在呈交工 務 小組委員會的文件㆗,提 供 這 些 項目有關保護樹木砍 伐 樹木 / 種 植 樹木的資料。
c) In seeking the Legislative Council’s approval of funding for public works projects, project offices will also include in Public Works Subcommittee papers information on tree preservation/felling/planting in relation to the projects.
小组从若干人士那里获得的信息显示,进行这次袭 击的人由利比里亚人和科特迪瓦人混合组成,所持武器为
[...] AK-47 冲锋枪、手工造 12 号口径手枪砍刀。
The Panel received information from several sources that the attack had
been carried out by a mixed group of Liberians and Ivorians armed with AK-47s, handmade
[...] 12-gauge pistols, and machetes.
偷猎、家养驯鹿变野、天敌(狼)的数 目增加、大规砍伐森林、驯鹿吃的藓类植物数量减少、北方驯鹿牧地租金高(每 公顷林地租金 5.35 卢布)和其他许多原因,也导致萨哈林的驯鹿牧养出现灾难性 的局面。
Poaching, the feralization of the domestic reindeer, the increasing number of predators (wolves), massive deforestation, a decrease in the number of reindeer moss, high rent for northern reindeer herding, at 5.35 rubles per hectare on forest area units and many other reasons have also led to the catastrophic situation of reindeer herding in Sakhalin.
有证据显示,增加的需求和来自认证咖啡的较高利润刺激咖 啡种植农通砍伐灌木和较高大的树木来增加生产,严重损害了森林及其生物多样性。
There is evidence that the increased demand and higher profits from certified coffee provides an incentive for coffee farmers to
intensify production by slashing the
[...] undergrowth and felling larger trees, effectively [...]
destroying the forest and its biodiversity.
之下的长期合作行动问题特设工作组第八届会议报告(FCCC/AWGLCA/2009/17)中 所载的保障措施得到实施,该报告注意到《联合国土著人民权利宣言》的通过, 强调需要尊重土著人民的知识和权利;需要土著人民全面、有效参与、不把自然
[...] 森林转作他用和保护生物多样性;以及需要解 砍 伐 森 林的驱动原因和土地保有 权问题。
The Forum further recommends that the Initiative ensure the implementation of the safeguards contained in the report of the Ad Hoc Working Group on long-term cooperative action under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change on its eighth session (FCCC/AWGLCA/2009/17) which stresses the need to respect the knowledge and rights of indigenous peoples, noting the adoption of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; the need for the full and effective participation of indigenous peoples, the non-conversion of natural forests for other uses,
and the conservation of biological diversity; and the need to address
[...] the drivers of deforestation and land tenure issues.
委员会已确 定了一些现有技术和做法:植树造林;重新造林;森林管理;减 砍 伐 森 林;木 材生产管理;使用森林产品作为生物能源并取代化石燃料;树种改良,以增加生 物量的生产和碳固存;提高用于分析植被/土壤固碳潜力的遥感技术,并绘制土 地使用变化图。
The Panel has identified a number of available technologies and practices: afforestation; reforestation; forest management; reduced deforestation; harvested wood production management; use of forest products for bioenergy and to replace fossil fuels; tree species improvement to increase biomass production and carbon sequestration; improved remote-sensing technologies for analysis of vegetation/soil carbon sequestration potential; and the mapping of land-use change.
此外,气候变化、环境退化、荒 漠化、土地和土壤退化、极端气候事件、洪涝、干旱和气旋 砍 伐 森 林、物种的 减少、可用水减少及水质下降等带来的不利影响也有损农业发展。
Furthermore, agriculture development has been suffering from adverse impacts of climate change, environmental degradation, desertification, land and soil degradation, extreme weather events, floods, droughts and cyclones, deforestation and loss of biodiversity, declining water availability and degrading water quality.
不断增加的生态压力反映为 生物多样性的丧失、土地退化、缺水、森 砍 伐 以及环境中危险化学品的水平 不断增加,所有这些都增加了穷人面临的挑战,因为许多穷人高度依赖环境来 维持生计。
Mounting ecological stress is reflected in biodiversity losses, land degradation, water scarcity, deforestation and increasing levels of hazardous chemicals in the environment, all of which add to the challenges of people living in poverty, many of whom depend disproportionately on the environment for their livelihoods.
人们认为造成最常见的虫媒病,包括疟疾和登 革热的环境因素包括:灌溉和供水系统设计不当、 住房不足、废物处置和蓄水差砍伐 森 林、生物多 样性的损失等。
Environmental factors, such as poorly designed irrigation and water systems, inadequate housing, poor waste disposal and water storage, deforestation and loss of biodiversity, all are regarded as factors contributing to the most common vector-borne diseases, including malaria and dengue.
例如,“一个联合国”气候变化培训服务平台(联合国气候变化:学习)有 32 个合作伙伴,支持会员国、联合国机构及其他发展伙伴为应对气候变化设计 并开展注重成果的持续学习活动,联合国关于降低发展中国家因森 砍 伐 和 退 化产生排放的合作方案(降排方案)则协助发展中国家制定并执行国家降排战 略。
For example, the One United Nations Training Service Platform for Climate Change (UN CC:Learn) which includes 32 partners, supports Member States, United Nations agencies and other development partners in designing and implementing results-oriented and sustainable learning to address climate change, while the United Nations Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (UN-REDD Programme) assists developing countries in the preparation and implementation of national REDD+ strategies.




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