

单词 砍掉

See also:


fall v
drop v
lose v
turn v
reduce v

fall (in prices)
shed (hair)
go missing
lose (value, weight etc)
show off
lag behind

External sources (not reviewed)

我們恐怕砍掉亞馬遜河或馬來西亞熱帶森林大 部份的樹木,以便製造足夠紙張印製所有關於機場融資計劃的報告及文件。
We must have cut down large sections [...]
of the Amazon or the Malaysian tropical forest in order to produce all the papers for
all the reports and all the submissions on the financing of the airport.
我想問局長,是否由於有些樹種不耐種,早晚也 砍掉 , 故 此才把 它們移除?
May I ask the Secretary whether some tree species are removed because they are less tough species, and sooner or later they have to be cut down?
因為如果樹木 最後健康狀況不佳而砍掉的話,也須出示許可證,得到批核才可砍掉。
Because a permit has to be presented if the felling of a tree is required in the end because [...]
of poor health condition.
如果把逸東邨這根精神支砍掉,試 問那裏將會製造多少社會問題 及貧困學生的問題?
If this breath of life in Yat Tung Estate is to be removed, how many social problems and problems relating to needy students will be generated there?
我想問局長,有何方法可令我們放心,當 局不會把一些原本可以治癒的樹木 砍掉 呢?
May I ask the Secretary are there ways to assure us that the
[...] authorities will not fell those trees which can [...]
originally be restored to health?
在開始時指某東西要拆卸,之後又說要保護,或是開始時指某東西 要保護,之後又說不行,要把砍掉。
Or it may say at the beginning that something is to be preserved, but later on it says that it will
[...] not do and it is felled.
砍掉了 C 中的指针操作部分,引入了生成独立于机器的目标文件这种编程思想(虽然这个思想并不是很新的,但是也许直到现在它才真正可行了)。
Java is manifestly a C++ descendant,
[...] at once cutting away some of the C [...]
legacy having to do with pointers, and adding the
idea (not so new, but maybe now really feasible) of machine-independent object files.
蔡素玉議員: 主席,我知道 政
[...] 府在擴 闊 西沙路時 , 為 了避砍掉 4 棵古老 大 樹 , 結 果須改變設計。
(Annex III) MISS CHOY SO-YUK (in Cantonese): Madam President, I know that when the
Government carried out widening works on Sai Sha road, it had to change the design
[...] in order to avoid felling four old trees.
事 實 上 , 這已經是一 種很溫和的 做 法 。在其他國家,即使砍 掉 家 中後花園的 那 棵 樹 也 是 違 法的。
This in fact is a very mild approach, for in other countries, even if people cut a tree in their backyard, that would be illegal.
不過, 在工程 上 , 我們盡 可 能 不 會 把 大砍掉, 除 非 在 逼 不得已 的 情況下,才 會 把砍掉, 否 則 我們都 會 保 留 這 些 大 樹 。
However, when carrying out works, we will avoid cutting down big trees as far as possible unless it is inevitable, otherwise we will retain those big trees.
然 而 ,
[...] 據我們所知,現時出現了一種新的情況,便是由於風季和雨季即將來 臨,康文署訂立了一項新指引,要立 砍掉 那 些 有即時和潛在危險的樹 木。
However, as far as we know, a new situation has emerged, that is, as the season for typhoon and rain
is approaching, the LCSD sets a new
[...] guideline for cutting those trees which pose [...]
immediate and potential safety hazard.
在搞出人命後,當局便立即說其他的樹木也 有問題,然後又把它們砍掉。
And so some fatal accident occurred and after that the authorities said immediately that many
[...] other trees had the same problem and they were all felled.
我想問的是,在新措 施下,當局會否砍掉樹木後提交檢討報告,研究樹木的死因,並把前 後原因作出比較?
My question is, under the new measures, will the authorities submit a study report on the causes of the demise of these trees after cutting them down, and will it make comparisons between the preceding and subsequent reasons?
雖然警方 說他們在2008年時,已經有指引訂明如何處理一些被虐待動物的初步程 序,但有義工向我投訴,他們在北區拯救了一隻貓,那隻貓 砍掉 了一 隻腳,他們在報案時,警務人員竟然問他們,那隻貓是否做完手術後自 行到街上玩耍,這令他們感到非常憤怒。
Although the police said they have put in place guidelines on the initial procedures for handling cases of cruelty to animals in 2008, some volunteers complained to me that they had rescued a cat with a leg cut off in the North District, and when they reported to the police, surprisingly the police officer asked them if the cat could play in the street after an operation.
选购OA系统时应该考虑一下自己的实际需求和支付能力,如果以适用为出发点,那么就坚 砍掉 那 些 可有可无、利用率低的"鸡肋"功能。
OA system to buy should consider what their actual needs and capacity to pay, if applicable as the starting point, then cut those dispensable firm a low utilization rate of "chicken" feature.
他們認為有時 候這些經理在備受壓力的情況下,生怕樹木倒下會壓傷巿民,便會把樹砍掉,以 免要承擔“壓死人”的責任,以致樹木被過分砍伐。
They consider that sometimes when these district managers are under pressure, they may fear that these trees will cause injuries to members of the public if they collapse, therefore these trees will be cut down so that they will not be liable for incidents of people killed by falling trees.
这就降低了航空公司的下行风险 砍掉了 价 格波动分布的左尾部分,使整体期望值右移。
This reduces the
[...] downside risk of the airline, and hence reduces its risk, chopping off the left [...]
tail of the price fluctuation
distribution, and shifting the expected value to the right.
較 早 前 ,政 府計劃在龍 華 街 的 斜坡上 興建兩
[...] 棟 住 宅 樓 宇 供 出 售 ,因而有需要把龍 華 街 的 百 年 老砍 掉 。
Earlier, the Government planned to build two blocks of residential buildings on the
slope in Lung Wah Street for sale, and a century-old tree in Lung Wah Street
[...] would have to be felled to make way for this.
主席,由於現 時 沒 有一套 專 門
的法例及一個專責部門, 負 責 保 護一些 特 老 及 具 特別價 值 的 樹木, 令 許 多 珍 貴
[...] 的 樹木因工程發 展 而砍 掉 、 或 因 缺 乏 保 護 或 護 [...]
理 而 枯萎, 以及被 颱 風 或 颶 風 吹 倒 , 當 然 ,風大 , 也 是
無 辦 法的, 縱 然 我們有時候 想 保 護 樹木, 但 很 難做到 跟 大自然搏 鬥。
Madam President, as the Government does not have a dedicated law and a designated department to protect trees which are
exceptionally old or of special value, many valuable
[...] trees have been felled to make way for [...]
development projects, or have withered because
of a lack of protection or care, or have been blown down by typhoons.
为此,原告不得砍掉这 些 树木,因为它们已经长得太大和/或因为其需要将栽种这些树木的土壤用于其 他目的。
In the end the appellant had to cut down the trees, because they had become too large and/or because it needed the soil for other purposes.
可是,他們利用議會的時間  也不要 說我們耗用了多少棵樹,我們砍掉 很 多 樹來印刷這些所謂“ 有意 義 ”、 “不瑣碎”的修正案  我們是不能夠支持的。
But they are using the time of this
Council ― let us not
[...] talk about how many trees are used by us, as many trees have to be felled for printing [...]
these amendments which
are said to be "meaningful" and "not frivolous" ― and we cannot support them.
卡罗琳·齐亚德(签名) 今天,2010 年 8 月 3 日星期二,上午 7 时 45 分整,黎巴嫩军队联络股指挥 官收到联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队(联黎部队)联络股通知,大意是以色列敌军打算 在当地时间上午 8 时跨过 Udaysah 地区的技术围栏,砍掉一棵树。
At precisely 0745 hours today, Tuesday, 3 August 2010, the commander of the Lebanese Army liaison unit received a communication from the liaison unit of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) to the effect that the enemy Israeli army intended to cross the technical fence in the area of Udaysah at 0800 hours, local time, in order to cut down a tree.
是否知悉自瑪利諾修院學校被列為法定古蹟至今,校內共有多少棵樹木 砍掉 , 以 及所有砍樹工程的日期、承辦商資料和砍樹原因等詳情;校方在每次砍樹前有否根據《條例》取得許可證;若有,請提供許可證的副本;若否,有否評估該等工程是否違法,以及當局採取了甚麼跟進行動;若評估結果是工程沒有違法,理據是甚麼?
whether it knows the number of trees
on the campus of Maryknoll Convent School
[...] which had been felled since the school [...]
was declared a monument, as well as the
details of all the tree-felling works, including the dates, particulars of the contractors and reasons for felling the trees; whether the school had obtained a permit under the Ordinance before each of the tree-felling works; if so, provide a copy of each of such permits; if not, whether it has assessed if the works were in breach of the law and what follow-up actions had been taken by the authorities; if the works were assessed to be in compliance with the law, of the justifications for that?
運輸局局長:主席,我 手邊沒有詳細的 資 料 , 但 我可以回答蔡素玉議員,路 政 署在進 行這些 工 程 時 ,會盡量保 留 這 些 大 樹 , 除 非
[...] 是大樹令工 程 完全不 能 完 成,我們才砍掉這 些 大 樹 的 。
SECRETARY FOR TRANSPORT (in Cantonese): Madam President, I do not have the details at hand but I can tell Miss CHOY So-yuk that when the Highways Department carry out those works, it will retain those big trees as far as
possible, unless the big trees have made it impossible to complete the projects, only in such
[...] a case will we fell the big trees.
再者,從宏觀政策而言,2001年稅制大變革,在從量徵稅和免除抵扣的雙向重賦之壓下,白酒企業遭遇百年冰霜浸淫, 面臨一個十分艱鉅的選擇:若謀利潤,則必斷臂圖存 砍掉 低 端 酒;若謀市場,中低檔勢當成為主力軍;而高中低全面開花,則難遂意。
Furthermore, macroeconomic policy, the 2001 tax changes, tax and waive the deductible from the amount of two-way re-Fu pressure, liquor companies suffered centuries Frost steeped, facing a very difficult choice: to seek
profits , it certainly arm
[...] to survive, cut low-end wine; if seeking market, medium and low potential [...]
to become the main force;
and high school full bloom, it is hard to Suiyi.
這些個 案 可以說明,現 時 香港是 沒 有特別的 機 制來保 護一些 具 特別價 值 的 樹木, 每每有需要把事件曝 光,靠 社 會的輿 論 壓 力 , 才 能 迫 使 政 府 做 點 事,試問如 果 樹木遭 砍 伐 而 事件 不 曝 光的話 , 我們又如 何 能 夠 防止它 們 被 靜悄悄砍 掉 呢 ?
From these examples we can see that since Hong Kong does not have in place any particular mechanism to protect trees of particular significance, more often than not the Government is forced to take action only after the matters have been made public and given rise to overwhelming public opinion.
有關非砍伐樹 木事件的報告會 轉交規劃署,而規劃署可能會把報告轉交城市規劃委員會,以 [...]
Reports on illegal tree felling incidents [...]
would be referred to Planning Department for possible referral to the Town Planning
Board for reference in the consideration of planning applications.
我们需要持续的援助和行动,以巩 固和平与安全及我们的国家机构,培训我们的军队和 警察,为年轻人创造就业机会,特别是让他们一直有 事可做,提高国家提供优质社会服务的能力,重新安 置人数众多的流离失所者,以及加快实施降低因森砍伐和退化而产生的排放的战略,总之实现可持续发 展和千年发展目标。
We need sustained assistance and action to consolidate peace and security and our national institutions, to train our armed forces and police, to create jobs for youth, in particular to keep them occupied, to strengthen the State’s capacities to provide quality social services, to resettle the many displaced people and to accelerate the strategy to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation — REDD-plus — in short, to bring about sustainable development and to achieve the Millennium Development Goals.
民间社会承认私营部门能够发挥有益作用,但我们看到的却是企业 不可持续地采矿、捕鱼砍伐森 林,通过土地掠夺偷取资源和当地人生计,通过 生物燃料场毁坏森林和农田,通过食品倾销摧毁农民生计,通过项目让当地人失 去水源面对污染的环境。
Civil society accepts that the private sector can play a useful role, but our experience is of companies that have unsustainably exploited minerals, fish and forests; land grabs that have stolen the resources and livelihoods of local people; biofuel plantations that have destroyed forests and agricultural lands; food dumping that has destroyed farmers’ livelihoods; and projects that leave local people with no water and a polluted environment.
各位部长还重申,必须采取紧急行动,支持发展中国家采取的适应和自愿 减缓措施,并加强全球一级的合作,以便除其他外应对荒漠化、土地退化砍 伐森林问题,呼吁国际社会根据《气候公约》所列标准,将发展中国家的需求 列为优先事项,同时考虑到特别易受影响国家的需要,并提供长期的、适足 的、按比例增加的、可预测的、新的额外供资、技术开发和支助以及能力建 设。
The Ministers also reaffirmed that urgent actions were needed to support adaptation and voluntary mitigation measures undertaken by developing countries, and to strengthen cooperation at the global level to address, inter alia, desertification, land degradation and deforestation, and called upon the international community to prioritize the needs of the developing countries, taking into account the needs of those that are particularly vulnerable, in accordance with the criteria set in the UNFCCC, and to provide long-term, adequate, scaledup, predictable, new and additional finance, technology development and support as well as capacity-building.




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